What Are They, If Not A Mob?

The women have seen over the last three years their status dramatically marginalized.

You knew this was horseshit when you thought about writing it but instead of restraining yourself, you went full retard.

My wife is one of the top three executives in her firm. She wouldn't give you the dignity of laughing in your face for uttering something so delusional. She'd roll her eyes and dismiss you as not worth her time.

Republicans can't stand women who are pragmatic and think for themselves. No for them it's, "back in the kitchen wench."

There are over 55 million republicans. (I'm not one of them). You're making an absolute statement about a group of people who you have no way of meeting, interviewing or knowing. And a large portion of this huge group are women.

Even you can see how utterly ridiculous your postings are. You are posting a fantasy illusion and using it as a debate point. This borders on mental illness.

Wow! The Mob!

No wonder you fellas are scared.
Republicans are far too optimistic and naive.

Meanwhile, Democrats are pissing their pants because they know that their fear-mongering and hatemongering that every male is a rapist and every self-respecting white person is a racist is going to assure their destruction.

Naive is putting it kindly. It's outright stupid to parrot Trump's "paid protester" nonsense. That's a lot closer to gullible than it is to naive.
There were paid protesters.

Just because you inbreds thought that the Tea Party was “astroturf” based on nothing but your hatred for white rural and suburban people doesn’t mean that Republicans are playing the same game by calling out obvious Soros thugs.

No wonder you're scared.
Who is scared?

I am literally biding my time until the apocalypse that you stupidly think isn’t going to happen.

You loons are the zombie apocalypse.

Just for a laugh, show me some evidence that the protesters were paid. FYI, "because Trump said so" isn't evidence.
No, inbred

Democrats are literally the zombies.
Naive is putting it kindly. It's outright stupid to parrot Trump's "paid protester" nonsense. That's a lot closer to gullible than it is to naive.
There were paid protesters.

Just because you inbreds thought that the Tea Party was “astroturf” based on nothing but your hatred for white rural and suburban people doesn’t mean that Republicans are playing the same game by calling out obvious Soros thugs.

No wonder you're scared.
Who is scared?

I am literally biding my time until the apocalypse that you stupidly think isn’t going to happen.

You loons are the zombie apocalypse.

Just for a laugh, show me some evidence that the protesters were paid. FYI, "because Trump said so" isn't evidence.
No, inbred

Democrats are literally the zombies.

I've gotten tired of trying to explain "literally" to rightwingers. Here's a hint - don't use 'literal' figuratively.

Those women scare you? Jesus, grow a pair. And while you're at it, show me some evidence that protesters were paid.
There were paid protesters.

Just because you inbreds thought that the Tea Party was “astroturf” based on nothing but your hatred for white rural and suburban people doesn’t mean that Republicans are playing the same game by calling out obvious Soros thugs.

No wonder you're scared.
Who is scared?

I am literally biding my time until the apocalypse that you stupidly think isn’t going to happen.

You loons are the zombie apocalypse.

Just for a laugh, show me some evidence that the protesters were paid. FYI, "because Trump said so" isn't evidence.
No, inbred

Democrats are literally the zombies.

I've gotten tired of trying to explain "literally" to rightwingers. Here's a hint - don't use 'literal' figuratively.

Those women scare you? Jesus, grow a pair. And while you're at it, show me some evidence that protesters were paid.

I don’t use “literal” figuratively, dipshit. Democrats are literally brainless zombies who should all be institutionalized for public safety, if not just put down.

None of them scare me.

If any of those women attack me I can flatten them in less than a second, and then I would have plenty left in the tank to beat the shit out of the beta males who attempt to avenge them.
No wonder you're scared.
Who is scared?

I am literally biding my time until the apocalypse that you stupidly think isn’t going to happen.

You loons are the zombie apocalypse.

Just for a laugh, show me some evidence that the protesters were paid. FYI, "because Trump said so" isn't evidence.
No, inbred

Democrats are literally the zombies.

I've gotten tired of trying to explain "literally" to rightwingers. Here's a hint - don't use 'literal' figuratively.

Those women scare you? Jesus, grow a pair. And while you're at it, show me some evidence that protesters were paid.

I don’t use “literal” figuratively, dipshit. Democrats are literally brainless zombies who should all be institutionalized for public safety, if not just put down.

None of them scare me.

If any of those women attack me I can flatten them in less than a second, and then I would have plenty left in the tank to beat the shit out of the beta males who attempt to avenge them.

