What are the odds that Kavanaugh Will Withdraw and sue?

It's funny to watch Flake make his condition for voting yes.....I could hear the RW deflation from here in California.....:777:We have a RW radio host here I sometimes listen to on my way home from work that was screaming.....SCREAMING into his mike this afternoon. Made me smile.

Yeah, they're all slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Even Kavanaugh doubled down on batshit conspiracies and trying to yell his way out of this.

How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?

Not with batshit conspiracies. Not with dodging questions and trying to be evasive. I wouldn't say one thing in a televised interview and something else entirely when under oath. And I certainly wouldn't try to yell my way out it.

I'd call for a thorough FBI investigation. And I'd gladly take a polygraph. You know....like Ford did.

Her poly only stated her assertion was true. I can assert that I am a lamp and pass the poly.

Says you, citing your imagination. Per the actual expert, a 20 year veteran of the FBI who ran the polygraph test, the odds of her being deceptive about her account is 0.05%.

I'll take the 20 year FBI vet's assessment over the hapless nonsense you make up anyday. As would any rational person.
YOu know they all want to white knight the guy.....over any woman....privilege.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

Ford is a liar, you bunch of dumb asses keep pushing we'll haul Ford into a court of law and rip her to shreds on the witness stand.

Ford was a very credible witness. Even Trump was forced to admit as much.

Kavanaugh has no leg to stand on legally and knows he'd lose any such suit. Which is why he started an unhinged conspiracy theory about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.

There's zero chance he'd sue.

And with the Republicans not having the votes to pass him (thus, the stalling manuever of the investigation), and Mark Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI on conditions of confidentiality, things don't look good for Kavanaugh.

Oh, be serious. Ford looked like a dimwit. You people really have to learn to recognize when people are being polite.

Of course she didn't. She was compelling and credible. Even Trump was forced to admit she was a credible witness. And her testimony changed the terms of Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.

As did Kavanaugh's rage, his changing his answers from TV interview to sworn testimony, his dodging of questions, and his batshit conspiracy theories.

If the GOP had the votes to confirm Kavanaugh, they would. They don't. Which is why they're suddenly calling for an FBI investigation a day after her testimony.

But feel free to peddle the silly 'grand coincidence' theory.
Yeah, they're all slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Even Kavanaugh doubled down on batshit conspiracies and trying to yell his way out of this.

How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?

Not with batshit conspiracies. Not with dodging questions and trying to be evasive. I wouldn't say one thing in a televised interview and something else entirely when under oath. And I certainly wouldn't try to yell my way out it.

I'd call for a thorough FBI investigation. And I'd gladly take a polygraph. You know....like Ford did.

Her poly only stated her assertion was true. I can assert that I am a lamp and pass the poly.

Says you, citing your imagination. Per the actual expert, a 20 year veteran of the FBI who ran the polygraph test, the odds of her being deceptive about her account is 0.05%.

I'll take the 20 year FBI vet's assessment over the hapless nonsense you make up anyday. As would any rational person.
YOu know they all want to white knight the guy.....over any woman....privilege.

No. Statistically actually women are not any more truthful than men in these situations. What do you think the FBI can do with a 36 yr old cold non case?
After he has taken abortions from the thankless ***** (more accurately saved my wallet from their god awful decisions) he should let them get very accustomed to prison rape.

Behind bars they can think long and hard whether it was a smart move to try obstruct the political process by making up false accusations.
He won't. 0%.

The republicans don't have the votes. They're hoping for something to change the equation on Kavanaugh in the FBI investigation.

Good luck with that. So far, more information on Kavanaugh has not endeared him with the public. The man is one of the least popular judicial nominees in recent history.
It's funny to watch Flake make his condition for voting yes.....I could hear the RW deflation from here in California.....:777:We have a RW radio host here I sometimes listen to on my way home from work that was screaming.....SCREAMING into his mike this afternoon. Made me smile.

Yeah, they're all slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Even Kavanaugh doubled down on batshit conspiracies and trying to yell his way out of this.

How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?
I would want my name cleared by the FBI post haste.

