What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

Getting the website to work will mean people will find out sooner that their premiums go up not down and their deductible is the cost of a car

Not so. The website and Obamacare will work just like the Wall St stock market exchanges... it will fluctuate, adjust, streamline, and fix itself in time. The only difference being is Obamacare will not ever crash.

What makes you think the government cost to run Obamacare won't drive up the debt, when that's precisely the issue and concern of NHS in England? I'm sure you must be familiar with the phrase in reference to insanity: doing the same thing over and over and over again but expecting a different result.
What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

It won't be fixed. Democrats will call it fixed. But it won't be fixed.

People will still be suffering from it. The president will continue to ignore the number of people whose lives have been thrown into turmoil because of his broken promises and outright lies. And costs well beyond what the president promised will still pile up.

The media will circulate the Democrats' assessment that it is fixed and Republicans will continue to chafe while the U.S. economy continues to smolder.

But you'll be just fine with that. :dunno:
What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

Celebrate it's lack of need due to the recent rapture?

Transmit a consolation speech from the American colony on Mars?

Commiserate it's lack of need due to the impending collision of Halley's commit into Earth?

Hard to say really until the day arrives.

I know right?


'nuff said?
What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

What month is it suppose to be fixed now?

Maybe if the Republicans had an idea of when it is suppose to work,
they could answer your question.
If nothing else the OP is admitting to how f'd up is obamacare. Rush and forced upon the country. Deals had to be made to get it past their own moderates, remember the corn husker kick back?

Obamacare's chief doctor doesn't know what he is doing.
The sentiment is not improving, it is getting even worse.

You people are high.

There was a slight uptick. ACA pushers are hoping to spread the news widely enough to make people think, "other people like it so it must be okay". Trying to artificially inflate good feelings in spite of the growing news of insurance cancellations, etc.
The sentiment is not improving, it is getting even worse.

You people are high.

There was a slight uptick. ACA pushers are hoping to spread the news widely enough to make people think, "other people like it so it must be okay". Trying to artificially inflate good feelings in spite of the growing news of insurance cancellations, etc.

I field calls about it all day, there was/is no uptick.
Fun to read those on the Koolaid with regard to ObamaCare rollout. Website is broken, Will take months to fix. Government either doesn't know the enrollment a month into it because of the broken website or they know and are embarrassed to report it. Most of the sign ups are traditional Medicaid. Young people aren't signing up. People are being dumped of plans that don't meet the ObamaCare mandates. Those that do see the cost for ObamaCare exchanges are experiencing sticker shock.

This is a tremendous eye opener. ObamaCare needs to be implemented ASAP so all Americans can experience the impact of this law. Republicans had a gift and they threw it away with the shutdown.
I hate to say this. It pains me, but......Obama isn't going to stop this train. Both parties in Congress can howl till the red states turn blue, and he wont stop it. He has already shown total disregard for any law he does not like. The employer mandate delay was illegal. Even Reid admits that. Still...nothing changes. Everyone strap in for the ride, because the fix is in and there is money to be made. I caught this story and learned something new about Obamacare. Note what happens if not enough young people enroll. Death spiral? Nope ...higher premiums....payed for by the government. Seems that when you read the fine print, the insurance companies are guaranteed not to lose money on this gig. The tax payers will be on the hook.

"The talk of a death spiral in recent days has often overlooked a crucial feature of the exchange system that provides a major cushion against the effects of cascading adverse selection, though not against a whole host of other related problems.

This protection is not a function of the law’s explicit risk-sharing and anti-selection provisions — which are designed to protect against insurers’ cherry-picking healthy customers, rather than an exodus of the healthy from the risk pool altogether. Rather, the protection is a function of the design of the law’s exchange subsidies.

