What are these Park Rangers here for?


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
Don't ask me I don't give a damn. Next stop is Vietnam War Memorial.

Closure of War Memorials Continues to Cause Conflict | NBC4 Washington

Like the hundreds of World War II veterans who came to National Mall to pay their respects this week, a group of Vietnam veterans found a barricade blocking the way to their memorial Friday. News4's Mark Segraves said two U.S. Park Service Rangers manning the gate asked that the group respect the government's shutdown but moved aside.

Segraves described the exchange as pleasant and respectful.

The veterans then moved the barricade and walked down to the wall to pay their respects. But a flood of tourists followed even though the memorial is closed to the general public.

President Obama's tantrum does not seem to amounted to much eh? Gotta respect the Vets (and yes, even the tourist NBC) for not being the lemmings the POTUS hoped would bear witness to his little "make it hurt" dog and pony show.
Unprecedented bull crap from the commie in the white house, the longer this goes the more people will see exactly how childish and vindictive that POS is.
Don't ask me I don't give a damn. Next stop is Vietnam War Memorial.

Closure of War Memorials Continues to Cause Conflict | NBC4 Washington

Like the hundreds of World War II veterans who came to National Mall to pay their respects this week, a group of Vietnam veterans found a barricade blocking the way to their memorial Friday. News4's Mark Segraves said two U.S. Park Service Rangers manning the gate asked that the group respect the government's shutdown but moved aside.

Segraves described the exchange as pleasant and respectful.

The veterans then moved the barricade and walked down to the wall to pay their respects. But a flood of tourists followed even though the memorial is closed to the general public.

President Obama's tantrum does not seem to amounted to much eh? Gotta respect the Vets (and yes, even the tourist NBC) for not being the lemmings the POTUS hoped would bear witness to his little "make it hurt" dog and pony show.

He eats dogs. Probably ponies too. Shut the barn door. Quick!
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The last time they did this, can anyone else remember if they pulled the same shit under Clinton? If they didn't then I'd say this is out of the ordinary and his interior secretary has received orders to make em' pay.
The last time they did this, can anyone else remember if they pulled the same shit under Clinton? If they didn't then I'd say this is out of the ordinary and his interior secretary has received orders to make em' pay.

It's been too long to remember. I had to work for a month with no pay. That was traumatic enough for me to not notice much else.
The last time they did this, can anyone else remember if they pulled the same shit under Clinton? If they didn't then I'd say this is out of the ordinary and his interior secretary has received orders to make em' pay.

I haven't found any evidence of it, Clinton worked to end the shutdown, this ass sits with his thumb in his mouth and says he's going to take his toys away from anyone they can. Yep, he thinks of the whole government and everything they control as his personal shit to do with as he wishes, but the golf course at Andrews and Camp David remain open and staffed. All the while the ignorant left continue to sing his praises.
The last time they did this, can anyone else remember if they pulled the same shit under Clinton? If they didn't then I'd say this is out of the ordinary and his interior secretary has received orders to make em' pay.

I haven't found any evidence of it, Clinton worked to end the shutdown, this ass sits with his thumb in his mouth and says he's going to take his toys away from anyone they can. Yep, he thinks of the whole government and everything they control as his personal shit to do with as he wishes, but the golf course at Andrews and Camp David remain open and staffed. All the while the ignorant left continue to sing his praises.

Good point. Clinton wasn't a great POTUS but he was pretty good. Heck, if Obama was half the President that Bill Clinton was... scratch that, Obama is half the President Clinton was.


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And a big ol' tip of the hat to the Park Service Rangers who acted just like they should have and politely got out of the way.
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From what I've heard, this is the first time the Memorials have been shut down. It actually costs more, from what the articles says, to shut them down than it would to leave them open.
When i heard that the soldiers over seas cannot watch sports anymore, because of the shut down. It proved obama is an asshole. Take golf away from him and the shut down would be over.

Yeah, I know this thread is about the Vietnam memorial stupidity but I like the pic and anyway a vet is a vet is a vet. Both them and the citizens they have kept free(ish) deserve to live free from political harassment.
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Only Obama would pay 7 people to put up these barricades when none stood there before. To keep out 90 yr old vets who fought the nazis and gave him a chance to be even president because if Nazi ruled American I doubt Obama would still be here since Hilter though the white race was the superior race. Nice way to thank Them Oblamo..

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