What Are They, If Not A Mob?

When the protest stops being peaceable it stops being a protest and is no longer protected. What is so hard to understand about that. Protest my foot a riot is a riot is a riot.

That is a fine authoritarian view point, not exactly new, either, and still entirely wrong.

Just place a stone thrower or three in the midst of the loyal opposition's protest, declare them a "mob", as the Trumpy is inclined to do, and dissolve any and all protests you might find inconvenient.

It's what subservient authoritarian followers are wont to do to protect their Dear Leader from the ugly, unruly, unwashed crowds who have the temerity to disagree with his rule. If, while doing that, Constitutionally protected rights fall by the wayside, authoritarian followers couldn't care less. Right next, we find them whining about the loss of civility, right in the face of the very civil courage they couldn't muster if their democratic Republic depended on it, which it does.

Yeah, it's "authoritarian" to believe that people should be peacable. How DARE we expect people to behave in a civil, non-violent, non-disruptive fashion, instead of like a bunch of rabid animals escaped from a zoo?

And OBVIOUSLY, the violent ones were plants amongst peacable folks who did NOT follow their lead and join in, goodness no.

You have any other delusional fantasies you'd like to share before the nice orderlies come and escort you back to your padded room?
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
Yeah those boos sure do a lot of property damage. I once saw a republican shot on a charity baseball field by some boo. Those boos stopped traffic for hours preventing people getting to work. Hell I have even heard that someone not only called for all the boos to gather and harass members of an administration, to hound them out of any public place, to keep them from even buying gas. You know what it worked, boos got together and hounded people out of restaurants.

Really silly comparing a few people booing to some of the actions of others don't you think?
A mass shooter is not a leftist demonstrator. Sit in's in traffic are not "violent." The Women's March, probably the largest in history, in 500 cities across the world, there was no a single arrest.
The attacked drivers in Portland. The fucking Marxist pigs should be shot in the fucking face.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
Yeah those boos sure do a lot of property damage. I once saw a republican shot on a charity baseball field by some boo. Those boos stopped traffic for hours preventing people getting to work. Hell I have even heard that someone not only called for all the boos to gather and harass members of an administration, to hound them out of any public place, to keep them from even buying gas. You know what it worked, boos got together and hounded people out of restaurants.

Really silly comparing a few people booing to some of the actions of others don't you think?
A mass shooter is not a leftist demonstrator. Sit in's in traffic are not "violent." The Women's March, probably the largest in history, in 500 cities across the world, there was no a single arrest.
The attacked drivers in Portland. The fucking Marxist pigs should be shot in the fucking face.

Yeah, except while the cops decided to just sit it out and let Antifa do as they pleased, I have no doubt they'd have been all over anyone who dared to defend themselves. Portlanders either need to step on their city government HARD and make them do their jobs, or they deserve whatever they get.

One of many reasons I don't live in Democrat-run insane asylums masquerading as states.
Everyone seems like a “right wing nut job” to a literal communist lunatic. In all actuality most of the people who you claim are “right wing” are centrists or even moderate leftists(and when people like myself are considered moderate leftists, much less “right wing”, you know Democrats have gone as crazy as they possibly can). We have let the brainless run our societies for much too long.

The two-year-old is just the new breed of Democrat. Instead of the David Hoggs inserting their worthless teenage opinions, now you have toddlers killing their parents like they heard some fruitcake on MSNBC tell them to do.

GMAFB! You're a cultist, yammering about paid protesters.
Your made up acronyms don’t mean anything to me.

Give Me A Fucking Break! Does that help? In a world where Reagan and W are RINO's, you want to claim the moderate label. Lotsa luck with that one. Since the Scopes trial in 1925, it was accepted that science, not religion, would be taught in public schools. Rightwing nutjobs are even undoing that.

Meanwhile, show me the evidence that protesters were paid.
I am considerably to the left of both W and Reagan, as is Trump(although I am to the left of him as well).

You can’t be against basic human biological facts and claim you are standing for science.

Evidence, cultist. Your belief in paid protesters is faith-based. How do you not know this?
This guy had a cult...and his followers marched and protested for leftist communism and Democratic candidates.
Actually, Jim Jones cult was Bay Area Democrats | CalWatchdog.com
Everyone seems like a “right wing nut job” to a literal communist lunatic. In all actuality most of the people who you claim are “right wing” are centrists or even moderate leftists(and when people like myself are considered moderate leftists, much less “right wing”, you know Democrats have gone as crazy as they possibly can). We have let the brainless run our societies for much too long.

The two-year-old is just the new breed of Democrat. Instead of the David Hoggs inserting their worthless teenage opinions, now you have toddlers killing their parents like they heard some fruitcake on MSNBC tell them to do.

GMAFB! You're a cultist, yammering about paid protesters.
Your made up acronyms don’t mean anything to me.

Give Me A Fucking Break! Does that help? In a world where Reagan and W are RINO's, you want to claim the moderate label. Lotsa luck with that one. Since the Scopes trial in 1925, it was accepted that science, not religion, would be taught in public schools. Rightwing nutjobs are even undoing that.

