What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
(1) Lockejaw acts like a child who can't take what he attempts to dish out.

(2) If he were would send $150,000 to the charity of my choice and we can receive proof by an escrow administrator that it had been delivered with no strings attached, I would agree to CK having me leave the Board for a year.

Laugh all you want; no one will even notice.

I'll toy with you a bit, then I will offer to buy this site out for a year..see what they say. I'd be fair about it...i'd just ask all the RWers to vote o. Whether to ban you for life. You want that? I have enough to make it happen. What do you donate? $2 a month? Haha

How old are you anyway? 12?

Your debating just went down the drain with your fantasy role-playing....
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(1) Lockejaw is a child who can't take what he attempts to dish out.

(2) If he would send $150,000 to the charity of my choice and we can receive proof my an escrow administrator that it had been delivered with no strings attached, I would agree to CK having me leave the Board for a year.

I'll toy with you a bit, then I will offer to buy this site out for a year..see what they say. I'd be fair about it...i'd just ask all the RWers to vote o. Whether to ban you for life. You want that? I have enough to make it happen. What do you donate? $2 a month? Haha

How old are you anyway? 12?

Your debating just went down the drain with your fantasy role-playing....

Begin with an insult, then agree to accept a payoff? :doubt:
Even if some couples try to sue, and that would be stupid, they will never win. No church or religious leader will ever be forced, by the government, to perform a marriage ceremony against the tenants of their faith. Churches are allowed to discriminate, legally.

Yet they make bakers violate the tenants of their faith and make homo cakes.

Bakers are not religious leaders and bakeries are not tax exempt churches. When you agree to do business in the public sphere, you agree to obey the laws of the locality. Some localities protect gays just like they protect blacks and Christians in Public Accommodation.
The first amendment isn't just for Churches and clergy, it's for everyone!
Starkey, this site only seems to have a goal of $100 USD in donations a month, why would I spend that much when this site probably doesn't cost a smidgen of 150 grand?
Yet they make bakers violate the tenants of their faith and make homo cakes.

Bakers are not religious leaders and bakeries are not tax exempt churches. When you agree to do business in the public sphere, you agree to obey the laws of the locality. Some localities protect gays just like they protect blacks and Christians in Public Accommodation.
The first amendment isn't just for Churches and clergy, it's for everyone!

Your free exercise of religion is not infringed upon. You can still freely exercise your religion all over the place. What you cannot do, if you do business in the public sphere and agree to the rules of the locality in which you do business, is discriminate. The Civil Rights Act says you can't discriminate in public accommodation based on race, color, religion, or national origin. That's been expanded to include things like gender and age. In some localities, that includes the gheys.
I can go along with that, SeaWytch. When I was looking at those pictures though it was out of curiosity & amusement than anything else the way I remember it.
I have a serious question, Seawench.

When you figured out you were gay, what was the whole thought process that went into that? How did it start to become clear to you? Was it in stages or did it just hit you like an epiphany one day?

Yes, I am an asshole & I have been to you, as you have to me...but this is an honest question. I promise to not be rude & use your answers to be a dick. If I do that, I will leave this forum forever, that's my word.

I really want to know this, because you keep asking others why you are the way you are, and I can't help but think you haven't spent much time actually looking within yourself for that answer. I'm not trying to be a jerk. I really mean that.

I'm not asking others why I'm gay. I know why, I was born gay. I'm asking them to explain where they think it comes from.

I admitted to myself that I was gay by age 14. I had crushes on other girls from my first memories. In kindergarten, I had such a bad crush on a girl in my class, that I actually went to Catechism because she did. My family isn't Catholic.

If you weren't trying to be a dick or a jerk, why use Seawench? That's not my screen name.
My bad. Just a habit, I didn't notice it until you brought it to my attention.
I believe you when you say you think you were born gay. Just find it odd to have sexual desires in kindergarten. Granted, I had mini crushes around that age myself, My mother claims I flirted with women as a baby, batting my eyes..I don't remember that. Most of my very early childhood that I remember clearly though, I was mean to little girls & considered them annoying, wanted no part of them. I'd say around 10-11, I changed and wanted girlfriends. Ever since then, Ive always loved females.

My older brother also was good for keeping Playboy magazines & perhaps looking at those at a young age caused me to "like" women earlier than most of the kids I grew up with.

My dad had naked lady posters in his workshop also, I was rarely allowed in there, but every time I had a friend over, I would show them & we would laugh at the pictures.

They weren't sexual feelings, they were just feelings. Sex wasn't even a consideration until 12 or 13.

No, looking at pictures doesn't cause you to like something. You either do or you don't.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, and everybody reads Playboy for the articles. I actually did when I was a kid, read playboy for the articles. They always had the best interviews.

Looking back at my youth, I don't know how everyone around me didn't know I was gay. People see what they want to see I guess.
John 2:15, to which you refer, is the only evidence in the NT that Jesus made a scourge, while other accounts agree that Jesus drove the moneylenders from the Temple. One can reasonably discount "the whip" as scripture because it can't be corroborated.

Did you purposely forget to post the part before that verse that says he made himself a whip before going and overturning the tables & driving the merchants out? I'm not changing his word...I am assuming Jesus made the whip for a reason.
ain't that something? So you're God now, you know what HE is thinking? Who are you to say God cannot love yet admonish his creation?

I think you need to rethink your approach. Jesus clearly called those who are unwilling to hear his message swine & dogs. There's no debate there. You want to pretend Jesus is all love. Nope, he has anger & disgust. According to the bible he was both fully human & God. He whipped the crap out of people turning his temple into a den of tax collection, thievery, and unrighteous dealings. You fail, if you believe in Jesus, you better stop trying to rework Jesus in the image you want to see.

