What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Yeah, and everybody reads Playboy for the articles. I actually did when I was a kid, read playboy for the articles. They always had the best interviews.

Looking back at my youth, I don't know how everyone around me didn't know I was gay. People see what they want to see I guess.

I read Valley of the Dolls at age 7, Myra Breckenridge at age 10. Both snuck of parents' dresser draws....oh, and Created, The Destroyer. The sex was interesting, but nothing I would consider for me, until 11 or 12. CONSIDER, not actually do those things. Oddly, much later, my daddy was proud of my early reading ability. :D

I hear ya. I was reading stuff I probably shouldn't have been. Heck, just the romance novels were steamy enough. No TV and living in the boonies means you read everything in sight.

Hmmm.... interesting.... living in the boonies .... let see know ... tell me Seawytch - where you came from did Cousins breed with each other - how about brothers and sisters, was that a common thing ? You know how they say in some of these small towns everybody is kin to most everyone else - not trying to get personal or nothing like that - just working up a psychological profile ... ya know for future use .
Props to Green Bean for not being a JFK worshipper. It always annoys me that you can't have a real discussion about his presidency without people being offended, just because he was assassinated.

My parents won't have it. The dude was a borderline fascist & war monger.
Also unlike the lie that Prescott Bush was a supporter of Nazis...JFK's dad really WAS a fan of the Nazis.

Prescott Bush did conduct business with Germany, until it was no longer legal As did Joe Kennedy; as neither had psychic powers, neither knew the entire situation in Nazi Germany. Both George H. W. Bush & John F. Kennedy served honorably in WWII.
Also unlike the lie that Prescott Bush was a supporter of Nazis...JFK's dad really WAS a fan of the Nazis.

Prescott Bush did conduct business with Germany, until it was no longer legal As did Joe Kennedy; as neither had psychic powers, neither knew the entire situation in Nazi Germany. Both George H. W. Bush & John F. Kennedy served honorably in WWII.
How JFK secretly ADMIRED Hitler: Explosive book reveals former President's praise for the Nazis as he travelled through Germany before Second World War | Mail Online
When I was a child I used love reading my grandparents' collection of "Mysteries of the Unknown" books. They were these big black books with shiny, reflective lettering & artwork, epic high quality images, and very thorough non-biased research into a great many occult related topics. My family actually felt uneasy about keeping those "black illuminati books" so they eventually gave me their collection. I still have all 33 of them :)
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No wonder you're so effed up in the head...
To be fair though, In middle school I had a friend whose mom was a Wiccan, and I read some stuff on that crap too. Bunch of malarkey that didn't make sense at all.
Also unlike the lie that Prescott Bush was a supporter of Nazis...JFK's dad really WAS a fan of the Nazis.

Prescott Bush did conduct business with Germany, until it was no longer legal As did Joe Kennedy; as neither had psychic powers, neither knew the entire situation in Nazi Germany. Both George H. W. Bush & John F. Kennedy served honorably in WWII.
How JFK secretly ADMIRED Hitler: Explosive book reveals former President's praise for the Nazis as he travelled through Germany before Second World War | Mail Online

I have not read this, but found an objective site. Yes, I stand corrected, Kennedy did sympathize with Hitler, until......England entered the war, he was forced to resign from his post as Ambassador, and was proved wrong. His son Joseph Jr. died early in WWII. Joe Kennedy had a "few" Jewish friends. JFK being a Nazi sympathizer is hogwash. Joe Kennedy also had an English friend while at the Court Sf st. James, who despised Catholics.

Joe Kennedy: Not a Bootlegger or a Nazi, But a Hardcore Non-Interventionist - Reason.com

Prescott Bush's ties to Nazi Germany remained through a Nazi businessman named Fritz Thyssen until 1942.

This link is slanted against Prescott Bush, but reflect more reasoned opinion within:

How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power | World news | The Guardian

Of the two, Joe Kennedy is known to be anti-Semitic, less is known of Prescott Bush. No doubt as a prominent resident of the privileged class in Maine, he had no affinity for Jews in the US.
Ashtara, you probably know some wiccans...I wasn't raised to bad mouth people in their own homes so I never asked, maybe you know...