If the FBI comes back with the same data we have now. Inconclusive. What will you say then? Be honest.
Then they've looked at it...I'd be done complaining that they are ignoring the accusations.
It's funny to watch Flake make his condition for voting yes.....I could hear the RW deflation from here in California.....:777:We have a RW radio host here I sometimes listen to on my way home from work that was screaming.....SCREAMING into his mike this afternoon. Made me smile.

Yeah, they're all slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Even Kavanaugh doubled down on batshit conspiracies and trying to yell his way out of this.

How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?

Not with batshit conspiracies. Not with dodging questions and trying to be evasive. I wouldn't say one thing in a televised interview and something else entirely when under oath. And I certainly wouldn't try to yell my way out it.

I'd call for a thorough FBI investigation. And I'd gladly take a polygraph. You know....like Ford did.

Her poly only stated her assertion was true. I can assert that I am a lamp and pass the poly.

Says you, citing your imagination. Per the actual expert, a 20 year veteran of the FBI who ran the polygraph test, the odds of her being deceptive about her account is 0.05%.

I'll take the 20 year FBI vet's assessment over the hapless nonsense you make up anyday. As would any rational person.

Not what I heard. Not remotely. She was never asked if she was attacked by Kav. NEVER. It was a flawed test.
It's funny to watch Flake make his condition for voting yes.....I could hear the RW deflation from here in California.....:777:We have a RW radio host here I sometimes listen to on my way home from work that was screaming.....SCREAMING into his mike this afternoon. Made me smile.

Yeah, they're all slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Even Kavanaugh doubled down on batshit conspiracies and trying to yell his way out of this.

How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?
I would want my name cleared by the FBI post haste.

If the FBI comes back with the same data we have now. Inconclusive. What will you say then? Be honest.
Then they've looked at it...I'd be done complaining that they are ignoring the accusations.

Fair. But you d still think Kav is guilty. And nothing he says or the Feds say will change your mind. Do you believe Haley spent $50k on curtains? As initially alleged by the NYT?
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

No, Ford's testimony made no difference at all. Jeff Flake's need to pander and virtue signal to whichever lobbying firm he's hoping to work at after retiring, and the need of the other "swing" Senators to cover their butts on the campaign trail, made the difference.

Nonsense. The GOP rejected an FBI investigation before Ford testified. The day after Ford testified, they're calling for one.

The GOP blinked. They don't have the votes. If they did, they'd vote on Monday. They're stalling for time, hoping something chances the equation for them.

As right now, the math doesn't work for Kavanaugh.

No, the GOP isn't calling for it. Jeff Flake and a handful of wobbly Senators whose seats are in danger are calling for it. The GOP is choosing to let them get away with it.
It's funny to watch Flake make his condition for voting yes.....I could hear the RW deflation from here in California.....:777:We have a RW radio host here I sometimes listen to on my way home from work that was screaming.....SCREAMING into his mike this afternoon. Made me smile.

Yeah, they're all slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Even Kavanaugh doubled down on batshit conspiracies and trying to yell his way out of this.

How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?

Not with batshit conspiracies. Not with dodging questions and trying to be evasive. I wouldn't say one thing in a televised interview and something else entirely when under oath. And I certainly wouldn't try to yell my way out it.

I'd call for a thorough FBI investigation. And I'd gladly take a polygraph. You know....like Ford did.

Her poly only stated her assertion was true. I can assert that I am a lamp and pass the poly.

Says you, citing your imagination. Per the actual expert, a 20 year veteran of the FBI who ran the polygraph test, the odds of her being deceptive about her account is 0.05%.

I'll take the 20 year FBI vet's assessment over the hapless nonsense you make up anyday. As would any rational person.

Never mind the OTHER FBI experts who said that polygraph was crap, even in a field that's already pretty much crap. They don't count, right? The only "rational" one is the one you agree with. Quel surprise.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

No, Ford's testimony made no difference at all. Jeff Flake's need to pander and virtue signal to whichever lobbying firm he's hoping to work at after retiring, and the need of the other "swing" Senators to cover their butts on the campaign trail, made the difference.

