What are Women's Rights Groups in the U.S. - saying about Palin?


USMB Member
Jul 23, 2008
And first of all!

(Gotta cover your @$$ everytime you post in here it seems, lately)

But I did do some searching. :eusa_shifty: I found this one ...
Not Every Woman Supports Women's Rights: Statement on Sarah Palin

And, I did find it interesting. :eusa_angel:

Any more links that we can read?? Not only your opinons but something that is backed up by a link? ;)
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Here is another interesting article. Why Palin? Why not a woman republican who has better qualifications besided being photogenic?

Eight Women That Are Better Qualified

Republican women that are better qualified than Sarah Palin.
1. Christie Todd Whitman (R-New Jersey)- Worked in the Nixon administration. Served as President of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities in the cabinet of Gov. Thomas Kean. Former governor of New Jersey. Former Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

2. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas)- Served in the Texas House of Representatives. Served as vice-chairman of the National Transportation Safety Board. Served as Texas State Treasurer. Currently serving as Ranking Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. She also serves on the Appropriations Committee, the Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, and the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs.

3. Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine)- Served as an aide to Senator William Cohen. Served in the Maine House of Representatives and Senate and as a U.S. Representative. Currently serves as Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. She also serves on the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, the Senate Committee on Finance, and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

4. Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-North Carolina)- Worked in LBJ's administration. Served as Deputy Assistant to President Nixon for Consumer Affairs before being appointed to the Federal Trade Commission. Served as United States Secretary of Transportation in the Reagan administration. Served as United States Secretary of Labor in the Poppy Bush administration. Then served as President of the Red Cross. Ran for president in 2000, and was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2002. She currently serves on the Senate Special Committee on Aging, the Senate Committee on Armed Services, Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and the Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship. She is the Ranking Member on the Armed Services Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities.

5. Sen. Susan Collins (R- Maine)- Served as an aide to Sen. William Cohen. Served as chair of the Maine commission on financial regulation. Served as New England regional director of the National Small Business Administration. Formerly the chair and currently the Ranking Member on the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs. Also serves on the Senate Special Committee on Aging, and the Senate Committee on Armed Services.

6. Gov. Jodi Rell (R-Connecticut)- Served as a Connecticut State Representative. Served as Lieutenant Governor. Has been serving as Governor since 2004.

7. Gov. Linda Lingle (R-Hawaii)- Served in Hawaii House of Representatives. Has been serving as Governor since 2002.

8. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Washington)- Served as a State Representative. Currently serves on the House Committee on Armed Services and the House Committee on Education and Labor,

Booman Tribune ~ A Progressive Community

Members of the House: Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Florida; Deborah Pryce, Ohio; Barbara Cubin, Wyoming; Sue Myrick North Carolina; Jo Ann Emerson, Missouri; Kay Granger, Texas; Mary Bono, California; Heather Wilson , New Mexico; Judith Borg Biggert , Illinois; Shelley Moore Capito, West Virginia; Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee; Ginny Brown-Waite, Florida; Candice Miller, Minnesota; Marilyn Musgrave, Colorado; Thelma Drake, Virginia; Virginia Foxx, North Carolina; Cathy McMorris Rodgers, West Virginia; Jean Schmidt, Ohio

Cabinet: Condoleezza Rich, Secretary of State; Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor; Margaret Spellings, Secretary of Education; Mary Peters, Secretary of Transportation; Susan Schwab, US Special Trade Representative

Partial List of Republican Women More Qualified to be President Than Sarah Palin | Room Eight
Does this mean that McCain will attend the "Vagina Monologues:eusa_whistle:?"

I guess a good looker at your side is better for votes than an ugly or plain woman, right John?
She is just another pretty face. There were so many better that would have fit what McCain has said about experience. Not that Palin is totally without. There were just better.
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) would have been my pick. She's a good conservative broad with family values.
Not Every Woman Supports Women's Rights: Statement on Sarah Palin

Here is what NOW thinks of Palin.