What the hell is that raunchy smelling incense they all seem to burn in their homes seemingly 24/7? It's hard to describe, but if you've smelled it before you probably know what I am talking about.
I would guess that everyone that wasn't Jewish was a little anti-Semitic & racist back in those days. Just how people were. Not to the point that Hitler was ofcourse, but still anti-Semitic or prejudiced against Jews.
Ashtara, you probably know some wiccans...I wasn't raised to bad mouth people in their own homes so I never asked, maybe you know...

What the hell is that raunchy smelling incense they all seem to burn in their homes seemingly 24/7? It's hard to describe, but if you've smelled it before you probably know what I am talking about.

Dude there are so many different types of incense. Nag champa is one of the more common ones sold in the U.S. so maybe that's the one. Its more likely to have been Sage, in attempt to keep "evil spirits/ negativity/ the dark side" away.

Personally I like my dark side so I only have limited use for Wiccan culture. I respect it though.
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When I was a child I used love reading my grandparents' collection of "Mysteries of the Unknown" books. They were these big black books with shiny, reflective lettering & artwork, epic high quality images, and very thorough non-biased research into a great many occult related topics. My family actually felt uneasy about keeping those "black illuminati books" so they eventually gave me their collection. I still have all 33 of them :)

To each her own, always. I read some occult material, found natural disasters a more interesting read. Aleister Crowley could not compare with the Galveston 1900 storm, San Francisco, 1906, or Krakatoa.
I would guess that everyone that wasn't Jewish was a little anti-Semitic & racist back in those days. Just how people were. Not to the point that Hitler was ofcourse, but still anti-Semitic or prejudiced against Jews.

History shows many in the US were yes. In particular, those of the Boston Brahmin, and even more frequently, those ASPIRING to be same.
I would guess that everyone that wasn't Jewish was a little anti-Semitic & racist back in those days. Just how people were. Not to the point that Hitler was ofcourse, but still anti-Semitic or prejudiced against Jews.

History shows many in the US were yes. In particular, those of the Boston Brahmin, and even more frequently, those ASPIRING to be same.

But not Southern evangelicals and fundamentalists who have always regarded them as God's Chosen People and could sympathize with their persecution as most fundamentalists and evangelicals went through that shit in Europe too.
Because this thread is completely derailed, I'll try to bring it back on topic.

Gays, as people, should not be hated or reviled and should have the ability to marry if they so wish it, but churches/priests/pastors have a right to refuse them, based on the fact they are specifically affiliated with a religion. However, gays should not be allowed to push their culture on others.

There, gays can marry and still not gay-ify everybody else, as some of you seem to be concerned about.
Probably was sage. It stinks, and it drove THIS evil spirit away from their home several times.

Holy shit! Wicca is REAL!

Clary sage is relaxing, and I'm not a Wiccan, as you know.:D

Something must be wrong with me then, Ive never felt anything from smelling incense but that I didn't want to smell it. I mean, we got potpourri sprays now...people need to get with the times...
Probably was sage. It stinks, and it drove THIS evil spirit away from their home several times.

Holy shit! Wicca is REAL!

Clary sage is relaxing, and I'm not a Wiccan, as you know.:D

Something must be wrong with me then, Ive never felt anything from smelling incense but that I didn't want to smell it. I mean, we got potpourri sprays now...people need to get with the times...

I love the smell of incense that Catholics use in certain Masses. No idea what it is though.
Ot really religous Jake, I grew up in a Christian home & attended church every day they had services until 12 years old. And my mother to this day tells me everything can be solved by reading the bible & quotes it to me when she calls. Anyway, how is saying that the whip part of the story wasn't removed and is still in there have to do with being a bible literalist. You try too hard & fail every time.

Thank you for showing respect to your mother.

A literalist believes the Word is unalterable. To you, if one writer says the scourge was there, well, hallelujah. Biblical literalism (also called Biblicism or Biblical fundamentalism) is the interpretation or translation of the explicit and primary sense of words in the Bible. Biblical literalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am glad you go to church, which I have missed on Sunday a total of 27 times since I was twelve (I have kept a diary since I was 10) because of illness or military duty.

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