An insurance death spiral is a feedback phenomenon — a bad risk pool in Year One causes drastically higher premiums in Year Two which causes an even worse pool that year and on and on. The key to it is that it causes consumer premiums to go up so that only people with high expected health costs (for whom the high premium is still less expensive than staying uninsured) stay in and drive the cycle on. But in the Obamacare exchanges, the subsidy system is intended to prevent people from feeling the effect of annual premium increases after the first year. The subsidies are designed to make sure that each recipient pays only a certain percentage of his income in premium costs. That percentage stays essentially the same year after year, so if premiums get more expensive the government covers the difference.

In other words, if premiums for coverage purchased in the exchanges were to double or triple in 2015 because of severe adverse selection, people eligible for subsides would still pay the same amount they did in 2014 (assuming their incomes didn’t change) and the federal government would pay for the entirety of the increase. Subsidized beneficiaries would therefore not feel the effect and the healthy among them would not necessarily have much reason to flee the exchanges. "

An Insurance Death Spiral? | National Review Online

and there is this;

"Potentially more important for insurance companies is that they will have to submit their 2015 rates in the spring of 2014. The more claims data they have from 2014, the better they can estimate their 2015 costs. Actuaries are notoriously conservative and could raise rates in 2015 if there are too many unknowns.

The Obama administration has said it’s far too early to consider delaying the mandate or the open enrollment period."

Read more: Delay Obamacare? Not as easy as you think - Jennifer Haberkorn - POLITICO.com

The fat is in the fire. Guaranteed profits for insurance companies on the taxpayers dime. Public subsidizing private risk...no different than Fannie Mae and Goldman Sachs.

Mussolini would be proud.
Obama could sell tickets for the Titantic to complete its maiden voyage to Southampton on his ObamaCare website and these Goofy Libs would oversubscribe it

he would place a mandate to purchase tickets on the Titanic

then give waivers to his big donor friends

to avoid the trip
The left will rot in the mess they made

LA Times: Some health insurance gets pricier as Obamacare rolls out

Thousands of Californians are discovering what Obamacare will cost them — and many don't like what they see.

These middle-class consumers are staring at hefty increases on their insurance bills as the overhaul remakes the healthcare market. Their rates are rising in large part to help offset the higher costs of covering sicker, poorer people who have been shut out of the system for years.

Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris thought she had a great deal, paying $98 a month for an individual plan through Health Net Inc.

Now Harris, a self-employed lawyer, must shop for replacement insurance. The cheapest plan she has found will cost her $238 a month. She and her husband don't qualify for federal premium subsidies because they earn too much money, about $80,000 a year combined.

Pam Kehaly, president of Anthem Blue Cross in California, said she received a recent letter from a young woman complaining about a 50% rate hike related to the healthcare law.

"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'" Kehaly said.

Nearly 2 million Californians have individual insurance, and several hundred thousand of them are losing their health plans in a matter of weeks.

Blue Shield of California sent termination letters to 119,000 customers last month whose plans don't meet the new federal requirements. About two-thirds of those people will experience a rate increase from switching to a new health plan, according to the company.
Here's what they'll do:

They'll water down regulations hampering insurance company profits. The Democrats will let them. We'll be stuck with a mandate to buy worthless insurance that covers less, and costs more than anything previously. Go team!
The mainstream GOP is making itself part of the fix to influence the direction of ACA, which means both parties will be fully invested in it by the next election. The TPM will have no where to turn.
If nothing else the OP is admitting to how f'd up is obamacare. Rush and forced upon the country. Deals had to be made to get it past their own moderates, remember the corn husker kick back?

Obamacare's chief doctor doesn't know what he is doing.

The Republicans know that when Papa Obamacare implodes even more
than it already has.....

The best option would be to work with the less extreme Democrats, throw out the program and have a redo to make real changes.

But since most of the Blue Dog Democrats were voted out for supporting a program a majority of the US did't like, the Democrats party moved more Left and has become more extreme. So the Democrats will 'cut off their nose to spite their face' to keep this bad policy at all cost with no real change.

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