What are the odds that Kavanaugh Will Withdraw and sue?

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

No, Ford's testimony made no difference at all. Jeff Flake's need to pander and virtue signal to whichever lobbying firm he's hoping to work at after retiring, and the need of the other "swing" Senators to cover their butts on the campaign trail, made the difference.

Nonsense. The GOP rejected an FBI investigation before Ford testified. The day after Ford testified, they're calling for one.

The GOP blinked. They don't have the votes. If they did, they'd vote on Monday. They're stalling for time, hoping something chances the equation for them.

As right now, the math doesn't work for Kavanaugh.

No, the GOP isn't calling for it. Jeff Flake and a handful of wobbly Senators whose seats are in danger are calling for it. The GOP is choosing to let them get away with it.

And they represent the GOP on the judiciary committee. If the republicans had the votes they needed, they'd vote and confirm Kavanaugh on Monday.

They don't. They blinked. Their math on Kavanaugh doesn't work. And they're hoping an FBI investigation will change that. Given that Mark Judge has agreed to cooperate with the FBI on condition of confidentiality.......things aren't looking good for Kavanaugh.

With all of Kavanaugh's *other* accusors likely to be interviewed by the FBI as well.

No, they aren't. Jeff Flake is hoping the FBI investigation will get him a cushy job post-retirement. The other Senators are hoping it will get them votes. The GOP has never had a complete set of testicles between them.

None of that adds up to "Aha! Kavanaugh's testimony was CLEARLY A LIE!" no matter how much you squeeze your eyes shut, clap your hands, and wish for it.
Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

Ford is a liar, you bunch of dumb asses keep pushing we'll haul Ford into a court of law and rip her to shreds on the witness stand.

Ford was a very credible witness. Even Trump was forced to admit as much.

Kavanaugh has no leg to stand on legally and knows he'd lose any such suit. Which is why he started an unhinged conspiracy theory about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.

There's zero chance he'd sue.

And with the Republicans not having the votes to pass him (thus, the stalling manuever of the investigation), and Mark Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI on conditions of confidentiality, things don't look good for Kavanaugh.

Oh, be serious. Ford looked like a dimwit. You people really have to learn to recognize when people are being polite.

Of course she didn't. She was compelling and credible. Even Trump was forced to admit she was a credible witness. And her testimony changed the terms of Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.

As did Kavanaugh's rage, his changing his answers from TV interview to sworn testimony, his dodging of questions, and his batshit conspiracy theories.

If the GOP had the votes to confirm Kavanaugh, they would. They don't. Which is why they're suddenly calling for an FBI investigation a day after her testimony.

But feel free to peddle the silly 'grand coincidence' theory.

No, she was neither compelling nor credible. There's a big difference between "I want to believe her, so as long as she doesn't show up waving a butcher's knife, I'm going to think she was AMAZING" and actually being credible.

Again, you need to learn the difference between people actually agreeing with your crap, and people being diplomatic.

You want to talk about someone's testimony changing? When your sorry, dishonest, partisan ass acknowledges how many times FORD'S story has changed, we'll talk. Until then, all I'm hearing from you is "I want to believe, therefore it's true! Everything is proof that I'm right!"
Actually she was very compelling and credible...and that's what's got the trumpanzees foaming at the mouth today....they see their golden frat boy slipping away. Imagine everyone hating on Flake this afternoon. :71:
Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

Ford is a liar, you bunch of dumb asses keep pushing we'll haul Ford into a court of law and rip her to shreds on the witness stand.

Ford was a very credible witness. Even Trump was forced to admit as much.

Kavanaugh has no leg to stand on legally and knows he'd lose any such suit. Which is why he started an unhinged conspiracy theory about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.

There's zero chance he'd sue.

And with the Republicans not having the votes to pass him (thus, the stalling manuever of the investigation), and Mark Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI on conditions of confidentiality, things don't look good for Kavanaugh.

Oh, be serious. Ford looked like a dimwit. You people really have to learn to recognize when people are being polite.

Of course she didn't. She was compelling and credible. Even Trump was forced to admit she was a credible witness. And her testimony changed the terms of Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.

As did Kavanaugh's rage, his changing his answers from TV interview to sworn testimony, his dodging of questions, and his batshit conspiracy theories.

If the GOP had the votes to confirm Kavanaugh, they would. They don't. Which is why they're suddenly calling for an FBI investigation a day after her testimony.

