What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
No Holly, I didn't make myself attracted to other women. Do you think you could make yourself attracted to members of the same sex?
No and the reason why I couldn't is because I believe that doing such a thing is against the word of the Lord, therefore it is wrong.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Because this thread is completely derailed, I'll try to bring it back on topic.

Gays, as people, should not be hated or reviled and should have the ability to marry if they so wish it, but churches/priests/pastors have a right to refuse them, based on the fact they are specifically affiliated with a religion. However, gays should not be allowed to push their culture on others.

There, gays can marry and still not gay-ify everybody else, as some of you seem to be concerned about.
Works for me. Can we make that official with a Putin-lite style law that they cannot propagandize children in public schools since people cannot push for religious faiths in public schools? You throw that in, and Im 100% with ya!
Because this thread is completely derailed, I'll try to bring it back on topic.

Gays, as people, should not be hated or reviled and should have the ability to marry if they so wish it, but churches/priests/pastors have a right to refuse them, based on the fact they are specifically affiliated with a religion. However, gays should not be allowed to push their culture on others.

There, gays can marry and still not gay-ify everybody else, as some of you seem to be concerned about.
Works for me. Can we make that official with a Putin-lite style law that they cannot propagandize children in public schools since people cannot push for religious faiths in public schools? You throw that in, and Im 100% with ya!

There is no connection whatsoever between religious beliefs and being gay. Teaching children tolerance for differences is not "propagandizing" either. As far as your worship of Putin goes that says volumes!
Derideo yes, I agree. Teaching kids to be TOLERANT is a good thing, but there is no reason to teach tolerance specifically for gays. That is propagandizing. They should teach tolerance in an all-inclusive manner, tolerate & don't bully people who are different than you.

What I am mainly saying should be banned is propaganda books about people having two dads or two moms...that is propaganda. You leave that to the parents to explain to their children. Fair enough?
Derideo yes, I agree. Teaching kids to be TOLERANT is a good thing, but there is no reason to teach tolerance specifically for gays. That is propagandizing. They should teach tolerance in an all-inclusive manner, tolerate & don't bully people who are different than you.

What I am mainly saying should be banned is propaganda books about people having two dads or two moms...that is propaganda. You leave that to the parents to explain to their children. Fair enough?

Public schools do teach tolerance in an all-inclusive manner. That has always been the policy and continues to be the policy.

As far as banning books are concerned that is censorship. The 1st Amendment protects freedom of speech therefore any form of censorship is unconstitutional. What you personally dislike and regard as propaganda does not give anyone the right to censor what others can read.

The price of freedom (of speech) means that everyone gets to have their say irrespective as to whether or not you agree with it. While I might personally abhor someone who writes anti-semitic and/or racist books, articles, blogs, etc I will defend their right to do so. Because unless I protect their rights I risk losing my own.
I'm not saying ban them completely for the public, I'm talking about using them in public schools, as in using it to teach children about homosexuality. If some private school wants to use them, fine. You want to buy it and bring it home to teach your kids about homosexuality....more power to ya.

Fair enough?
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Because this thread is completely derailed, I'll try to bring it back on topic.

Gays, as people, should not be hated or reviled and should have the ability to marry if they so wish it, but churches/priests/pastors have a right to refuse them, based on the fact they are specifically affiliated with a religion. However, gays should not be allowed to push their culture on others.

There, gays can marry and still not gay-ify everybody else, as some of you seem to be concerned about.
Works for me. Can we make that official with a Putin-lite style law that they cannot propagandize children in public schools since people cannot push for religious faiths in public schools? You throw that in, and Im 100% with ya!

Schools aren't the only place children learn. They also have learned reams more information before they ever step foot in a schoolyard by observing the adults and the society around them.

If they see a society where gays can "marry", they learn that "marrying" has no meaning really. Or at the very least they observe through unpolluted minds that the adult world puts a stamp of approval on homosexuality.

This will butt heads with the christian and other religious core values because it is bone fide promotion of homosexuality...under the watchful and ever absorbing eyes of children.

So gay marriage is one and the same as teaching kids "gay is cool" in "school." If you cannot see that the two are one and the same, you need to get your head checked. The "schoolyard" is everywhere in our society. What we hold out as normal to the next generations, so will they aspire either consciously or subconsciously.
Because this thread is completely derailed, I'll try to bring it back on topic.

Gays, as people, should not be hated or reviled and should have the ability to marry if they so wish it, but churches/priests/pastors have a right to refuse them, based on the fact they are specifically affiliated with a religion. However, gays should not be allowed to push their culture on others.

There, gays can marry and still not gay-ify everybody else, as some of you seem to be concerned about.

Agree, as for gay-ifying (?), though I do not see such a thing possible, public entities, including schools, police, fire, & health departments are for the PUBLIC. Sexual orientation should not be a scheduled topic for "review". Respect for the Constitution may cause discussion to venture there, but the topic is not a primary concern.

My apologies for derailing :D
Derideo yes, I agree. Teaching kids to be TOLERANT is a good thing, but there is no reason to teach tolerance specifically for gays. That is propagandizing. They should teach tolerance in an all-inclusive manner, tolerate & don't bully people who are different than you.