If there is no debate it is because you choose to hold on to your lies and do not accept the truth.

Jesus didn't beat the crap out of anybody. He drove them out of the temple and overturned their tables. The Bible doesn't say anything about Him beating the crap out of anybody.
Find a scripture that says that....I'll wait.

Matthew 21:
12 Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves. 13 "It is written," he said to them, " 'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it a 'den of robbers.' "

The Bible does say that anybody that adds or takes from His word will face the consequences he has outlined. If I were you, I would quit making up stuff and claiming it is in the Bible.

Revelation 22:
18I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; 19and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.
Yeah, and everybody reads Playboy for the articles. I actually did when I was a kid, read playboy for the articles. They always had the best interviews.

Looking back at my youth, I don't know how everyone around me didn't know I was gay. People see what they want to see I guess.

I read Valley of the Dolls at age 7, Myra Breckenridge at age 10. Both snuck of parents' dresser draws....oh, and Created, The Destroyer. The sex was interesting, but nothing I would consider for me, until 11 or 12. CONSIDER, not actually do those things. Oddly, much later, my daddy was proud of my early reading ability. :D
Lj is apparently a biblical literalist, which is the road to confusion and eventually apostasy. The Lord still loves the lost and may bring them home if He wishes. There is hope for you, Lj.
Yeah, and everybody reads Playboy for the articles. I actually did when I was a kid, read playboy for the articles. They always had the best interviews.

Looking back at my youth, I don't know how everyone around me didn't know I was gay. People see what they want to see I guess.

I read Valley of the Dolls at age 7, Myra Breckenridge at age 10. Both snuck of parents' dresser draws....oh, and Created, The Destroyer. The sex was interesting, but nothing I would consider for me, until 11 or 12. CONSIDER, not actually do those things. Oddly, much later, my daddy was proud of my early reading ability. :D

I hear ya. I was reading stuff I probably shouldn't have been. Heck, just the romance novels were steamy enough. No TV and living in the boonies means you read everything in sight.
Yeah, and everybody reads Playboy for the articles. I actually did when I was a kid, read playboy for the articles. They always had the best interviews.

Looking back at my youth, I don't know how everyone around me didn't know I was gay. People see what they want to see I guess.

I read Valley of the Dolls at age 7, Myra Breckenridge at age 10. Both snuck of parents' dresser draws....oh, and Created, The Destroyer. The sex was interesting, but nothing I would consider for me, until 11 or 12. CONSIDER, not actually do those things. Oddly, much later, my daddy was proud of my early reading ability. :D

I was a little bookworm myself. Literally spent any time I could in a library. But I wAsn't reading books with sex in them. At 7-8, I wanted to be a paleonTologist...so most of what I read was about dinosaurs & other prehistoric animals. And guns. I knew if I was going to the Congo to find Mokele M'bembe, I had to have guns. Lol
Blah Blah Blah

Joe , you completely screwed up that post - the quotes are all fucked up and completely out of context. I guess it's hard to concentrate while your foaming at the mouth ....

Anyway ... you got the last part right ,so far as the quotes go anyway ....

Kennedy wasn't telling me how to live my life or preaching to me about Family values while helping a big corporation fuck me over.

Oh yeah - Good old JFK , the Irish Mobster - LMAO - the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Bay of Pigs, Got us into Vietnam, I guess you could thank him for our 211,000 + killed or wounded in Vietnam . The only good thing about JFK was his Civil Rights record, but he certainly never tried to equate the rights of the African American with the mentally disturbed homosexuals, tranvestites, pedophiles and LGBT mixed bag of nuts.

And frankly, Clinton could stick as many cigars as he wanted, as long as we could have his awesome economy back.

To get back the economy of the Clinton Era [or Error] you'd have to reimplement the policies of Reaganomics from the two administrations that preceded him . And so far as sticking as many Cigars as he wanted ...CLinton was a Misogynist and an abuser of women - far beyond the Monica Lewinsky BS - yet you half wit Mother Fuckers who run around calling yourselves "Liberals" turn a blind eye to that -he was the biggest low life piece of shit scumbag pussball sexist who ever occupied the oval office [or is that orifice] - but then again being married to wicked witch of wonkerville I can honestly say some of his issues are somewhat understandable.
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Yeah, and everybody reads Playboy for the articles. I actually did when I was a kid, read playboy for the articles. They always had the best interviews.

Looking back at my youth, I don't know how everyone around me didn't know I was gay. People see what they want to see I guess.

I read Valley of the Dolls at age 7, Myra Breckenridge at age 10. Both snuck of parents' dresser draws....oh, and Created, The Destroyer. The sex was interesting, but nothing I would consider for me, until 11 or 12. CONSIDER, not actually do those things. Oddly, much later, my daddy was proud of my early reading ability. :D

I hear ya. I was reading stuff I probably shouldn't have been. Heck, just the romance novels were steamy enough. No TV and living in the boonies means you read everything in sight.

My mother read HISTORICAL ROMANCES; the others were obviously forbidden, they were HIDDEN. Thus, my interest. I read some Victoria Holt, and Dorothy Eden, they were ok. But romance wasn't as interesting as Buckley & Vidal for "serious reading". Portnoy's Complaint was picked up at my grandparent's home, my only grandmother, after age 5, saw me reading it, told me to read the old newspapers, or go outside to the nursery. She went back to her crossword puzzles.
Ot really religous Jake, I grew up in a Christian home & attended church every day they had services until 12 years old. And my mother to this day tells me everything can be solved by reading the bible & quotes it to me when she calls.

Anyway, how is saying that the whip part of the story wasn't removed and is still in there have to do with being a bible literalist.

You try too hard & fail every time.

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