What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

The mainstream GOP is making itself part of the fix to influence the direction of ACA, which means both parties will be fully invested in it by the next election. The TPM will have no where to turn.

The preceding poster is a paid spokespersons for Obamacare and the Obama Administration

The righties are making a huge mistake here, trying to pin the initial failure of the website to the entire program. I can't believe they're trying to pull this off -- perhaps they're looking at this as their Hail Mary pass.

Once the program is up and running, and all these millions of people are having most of their health insurance paid for by "someone else", they're gonna be motivated as hell to keep things just the way they are, they will have a direct, monthly, financial stake in voting to keep the program.

Those who are paying the freight will be shit out of luck, of course, but the Democrats are smartly wagering that those people will be mowed over by the rest.


Well see. Hope you don't have to eat those words. Are you one that will have to buy insurance under the Obamacare?

Yup, our premiums will be going from $570 to the low $800's, I forget, with a higher deductible. Old plan gone January 1.

Evidently if I multiply the amount of my increase by 12 months, it'll come to the $2500 per year I'm supposed to be saving. My calculator must be broken.


Indeed. I was called a liar here when I pointed out that my premiums had suddenly jumped 31% and they are sure to rise by at east that much next year - IF (and that's a big IF) my insurance company doesn't drop their coverage altogether.

Thanks for the "fundamental transformation" Barry you communist bastard!
Good question.

Sentiment toward Obamacare is actually improving.

Does This Latest Obamacare Figure Surprise You? (ESRX, THC, UNH, WAG)

The end of speculation and the move into reality is another strong factor that can't be overlooked. Prior to the exchange rollout, there was a tug-of-war between optimists and pessimists as to what would actually happen. Now -- with 25 days under our belt of live enrollment activity -- while the results haven't been optimal, there are roughly a half-million people or more who have been able to submit their application for health insurance. Seeing the concrete results of years of reform is a strong action that's beginning to sway consumer sentiment.

What does this mean for your portfolio?
The clear beneficiary to an improving approval scenario would be insurers like UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH ) that would be in line to see more members eager to sign up for health insurance. Understandably adverse selection should see those people who are currently sick or have preexisting conditions signing up first and boosting insurers' expenses, but over the long run this could be great news for a company like UnitedHealth. Let's remember that UnitedHealth decided to keep its nose out of many of the individual insurance markets until at least 2015, so improving sentiment would certainly be important to the company relative to some of its peers which dove into more than a dozen individual health exchanges.

Hospital operators like Tenet Healthcare (NYSE: THC ) would see benefits to growing optimism surrounding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as well. Each year, hospitals like Tenet provide emergency care to those in need, and each year a significant number of those patients have no insurance or are unable to pay their bill. Last year, Tenet wrote off $785 million in revenue as uncollectable because of services rendered to uninsured or underinsured persons. A more favorable view of the ACA should portend more signups and fewer instances of nonpayment moving forward, which ultimately adds to Tenet's bottom line.

The chances of Obamacare being fixed are even less likely than a GOP leader telling Obama: "I can't even stand to look at you." :lol: :lol: :lmao:

Hey, aren't there some Democrat senators up for election that are suddenly wanting this delayed. Oh, and if Obamacare is so great, how come no Democrats in the House or Senate have enrolled?? Why hasn't Obama enrolled in it? Where are Democrats running ads saying how they are already enrolled? Oh wait, they are too busy getting out of it.

Nobody is fooled by Obamacare, it's s beautiful thing seeing the expression on Obama's face as people are going to Medicade instead of Obamacare. :lmao:

Come 2014 and elections beyond, people will not so much be coming out to vote for Republicans, but they will be coming out to vote against Democrats


Pretty much says it all…..
If nothing else the OP is admitting to how f'd up is obamacare. Rush and forced upon the country. Deals had to be made to get it past their own moderates, remember the corn husker kick back?

Obamacare's chief doctor doesn't know what he is doing.

The Republicans know that when Papa Obamacare implodes even more
than it already has.....

The best option would be to work with the less extreme Democrats, throw out the program and have a redo to make real changes.

But since most of the Blue Dog Democrats were voted out for supporting a program a majority of the US did't like, the Democrats party moved more Left and has become more extreme. So the Democrats will 'cut off their nose to spite their face' to keep this bad policy at all cost with no real change.

This is only the beginning. With Obamacare patient records will be placed into government computer systems exchanging privacy rights under the notion we are trying to achieve greater medical efficiency, costs will continue to be added to our increasing debt, with greater control over our personal lives as those in Washington will look to implementing programs to dictate and manipulate our health choices. It's all about achieving more control into our personal lives, while stating it's really for the benefit (as well as aiding in the overall costs for) the majority.
If nothing else the OP is admitting to how f'd up is obamacare. Rush and forced upon the country. Deals had to be made to get it past their own moderates, remember the corn husker kick back?

Obamacare's chief doctor doesn't know what he is doing.

The Republicans know that when Papa Obamacare implodes even more
than it already has.....

The best option would be to work with the less extreme Democrats, throw out the program and have a redo to make real changes.

But since most of the Blue Dog Democrats were voted out for supporting a program a majority of the US did't like, the Democrats party moved more Left and has become more extreme. So the Democrats will 'cut off their nose to spite their face' to keep this bad policy at all cost with no real change.

This is only the beginning. With Obamacare patient records will be placed into government computer systems exchanging privacy rights under the notion we are trying to achieve greater medical efficiency, costs will continue to be added to our increasing debt, with greater control over our personal lives as those in Washington will look to implementing programs to dictate and manipulate our health choices. It's all about achieving more control into our personal lives, while stating it's really for the benefit (as well as aiding in the overall costs for) the majority.

True. The EPIC system has been in effect for the last 3 or so years (although many hospitals haven't implemented it yet) they are now beginning the process. The problems associated with giving your personal health information over to the Feds is like Godzilla invading Japan. It literally boggles my mind that these idiots defend this practice. When the hell has the government EVER done ANYTHING right??

Just wait. There WILL come a point in time when YOUR healthcare is determined by the records that are kept on you. I promise you. Can anyone say "Death Panels"?????
What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

Why did the extreme left pass something that did not work?

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