What I am mainly saying should be banned is propaganda books about people having two dads or two moms...that is propaganda. You leave that to the parents to explain to their children. Fair enough?

Lj does not understand 'tolerance' and certainly knows how to propagandize on this issue.

And let's get rid of two mommy books for daddy beats mommy books.

Lj, in no way shape or form are your personal or civil liberties injured by marriage equality.

Private and home schooling are certainly options for you.
Because this thread is completely derailed, I'll try to bring it back on topic.

Gays, as people, should not be hated or reviled and should have the ability to marry if they so wish it, but churches/priests/pastors have a right to refuse them, based on the fact they are specifically affiliated with a religion. However, gays should not be allowed to push their culture on others.

There, gays can marry and still not gay-ify everybody else, as some of you seem to be concerned about.
Works for me. Can we make that official with a Putin-lite style law that they cannot propagandize children in public schools since people cannot push for religious faiths in public schools? You throw that in, and Im 100% with ya!

Schools aren't the only place children learn. They also have learned reams more information before they ever step foot in a schoolyard by observing the adults and the society around them.

If they see a society where gays can "marry", they learn that "marrying" has no meaning really. Or at the very least they observe through unpolluted minds that the adult world puts a stamp of approval on homosexuality.

This will butt heads with the christian and other religious core values because it is bone fide promotion of homosexuality...under the watchful and ever absorbing eyes of children.

So gay marriage is one and the same as teaching kids "gay is cool" in "school." If you cannot see that the two are one and the same, you need to get your head checked. The "schoolyard" is everywhere in our society. What we hold out as normal to the next generations, so will they aspire either consciously or subconsciously.

Sil, your core values need adjustment.

Marriage equality has no bad effects on society and in no way affects your personal and civil liberties.
I see what you are saying, that's where you're supposed to come in & do your part as a parent. You tell your kid that yeah sure, they can mock marriage but they will never actually be married in the true sense of the word, because they cannot produce children naturally. What else can we do? It's almost inevitable, that they will get "marriage" rights while we live under the thumb of government. The only way to stop it is to get rid of government altogether or get government out of marriage altogether, atleast that is how the situation appears to me.

You seem to have some good ideas, let me know what other alternative there is?

Also, I was wondering...Has anyone ever brought the case to the judges that homosexuals are not protected under the 14th amendment because they are not a race, but a group of people that exhibit a peculiar sexual proclivity?

I haven't heard of anyone presenting it that way when defending traditional marriage in the courts. And even if they did, how much of a chance do you think that really has in winning with our out of control activist court system?

Because this thread is completely derailed, I'll try to bring it back on topic.

Gays, as people, should not be hated or reviled and should have the ability to marry if they so wish it, but churches/priests/pastors have a right to refuse them, based on the fact they are specifically affiliated with a religion. However, gays should not be allowed to push their culture on others.

There, gays can marry and still not gay-ify everybody else, as some of you seem to be concerned about.
Works for me. Can we make that official with a Putin-lite style law that they cannot propagandize children in public schools since people cannot push for religious faiths in public schools? You throw that in, and Im 100% with ya!

Schools aren't the only place children learn. They also have learned reams more information before they ever step foot in a schoolyard by observing the adults and the society around them.

If they see a society where gays can "marry", they learn that "marrying" has no meaning really. Or at the very least they observe through unpolluted minds that the adult world puts a stamp of approval on homosexuality.

This will butt heads with the christian and other religious core values because it is bone fide promotion of homosexuality...under the watchful and ever absorbing eyes of children.

So gay marriage is one and the same as teaching kids "gay is cool" in "school." If you cannot see that the two are one and the same, you need to get your head checked. The "schoolyard" is everywhere in our society. What we hold out as normal to the next generations, so will they aspire either consciously or subconsciously.
I'm not saying ban them completely for the public, I'm talking about using them in public schools, as in using it to teach children about homosexuality. If some private school wants to use them, fine. You want to buy it and bring it home to teach your kids about homosexuality....more power to ya.

Fair enough?

The "Public" in Public Schools means that what you are advocating is, in fact, banning them from the public.

If you want to start a private school and ban them there that is your perogative. But the "public" in Public Schools means that censorship is unconstitutional.
Works for me. Can we make that official with a Putin-lite style law that they cannot propagandize children in public schools since people cannot push for religious faiths in public schools? You throw that in, and Im 100% with ya!

Schools aren't the only place children learn. They also have learned reams more information before they ever step foot in a schoolyard by observing the adults and the society around them.

If they see a society where gays can "marry", they learn that "marrying" has no meaning really. Or at the very least they observe through unpolluted minds that the adult world puts a stamp of approval on homosexuality.

This will butt heads with the christian and other religious core values because it is bone fide promotion of homosexuality...under the watchful and ever absorbing eyes of children.

So gay marriage is one and the same as teaching kids "gay is cool" in "school." If you cannot see that the two are one and the same, you need to get your head checked. The "schoolyard" is everywhere in our society. What we hold out as normal to the next generations, so will they aspire either consciously or subconsciously.

