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Brooklyn by [URL='https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1351903.Colm_T_ib_n']Colm Tóibín [/URL]
Finding Me: A Decade of Darkness, a Life Reclaimed: A Memoir of the Cleveland Kidnappings. By Michelle Knight.

Whitten by Michelle Knight, one of the three girls held in Clevelander, Arien Castros house for a decade. Michelle Knight, Gina DeJesus and Amanda Berry. This thing reads like a horror novel. And the weird thing is, she always loved horror novels by Stephen King. Then she found herself trapped in one for over a decade. She was raped several times a day, every day.

There was so much semen encrusted into her hair that the first time the dude let her take a shower to try to get cleaned up a little after a year or so of captivity she simply cut off all of her shoulder lengthed hair. He would rape her several times a day. He would beat her and he would torture her. He would even throw in her face that nobody was looking for her like they were looking for Amanda and Gina.

As somebody who has ancestors who were colonists I object! New England is where it all began. :rofl:

looks like a good and fun

My ancestors were colonists in Virginia. Sorry....we arrived about a generation before Plymouth Rock. No Virginia....no Jamestown....no fucking Pilgrims. :D


Hmm...? The "Mayflower Compact" was signed on 11 November 1620

Jamestown did meet as a government in 1619, but... a generation? :rofl:

Pilgrim Colony was successful

mine are direct ancestors. Direct male line on both sides of rebellion known as revolution, As American as it gets. :D

As somebody who has ancestors who were colonists I object! New England is where it all began. :rofl:

looks like a good and fun

My ancestors were colonists in Virginia. Sorry....we arrived about a generation before Plymouth Rock. No Virginia....no Jamestown....no fucking Pilgrims. :D


Hmm...? The "Mayflower Compact" was signed on 11 November 1620

Jamestown did meet as a government in 1619, but... a generation? :rofl:

Pilgrim Colony was successful

mine are direct ancestors. Direct male line on both sides of rebellion known as revolution, As American as it gets. :D

Jamestown was founded in 1607 and was thriving long before Plymouth Rock. In fact, thirteen years before a Pilgrim even thought about coming to America. :D Representative Government was established in Virginia in 1619. No Virginia.....no fucking pilgrims.

New England was founded and named by Capt John Smith of Jamestown fame. Cap Cod and Martha's Vineyard were explored and named by Bartholomew Gosnold over a decade before any fucking pilgrims.

And the ultimate irony....the pilgrims were sailing for Virginia but got lost. :lol: No shit!!!

Basically....they're Virginians with a really bad sense of direction.

Dante...an except from the novel above....The Afterword.


America has many myths, perhaps the most abiding is that English America began at Plymouth Rock. The reality, of course, is quite different. Jamestown not only served as the template for the Pilgrims that came a generation after the Virginia Colony was well settled and thriving, but the Pilgrims literally had a copy of Captain John Smith’s book ‘A Description of New England,’ the region he explored beginning in 1614, and named New England in order to entice settlers from his native Country.

Bartholomew Gosnold, another prominent member of the original Jamestown expedition, also extensively explored New England beginning in 1602, and named Martha’s Vineyard after his daughter, and Cape Cod after the abundant fish notable to the region. A book of Gosnold’s expedition, written by John Brereton, also helped popularize New England to subsequent colonizers.

Beyond the obvious influence the Jamestown explorers and settlement had on the Pilgrims, its most enduring legacy is the Virginia Colony’s very survival. Prior to Jamestown, no English settlement had ever succeeded; Walter Raleigh’s Roanoke Island expedition being the most prominent example. Other settlements, including the Plymouth Company’s attempt to colonize Maine in 1607 at the same time as Jamestown, failed after only fourteen months.

The Jamestown Colony also started the tradition of representative government in the New World with the founding of the Virginia House of Burgesses in July 1619, over a full year before the Pilgrims had set foot in America. The influence of representative government established by the Virginia Colony is incalculable. The concept of rule by the consent of the governed begins here as the fundamental ideal of the American Republic.

This book attempts to correct the historical record, and give Jamestown and Virginia their proper due. When one looks closely at the history of Virginia, it is clear that it is not part of the Republic, Virginia is the Republic.

The Executive Branch owes its existance to the one indespensible man of the American Revolution, George Washington. The Legislative Branch, the Constitution, and Bill of Rights would be far different were it not for the genius of James Madison, who co-authored the ‘Federalist Papers,’ and has rightly been given the imprimatur, Father of the Constitution. And finally, the Judical Branch of Government was a weak stepchild of the Executive and Legislative Branches, until John Marshall became Chief Justice, and asserted judical authority in the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison.

Additionally, the many accomplishments of Thomas Jefferson are well known, but is there a more sublime document of human freedom and aspiration than the Declaration of Independence? What would America look like today were Jefferson, Madison, and James Monroe too timid or risk adversive to negotiate and acquire the Louisiana Territory, when there was no explicit authorization to do so?

