What Are They, If Not A Mob?

Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
Yeah those boos sure do a lot of property damage. I once saw a republican shot on a charity baseball field by some boo. Those boos stopped traffic for hours preventing people getting to work. Hell I have even heard that someone not only called for all the boos to gather and harass members of an administration, to hound them out of any public place, to keep them from even buying gas. You know what it worked, boos got together and hounded people out of restaurants.

Really silly comparing a few people booing to some of the actions of others don't you think?
A mass shooter is not a leftist demonstrator. Sit in's in traffic are not "violent." The Women's March, probably the largest in history, in 500 cities across the world, there was no a single arrest.
You mean that the March the day before the Woman's March that had members of ANIFA arrested and caused over $100,000.00 damage is not violent? Who said that stopping traffic was violent? But interfering with someone's rights to freely use the streets, but s completely no anything like a mob? You try and point the finger like those on the left are so righteous. Try actually looking at what those on your side of the fence actually do. Loved the so called woman's March. They were marching for what? Well they were marching because a woman lost her bid for the White House. It is called politics. They were marching against all the woman's rights that were not taken away yet and still have not been.
I am not personally afraid at all.

I was born for this shit.

I am worried for human and western progress, as well as for my family though.

If you're not afraid, then you're not using your smarts. A rabid, out of control violent mob is horrifying. I'm also worried about human and western progress. This current trend is devolution. It's going to get very ugly.
I have dreamed about personally breaking up mobs and then breaking them down.

Without guns these fools wouldn’t stand a chance against me.

Goody goody gum drops. And while you are doing your Clint-Rambo impersonation, just think about all the people across the country whose live are being harmed due to increasing mob violence.
I already did that.

See my first post in this comment chain.

I'm not reading through the thread to search for your post. What I responded to was your attitude. I find it horrifying. And I'm a gun owner, pro 2nd amendment etc. I'd rather not see our country undergo a 2nd Civil War. The body count in a 2nd one will dwarf that of the bloody first one.
We may be too late to avoid it now. It is much better to prepare for a civil war at this point than continue to go through life thinking there won’t be one.
We are discussing the largest sector in the US, women.
The women have seen over the last three years their status dramatically marginalized. Maybe you folks happened to miss the record number of women running for office?
The right, is losing women's votes daily. The #Me2 movement is huge and it is real and it's foundation is built on facts and the disgust is directed at the party, who thinks women should shut up and stay in the kitchen.
My wife is a psychologist who has worked with thousands of women who have been physically, emotionally and sexuality abused. She understands the anger.and is surprised women didn't start making sure they were heard earlier. Well now, it's hit the boiling point..
The right is clueless and is out of touch. This is clearly demonstrated on this thread.
I have said for just about three years, Little Trumpsters are so naive about reality because they live in an alternate universe.
I hope you enjoy the midterm election.

The foundation of the #Me 2 movement is the same bra burning men haters of the 60's.
They bullied & threatened the conservative women back then also.
If you're not afraid, then you're not using your smarts. A rabid, out of control violent mob is horrifying. I'm also worried about human and western progress. This current trend is devolution. It's going to get very ugly.
I have dreamed about personally breaking up mobs and then breaking them down.

Without guns these fools wouldn’t stand a chance against me.

Goody goody gum drops. And while you are doing your Clint-Rambo impersonation, just think about all the people across the country whose live are being harmed due to increasing mob violence.
I already did that.

See my first post in this comment chain.

I'm not reading through the thread to search for your post. What I responded to was your attitude. I find it horrifying. And I'm a gun owner, pro 2nd amendment etc. I'd rather not see our country undergo a 2nd Civil War. The body count in a 2nd one will dwarf that of the bloody first one.
We may be too late to avoid it now. It is much better to prepare for a civil war at this point than continue to go through life thinking there won’t be one.

Preparedness is not nearly the same as eager anticipation.
I have dreamed about personally breaking up mobs and then breaking them down.

Without guns these fools wouldn’t stand a chance against me.

Goody goody gum drops. And while you are doing your Clint-Rambo impersonation, just think about all the people across the country whose live are being harmed due to increasing mob violence.
I already did that.

See my first post in this comment chain.

I'm not reading through the thread to search for your post. What I responded to was your attitude. I find it horrifying. And I'm a gun owner, pro 2nd amendment etc. I'd rather not see our country undergo a 2nd Civil War. The body count in a 2nd one will dwarf that of the bloody first one.
We may be too late to avoid it now. It is much better to prepare for a civil war at this point than continue to go through life thinking there won’t be one.

