What are the odds that Kavanaugh Will Withdraw and sue?

He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Way to yell old white conservative piece of shit as loud as you can!!!

I'm a young white conservative and see a railroad job when I see one

Pull your head outa your ass and cease listening to your masters and you might also

Okay, it seems that you lack perspective and look to others to form your opinions.

Why would you assume that I do that?
I’m goona guess it’s because you’re in the habit of posting stupid shit.
And his answers from the Fox interview changed substantially from his testimony under oath.

With Marc Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI if his testimony can remain confidential.

This does not bode well for Kavanaugh. Which is probably why he didn't want an FBI investigation and refused to call for one.

Ford did. With Ford also passing a polygraph test. Something Kavanaugh has never even attempted on this issue.

Please specifically cite the differences between his interview on Fox and his testimony.

Bret Kavanaugh is completely innocent. Why would he ask for an FBI investigation?

How do you conduct an investigation into an incident which occurred thirty-six years ago, Dr. Ford does not recall when it happened, where it happened, who was there, how she got there or how she got home.

They say she passed a polygraph but will not release the video made during the test or who paid for the test. Do we know who administered the test?

More proof here that we have not seen anything near the depth to which Democrats will stoop in order to further destroy our great country.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

And she would file a countersuit.

Apparently you are not familiar with civil law. In a civil case, she doesn't have to prove him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Just by a preponderance of the evidence. By presenting file footage of her testimony, ass com pared to his in front of a civil court judge, he's dead meat, all day long and twice on Sunday.

And let the FBI find even an iota of evidence he lied at any time at any level.

Go ahead, bring that lawsuit. Make my day.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

And she would file a countersuit.

Apparently you are not familiar with civil law. In a civil case, she doesn't have to prove him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Just by a preponderance of the evidence. By presenting file footage of her testimony, ass com pared to his in front of a civil court judge, he's dead meat, all day long and twice on Sunday.

And let the FBI find even an iota of evidence he lied at any time at any level.

Go ahead, bring that lawsuit. Make my day.

Yaaaawn and you graduated from which law school?

Here this is fucking hilarious, loosen up your panties and have a snicker

star wars voice actor mocks Dr Ford. Must see!! : The_Donald
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Way to yell old white conservative piece of shit as loud as you can!!!

I'm a young white conservative and see a railroad job when I see one

Pull your head outa your ass and cease listening to your masters and you might also

Okay, it seems that you lack perspective and look to others to form your opinions.

Why would you assume that I do that?
I’m goona guess it’s because you’re in the habit of posting stupid shit.

So, you really don’t understand shit and just lash out.

Says you, citing your imagination. Per the actual expert, a 20 year veteran of the FBI who ran the polygraph test, the odds of her being deceptive about her account is 0.05%.

I'll take the 20 year FBI vet's assessment over the hapless nonsense you make up anyday. As would any rational person.

IF, that's the case, why will Dr. Ford's lawyers NOT release the video of the polygraph or who paid for the test?
Ford already took a polygraph test on her accont. And passed.

Lets have the FBI give Kavanaugh the same test....with the exact same two questions.

Where is the video of the exam being administered?

Where are the questions? Far more than two were asked.

Who paid for the exam?

Why did she take a polygraph if she was going to remain anonymous?
this vast left wing conspiracy to torpedo kavanaugh is pathetic.

i said Toto!

And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.

Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred
Kavanaugh attacked Ford at Timothy Gaudette's house on July 1, 1982. She was driven there & back by her boyfriend at the time "Squi" (Chris Garrette) This is Corroborated by Kavanaugh's notes, calendar, Mark Judge's Book & Ford's testimony.
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He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Way to yell old white conservative piece of shit as loud as you can!!!

I'm a young white conservative and see a railroad job when I see one

Pull your head outa your ass and cease listening to your masters and you might also
They know it's a railroad job. And they don't care. They will just keep pushing the rhetoric pretending they have faux integrity.
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?

Unfortunately, no one can sue the Federal Government.
Sorry bout that,

  1. He will sue.
  2. He has to clear his name she is in some deep shit, like I said in another thread she had better retain a good lawyer.
  3. But she lied on national tv and she did it repeatedly.
  4. She will end up broke and in prison after this.
  5. Or just dead.
  6. There will be some major push back over this you listen to me!
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When he got into the “I like beer...do you like beer?” it started getting unhinged
this vast left wing conspiracy to torpedo kavanaugh is pathetic.

i said Toto!

And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.

Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred

Or they can interview the people involved. Including Mark Judge....who has agreed to cooperate, but wants confidentiality for what he shares.