Nonsense. The GOP rejected an FBI investigation before Ford testified. The day after Ford testified, they're calling for one.

The GOP blinked. They don't have the votes. If they did, they'd vote on Monday. They're stalling for time, hoping something chances the equation for them.

As right now, the math doesn't work for Kavanaugh.

No, the GOP isn't calling for it. Jeff Flake and a handful of wobbly Senators whose seats are in danger are calling for it. The GOP is choosing to let them get away with it.

And they represent the GOP on the judiciary committee. If the republicans had the votes they needed, they'd vote and confirm Kavanaugh on Monday.

They don't. They blinked. Their math on Kavanaugh doesn't work. And they're hoping an FBI investigation will change that. Given that Mark Judge has agreed to cooperate with the FBI on condition of confidentiality.......things aren't looking good for Kavanaugh.

With all of Kavanaugh's *other* accusors likely to be interviewed by the FBI as well.
He won't. 0%.

The republicans don't have the votes. They're hoping for something to change the equation on Kavanaugh in the FBI investigation.

Good luck with that. So far, more information on Kavanaugh has not endeared him with the public. The man is one of the least popular judicial nominees in recent history.
It's funny to watch Flake make his condition for voting yes.....I could hear the RW deflation from here in California.....:777:We have a RW radio host here I sometimes listen to on my way home from work that was screaming.....SCREAMING into his mike this afternoon. Made me smile.

Yeah, they're all slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Even Kavanaugh doubled down on batshit conspiracies and trying to yell his way out of this.

How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?
I would want my name cleared by the FBI post haste.

If the FBI comes back with the same data we have now. Inconclusive. What will you say then? Be honest.

If we're going to insist on having the FBI investigate this nonsense, I want them to investigate Ford, too. The asshole Dems want to play at "let's find the truth"? Then let's really find the damned truth, and look at ALL the places it could be, including Ford's background.
How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?

Not with batshit conspiracies. Not with dodging questions and trying to be evasive. I wouldn't say one thing in a televised interview and something else entirely when under oath. And I certainly wouldn't try to yell my way out it.

I'd call for a thorough FBI investigation. And I'd gladly take a polygraph. You know....like Ford did.

Her poly only stated her assertion was true. I can assert that I am a lamp and pass the poly.

Says you, citing your imagination. Per the actual expert, a 20 year veteran of the FBI who ran the polygraph test, the odds of her being deceptive about her account is 0.05%.

I'll take the 20 year FBI vet's assessment over the hapless nonsense you make up anyday. As would any rational person.
YOu know they all want to white knight the guy.....over any woman....privilege.

No. Statistically actually women are not any more truthful than men in these situations. What do you think the FBI can do with a 36 yr old cold non case?
Oh really? Where did you get THAT little statistic from?
Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

Ford is a liar, you bunch of dumb asses keep pushing we'll haul Ford into a court of law and rip her to shreds on the witness stand.

Ford was a very credible witness. Even Trump was forced to admit as much.

Kavanaugh has no leg to stand on legally and knows he'd lose any such suit. Which is why he started an unhinged conspiracy theory about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.

There's zero chance he'd sue.

And with the Republicans not having the votes to pass him (thus, the stalling manuever of the investigation), and Mark Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI on conditions of confidentiality, things don't look good for Kavanaugh.

Oh, be serious. Ford looked like a dimwit. You people really have to learn to recognize when people are being polite.

Of course she didn't. She was compelling and credible. Even Trump was forced to admit she was a credible witness. And her testimony changed the terms of Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.

As did Kavanaugh's rage, his changing his answers from TV interview to sworn testimony, his dodging of questions, and his batshit conspiracy theories.

If the GOP had the votes to confirm Kavanaugh, they would. They don't. Which is why they're suddenly calling for an FBI investigation a day after her testimony.

But feel free to peddle the silly 'grand coincidence' theory.

No, she was neither compelling nor credible. There's a big difference between "I want to believe her, so as long as she doesn't show up waving a butcher's knife, I'm going to think she was AMAZING" and actually being credible.