Yet, none of these events would have occurred were it not for the one hundred and four brave souls who set sail from England in 1607 to found a Colony, and ultimately, a Nation.
Last edited:

As somebody who has ancestors who were colonists I object! New England is where it all began. :rofl:

looks like a good and fun

My ancestors were colonists in Virginia. Sorry....we arrived about a generation before Plymouth Rock. No Virginia....no Jamestown....no fucking Pilgrims. :D


Hmm...? The "Mayflower Compact" was signed on 11 November 1620

Jamestown did meet as a government in 1619, but... a generation? :rofl:

Pilgrim Colony was successful

mine are direct ancestors. Direct male line on both sides of rebellion known as revolution, As American as it gets. :D

Jamestown was founded in 1607 and was thriving long before Plymouth Rock. In fact, thirteen years before a Pilgrim even thought about coming to America. :D Representative Government was established in Virginia in 1619. No Virginia.....no fucking pilgrims.

New England was founded and named by Capt John Smith of Jamestown fame. Cap Cod and Martha's Vineyard were explored and named by Bartholomew Gosnold over a decade before any fucking pilgrims.

And the ultimate irony....the pilgrims were sailing for Virginia but got lost. :lol: No shit!!!

Basically....they're Virginians with a really bad sense of direction.

Virginian's are always exaggerating shit :rofl:

except: The modern conception of slavery in the future United States was formalized in 1640 (the John Punch hearing) and was fully entrenched in Virginia by 1660.

It took JFK to help them out

History News Network Top 10 Myths About Thanksgiving

As somebody who has ancestors who were colonists I object! New England is where it all began. :rofl:

looks like a good and fun

My ancestors were colonists in Virginia. Sorry....we arrived about a generation before Plymouth Rock. No Virginia....no Jamestown....no fucking Pilgrims. :D


Hmm...? The "Mayflower Compact" was signed on 11 November 1620

Jamestown did meet as a government in 1619, but... a generation? :rofl:

Pilgrim Colony was successful

mine are direct ancestors. Direct male line on both sides of rebellion known as revolution, As American as it gets. :D

Jamestown was founded in 1607 and was thriving long before Plymouth Rock. In fact, thirteen years before a Pilgrim even thought about coming to America. :D Representative Government was established in Virginia in 1619. No Virginia.....no fucking pilgrims.

New England was founded and named by Capt John Smith of Jamestown fame. Cap Cod and Martha's Vineyard were explored and named by Bartholomew Gosnold over a decade before any fucking pilgrims.

And the ultimate irony....the pilgrims were sailing for Virginia but got lost. :lol: No shit!!!

Basically....they're Virginians with a really bad sense of direction.

Virginian's are always exaggerating shit :rofl:

except: The modern conception of slavery in the future United States was formalized in 1640 (the John Punch hearing) and was fully entrenched in Virginia by 1660.

It took JFK to help them out

History News Network Top 10 Myths About Thanksgiving

Poor Dante. No Virginia. No fucking Pilgrims. Period. And Slavery began in the New World over a century before Virginia in the Spanish and Portuguese Colonies. Try again. :D

As somebody who has ancestors who were colonists I object! New England is where it all began. :rofl:

looks like a good and fun

My ancestors were colonists in Virginia. Sorry....we arrived about a generation before Plymouth Rock. No Virginia....no Jamestown....no fucking Pilgrims. :D


Hmm...? The "Mayflower Compact" was signed on 11 November 1620

Jamestown did meet as a government in 1619, but... a generation? :rofl:

Pilgrim Colony was successful

mine are direct ancestors. Direct male line on both sides of rebellion known as revolution, As American as it gets. :D

Jamestown was founded in 1607 and was thriving long before Plymouth Rock. In fact, thirteen years before a Pilgrim even thought about coming to America. :D Representative Government was established in Virginia in 1619. No Virginia.....no fucking pilgrims.

New England was founded and named by Capt John Smith of Jamestown fame. Cap Cod and Martha's Vineyard were explored and named by Bartholomew Gosnold over a decade before any fucking pilgrims.

And the ultimate irony....the pilgrims were sailing for Virginia but got lost. :lol: No shit!!!

Basically....they're Virginians with a really bad sense of direction.

Virginian's are always exaggerating shit :rofl:

except: The modern conception of slavery in the future United States was formalized in 1640 (the John Punch hearing) and was fully entrenched in Virginia by 1660.

It took JFK to help them out

History News Network Top 10 Myths About Thanksgiving

Poor Dante. No Virginia. No fucking Pilgrims. Period. And Slavery began in the New World over a century before Virginia in the Spanish and Portuguese Colonies. Try again. :D

Jamestown was abandoned as was the Plymouth Company site in Maine. Was it like 1610? A generation ahead of 1620? :lol:

Slavery and the British Colonies. You switched from America USA to -- the Americas. :laugh2:

Oh Goddseed!

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