What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

Good question.

Sentiment toward Obamacare is actually improving.

Does This Latest Obamacare Figure Surprise You? (ESRX, THC, UNH, WAG)

The end of speculation and the move into reality is another strong factor that can't be overlooked. Prior to the exchange rollout, there was a tug-of-war between optimists and pessimists as to what would actually happen. Now -- with 25 days under our belt of live enrollment activity -- while the results haven't been optimal, there are roughly a half-million people or more who have been able to submit their application for health insurance. Seeing the concrete results of years of reform is a strong action that's beginning to sway consumer sentiment.

What does this mean for your portfolio?
The clear beneficiary to an improving approval scenario would be insurers like UnitedHealth Group (NYSE: UNH ) that would be in line to see more members eager to sign up for health insurance. Understandably adverse selection should see those people who are currently sick or have preexisting conditions signing up first and boosting insurers' expenses, but over the long run this could be great news for a company like UnitedHealth. Let's remember that UnitedHealth decided to keep its nose out of many of the individual insurance markets until at least 2015, so improving sentiment would certainly be important to the company relative to some of its peers which dove into more than a dozen individual health exchanges.

Hospital operators like Tenet Healthcare (NYSE: THC ) would see benefits to growing optimism surrounding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act as well. Each year, hospitals like Tenet provide emergency care to those in need, and each year a significant number of those patients have no insurance or are unable to pay their bill. Last year, Tenet wrote off $785 million in revenue as uncollectable because of services rendered to uninsured or underinsured persons. A more favorable view of the ACA should portend more signups and fewer instances of nonpayment moving forward, which ultimately adds to Tenet's bottom line.

you are on the very false assumption it is only the web site that is Obama cares problem

have you heard of health insurance death spiral where there isn't enough young and healthy to sign up and to many with preexisting conditions and poor health. there isn't enough young and healthy to off set the cost there for insurance companies are forced to raise rates. which cause even more young and healthy to drop out or not sign up which causes rates to go up even more and so on and on

and also do you know the very few states that have not seen the kind of problems as the federal exchanges over 80% are not signing up for Obama care on the exchange web site but are signing up for Medicaid which does Obama care no good but will cause its collapse
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Yup, our premiums will be going from $570 to the low $800's, I forget, with a higher deductible. Old plan gone January 1.

Evidently if I multiply the amount of my increase by 12 months, it'll come to the $2500 per year I'm supposed to be saving. My calculator must be broken.


Oh, I'm sorry. Actually that is not as bad as some. Some are going up much more than that. Are you happy with the benefits you'll be receiving?

Let's cut to the chase, shall we? I've been against Obamacare from the beginning. That doesn't mean I agree with the GOP's behavior after the fact, which is (as usual nowadays) hurting them more than helping them.


Wasn't trying anything, but I think I know what you mean. I have been against Obamacare as well and was in favor of the GOP's tactics, but now, I think we should just let Obamacare go on its merits. It's either going to rise or fall on its own.

I think the GOP should back off and let the people speak.

As for what we've seen, I think I am for a health care program, but it needs to be an extension of Medicaid or Obamacare with changes.
Once Obamacare is fixed...

1 Republicans will stop calling it Obamacare
2 Republicans will take credit for it

They can just dig out the big cardboard checks they had made up during the stimulus,

and change the names and dates on them.

The righties are making a huge mistake here, trying to pin the initial failure of the website to the entire program. I can't believe they're trying to pull this off -- perhaps they're looking at this as their Hail Mary pass.

Once the program is up and running, and all these millions of people are having most of their health insurance paid for by "someone else", they're gonna be motivated as hell to keep things just the way they are, they will have a direct, monthly, financial stake in voting to keep the program.

Those who are paying the freight will be shit out of luck, of course, but the Democrats are smartly wagering that those people will be mowed over by the rest.


Well see. Hope you don't have to eat those words. Are you one that will have to buy insurance under the Obamacare?

Yup, our premiums will be going from $570 to the low $800's, I forget, with a higher deductible. Old plan gone January 1.

Evidently if I multiply the amount of my increase by 12 months, it'll come to the $2500 per year I'm supposed to be saving. My calculator must be broken.


lol, welcome to the internet where every anonymous partisan just happens to have a personal story of woe that supports his agenda.
The biggest flaw in Obamacare could have been fixed if they had allowed the public option to be set up and to compete on the exchanges.
Well see. Hope you don't have to eat those words. Are you one that will have to buy insurance under the Obamacare?

Yup, our premiums will be going from $570 to the low $800's, I forget, with a higher deductible. Old plan gone January 1.

Evidently if I multiply the amount of my increase by 12 months, it'll come to the $2500 per year I'm supposed to be saving. My calculator must be broken.


lol, welcome to the internet where every anonymous partisan just happens to have a personal story of woe that supports his agenda.