Preparedness is not nearly the same as eager anticipation.
Anticipation is part of preparedness.
Goody goody gum drops. And while you are doing your Clint-Rambo impersonation, just think about all the people across the country whose live are being harmed due to increasing mob violence.
I already did that.

See my first post in this comment chain.

I'm not reading through the thread to search for your post. What I responded to was your attitude. I find it horrifying. And I'm a gun owner, pro 2nd amendment etc. I'd rather not see our country undergo a 2nd Civil War. The body count in a 2nd one will dwarf that of the bloody first one.
We may be too late to avoid it now. It is much better to prepare for a civil war at this point than continue to go through life thinking there won’t be one.

Preparedness is not nearly the same as eager anticipation.
Anticipation is part of preparedness.

Indeed, but the eagerness part is unnecessary.
Republican Nazis in Charlottesville where a mob.

These people are merely protesting.

First amendment right.

Conservatards don’t understand that.
Yeah, calling people wailing while pounding on and prying at the doors of a government building a "mob" instead of a "protest" is just a trick of semantics and spin. Not reality. And if you REALLY want scary, never mind 70 people being arrested in a Senate hearing; gotta look at campaign rallies where no one was arrested, but someone said words the left didn't like. Oooooohhh!!! *shudder* Now THAT'S a mob. No spin involved in THAT analysis.
We all know what a mob really is, and the protesters aren't it.

Property damaged, people chased out of public places, arrests made. If "we all know what a mob really is, and that isn't it", then it'll fill the bill until the "real" thing comes along.

And why do I suspect the only thing that missing for it to be a "real" mob is for it not to be leftists?
I didn't see that article. When I think mob, I think a large group of people who cannot be controlled and who yes are violent, bent on destruction, etc. When this thread opened, the first reference to a "mob" was the protesters in front of the Supreme Court this weekend, and those in the Senate last week. The ones arrested were for the most part just refusing to leave. NO ONE was violent. No one hurt anyone. That was not a mob. Some people are saying even the Women's March was a "mob." They are calling every protest a "mob." That is not accurate.

Funny, when I think of "protesters", I think of people holding signs and saying what they have to say in an orderly fashion while allowing other people to go about their own business. I don't think of people whose primary purpose is to be disruptive and prevent others from conducting their own affairs and exercising their own rights, and I certainly don't think of people acting like a bunch of enraged toddlers who've all been refused a treat and are three hours overdue for a nap. And I have little to no interest in whatever arbitrary bar your partisanship and lack of facility with the English language has put up to justify behavior that is undeniably appalling and inexcusable.

If you want to believe that what happened in Washington during the confirmation is perfectly okay and that it's "extreme" to call it a mob, then you just go right on with your bad self. Tell everyone you know that, I beg you, especially any moderates and independents that you know. I want them to be as fully impressed with your "respect" for civil society as they possibly can be by election time.

It was a mob. You can call it "protest" and "just refusing to leave", or you can call it a Sunday tea party if that's your favorite lie du jour. I don't care. It was still a mob, it was still the left showing the nation who they really are, and it was still repellant to everyone who has even a vestige of class and civilization left to them (in other words, everyone but leftists). Make all the excuses you want to comfort yourself; God knows, no one else is listening to leftist words any more.
The right has simply started to play the same games with leftists that they've been playing with brown people for years now. Change the names you call them, and they will be dehumanized, dismissed as not worthy of any consideration.
It is wrong.

Well, I'm going to call you the same name I've been calling leftists ever since I was old enough to notice politics: HYPOCRITE.
Could the boys trying to insult Democrats first know that the President offered to cover the legal fees of anyone who assaulted a Democrat...

He also said that Neo Nazis had good people after they killed an innocent woman...

And if want to see protests:
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Oh, WELL, if the President made a dumb remark about violence, then THAT certainly justifies COMMITTING violence.

Hey, if "what about" makes you feel like less of a garbage pile, then you go ahead. And by all means, PLEASE believe that it's going to make the voters think your behavior is justified. Surprises are fun . . for someone, anyway.
What it means is that the right is just as bad.

Oh, yeah . . . provided you consider being on the right to be a crime as egregious as forming violent mobs.

In other words, only in your fuzzy, partisan little imagination.
Republican Nazis in Charlottesville where a mob.
WHY do you have to lie EVERY time you post?

The White Supremacists in Charlottesville were NOT 'Republicans', no more than the KKK are actual 'Democrats'.

What exactly is the difference between a 'MOB' and a 'group' / 'organization'?