But feel free to peddle the silly 'grand coincidence' theory.

No, she was neither compelling nor credible.

Says you, citing you. And you're nobody. Everyone from Chris Wallace to Napolitano to the Bush campaign's formre communication director to Trump himself all agreed she gave credible testimony.

Women across the country are sharing similar stories. Her testimony really resonated with a lot of people. Most especially with the single most pivital voting block in the next election: women.

Again, your 'grand coincidence' theory is silly. That just coincidentally, a day after Ford's testimony the republicans went from "No FBI investigation' to 'lets have an FBI investigation immediately'.

Um, no. Its not a coincidence. Ford's testimony made the difference. And republicans simply don't have the votes on Kavanaugh. Which is why they retreated to what Kavanaugh himself refused to back: an FBI investigation.
Ford is a liar, you bunch of dumb asses keep pushing we'll haul Ford into a court of law and rip her to shreds on the witness stand.

Ford was a very credible witness. Even Trump was forced to admit as much.

Kavanaugh has no leg to stand on legally and knows he'd lose any such suit. Which is why he started an unhinged conspiracy theory about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.

There's zero chance he'd sue.

And with the Republicans not having the votes to pass him (thus, the stalling manuever of the investigation), and Mark Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI on conditions of confidentiality, things don't look good for Kavanaugh.

Oh, be serious. Ford looked like a dimwit. You people really have to learn to recognize when people are being polite.

Of course she didn't. She was compelling and credible. Even Trump was forced to admit she was a credible witness. And her testimony changed the terms of Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.

As did Kavanaugh's rage, his changing his answers from TV interview to sworn testimony, his dodging of questions, and his batshit conspiracy theories.

If the GOP had the votes to confirm Kavanaugh, they would. They don't. Which is why they're suddenly calling for an FBI investigation a day after her testimony.

But feel free to peddle the silly 'grand coincidence' theory.

No, she was neither compelling nor credible. There's a big difference between "I want to believe her, so as long as she doesn't show up waving a butcher's knife, I'm going to think she was AMAZING" and actually being credible.

Again, you need to learn the difference between people actually agreeing with your crap, and people being diplomatic.

You want to talk about someone's testimony changing? When your sorry, dishonest, partisan ass acknowledges how many times FORD'S story has changed, we'll talk. Until then, all I'm hearing from you is "I want to believe, therefore it's true! Everything is proof that I'm right!"
Actually she was very compelling and credible...and that's what's got the trumpanzees foaming at the mouth today....they see their golden frat boy slipping away. Imagine everyone hating on Flake this afternoon. :71:

It's the Wellstone memorial plus the Elian Gonzalez raid plus the Tawana Brawley stunt all rolled into one
Ford is a liar, you bunch of dumb asses keep pushing we'll haul Ford into a court of law and rip her to shreds on the witness stand.

Ford was a very credible witness. Even Trump was forced to admit as much.

Kavanaugh has no leg to stand on legally and knows he'd lose any such suit. Which is why he started an unhinged conspiracy theory about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.

There's zero chance he'd sue.

And with the Republicans not having the votes to pass him (thus, the stalling manuever of the investigation), and Mark Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI on conditions of confidentiality, things don't look good for Kavanaugh.

Oh, be serious. Ford looked like a dimwit. You people really have to learn to recognize when people are being polite.

Of course she didn't. She was compelling and credible. Even Trump was forced to admit she was a credible witness. And her testimony changed the terms of Kavanaugh's confirmation hearing.

As did Kavanaugh's rage, his changing his answers from TV interview to sworn testimony, his dodging of questions, and his batshit conspiracy theories.

If the GOP had the votes to confirm Kavanaugh, they would. They don't. Which is why they're suddenly calling for an FBI investigation a day after her testimony.

But feel free to peddle the silly 'grand coincidence' theory.

No, she was neither compelling nor credible. There's a big difference between "I want to believe her, so as long as she doesn't show up waving a butcher's knife, I'm going to think she was AMAZING" and actually being credible.

Again, you need to learn the difference between people actually agreeing with your crap, and people being diplomatic.

