What Are They, If Not A Mob?

BLM: Like Antifa, BLM took cash from Russia to spread racial division and violence
We've been marginalized? Gosh, I sure am glad I have a big, smart man to explain to dumb little ol' female me what my life is like and how I should feel about it. I'd never have wrapped my fluffy little girl brain around this on my own.

Thank God the left has a patriarchy on hand to give women marching orders "against the patriarchy".


Very well put! Bravo! :happy-1:
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms

Of course Republicans stoke fear. It's what they do. If it weren't about "mobs", they would stoke fear about a child army at the border, an Ebola invasion, Muslims, Soros-under-your bed, MS-13, or the FBI. The important thing is to be scared.
Pretty simple trick, turning "protest" into "mob." Gives it a whole different spin, doesn't it? You want scary, listen to a Trump rally some time when they boo Clinton or the press or whatever beef of the day the President has. Loud mob is exactly what it is.

Yeah, calling people wailing while pounding on and prying at the doors of a government building a "mob" instead of a "protest" is just a trick of semantics and spin. Not reality. And if you REALLY want scary, never mind 70 people being arrested in a Senate hearing; gotta look at campaign rallies where no one was arrested, but someone said words the left didn't like. Oooooohhh!!! *shudder* Now THAT'S a mob. No spin involved in THAT analysis.
We all know what a mob really is, and the protesters aren't it.

Property damaged, people chased out of public places, arrests made. If "we all know what a mob really is, and that isn't it", then it'll fill the bill until the "real" thing comes along.

And why do I suspect the only thing that missing for it to be a "real" mob is for it not to be leftists?
I didn't see that article. When I think mob, I think a large group of people who cannot be controlled and who yes are violent, bent on destruction, etc. When this thread opened, the first reference to a "mob" was the protesters in front of the Supreme Court this weekend, and those in the Senate last week. The ones arrested were for the most part just refusing to leave. NO ONE was violent. No one hurt anyone. That was not a mob. Some people are saying even the Women's March was a "mob." They are calling every protest a "mob." That is not accurate.

Funny, when I think of "protesters", I think of people holding signs and saying what they have to say in an orderly fashion while allowing other people to go about their own business. I don't think of people whose primary purpose is to be disruptive and prevent others from conducting their own affairs and exercising their own rights, and I certainly don't think of people acting like a bunch of enraged toddlers who've all been refused a treat and are three hours overdue for a nap. And I have little to no interest in whatever arbitrary bar your partisanship and lack of facility with the English language has put up to justify behavior that is undeniably appalling and inexcusable.

If you want to believe that what happened in Washington during the confirmation is perfectly okay and that it's "extreme" to call it a mob, then you just go right on with your bad self. Tell everyone you know that, I beg you, especially any moderates and independents that you know. I want them to be as fully impressed with your "respect" for civil society as they possibly can be by election time.

It was a mob. You can call it "protest" and "just refusing to leave", or you can call it a Sunday tea party if that's your favorite lie du jour. I don't care. It was still a mob, it was still the left showing the nation who they really are, and it was still repellant to everyone who has even a vestige of class and civilization left to them (in other words, everyone but leftists). Make all the excuses you want to comfort yourself; God knows, no one else is listening to leftist words any more.
The right has simply started to play the same games with leftists that they've been playing with brown people for years now. Change the names you call them, and they will be dehumanized, dismissed as not worthy of any consideration.
It is wrong.
The right has simply started to play the same games with leftists that they've been playing with brown people for years now. Change the names you call them, and they will be dehumanized, dismissed as not worthy of any consideration.
It is wrong.


No one needs to 'de-humanize' liberals when they pay groups to send thugs to beat and bloody opposition supporters, when they set fire to personal vehicles because of a 'Trump 2020' bumper sticker on it, when they abuse the power of their office and use lies and bullshit to publicly attempt to destroy a man's entire life / family / marriage for personal and party political gain, as they did against Herman Cain and Brett Kavanaugh, when they spew violent rhetoric and incite an attempted assassination of GOP politicians, then follow that up with calls for people to hunt down and harass their political opponents.