The White Supremacists were organized, had / have a leader, had coordinated with local authorities, had acquired permits to peacefully exercise their Constitutional Rights to assemble and exercise. They were doing just that until engaged by Antifa, who ADMITTED they showed up with the intent to instigate violence to put an end to the legal demonstration...and that's what they did.

Antifa was also organized - they had a leader. They showed up with riot gear, bandanas, bottles of their own urine, and weapons. Unlike the White Supremacists they had no intention of obeying the law, had not coordinated with local authorities, and did - admittedly - initiate the violence. While they might meet the legal definition of being 'organized' due to having a leader and having their actions coordinated, I would still consider them a mob - an organized mob - due to their criminal intent and actions.

I oppose everything the white supremacists stand for, as well, but I spent 30 years fighting to protect EVERYONE'S Constitutional Rights - even those who I do not agree with.

Antifa is just part of the CRIMINAL VIOLENT INTOLERANT LEFT who have no respect for the Constitution or people's rights. Like it or not, the White Supremacists had the Constitutional and legal right to peacefully assemble and march that day. Antifa was criminally in the wrong that day, even if they want to attempt to justify their actions by trying to 'claim the moral high ground'.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
Yeah those boos sure do a lot of property damage. I once saw a republican shot on a charity baseball field by some boo. Those boos stopped traffic for hours preventing people getting to work. Hell I have even heard that someone not only called for all the boos to gather and harass members of an administration, to hound them out of any public place, to keep them from even buying gas. You know what it worked, boos got together and hounded people out of restaurants.

Really silly comparing a few people booing to some of the actions of others don't you think?
A mass shooter is not a leftist demonstrator. Sit in's in traffic are not "violent." The Women's March, probably the largest in history, in 500 cities across the world, there was no a single arrest.

Well, I know I feel like I've been drowned in pathetic excuses and rationalizations.
I have dreamed about personally breaking up mobs and then breaking them down.

Without guns these fools wouldn’t stand a chance against me.

Goody goody gum drops. And while you are doing your Clint-Rambo impersonation, just think about all the people across the country whose live are being harmed due to increasing mob violence.
I already did that.

See my first post in this comment chain.

I'm not reading through the thread to search for your post. What I responded to was your attitude. I find it horrifying. And I'm a gun owner, pro 2nd amendment etc. I'd rather not see our country undergo a 2nd Civil War. The body count in a 2nd one will dwarf that of the bloody first one.
We may be too late to avoid it now. It is much better to prepare for a civil war at this point than continue to go through life thinking there won’t be one.

Preparedness is not nearly the same as eager anticipation.
There are those who look forward to a rat killing with wild anticipation while others see it as a duty,
Republican Nazis in Charlottesville where a mob.

These people are merely protesting.

First amendment right.

Conservatards don’t understand that.
The First amendment:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
When the protest stops being peaceable it stops being a protest and is no longer protected. What is so hard to understand about that. Protest my foot a riot is a riot is a riot.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
Yeah those boos sure do a lot of property damage. I once saw a republican shot on a charity baseball field by some boo. Those boos stopped traffic for hours preventing people getting to work. Hell I have even heard that someone not only called for all the boos to gather and harass members of an administration, to hound them out of any public place, to keep them from even buying gas. You know what it worked, boos got together and hounded people out of restaurants.

Really silly comparing a few people booing to some of the actions of others don't you think?
A mass shooter is not a leftist demonstrator. Sit in's in traffic are not "violent." The Women's March, probably the largest in history, in 500 cities across the world, there was no a single arrest.
You mean that the March the day before the Woman's March that had members of ANIFA arrested and caused over $100,000.00 damage is not violent? Who said that stopping traffic was violent? But interfering with someone's rights to freely use the streets, but s completely no anything like a mob? You try and point the finger like those on the left are so righteous. Try actually looking at what those on your side of the fence actually do. Loved the so called woman's March. They were marching for what? Well they were marching because a woman lost her bid for the White House. It is called politics. They were marching against all the woman's rights that were not taken away yet and still have not been.
They were marching for a lot of things, including as a visual reminder to the new President that not everyone was going to kiss his ass. Yes, that is politics.
When the protest stops being peaceable it stops being a protest and is no longer protected. What is so hard to understand about that. Protest my foot a riot is a riot is a riot.

That is a fine authoritarian view point, not exactly new, either, and still entirely wrong.

Just place a stone thrower or three in the midst of the loyal opposition's protest, declare them a "mob", as the Trumpy is inclined to do, and dissolve any and all protests you might find inconvenient.