He has something to tell the FBI about the incident that he doesn't want anyone else to know about.

Or the FBI can interview any of Kavanaugh's other 3 accusors.


After Kavanaugh is confirmed we need to boot Feinstein out of the Senate
this vast left wing conspiracy to torpedo kavanaugh is pathetic.

i said Toto!

And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.

Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred
Kavanaugh attacked Ford at Timothy Gaudette's house on July 1, 1982. She was driven there & back by her boyfriend at the time "Squi" (Chris Garrette) This is Corroborated by Kavanaugh's notes, calendar, Mark Judge's Book & Ford's testimony.

I knew it. I just knew it the whole time.

Dr. Ford does indeed have a cock! Because using Kavanaughs calendar, there were 6 boys at that gathering and no females!

Thanks for clearing that up!
And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.

Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred
Kavanaugh attacked Ford at Timothy Gaudette's house on July 1, 1982. She was driven there & back by her boyfriend at the time "Squi" (Chris Garrette) This is Corroborated by Kavanaugh's notes, calendar, Mark Judge's Book & Ford's testimony.

I knew it. I just knew it the whole time.

Dr. Ford does indeed have a cock! Because using Kavanaughs calendar, there were 6 boys at that gathering and no females!

Thanks for clearing that up!
Kavanaugh did not know Squi was bringing girls by when he made schedule, because he wrote "GO" instead of "WENT". He is not adding in his rape victim later to avoid self incrimination & is already out of room in allotted space on calendar.
You have to vote out the pond scum Demorats.
Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.


The FBI will use the Roswell time machine to get back to the "incident". If only Ford knew where and when this life altering attack occurred
Kavanaugh attacked Ford at Timothy Gaudette's house on July 1, 1982. She was driven there & back by her boyfriend at the time "Squi" (Chris Garrette) This is Corroborated by Kavanaugh's notes, calendar, Mark Judge's Book & Ford's testimony.

I knew it. I just knew it the whole time.

Dr. Ford does indeed have a cock! Because using Kavanaughs calendar, there were 6 boys at that gathering and no females!

Thanks for clearing that up!
Kavanaugh did not know Squi was bringing girls by when he made schedule, because he wrote "GO" instead of "WENT". He is not adding in his rape victim later to avoid self incrimination & is already out of room in allotted space on calendar.

And she doesn’t remember that her boyfriend took her, or brought her home afterwards?


Are you dumb as a post or what?
In a perfect world Mr. K would be confirmed AND sue.

There is no law against judges exercising their rights to redress for slander, defamation, even (though harder to win) libel.

He certainly has good claims and, Democrat Loon though you might be, you haven't eliminated The U.S. Constitution.
Ford is a liar, you bunch of dumb asses keep pushing we'll haul Ford into a court of law and rip her to shreds on the witness stand.

Ford was a very credible witness. Even Trump was forced to admit as much.

Kavanaugh has no leg to stand on legally and knows he'd lose any such suit. Which is why he started an unhinged conspiracy theory about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.

There's zero chance he'd sue.

And with the Republicans not having the votes to pass him (thus, the stalling manuever of the investigation), and Mark Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI on conditions of confidentiality, things don't look good for Kavanaugh.

Oh, be serious. Ford looked like a dimwit. You people really have to learn to recognize when people are being polite.

Of course she didn't. She was compelling and credible. Even Trump was forced to admit she was a credible witness. And her testimony changed the terms of Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.

As did Kavanaugh's rage, his changing his answers from TV interview to sworn testimony, his dodging of questions, and his batshit conspiracy theories.

If the GOP had the votes to confirm Kavanaugh, they would. They don't. Which is why they're suddenly calling for an FBI investigation a day after her testimony.

But feel free to peddle the silly 'grand coincidence' theory.

No, she was neither compelling nor credible.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody. Everyone from Chris Wallace to Napolitano to the Bush campaign's formre communication director to Trump himself all agreed she gave credible testimony.

Women across the country are sharing similar stories. Her testimony really resonated with a lot of people. Most especially with the single most pivital voting block in the next election: women.

Again, your 'grand coincidence' theory is silly. That just coincidentally, a day after Ford's testimony the republicans went from "No FBI investigation' to 'lets have an FBI investigation immediately'.

Um, no. Its not a coincidence. Ford's testimony made the difference. And republicans simply don't have the votes on Kavanaugh. Which is why they retreated to what Kavanaugh himself refused to back: an FBI investigation.

Even more "I can't recognize partisanship OR politeness when my desire to think I'm not a dumbass gets in the way!"

Dear God, you're boring.

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