They pretty much do that to themselves
We are discussing the largest sector in the US, women.
The women have seen over the last three years their status dramatically marginalized. Maybe you folks happened to miss the record number of women running for office?
The right, is losing women's votes daily. The #Me2 movement is huge and it is real and it's foundation is built on facts and the disgust is directed at the party, who thinks women should shut up and stay in the kitchen.
My wife is a psychologist who has worked with thousands of women who have been physically, emotionally and sexuality abused. She understands the anger.and is surprised women didn't start making sure they were heard earlier. Well now, it's hit the boiling point..
The right is clueless and is out of touch. This is clearly demonstrated on this thread.
I have said for just about three years, Little Trumpsters are so naive about reality because they live in an alternate universe.
I hope you enjoy the midterm election.

Yikes....what a sucker :113:
Could the boys trying to insult Democrats first know that the President offered to cover the legal fees of anyone who assaulted a Democrat...

He also said that Neo Nazis had good people after they killed an innocent woman...

And if want to see protests:
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Oh, WELL, if the President made a dumb remark about violence, then THAT certainly justifies COMMITTING violence.

Hey, if "what about" makes you feel like less of a garbage pile, then you go ahead. And by all means, PLEASE believe that it's going to make the voters think your behavior is justified. Surprises are fun . . for someone, anyway.
What it means is that the right is just as bad.
Of course Republicans stoke fear. It's what they do.
And accusing others of doing what they do and of being who they are is what Democrats, liberals, and snowflakes do. Thanks for the demo....
You're just making that up, goofy.

Making that up?

Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Corey Booker, Keith Ellison, John Conyers and Senate Democrats who hid their criminal sexual misbehavior by using tax dollars to buy their victim's silence for 15 years.....but they attempt to unjustly crucify Herman Cain and Brett Kavanaugh with false accusations and lies.

From declaring the GOP was going to steal grandma's Social Security Check to declaring Republicans like dirty air / water to declaring the country would collapse if Trump won and much, much more.....

No one is making anything up.

As I said and as you demonstrated, the Democrats are all about accusing others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are....
Of course Republicans stoke fear. It's what they do.
And accusing others of doing what they do and of being who they are is what Democrats, liberals, and snowflakes do. Thanks for the demo....
You're just making that up, goofy.

Making that up?

Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Corey Booker, Keith Ellison, John Conyers and Senate Democrats who hid their criminal sexual misbehavior by using tax dollars to buy their victim's silence for 15 years.....but they attempt to unjustly crucify Herman Cain and Brett Kavanaugh with false accusations and lies.

From declaring the GOP was going to steal grandma's Social Security Check to declaring Republicans like dirty air / water to declaring the country would collapse if Trump won and much, much more.....

No one is making anything up.

As I said and as you demonstrated, the Democrats are all about accusing others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are....

Build the wall! The Mexicans are coming, the Mexicans are coming.

And you cultists yammer on about "paid protesters". My God, you're born every day. PT Barnum lives in the White House.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms

Of course Republicans stoke fear. It's what they do. If it weren't about "mobs", they would stoke fear about a child army at the border, an Ebola invasion, Muslims, Soros-under-your bed, MS-13, or the FBI. The important thing is to be scared.
I guess you are too stupid to figure out that the “news” you watch is 100% fearmongering and hatemongering.
Freedom to assemble and to seek redress are constitutionally guaranteed rights.

When such actions interfere with the rights of others, it ceases to be mere protest and loses constitutional protection.

Your rights end where mine begin.

Republicans stoke fear of Democratic 'angry mobs' ahead of midterms

Of course Republicans stoke fear. It's what they do. If it weren't about "mobs", they would stoke fear about a child army at the border, an Ebola invasion, Muslims, Soros-under-your bed, MS-13, or the FBI. The important thing is to be scared.
I guess you are too stupid to figure out that the “news” you watch is 100% fearmongering and hatemongering.