It's what subservient authoritarian followers are wont to do to protect their Dear Leader from the ugly, unruly, unwashed crowds who have the temerity to disagree with his rule. If, while doing that, Constitutionally protected rights fall by the wayside, authoritarian followers couldn't care less. Right next, we find them whining about the loss of civility, right in the face of the very civil courage they couldn't muster if their democratic Republic depended on it, which it does.
When the protest stops being peaceable it stops being a protest and is no longer protected. What is so hard to understand about that. Protest my foot a riot is a riot is a riot.

That is a fine authoritarian view point, not exactly new, either, and still entirely wrong.

Just place a stone thrower or three in the midst of the loyal opposition's protest, declare them a "mob", as the Trumpy is inclined to do, and dissolve any and all protests you might find inconvenient.

It's what subservient authoritarian followers are wont to do to protect their Dear Leader from the ugly, unruly, unwashed crowds who have the temerity to disagree with his rule. If, while doing that, Constitutionally protected rights fall by the wayside, authoritarian followers couldn't care less. Right next, we find them whining about the loss of civility, right in the face of the very civil courage they couldn't muster if their democratic Republic depended on it, which it does.
The difference is peaceful demonstrations are protected and legal. If the protestors police their own and stop the ringers the protest is protected otherwise it is illegal. Unless a group is willing to undertake a full fledged revolution they are subject to the authority ot the Government ie Waco, Ruby Ridge, Tiananmen Square.
There are times when revolution is the only answer. Until that time the rules must be observed or consequences will be paid.
The difference is peaceful demonstrations are protected and legal. If the protestors police their own and stop the ringers the protest is protected otherwise it is illegal. Unless a group is willing to undertake a full fledged revolution they are subject to the authority ot the Government ie Waco, Ruby Ridge, Tiananmen Square.
There are times when revolution is the only answer. Until that time the rules must be observed or consequences will be paid.

Splendid. Now we have fist fights between protesters - "police their own" - and paid provocateurs, and the authorities still get to declare them a "mob", and the Constitutional right to protest obliterated, as fine authoritarian followers are giddily declaring victory. You know, the same authoritarian crap, just somewhat more artfully assembled, is still the same crap. Democracy is unruly, it's supposed to be, and inevitable. If you can't live with that, a change of landscape is advisable, not advocating to destroy democracy for those who cherish it.
The difference is peaceful demonstrations are protected and legal. If the protestors police their own and stop the ringers the protest is protected otherwise it is illegal. Unless a group is willing to undertake a full fledged revolution they are subject to the authority ot the Government ie Waco, Ruby Ridge, Tiananmen Square.
There are times when revolution is the only answer. Until that time the rules must be observed or consequences will be paid.

Splendid. Now we have fist fights between protesters - "police their own" - and paid provocateurs, and the authorities still get to declare them a "mob", and the Constitutional right to protest obliterated, as fine authoritarian followers are giddily declaring victory. You know, the same authoritarian crap, just somewhat more artfully assembled, is still the same crap. Democracy is unruly, it's supposed to be, and inevitable. If you can't live with that, a change of landscape is advisable, not advocating to destroy democracy for those who cherish it.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
Thomas Jefferson
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn outlined how with::
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
When you get over your childish bullshit and are ready for what Mr. Solzhenitsyn outlined a change might be made. But you have to be the first one in the hall with a hammer.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
Yeah those boos sure do a lot of property damage. I once saw a republican shot on a charity baseball field by some boo. Those boos stopped traffic for hours preventing people getting to work. Hell I have even heard that someone not only called for all the boos to gather and harass members of an administration, to hound them out of any public place, to keep them from even buying gas. You know what it worked, boos got together and hounded people out of restaurants.

Really silly comparing a few people booing to some of the actions of others don't you think?
A mass shooter is not a leftist demonstrator. Sit in's in traffic are not "violent." The Women's March, probably the largest in history, in 500 cities across the world, there was no a single arrest.
You mean that the March the day before the Woman's March that had members of ANIFA arrested and caused over $100,000.00 damage is not violent? Who said that stopping traffic was violent? But interfering with someone's rights to freely use the streets, but s completely no anything like a mob? You try and point the finger like those on the left are so righteous. Try actually looking at what those on your side of the fence actually do. Loved the so called woman's March. They were marching for what? Well they were marching because a woman lost her bid for the White House. It is called politics. They were marching against all the woman's rights that were not taken away yet and still have not been.
They were marching for a lot of things, including as a visual reminder to the new President that not everyone was going to kiss his ass. Yes, that is politics.
Yet some how you want to claim they were not a mob. Were they chanting? Why yes they were.

Funny that those same ones were not only kissing ass but taking turns making love to the last fool in office. Got to love how you think everyone should give you a break.

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