See? Rightwing nut jobs have a mental block when it comes to the word 'literally'. Well, perhaps it's more emotional than mental.

A two-year-old in Walmart shot and killed his mom. Your cyber-tuff-talk pales in comparison.
Who is scared?

I am literally biding my time until the apocalypse that you stupidly think isn’t going to happen.

You loons are the zombie apocalypse.

Just for a laugh, show me some evidence that the protesters were paid. FYI, "because Trump said so" isn't evidence.
No, inbred

Democrats are literally the zombies.

I've gotten tired of trying to explain "literally" to rightwingers. Here's a hint - don't use 'literal' figuratively.

Those women scare you? Jesus, grow a pair. And while you're at it, show me some evidence that protesters were paid.

I don’t use “literal” figuratively, dipshit. Democrats are literally brainless zombies who should all be institutionalized for public safety, if not just put down.

None of them scare me.

If any of those women attack me I can flatten them in less than a second, and then I would have plenty left in the tank to beat the shit out of the beta males who attempt to avenge them.

See? Rightwing nut jobs have a mental block when it comes to the word 'literally'. Well, perhaps it's more emotional than mental.

A two-year-old in Walmart shot and killed his mom. Your cyber-tuff-talk pales in comparison.

Everyone seems like a “right wing nut job” to a literal communist lunatic. In all actuality most of the people who you claim are “right wing” are centrists or even moderate leftists(and when people like myself are considered moderate leftists, much less “right wing”, you know Democrats have gone as crazy as they possibly can). We have let the brainless run our societies for much too long.

The two-year-old is just the new breed of Democrat. Instead of the David Hoggs inserting their worthless teenage opinions, now you have toddlers killing their parents like they heard some fruitcake on MSNBC tell them to do.
You loons are the zombie apocalypse.

Just for a laugh, show me some evidence that the protesters were paid. FYI, "because Trump said so" isn't evidence.
No, inbred

Democrats are literally the zombies.

I've gotten tired of trying to explain "literally" to rightwingers. Here's a hint - don't use 'literal' figuratively.

Those women scare you? Jesus, grow a pair. And while you're at it, show me some evidence that protesters were paid.

I don’t use “literal” figuratively, dipshit. Democrats are literally brainless zombies who should all be institutionalized for public safety, if not just put down.

None of them scare me.

If any of those women attack me I can flatten them in less than a second, and then I would have plenty left in the tank to beat the shit out of the beta males who attempt to avenge them.

See? Rightwing nut jobs have a mental block when it comes to the word 'literally'. Well, perhaps it's more emotional than mental.

A two-year-old in Walmart shot and killed his mom. Your cyber-tuff-talk pales in comparison.

Everyone seems like a “right wing nut job” to a literal communist lunatic. In all actuality most of the people who you claim are “right wing” are centrists or even moderate leftists(and when people like myself are considered moderate leftists, much less “right wing”, you know Democrats have gone as crazy as they possibly can). We have let the brainless run our societies for much too long.

The two-year-old is just the new breed of Democrat. Instead of the David Hoggs inserting their worthless teenage opinions, now you have toddlers killing their parents like they heard some fruitcake on MSNBC tell them to do.

GMAFB! You're a cultist, yammering about paid protesters.
No, inbred

Democrats are literally the zombies.

I've gotten tired of trying to explain "literally" to rightwingers. Here's a hint - don't use 'literal' figuratively.

Those women scare you? Jesus, grow a pair. And while you're at it, show me some evidence that protesters were paid.

I don’t use “literal” figuratively, dipshit. Democrats are literally brainless zombies who should all be institutionalized for public safety, if not just put down.

None of them scare me.

If any of those women attack me I can flatten them in less than a second, and then I would have plenty left in the tank to beat the shit out of the beta males who attempt to avenge them.

See? Rightwing nut jobs have a mental block when it comes to the word 'literally'. Well, perhaps it's more emotional than mental.

A two-year-old in Walmart shot and killed his mom. Your cyber-tuff-talk pales in comparison.

Everyone seems like a “right wing nut job” to a literal communist lunatic. In all actuality most of the people who you claim are “right wing” are centrists or even moderate leftists(and when people like myself are considered moderate leftists, much less “right wing”, you know Democrats have gone as crazy as they possibly can). We have let the brainless run our societies for much too long.

The two-year-old is just the new breed of Democrat. Instead of the David Hoggs inserting their worthless teenage opinions, now you have toddlers killing their parents like they heard some fruitcake on MSNBC tell them to do.