Sen. John McCain's choice of Alaska governor Sarah Palin as his running mate is a cynical effort to appeal to disappointed Hillary Clinton voters and get them to vote, ultimately, against their own self-interest.
Gov. Palin may be the second woman vice-presidential candidate on a major party ticket, but she is not the right woman. Sadly, she is a woman who opposes women's rights, just like John McCain.
And first of all!

(Gotta cover your @$$ everytime you post in here it seems, lately)

But I did do some searching. :eusa_shifty: I found this one ...
Not Every Woman Supports Women's Rights: Statement on Sarah Palin

And, I did find it interesting. :eusa_angel:

Any more links that we can read?? Not only your opinons but something that is backed up by a link? ;)

Pro-choice women, and every Hillary voters I've spoken too is insulted that McCain would think he could pander their vote with this pick.

Sarah Palin, Wrong Woman for the Job

Katha Pollitt
The Nation

John McCain's choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as running mate shows how desperate he is to distract attention from the fact that he is a cranky old man with nothing to offer but more of the same. Palin is a blatant pander for the women's vote. He must think we have the collective IQ of a Tampax.

Sure, Palin is cool -- she's pretty and vivacious and athletic, a former beauty queen who runs marathons, hunts , fishes and eats mooseburgers, plus she's got five kids with unusual names like Willow and Track, including a newborn with Down's syndrome. I feel tired just thinking of what her daily life must be like, and if she were my neighbor I would probably like her a lot. It shows how deeply feminism has penetrated American culture that even anti-choice right-wing-christian women are breaking out of the old sugary-submissive pastel-suited stereotype. And if life were a Lifetime movie, Palin would do just fine running the country should McCain keel over. Girls can do anything! and look great doing it!

But seriously. Vice President? After a stint as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of less than 8000, and barely two years as governor of a state with more grizzly bears than people? She makes obama's resume look as thick as Winston Churchill's.

Here's the reality: Palin is a rightwing-christian anti-choice extremist who opposes abortion for any reason whasoever, except to save the life of the girl or woman. No exception even for rape, incest, or the health of the woman. No exception for a ten-year-old, a woman carrying a fetus with no chance of life, a woman on the edge of suicide-- let alone the woman who is not ready to be a parent, who is escaping domestic violence, who is already stretched to the limit as a single mother. She wants to force over one million women and girls a year to give birth against their will and judgment. She wants to use the magnificent freedom the women's movement has won for her at tremendous cost and struggle--the movement that won her the right to run those marathons and run Alaska -- to take away the freedom of every other woman in the country.

Her selection does not tell us McCain is a "maverick" who is just stringing the christian right along wink-wink . It tells us that he has thrown in his lot with James Dobson, the Family Research Council, the Catholic hierarchy and others for whom criminalizing abortion is the number-one issue. His record of votes against abortion and birth control -- 125 votes out of 130 in his congresssional and Senate career-- apparently wasn't quite enough for them. By choosing Palin, he wins their enthusiastic support.

McCain is gambling that women will vote their gender, and not their interests.

I expect pro-choice women will see through this gambit pretty fast. If not, we really are as dumb as he thinks we are.

Sarah Palin, Wrong Woman for the Job
.... but it is still interesting.

The polar bear should be removed from the endangered species list because its protected status will hamper drilling for oil and gas in Alaska, the state's Republican Governor has demanded.

Sarah Palin is suing the Bush Administration over its decision last week to place the animal under the protection of the Endangered Species Act, claiming that climate models predicting the continued loss of sea ice - the main habitat of polar bears - are unreliable.
Protecting polar bears gets in way of drilling for oil, says governor - Times Online
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What about her oil ties?? Do you think she is going to do anything as long as she profits from record high oil prices?:eusa_whistle:
~ A Bright Idea ~
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. FindLaw: U.S. Constitution: First Amendment

Ain't it great that we American's can get on a "Public Forum" and express our feelings, right or wrong?

It's just that some of us make more of an @$$ out of ourselves, like some of those on this thread!
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of course women are more skeptical...men want to stare at her tits they don't care about much else...just ask Jsanders LOL

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