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If one were contemplating buying either Playstation or X-Box which would you recommend and why?

What about older models ... worth the bucks savings or nah, go for broke and buy new?
If one were contemplating buying either Playstation or X-Box which would you recommend and why?

What about older models ... worth the bucks savings or nah, go for broke and buy new?

I got a xbox 360 on Black Friday last year. 150 bucks and came with all accessories and a spyro game with little figures to use as the character. Game sucks but my son likes it lol
I would roll with that. YOu can get them refurbd on gamestop.com, but I would just buy new. I had a PS3 when they first came out, and the xbox blows it out of the water IMO
If one were contemplating buying either Playstation or X-Box which would you recommend and why?

What about older models ... worth the bucks savings or nah, go for broke and buy new?

Online play on ps3 is free as compared to xboxs 60 bucks a year. Having said that I think xbox is far better.

The interface isnt confusing and easy to navigate.
Plus xbox gets day one merchandise that you often have to wait months for on the ps3.
More people communicate on xbox
And if you're into shooters xbox is more populated. If you're into rpg type games I might choose ps3.

As to price goto gamestop and buy used. They come with warentees. Buying used any othervway is risky.

This fall the new systems are supposed to be released but I imagine they will have a heafty price tag.

Also both systems have a ton of free game demos that you can try before you buy.
I prefer Xbox. The controls just work better for me, I've had games that I hated on ps3 and I'll play on the Xbox and love it.

With the Xbox, it sucks that you really need to buy a membership, however I use it for Netflix and Cinemanow, which is convienant.:)
If one were contemplating buying either Playstation or X-Box which would you recommend and why?

What about older models ... worth the bucks savings or nah, go for broke and buy new?

I havr both and they are both great systems. I prefer the 360 bc of the far superior online play. But the truth is if your buddies all have a ps3 get the same and you wont be unhappy.

I havent turned my ps3 on in years except to play mlb the show and watch blu rays but its a great system
If one were contemplating buying either Playstation or X-Box which would you recommend and why?

What about older models ... worth the bucks savings or nah, go for broke and buy new?

Difficult question which would require some contemplation.

Older Models
I'm assuming you mean a used PS2 - previsions generation hardware you'd probably find yourself limited on titles with subpar graphics compared to XBox 360 and PS3. On the other hand there are used XBox 360's and PS3's to be had in a used market. My son bought an XBox 360 about 3 and a half years ago from a guy at work who was getting married and needed cash. $200 for the XBox, 2 controllers, and about 30 games. Worked well for two and a half years and then started making noises from the hard drive so we replaced it just over a year ago for Christmas.

So there are some good deals to be had in the used market.

Purchasing New
Cost points have come down and most people overvalue what they think a used model is worth. I'd go with new over used, in most cases.

PS3 and XBox technology is getting a little long in the tooth. Hey the XBox has been out there since 2005.

Next Generation Machines
Rumor has it that PS4 and "XBox 720" are on the way. I've heard that Sony might be unveiling the PS4 tomorrow. Price will likely be steep when they come out. Cheaper then a new gaming PC, but still pretty steep. The real question will be what degree of backward compatibility will exist - if any.

I've also read that Sony and Microsoft are planning on taking some serious DRM steps in the next generation box that will severely impact the used game market as in tying playability to a live account that the game will be registered against.

PS4 release date, news and features | News | TechRadar
Xbox 720 release date, news and rumours | News | TechRadar


The advantage of PC gaming is that, for high end games, the graphics is ahead of the console curve. However that performance comes at a cost, literally. PC gaming rigs typically cost more than a console and may require upgrades after a few years. However games made for a console are pretty much guaranteed to run on the console with little or no hassle. Literally throw the disk in and go.

In the interest of honesty, I've been playing XBox for a couple of years now and have really enjoyed it. Recently I played Crysis and Crysis 2 through my sons Steam account and moving to a keyboard totally screwed me up. Luckily my son, after laughing his as off, pulled out an XBox style controller and an dongle to hook it up to a USB port so I could play controller based in stead of a mouse. Much better after that.

I prefer Xbox. The controls just work better for me, I've had games that I hated on ps3 and I'll play on the Xbox and love it.

With the Xbox, it sucks that you really need to buy a membership, however I use it for Netflix and Cinemanow, which is convienant.:)

Why do you have to buy a membership?
I prefer Xbox. The controls just work better for me, I've had games that I hated on ps3 and I'll play on the Xbox and love it.

With the Xbox, it sucks that you really need to buy a membership, however I use it for Netflix and Cinemanow, which is convienant.:)

Why do you have to buy a membership?

Well, technically you don't have to, but you can't play the online portion of games without one. It's not expensive, $50 for a year of gold membership.
Dead Space 3. Just started my second run on it. Waiting for The Last of Us. Was excited about Aliens until I read Game Informer's review. Too bad. Glad I didn't waste the money on it.
Dead Space 3. Just started my second run on it. Waiting for The Last of Us. Was excited about Aliens until I read Game Informer's review. Too bad. Glad I didn't waste the money on it.

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Grampa, how was impossible mode? Is the difficulty actually harder, or is it called impossible because the game starts over if you die? And how did you like classic mode?

Can you play that with a controller? Im terrible with a keyboard and mouse

You can. in fact there is a guide on how to map an xbox controller tot he game. From what i understand though, you loose a lot of functions as there aren't enough buttons to meet the demand.

This game is really for the hardest of core gamers. I've been gaming for over 20 years and this one has the hardest learning curve I've ever encountered. But once you get into it, it's absolutely addicting.
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Grampa, how was impossible mode? Is the difficulty actually harder, or is it called impossible because the game starts over if you die? And how did you like classic mode?

Impossible mode wasn't too bad. The tram fight proved to be problematic for me but the rest wasn't too bad. Classic wasn't really much different except that you couldnt modify your equipment.

Can you play that with a controller? Im terrible with a keyboard and mouse

You can. in fact there is a guide on how to map an xbox controller tot he game. From what i understand though, you loose a lot of functions as there aren't enough buttons to meet the demand.

This game is really for the hardest of core gamers. I've been gaming for over 20 years and this one has the hardest learning curve I've ever encountered. But once you get into it, it's absolutely addicting.

Well my first system was the Odyssey and ive owned every one since then except for the Wii & WiiU. I have fond memories of Pitfall....

Anyhow, I might look into this game since it's controller compatible. I assume crafting and inventory management could be a problem with a controller though.
Can you play that with a controller? Im terrible with a keyboard and mouse

You can. in fact there is a guide on how to map an xbox controller tot he game. From what i understand though, you loose a lot of functions as there aren't enough buttons to meet the demand.

This game is really for the hardest of core gamers. I've been gaming for over 20 years and this one has the hardest learning curve I've ever encountered. But once you get into it, it's absolutely addicting.

Well my first system was the Odyssey and ive owned every one since then except for the Wii & WiiU. I have fond memories of Pitfall....

Anyhow, I might look into this game since it's controller compatible. I assume crafting and inventory management could be a problem with a controller though.

Does using a controller on the PC disable the keyboard controls? I've mostly been on the XBox but I recently played Crysis and Crysis2 on the PC with a controller. The controller functioned for movement, aim, shoot, reload - but I could still use the PC Keyboard as well.


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