GMAFB! You're a cultist, yammering about paid protesters.

Your made up acronyms don’t mean anything to me.
I've gotten tired of trying to explain "literally" to rightwingers. Here's a hint - don't use 'literal' figuratively.

Those women scare you? Jesus, grow a pair. And while you're at it, show me some evidence that protesters were paid.
I don’t use “literal” figuratively, dipshit. Democrats are literally brainless zombies who should all be institutionalized for public safety, if not just put down.

None of them scare me.

If any of those women attack me I can flatten them in less than a second, and then I would have plenty left in the tank to beat the shit out of the beta males who attempt to avenge them.

See? Rightwing nut jobs have a mental block when it comes to the word 'literally'. Well, perhaps it's more emotional than mental.

A two-year-old in Walmart shot and killed his mom. Your cyber-tuff-talk pales in comparison.
Everyone seems like a “right wing nut job” to a literal communist lunatic. In all actuality most of the people who you claim are “right wing” are centrists or even moderate leftists(and when people like myself are considered moderate leftists, much less “right wing”, you know Democrats have gone as crazy as they possibly can). We have let the brainless run our societies for much too long.

The two-year-old is just the new breed of Democrat. Instead of the David Hoggs inserting their worthless teenage opinions, now you have toddlers killing their parents like they heard some fruitcake on MSNBC tell them to do.

GMAFB! You're a cultist, yammering about paid protesters.
Your made up acronyms don’t mean anything to me.

Give Me A Fucking Break! Does that help? In a world where Reagan and W are RINO's, you want to claim the moderate label. Lotsa luck with that one. Since the Scopes trial in 1925, it was accepted that science, not religion, would be taught in public schools. Rightwing nutjobs are even undoing that.

Meanwhile, show me the evidence that protesters were paid.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.
Yeah those boos sure do a lot of property damage. I once saw a republican shot on a charity baseball field by some boo. Those boos stopped traffic for hours preventing people getting to work. Hell I have even heard that someone not only called for all the boos to gather and harass members of an administration, to hound them out of any public place, to keep them from even buying gas. You know what it worked, boos got together and hounded people out of restaurants.

Really silly comparing a few people booing to some of the actions of others don't you think?
A mass shooter is not a leftist demonstrator. Sit in's in traffic are not "violent." The Women's March, probably the largest in history, in 500 cities across the world, there was no a single arrest.
I don’t use “literal” figuratively, dipshit. Democrats are literally brainless zombies who should all be institutionalized for public safety, if not just put down.

None of them scare me.

If any of those women attack me I can flatten them in less than a second, and then I would have plenty left in the tank to beat the shit out of the beta males who attempt to avenge them.

See? Rightwing nut jobs have a mental block when it comes to the word 'literally'. Well, perhaps it's more emotional than mental.

A two-year-old in Walmart shot and killed his mom. Your cyber-tuff-talk pales in comparison.
Everyone seems like a “right wing nut job” to a literal communist lunatic. In all actuality most of the people who you claim are “right wing” are centrists or even moderate leftists(and when people like myself are considered moderate leftists, much less “right wing”, you know Democrats have gone as crazy as they possibly can). We have let the brainless run our societies for much too long.

The two-year-old is just the new breed of Democrat. Instead of the David Hoggs inserting their worthless teenage opinions, now you have toddlers killing their parents like they heard some fruitcake on MSNBC tell them to do.

GMAFB! You're a cultist, yammering about paid protesters.
Your made up acronyms don’t mean anything to me.

Give Me A Fucking Break! Does that help? In a world where Reagan and W are RINO's, you want to claim the moderate label. Lotsa luck with that one. Since the Scopes trial in 1925, it was accepted that science, not religion, would be taught in public schools. Rightwing nutjobs are even undoing that.

Meanwhile, show me the evidence that protesters were paid.
I am considerably to the left of both W and Reagan, as is Trump(although I am to the left of him as well).

You can’t be against basic human biological facts and claim you are standing for science.
See? Rightwing nut jobs have a mental block when it comes to the word 'literally'. Well, perhaps it's more emotional than mental.

A two-year-old in Walmart shot and killed his mom. Your cyber-tuff-talk pales in comparison.
Everyone seems like a “right wing nut job” to a literal communist lunatic. In all actuality most of the people who you claim are “right wing” are centrists or even moderate leftists(and when people like myself are considered moderate leftists, much less “right wing”, you know Democrats have gone as crazy as they possibly can). We have let the brainless run our societies for much too long.

