What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

Getting the website to work will mean people will find out sooner that their premiums go up not down and their deductible is the cost of a car

Not so. The website and Obamacare will work just like the Wall St stock market exchanges... it will fluctuate, adjust, streamline, and fix itself in time. The only difference being is Obamacare will not ever crash.
What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

They certainly can’t shutdown the government again and threaten to destroy the economy, unless of course they’re completely insane.

It was President Obumbler and Dingy Harry Reid who shut down (17% of) the government.

And the geniuses who gave us ObumblerCare are the same ones who cannot even get the interwebz application process to function after ALL the time leading up to its fabled roll out.

That provides a clue on how much of a massive screw-up the new Federally run health care "system" is going to be.

It's NOT "when" the ObumblerCare program is going to be fixed. It's not even "if."

It's what will the silly laughable ineffectual President and the hack lolberal Democratics do to pawn off the blame for the failure of ObumblerCare when it is shown to be unrepairable?
What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

that could be a problem
since they have the best minds working on it

No doubt they will have it running as smooth as the Post Office
any day now

And don't forget about Social Security... it's been around for what, about 100 years? Long live Obamacare!

Hip hip hooray!

100 years?
good god- read a book or something of value
as oppose to those stupid wacko leftwing websites


When someone who thinks Social Security and Medicare have been around for 100 years has an opionion, we know we should give that opinion great weight. :lol:

The new national health care program will take time to get going and for people to get used to it. Eventually, it will be accepted and it will work, kinks will be worked out, etc., and most likely Americans will like it as much as the Canadians like theirs, which they also hated in the beginning. People are reluctant to embrace new ideas.
how much do we have to lower the standards to
make anything Papa Obama does 'look good" ?

And don't forget about Social Security... it's been around for what, about 100 years? Long live Obamacare!

Hip hip hooray!

100 years?
good god- read a book or something of value
as oppose to those stupid wacko leftwing websites


When someone who thinks Social Security and Medicare have been around for 100 years has an opionion, we know we should give that opinion great weight. :lol:

The new national health care program will take time to get going and for people to get used to it. Eventually, it will be accepted and it will work, kinks will be worked out, etc., and most likely Americans will like it as much as the Canadians like theirs, which they also hated in the beginning. People are reluctant to embrace new ideas.

Jesus Christ!!! The exaggerated 100 years was just a dig directed at you wing-nuts and that Obamacare too will be around for the next 100 years but no... swoosh, right over your heads. Lighten up folks.
So dumbfuck....you think fixing a "website" fixes people losing their job, losing work hours, losing their employer provided healthcare insurance, higher premiums, higher deductibles????

Yeah, we see how Democraps win elections with stupid people like you wasting O2.

Good question.

Sentiment toward Obamacare is actually improving.

Does This Latest Obamacare Figure Surprise You? (ESRX, THC, UNH, WAG)

The end of speculation and the move into reality is another strong factor that can't be overlooked. Prior to the exchange rollout, there was a tug-of-war between optimists and pessimists as to what would actually happen. Now -- with 25 days under our belt of live enrollment activity -- while the results haven't been optimal, there are roughly a half-million people or more who have been able to submit their application for health insurance. Seeing the concrete results of years of reform is a strong action that's beginning to sway consumer sentiment.

What does this mean for your portfolio?
The clear beneficiary to an improving approval scenario would be insurers like UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH ) that would be in line to see more members eager to sign up for health insurance. Understandably adverse selection should see those people who are currently sick or have preexisting conditions signing up first and boosting insurers' expenses, but over the long run this could be great news for a company like UnitedHealth. Let's remember that UnitedHealth decided to keep its nose out of many of the individual insurance markets until at least 2015, so improving sentiment would certainly be important to the company relative to some of its peers which dove into more than a dozen individual health exchanges.

Hospital operators like Tenet Healthcare (NYSE: THC ) would see benefits to growing optimism surrounding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as well. Each year, hospitals like Tenet provide emergency care to those in need, and each year a significant number of those patients have no insurance or are unable to pay their bill. Last year, Tenet wrote off $785 million in revenue as uncollectable because of services rendered to uninsured or underinsured persons. A more favorable view of the ACA should portend more signups and fewer instances of nonpayment moving forward, which ultimately adds to Tenet's bottom line.
Well see. Hope you don't have to eat those words. Are you one that will have to buy insurance under the Obamacare?

Yup, our premiums will be going from $570 to the low $800's, I forget, with a higher deductible. Old plan gone January 1.

Evidently if I multiply the amount of my increase by 12 months, it'll come to the $2500 per year I'm supposed to be saving. My calculator must be broken.


lol, welcome to the internet where every anonymous partisan just happens to have a personal story of woe that supports his agenda.

If you think I'm the only person to whom this has happened, you're even more tightly wrapped in your comfy little ideological cocoon than I thought, and that's saying something. Maybe Rachel hasn't covered this part.

If someone uses individual health insurance, makes more than 400% of the Medicaid threshold and needs a new plan because theirs has been dropped, it's pretty likely their premiums are going up.

My goodness, try to think for yourself. It just ain't that tough. I swear.

All the screaming we GOP are doing now is helping drive the administration to fix it.

By the New Year, this will all be forgotten.

They've been working on it of course. People are getting through obviously, the posters here have moved on to complaining about pricing. How would they know if they haven't checked into it..

Oh. Right. Talking Points...
What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

The same thing they want to do to Medicare and Social Security. Fuck 'em up and screw the American people. The same exact things they've been doing for the last 30 years.

You really are angry. It's sad. You shouldn't have to go through life with that much anger inside. It's not healthy. Btw....just to interject a few facts...nobody has messed up Medicare or Social Security. A few politicians....mostly on the right, are trying to reform those programs to keep them solvent for our kids. At present, both are on track to be insolvent in about a decade.

Why don't you want Medicare and Social Security solvent? Do you hate old people? Admit it....you want to see this woman die? Come on...just admit it. You want to euthanize this sweet little grandma.


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