Meanwhile, show me the evidence that protesters were paid.
I am considerably to the left of both W and Reagan, as is Trump(although I am to the left of him as well).

You can’t be against basic human biological facts and claim you are standing for science.

Evidence, cultist. Your belief in paid protesters is faith-based. How do you not know this?
This looks like a cult to me.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
Yeah those boos sure do a lot of property damage. I once saw a republican shot on a charity baseball field by some boo. Those boos stopped traffic for hours preventing people getting to work. Hell I have even heard that someone not only called for all the boos to gather and harass members of an administration, to hound them out of any public place, to keep them from even buying gas. You know what it worked, boos got together and hounded people out of restaurants.

Really silly comparing a few people booing to some of the actions of others don't you think?
A mass shooter is not a leftist demonstrator. Sit in's in traffic are not "violent." The Women's March, probably the largest in history, in 500 cities across the world, there was no a single arrest.
The attacked drivers in Portland. The fucking Marxist pigs should be shot in the fucking face.

Yeah, except while the cops decided to just sit it out and let Antifa do as they pleased, I have no doubt they'd have been all over anyone who dared to defend themselves. Portlanders either need to step on their city government HARD and make them do their jobs, or they deserve whatever they get.

One of many reasons I don't live in Democrat-run insane asylums masquerading as states.
This is why we need militarized police in Seattle and Portland. These people need to be eradicated as they are human weeds.
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
Yeah those boos sure do a lot of property damage. I once saw a republican shot on a charity baseball field by some boo. Those boos stopped traffic for hours preventing people getting to work. Hell I have even heard that someone not only called for all the boos to gather and harass members of an administration, to hound them out of any public place, to keep them from even buying gas. You know what it worked, boos got together and hounded people out of restaurants.

Really silly comparing a few people booing to some of the actions of others don't you think?
A mass shooter is not a leftist demonstrator. Sit in's in traffic are not "violent." The Women's March, probably the largest in history, in 500 cities across the world, there was no a single arrest.
The attacked drivers in Portland. The fucking Marxist pigs should be shot in the fucking face.

Yeah, except while the cops decided to just sit it out and let Antifa do as they pleased, I have no doubt they'd have been all over anyone who dared to defend themselves. Portlanders either need to step on their city government HARD and make them do their jobs, or they deserve whatever they get.

One of many reasons I don't live in Democrat-run insane asylums masquerading as states.
This is why we need militarized police in Seattle and Portland. These people need to be eradicated as they are human weeds.

Maybe start with ACTIVE police, who enforce laws even against leftist mascots, and then from there we'll decide about militarized.
GMAFB! You're a cultist, yammering about paid protesters.
Your made up acronyms don’t mean anything to me.

Give Me A Fucking Break! Does that help? In a world where Reagan and W are RINO's, you want to claim the moderate label. Lotsa luck with that one. Since the Scopes trial in 1925, it was accepted that science, not religion, would be taught in public schools. Rightwing nutjobs are even undoing that.

Meanwhile, show me the evidence that protesters were paid.
I am considerably to the left of both W and Reagan, as is Trump(although I am to the left of him as well).

You can’t be against basic human biological facts and claim you are standing for science.

Evidence, cultist. Your belief in paid protesters is faith-based. How do you not know this?
This guy had a cult...and his followers marched and protested for leftist communism and Democratic candidates.
Actually, Jim Jones cult was Bay Area Democrats | CalWatchdog.com

Jones has been dead 40 years. Do you think all cults died with him?

A poster accepts and repeats the statement that protesters are being paid, without any evidence other than the unsupported word of a proven and prolific liar. He can't produce evidence, yet nothing shakes his belief. If that's not cult-like behavior, what is?
Your made up acronyms don’t mean anything to me.

Give Me A Fucking Break! Does that help? In a world where Reagan and W are RINO's, you want to claim the moderate label. Lotsa luck with that one. Since the Scopes trial in 1925, it was accepted that science, not religion, would be taught in public schools. Rightwing nutjobs are even undoing that.

Meanwhile, show me the evidence that protesters were paid.
I am considerably to the left of both W and Reagan, as is Trump(although I am to the left of him as well).

You can’t be against basic human biological facts and claim you are standing for science.

Evidence, cultist. Your belief in paid protesters is faith-based. How do you not know this?
This guy had a cult...and his followers marched and protested for leftist communism and Democratic candidates.
Actually, Jim Jones cult was Bay Area Democrats | CalWatchdog.com

Jones has been dead 40 years. Do you think all cults died with him?

A poster accepts and repeats the statement that protesters are being paid, without any evidence other than the unsupported word of a proven and prolific liar. He can't produce evidence, yet nothing shakes his belief. If that's not cult-like behavior, what is?
Just a typical liberal cult. Liberals are so weak minded and easily duped. I’m still waiting for you idiots to show proof that President Trump is a racist.

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