Again, you need to learn the difference between people actually agreeing with your crap, and people being diplomatic.

You want to talk about someone's testimony changing? When your sorry, dishonest, partisan ass acknowledges how many times FORD'S story has changed, we'll talk. Until then, all I'm hearing from you is "I want to believe, therefore it's true! Everything is proof that I'm right!"
It's funny to watch Flake make his condition for voting yes.....I could hear the RW deflation from here in California.....:777:We have a RW radio host here I sometimes listen to on my way home from work that was screaming.....SCREAMING into his mike this afternoon. Made me smile.

Yeah, they're all slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Even Kavanaugh doubled down on batshit conspiracies and trying to yell his way out of this.

How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?
I would want my name cleared by the FBI post haste.

If the FBI comes back with the same data we have now. Inconclusive. What will you say then? Be honest.

If we're going to insist on having the FBI investigate this nonsense, I want them to investigate Ford, too.

Investigate Ford for what?

The asshole Dems want to play at "let's find the truth"? Then let's really find the damned truth, and look at ALL the places it could be, including Ford's background.

Ford already took a polygraph test on her accont. And passed.

Lets have the FBI give Kavanaugh the same test....with the exact same two questions.
Yeah, they're all slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Even Kavanaugh doubled down on batshit conspiracies and trying to yell his way out of this.

How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?
I would want my name cleared by the FBI post haste.

If the FBI comes back with the same data we have now. Inconclusive. What will you say then? Be honest.
Then they've looked at it...I'd be done complaining that they are ignoring the accusations.

Fair. But you d still think Kav is guilty. And nothing he says or the Feds say will change your mind. Do you believe Haley spent $50k on curtains? As initially alleged by the NYT?
Did I say that? No, I would be against him for his stance against women, minorities, and civil rights. I also know trump wants him as an insurance policy for when he is in legal trouble.
Not with batshit conspiracies. Not with dodging questions and trying to be evasive. I wouldn't say one thing in a televised interview and something else entirely when under oath. And I certainly wouldn't try to yell my way out it.

I'd call for a thorough FBI investigation. And I'd gladly take a polygraph. You know....like Ford did.

Her poly only stated her assertion was true. I can assert that I am a lamp and pass the poly.

Says you, citing your imagination. Per the actual expert, a 20 year veteran of the FBI who ran the polygraph test, the odds of her being deceptive about her account is 0.05%.

I'll take the 20 year FBI vet's assessment over the hapless nonsense you make up anyday. As would any rational person.
YOu know they all want to white knight the guy.....over any woman....privilege.

No. Statistically actually women are not any more truthful than men in these situations. What do you think the FBI can do with a 36 yr old cold non case?
Oh really? Where did you get THAT little statistic from?

Google it. Google is your friend
Yeah, they're all slowly morphing into Alex Jones. Even Kavanaugh doubled down on batshit conspiracies and trying to yell his way out of this.

How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?
I would want my name cleared by the FBI post haste.

If the FBI comes back with the same data we have now. Inconclusive. What will you say then? Be honest.

If we're going to insist on having the FBI investigate this nonsense, I want them to investigate Ford, too.

Investigate Ford for what?

The asshole Dems want to play at "let's find the truth"? Then let's really find the damned truth, and look at ALL the places it could be, including Ford's background.

Ford already took a polygraph test on her accont. And passed.

Lets have the FBI give Kavanaugh the same test....with the exact same two questions.

Take a polygraph from a neutral party.
How would you react if you were innocent and were accused of sexual assault with zero proof?
I would want my name cleared by the FBI post haste.

If the FBI comes back with the same data we have now. Inconclusive. What will you say then? Be honest.
Then they've looked at it...I'd be done complaining that they are ignoring the accusations.

Fair. But you d still think Kav is guilty. And nothing he says or the Feds say will change your mind. Do you believe Haley spent $50k on curtains? As initially alleged by the NYT?
Did I say that? No, I would be against him for his stance against women, minorities, and civil rights. I also know trump wants him as an insurance policy for when he is in legal trouble.

Do you believe Haley spent $50k on curtains.

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