You want to talk about someone's testimony changing? When your sorry, dishonest, partisan ass acknowledges how many times FORD'S story has changed, we'll talk. Until then, all I'm hearing from you is "I want to believe, therefore it's true! Everything is proof that I'm right!"
Actually she was very compelling and credible...and that's what's got the trumpanzees foaming at the mouth today....they see their golden frat boy slipping away. Imagine everyone hating on Flake this afternoon. :71:

The cognitive dissonance necessary to cling to the 'grand coincidence' theory must be very uncomfortable for them.
this vast left wing conspiracy to torpedo kavanaugh is pathetic.

i said Toto!

And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.
this vast left wing conspiracy to torpedo kavanaugh is pathetic.

i said Toto!

And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.

Ford can go fuck her lying self
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

Ford is a liar, you bunch of dumb asses keep pushing we'll haul Ford into a court of law and rip her to shreds on the witness stand.

Ford was a very credible witness. Even Trump was forced to admit as much.

Kavanaugh has no leg to stand on legally and knows he'd lose any such suit. Which is why he started an unhinged conspiracy theory about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.

There's zero chance he'd sue.

And with the Republicans not having the votes to pass him (thus, the stalling manuever of the investigation), and Mark Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI on conditions of confidentiality, things don't look good for Kavanaugh.

Ford is a big fat lying libtard.
this vast left wing conspiracy to torpedo kavanaugh is pathetic.

i said Toto!

And when Hillary copped the 'vast right wing conspiracy' line......Bill had actually done it.

When your best argument is a batshit conspiracy theory, you've clearly exhausted your other options. And Kavanaugh doubled down on his conspiracy theory, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

And changed his answers from TV interview to testimony.

And refused to call for an FBI investigation.

None of which an innocent person is likely to do. I know if someone made false accusations against me, the first thing I'd call for is a thorough investigation. And I'd jump on a polygraph test with both feet.

Kavanaugh did neither. Ford did both.

Ford can go fuck her lying self

Or....the FBI can do as she asked.

Exactly as they are doing.
He won't back out and he won't sue. He'll just make liberal's lives a living hell for the next 30 years while he's on the bench.
So...you are admitting that the purpose is not to be a Justice in our Judicial System, but to stick it to Liberals......like the liberals who founded this country....like the liberals who freed the slaves...like the liberals who finally gave women the right to vote...like the liberals who passed the Civil Rights Act...like the liberals who fought to end Child Labor Laws....like the liberals who founded our unions........

I'm not admitting anything. But the way you people treated him opened up a very large can of worms for you. Hopefully he's a magnanimous person who won't hold it against you, but I sorta doubt it.

Roe vs. Wade? Gone.

Gun laws? Gone.
So you are saying hes going to use his position to get revenge?

And this is what you want for a supreme Court Justice?

How extraordinarily unAmerican of you.

You should leave this country immediately, you don't deserve to be here.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

No, Ford's testimony made no difference at all. Jeff Flake's need to pander and virtue signal to whichever lobbying firm he's hoping to work at after retiring, and the need of the other "swing" Senators to cover their butts on the campaign trail, made the difference.

Nonsense. The GOP rejected an FBI investigation before Ford testified. The day after Ford testified, they're calling for one.

The GOP blinked. They don't have the votes. If they did, they'd vote on Monday. They're stalling for time, hoping something chances the equation for them.

As right now, the math doesn't work for Kavanaugh.
And one has to wonder why when asked multiple times, Kavanaugh did NOT say he would welcome an FBI investigation.....if I was innocent and knew it, I'd ask for one so fast it would make your head swim.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Wouldn't that be judicial activism?

And so much for his objectivity. I guess you knew he was phony but didn't care.

...which makes you a phony.

No that would be payback :muahaha: Did you think there wouldn't be consequences for Dem's vile disgusting lies and smears?
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

No, Ford's testimony made no difference at all. Jeff Flake's need to pander and virtue signal to whichever lobbying firm he's hoping to work at after retiring, and the need of the other "swing" Senators to cover their butts on the campaign trail, made the difference.

Nonsense. The GOP rejected an FBI investigation before Ford testified. The day after Ford testified, they're calling for one.

The GOP blinked. They don't have the votes. If they did, they'd vote on Monday. They're stalling for time, hoping something chances the equation for them.

As right now, the math doesn't work for Kavanaugh.

No, the GOP isn't calling for it. Jeff Flake and a handful of wobbly Senators whose seats are in danger are calling for it. The GOP is choosing to let them get away with it.
Flake's seat isn't in danger.....:777:

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