Pay attention, dummy. The thread is about Republicans stoking fear - a constant practice. The 'Joaquin is stupid' thread is down the hall, on the left.
John Conyers led a group of elected sexual predators who refused to STOP their criminal sexual behavior but instead created a Senate Committee whose entire reason for existing was to keep their criminal sexual misconduct hidden from the public by using tax dollars to buy the silence of their victims ... FOR 15 YEARS.

Would this group be considered a 'mob' or 'ORGANIZED crime'?

None of these SOBs were punished.
- Resigning in the midst of scandal is not punishment....

They were supposed to have shut this committee down...but that has not been verified, as far as I know....
Of course Republicans stoke fear. It's what they do.
And accusing others of doing what they do and of being who they are is what Democrats, liberals, and snowflakes do. Thanks for the demo....
You're just making that up, goofy.

Making that up?

Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Corey Booker, Keith Ellison, John Conyers and Senate Democrats who hid their criminal sexual misbehavior by using tax dollars to buy their victim's silence for 15 years.....but they attempt to unjustly crucify Herman Cain and Brett Kavanaugh with false accusations and lies.

From declaring the GOP was going to steal grandma's Social Security Check to declaring Republicans like dirty air / water to declaring the country would collapse if Trump won and much, much more.....

No one is making anything up.

As I said and as you demonstrated, the Democrats are all about accusing others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are....

Build the wall! The Mexicans are coming, the Mexicans are coming.

And you cultists yammer on about "paid protesters". My God, you're born every day. PT Barnum lives in the White House.
Do you have doors on your house?

With locks on those doors?

If you are against securing our borders but have doors and locks to keep criminals out of your own home you are a hypocrite and an idiot.
Of course Republicans stoke fear. It's what they do.
And accusing others of doing what they do and of being who they are is what Democrats, liberals, and snowflakes do. Thanks for the demo....
You're just making that up, goofy.

Making that up?

Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Corey Booker, Keith Ellison, John Conyers and Senate Democrats who hid their criminal sexual misbehavior by using tax dollars to buy their victim's silence for 15 years.....but they attempt to unjustly crucify Herman Cain and Brett Kavanaugh with false accusations and lies.

From declaring the GOP was going to steal grandma's Social Security Check to declaring Republicans like dirty air / water to declaring the country would collapse if Trump won and much, much more.....

No one is making anything up.

As I said and as you demonstrated, the Democrats are all about accusing others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are....

Build the wall! The Mexicans are coming, the Mexicans are coming.

And you cultists yammer on about "paid protesters". My God, you're born every day. PT Barnum lives in the White House.
The Mexicans are coming, dumbass hick. Go to a fucking border town and educate yourself.

There were a bunch of paid protesters, dipshit.
Of course Republicans stoke fear. It's what they do.
And accusing others of doing what they do and of being who they are is what Democrats, liberals, and snowflakes do. Thanks for the demo....
You're just making that up, goofy.

Making that up?

Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Corey Booker, Keith Ellison, John Conyers and Senate Democrats who hid their criminal sexual misbehavior by using tax dollars to buy their victim's silence for 15 years.....but they attempt to unjustly crucify Herman Cain and Brett Kavanaugh with false accusations and lies.

From declaring the GOP was going to steal grandma's Social Security Check to declaring Republicans like dirty air / water to declaring the country would collapse if Trump won and much, much more.....

No one is making anything up.

As I said and as you demonstrated, the Democrats are all about accusing others of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are....

Build the wall! The Mexicans are coming, the Mexicans are coming.

And you cultists yammer on about "paid protesters". My God, you're born every day. PT Barnum lives in the White House.
The Mexicans are coming, dumbass hick. Go to a fucking border town and educate yourself.

There were a bunch of paid protesters, dipshit.

You nutjobs are a hoot.

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