I believe Mac is a liberal.
What are the Republicans going to do when Obamacare is fixed?

that could be a problem
since they have the best minds working on it

No doubt they will have it running as smooth as the Post Office
any day now


And don't forget about Social Security... it's been around for what, about 100 years? Long live Obamacare!

Hip hip hooray!

All that cheering for an average of $1,230 a month or $307.50 a week. I'm sure many seniors can make that go far with $3.38 / gal and 8% inflation increase since 2009. If they call THAT a success, I'd hate to see the standards they've set up for the rest of us under Obamacare.

Average monthly Social Security benefit for a retired worker
The biggest flaw in Obamacare could have been fixed if they had allowed the public option to be set up and to compete on the exchanges.

The biggest flaw of Obamacare, is that it is going to destroy the economy of America, taking it's citizens down with it. But that IS what O wants. What a grand legacy the traitor is earning....
The biggest flaw in Obamacare could have been fixed if they had allowed the public option to be set up and to compete on the exchanges.

just like Canada where people who need care are crossing the border to get that care because the long waits for care in their country or the great health care in England where people have died waiting for an ambulance that took over two hours to get their
or the death panels that Canada has
Well see. Hope you don't have to eat those words. Are you one that will have to buy insurance under the Obamacare?

Yup, our premiums will be going from $570 to the low $800's, I forget, with a higher deductible. Old plan gone January 1.

Evidently if I multiply the amount of my increase by 12 months, it'll come to the $2500 per year I'm supposed to be saving. My calculator must be broken.


lol, welcome to the internet where every anonymous partisan just happens to have a personal story of woe that supports his agenda.

Welcome to the mindset of a "bleeding heart liberal" Liberals dont really care about people it's only thier leftists agenda they care about:cuckoo:
If the website worked this good, imagine how your healthcare will be once its fully implemented!
Fixing the website does not fix the overall flaws in Obamacare many people despite what they were told are losing their current insurance which they were told they could keep if they liked many are also finding out they are losing doctors they have had for years not to mention many are seeing their premiums go up also this whole plan pretty much depends on getting young healthy people to sign up to cover the cost of it given the soft economy and the high unemployment rate of young people this seems dubious and I don't see a fixed website changing any of this.
Getting the website to work will mean people will find out sooner that their premiums go up not down and their deductible is the cost of a car
For Obama, health care woes may have staying power - Yahoo Finance
For Obama, health care woes may have staying power
Obama's troubled health rollout may be problem with kind of staying power that GOP has sought

WASHINGTON (AP) -- For nearly five years, Republicans have struggled to make a scandal stick to President Barack Obama's White House. One by one, the controversies — with shorthand names such as Solyndra, Benghazi, and Fast and Furious — hit a fever pitch, then faded away.

But some Republicans see the disastrous rollout of Obama's health law as a problem with the kind of staying power they have sought.

The health care failures are tangible for millions of Americans and can be experienced by anyone with Internet access. The law itself is more closely associated with Obama personally and long has been unpopular with the majority of the American people.

The longer the technical problems persist, the more likely they are to affect the delicate balance of enrollees needed in the insurance marketplace in order to keep costs down.

"There's no question the issue has legs, in part because it affects so many Americans very directly and in part because the glitches with the website are simply one of many fundamental problems with this law," GOP pollster Whit Ayres said.

The cascade of computer problems began Oct. 1, when sign-ups opened for the marketplaces at the center of the law. Administration officials blamed the problems on high volume, but have since acknowledged more systemic issues with HealthCare.gov.

White House officials contend the website is just one piece of the broader law offering an array of benefits. They say that when the online issues are fixed — the latest estimate is the site will be working normally for most users by the end of November — few people will remember the problems that have marred the opening weeks of the six-month enrollment window.

"It says a lot about Republicans that their focus here is not on helping Americans get insured, but on making political hay of this mess," said Dan Pfeiffer, Obama's senior adviser.

There's another mess the White House is dealing with that could have long-lasting implications, too: U.S. government spying on foreign leaders. The scope of the surveillance programs was first made public in June and the revelations keep coming. The latest concern the alleged monitoring of German Chancellor Angela Merkel's cellphone communications.

But unlike with the health law, many Republicans support the government surveillance policies, making it more difficult for the party to create a political furor over the revelations.

both parties are engaged in the decline of America.
omg, what are they going to do? WHEN it's fixed...how about folks, three frikken years, millions of taxpayers money, and it doesn't work and needs FIXED...yet you want this fascist in government to FORCE insurance on people or pay them a FINE...SO much for that freedom of choice and freedmon from this overbearing and fascist Federal government...we should start calling Obama, Hugo Hitler....all hail to him

and I doubt they'll be bowing down to Obama and government like you the op will

and then work on getting piece of garbage repealed
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