What are your 15 favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy films of all time

One movie I excluded because it was never a theatrical release but could have been was actually a pilot for a TV show, so I left it off, but for pure science fiction value, one of the best movies ever made was 'The Cage,' the original 1964 pilot that launched Star Trek. It really is an epic sci-fi story and had it been made as a full-budgeted motion picture, the mind reels at the possibilities.


One movie I excluded because it was never a theatrical release but could have been was actually a pilot for a TV show, so I left it off, but for pure science fiction value, one of the best movies ever made was 'The Cage,' the original 1964 pilot that launched Star Trek. It really is an epic sci-fi story and had it been made as a full-budgeted motion picture, the mind reels at the possibilities.


The special effects, makeup, the other world set designs were really top-class for its time and today's filmmaking. These three pics you posted are the best it is a type of Art.
The Dark Knight is so great
Wanted to include it but limit is 15.

As great as Ledger's performance was there was nothing new or unique
Forrest Gump
Toy Story...

So many to leave off I decided that the criteria should be the contribution to the movies as well as quality.
Oh shit
I am bumping raiders to like 6
Alien 1 thru 3
Terminator 1 & 2
Island of Dr Moroe(sp?)
Fahrenheit 451
Planet of the apes 1 thru 3
Star Wars a New Hope
Blade Runner
Star Trek First Contact
Ex Machina
Alita Battle Angle
Resident Evil (first movie)
One movie I excluded because it was never a theatrical release but could have been was actually a pilot for a TV show, so I left it off, but for pure science fiction value, one of the best movies ever made was 'The Cage,' the original 1964 pilot that launched Star Trek. It really is an epic sci-fi story and had it been made as a full-budgeted motion picture, the mind reels at the possibilities.


I don't think Fahrenheit 451 was in theaters was it?
Should anyone need more titles to consider;

The 150 Greatest Science Fiction Movies of All Time​

From space odysseys to star wars, alien invaders to guardians of the galaxy — the best sci-fi films from the beginning of the movies until now

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