What are the odds that Kavanaugh Will Withdraw and sue?

this vast left wing conspiracy to torpedo kavanaugh is pathetic.

i said Toto!

And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.

Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?

The Vegas odds Judge Kavanaugh will withdraw, are a +300 longshot (roughly 25% chance).
this vast left wing conspiracy to torpedo kavanaugh is pathetic.

i said Toto!

And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.

Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred

Or they can interview the people involved. Including Mark Judge....who has agreed to cooperate, but wants confidentiality for what he shares.

He has something to tell the FBI about the incident that he doesn't want anyone else to know about.

Or the FBI can interview any of Kavanaugh's other 3 accusors.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

No, Ford's testimony made no difference at all. Jeff Flake's need to pander and virtue signal to whichever lobbying firm he's hoping to work at after retiring, and the need of the other "swing" Senators to cover their butts on the campaign trail, made the difference.

Nonsense. The GOP rejected an FBI investigation before Ford testified. The day after Ford testified, they're calling for one.

The GOP blinked. They don't have the votes. If they did, they'd vote on Monday. They're stalling for time, hoping something chances the equation for them.

As right now, the math doesn't work for Kavanaugh.
And one has to wonder why when asked multiple times, Kavanaugh did NOT say he would welcome an FBI investigation.....if I was innocent and knew it, I'd ask for one so fast it would make your head swim.

If asshole Dems want a FBI investigation so bad fine, the FBI can investigate every Dem on the committee all the way back to high school to make sure they are worthy of making this confirmation decision. Deal?
"As future Supreme Ct vacancies occur, Trump will have to nominate people in their teens so they'll be middle-aged when sworn in."
"As future Supreme Ct vacancies occur, Trump will have to nominate people in their teens so they'll be middle-aged when sworn in."

Tell that to Merrick Garland.

Scalia's seat remained open for over a year. So any narrative that involves the GOP being adverse to leaving a seat open on the courts is a steaming pile of horseshit.
Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

No, Ford's testimony made no difference at all. Jeff Flake's need to pander and virtue signal to whichever lobbying firm he's hoping to work at after retiring, and the need of the other "swing" Senators to cover their butts on the campaign trail, made the difference.

Nonsense. The GOP rejected an FBI investigation before Ford testified. The day after Ford testified, they're calling for one.

The GOP blinked. They don't have the votes. If they did, they'd vote on Monday. They're stalling for time, hoping something chances the equation for them.

As right now, the math doesn't work for Kavanaugh.
And one has to wonder why when asked multiple times, Kavanaugh did NOT say he would welcome an FBI investigation.....if I was innocent and knew it, I'd ask for one so fast it would make your head swim.

If asshole Dems want a FBI investigation so bad fine, the FBI can investigate every Dem on the committee all the way back to high school to make sure they are worthy of making this confirmation decision. Deal?

Laughing.......they'd have to include the Republicans too in your scenario. And the republicans on the committee certainly don't want that.

Voters know Kavanaugh is dealing with desperate democrats. He also knows this country has its share of crazy people.

Democrats are digging themselves a hole. A hole of depths we’ll be seeing in November.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Way to yell old white conservative piece of shit as loud as you can!!!

I'm a young white conservative and see a railroad job when I see one

Pull your head outa your ass and cease listening to your masters and you might also

A rail road job.....with a passed polygraph test and a demand for more investigation by the FBI?

That doesn't make much sense at all.
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?

This wasn't a trial. This was a job interview. Making any argument of 'presumption of innocence' irrelevant. As for perjury, there's no evidence of it. Even Trump admitted that Ford was credible.

Drop out? Unlikely. Sue? Virtually nil.

Kavanaugh has no grounds, he'd lose, and he know he'd lose. Which was why Kavanaugh started up with batshit conspiracy theories about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.
Character assassination and destroying a person's reputation, calling him a gang rapist and accusing him of running a drug/rape ring is NEVER OK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Only Democrats believe all is fair if it results in what they want.

Lol, do you mean like Pizzagate? Do you mean like that?

Voters know Kavanaugh is dealing with desperate democrats. He also knows this country has its share of crazy people.

Democrats are digging themselves a hole. A hole of depths we’ll be seeing in November.

Yeah, come November you're going to see the democrats make serious gains.

You're really not going to see it coming, are you?
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?

This wasn't a trial. This was a job interview. Making any argument of 'presumption of innocence' irrelevant. As for perjury, there's no evidence of it. Even Trump admitted that Ford was credible.

Drop out? Unlikely. Sue? Virtually nil.

Kavanaugh has no grounds, he'd lose, and he know he'd lose. Which was why Kavanaugh started up with batshit conspiracy theories about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.
Character assassination and destroying a person's reputation, calling him a gang rapist and accusing him of running a drug/rape ring is NEVER OK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Only Democrats believe all is fair if it results in what they want.

Lol, do you mean like Pizzagate? Do you mean like that?


Someone is gonna need some aloe.
Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

No, Ford's testimony made no difference at all. Jeff Flake's need to pander and virtue signal to whichever lobbying firm he's hoping to work at after retiring, and the need of the other "swing" Senators to cover their butts on the campaign trail, made the difference.

Nonsense. The GOP rejected an FBI investigation before Ford testified. The day after Ford testified, they're calling for one.

The GOP blinked. They don't have the votes. If they did, they'd vote on Monday. They're stalling for time, hoping something chances the equation for them.

As right now, the math doesn't work for Kavanaugh.
And one has to wonder why when asked multiple times, Kavanaugh did NOT say he would welcome an FBI investigation.....if I was innocent and knew it, I'd ask for one so fast it would make your head swim.

If asshole Dems want a FBI investigation so bad fine, the FBI can investigate every Dem on the committee all the way back to high school to make sure they are worthy of making this confirmation decision. Deal?

Laughing.......they'd have to include the Republicans too in your scenario. And the republicans on the committee certainly don't want that.

No just the Dem's, they are the cry babies screaming for an FBI investigation.
Yeah, come November you're going to see the democrats make serious gains.
You're really not going to see it coming, are you?

Yee-Haw ...Ride that imaginary November pony like a thoroughbred going for the triple crown. There's no need to think about who got put out to pasture after the last election they thought they could win.
I just wrote Senator Rubio about this and I hope he will sell Kavanaugh and the Republican caucus on this strategy.

Voters know Kavanaugh is dealing with desperate democrats. He also knows this country has its share of crazy people.

Democrats are digging themselves a hole. A hole of depths we’ll be seeing in November.

Yeah, come November you're going to see the democrats make serious gains.

You're really not going to see it coming, are you?
Like we did when Trump kicked Hillary’s ass? :)
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Way to yell old white conservative piece of shit as loud as you can!!!

I'm a young white conservative and see a railroad job when I see one

Pull your head outa your ass and cease listening to your masters and you might also

Okay, it seems that you lack perspective and look to others to form your opinions.

Why would you assume that I do that?

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