Sil, your core values need adjustment.

Marriage equality has no bad effects on society and in no way affects your personal and civil liberties.

And you will infringe on her liberty to believe as she finds correct how, and WHY? Rather odd civil rights stance you have.
I don't worship Putin, Derideo, you dipstick. He got one thing right. A broken clock can be right atleast once a day, you know.

Liberals are such disingenuos pricks.
Schools aren't the only place children learn. They also have learned reams more information before they ever step foot in a schoolyard by observing the adults and the society around them.

If they see a society where gays can "marry", they learn that "marrying" has no meaning really. Or at the very least they observe through unpolluted minds that the adult world puts a stamp of approval on homosexuality.

This will butt heads with the christian and other religious core values because it is bone fide promotion of homosexuality...under the watchful and ever absorbing eyes of children.

So gay marriage is one and the same as teaching kids "gay is cool" in "school." If you cannot see that the two are one and the same, you need to get your head checked. The "schoolyard" is everywhere in our society. What we hold out as normal to the next generations, so will they aspire either consciously or subconsciously.

Sil, your core values need adjustment.

Marriage equality has no bad effects on society and in no way affects your personal and civil liberties.

And you will infringe on her liberty to believe as she finds correct how, and WHY? Rather odd civil rights stance you have.

Of course I am not. She can believe anything she wants. And I have the right to tell her, or you, that I disagree, just as you are doing above.

The far right is stunned how this has turned around and that it is being treated as it treated their opponents.

This is the way it works in a democracy.
I don't worship Putin, Derideo, you dipstick. He got one thing right. A broken clock can be right atleast once a day, you know.

Liberals are such disingenuos pricks.

"Out of control activist, etc" "Liberals are" are no less useless soundbites if stuck in a well constructed paragraph.
You cannot say that for certain, it is a very new phenomena. You sure like stating your opinion as fact. No wonder you have such a bad reputation here.
Works for me. Can we make that official with a Putin-lite style law that they cannot propagandize children in public schools since people cannot push for religious faiths in public schools? You throw that in, and Im 100% with ya!

Schools aren't the only place children learn. They also have learned reams more information before they ever step foot in a schoolyard by observing the adults and the society around them.

If they see a society where gays can "marry", they learn that "marrying" has no meaning really. Or at the very least they observe through unpolluted minds that the adult world puts a stamp of approval on homosexuality.

This will butt heads with the christian and other religious core values because it is bone fide promotion of homosexuality...under the watchful and ever absorbing eyes of children.

So gay marriage is one and the same as teaching kids "gay is cool" in "school." If you cannot see that the two are one and the same, you need to get your head checked. The "schoolyard" is everywhere in our society. What we hold out as normal to the next generations, so will they aspire either consciously or subconsciously.

Sil, your core values need adjustment.

Marriage equality has no bad effects on society and in no way affects your personal and civil liberties.
Schools aren't the only place children learn. They also have learned reams more information before they ever step foot in a schoolyard by observing the adults and the society around them.

If they see a society where gays can "marry", they learn that "marrying" has no meaning really. Or at the very least they observe through unpolluted minds that the adult world puts a stamp of approval on homosexuality.

This will butt heads with the christian and other religious core values because it is bone fide promotion of homosexuality...under the watchful and ever absorbing eyes of children.

So gay marriage is one and the same as teaching kids "gay is cool" in "school." If you cannot see that the two are one and the same, you need to get your head checked. The "schoolyard" is everywhere in our society. What we hold out as normal to the next generations, so will they aspire either consciously or subconsciously.

Sil, your core values need adjustment.

Marriage equality has no bad effects on society and in no way affects your personal and civil liberties.

And you will infringe on her liberty to believe as she finds correct how, and WHY? Rather odd civil rights stance you have.

No one's liberty is infringed by gay marriage.

Marriage is a state sanctioned legal contract that provides certain tax and other benefits to the consenting adults who sign the contract.

Sil's "beliefs" pertain to "Holy Matrimony" which a religious ceremony and has nothing to do with the actual legal marriage contract itself.

No religious institution is being forced to provide gays with a "Holy Matrimony" ceremony against their will.

Likewise no religious institution or anyone with religious beliefs has the right to deny gays their legal right to a state sanctioned marriage contract and the benefits derived there from.
Also unlike the lie that Prescott Bush was a supporter of Nazis...JFK's dad really WAS a fan of the Nazis.

I've read a lot on his mob origins , rum running etcetra ... But not too much about Nazi sympathies. Stands to reason though, as many of the forebares of todays socio-fascist Liberals had Nazi Sympathies in th pre war era. And Joe Kennedy was an Anti-Semite

He once told the Nazi Ambassador to the UK that FDR was the victim of "Jewish influence" and was ignorant of the philosophy, ambitions and ideals of National Socialism.
I don't worship Putin, Derideo, you dipstick. He got one thing right. A broken clock can be right atleast once a day, you know.

Liberals are such disingenuos pricks.

Sure sounded like you worshiped him when you praised his regressive homophobic law that denies human beings their rights to life, liberty and happiness.

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