The two-year-old is just the new breed of Democrat. Instead of the David Hoggs inserting their worthless teenage opinions, now you have toddlers killing their parents like they heard some fruitcake on MSNBC tell them to do.

GMAFB! You're a cultist, yammering about paid protesters.
Your made up acronyms don’t mean anything to me.

Give Me A Fucking Break! Does that help? In a world where Reagan and W are RINO's, you want to claim the moderate label. Lotsa luck with that one. Since the Scopes trial in 1925, it was accepted that science, not religion, would be taught in public schools. Rightwing nutjobs are even undoing that.

Meanwhile, show me the evidence that protesters were paid.
I am considerably to the left of both W and Reagan, as is Trump(although I am to the left of him as well).

You can’t be against basic human biological facts and claim you are standing for science.

Evidence, cultist. Your belief in paid protesters is faith-based. How do you not know this?
While I tend to agree that the Dems were redundantly unhinged during the Kavanaugh hearings, I also remember the House recent "investigations" and how blatantly unhinged Republicans behaved.
That said, neither the Dems or Repugs, own the patent of extreme "mob" actions/reactions.
Yeah, sure, right, uh-huh!!! :blahblah:
It's perfectly rational and normal to be afraid of LW Antifa Violence:

Protesters damage driver's car, no charges yet
I am not personally afraid at all.

I was born for this shit.

I am worried for human and western progress, as well as for my family though.

If you're not afraid, then you're not using your smarts. A rabid, out of control violent mob is horrifying. I'm also worried about human and western progress. This current trend is devolution. It's going to get very ugly.
It's perfectly rational and normal to be afraid of LW Antifa Violence:

Protesters damage driver's car, no charges yet
I am not personally afraid at all.

I was born for this shit.

I am worried for human and western progress, as well as for my family though.

If you're not afraid, then you're not using your smarts. A rabid, out of control violent mob is horrifying. I'm also worried about human and western progress. This current trend is devolution. It's going to get very ugly.
I have dreamed about personally breaking up mobs and then breaking them down.

Without guns these fools wouldn’t stand a chance against me.
It's perfectly rational and normal to be afraid of LW Antifa Violence:

Protesters damage driver's car, no charges yet
I am not personally afraid at all.

I was born for this shit.

I am worried for human and western progress, as well as for my family though.

If you're not afraid, then you're not using your smarts. A rabid, out of control violent mob is horrifying. I'm also worried about human and western progress. This current trend is devolution. It's going to get very ugly.
I have dreamed about personally breaking up mobs and then breaking them down.

Without guns these fools wouldn’t stand a chance against me.

Goody goody gum drops. And while you are doing your Clint-Rambo impersonation, just think about all the people across the country whose live are being harmed due to increasing mob violence.
It's perfectly rational and normal to be afraid of LW Antifa Violence:

Protesters damage driver's car, no charges yet
I am not personally afraid at all.

I was born for this shit.

I am worried for human and western progress, as well as for my family though.

If you're not afraid, then you're not using your smarts. A rabid, out of control violent mob is horrifying. I'm also worried about human and western progress. This current trend is devolution. It's going to get very ugly.
I have dreamed about personally breaking up mobs and then breaking them down.

Without guns these fools wouldn’t stand a chance against me.

Goody goody gum drops. And while you are doing your Clint-Rambo impersonation, just think about all the people across the country whose live are being harmed due to increasing mob violence.
I already did that.

See my first post in this comment chain.
It's perfectly rational and normal to be afraid of LW Antifa Violence:

Protesters damage driver's car, no charges yet
I am not personally afraid at all.

I was born for this shit.

I am worried for human and western progress, as well as for my family though.

If you're not afraid, then you're not using your smarts. A rabid, out of control violent mob is horrifying. I'm also worried about human and western progress. This current trend is devolution. It's going to get very ugly.
I have dreamed about personally breaking up mobs and then breaking them down.

Without guns these fools wouldn’t stand a chance against me.

Goody goody gum drops. And while you are doing your Clint-Rambo impersonation, just think about all the people across the country whose live are being harmed due to increasing mob violence.
I already did that.

See my first post in this comment chain.

I'm not reading through the thread to search for your post. What I responded to was your attitude. I find it horrifying. And I'm a gun owner, pro 2nd amendment etc. I'd rather not see our country undergo a 2nd Civil War. The body count in a 2nd one will dwarf that of the bloody first one.

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