What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You cannot say that for certain, it is a very new phenomena. You sure like stating your opinion as fact. No wonder you have such a bad reputation here.
Schools aren't the only place children learn. They also have learned reams more information before they ever step foot in a schoolyard by observing the adults and the society around them.

If they see a society where gays can "marry", they learn that "marrying" has no meaning really. Or at the very least they observe through unpolluted minds that the adult world puts a stamp of approval on homosexuality.

This will butt heads with the christian and other religious core values because it is bone fide promotion of homosexuality...under the watchful and ever absorbing eyes of children.

So gay marriage is one and the same as teaching kids "gay is cool" in "school." If you cannot see that the two are one and the same, you need to get your head checked. The "schoolyard" is everywhere in our society. What we hold out as normal to the next generations, so will they aspire either consciously or subconsciously.

Sil, your core values need adjustment.

Marriage equality has no bad effects on society and in no way affects your personal and civil liberties.

I would shy away from saying he is the dumbest jackass on the USMB , but he's certainly in the top ten. The top three are on my ignore list -see below.
I don't worship Putin, Derideo, you dipstick. He got one thing right. A broken clock can be right atleast once a day, you know.

Liberals are such disingenuos pricks.

"Out of control activist, etc" "Liberals are" are no less useless soundbites if stuck in a well constructed paragraph.

Oh give me a break...if you are going to deny that there are a ton of activist judges On both sides, but much more so on the left...you're seriously blind to reality.

Your mind is so open, your brain has fallen out.
Also unlike the lie that Prescott Bush was a supporter of Nazis...JFK's dad really WAS a fan of the Nazis.

I've read a lot on his mob origins , rum running etcetra ... But not too much about Nazi sympathies. Stands to reason though, as many of the forebares of todays socio-fascist Liberals had Nazi Sympathies in th pre war era. And Joe Kennedy was an Anti-Semite

He once told the Nazi Ambassador to the UK that FDR was the victim of "Jewish influence" and was ignorant of the philosophy, ambitions and ideals of National Socialism.

Henry Ford's anti-semitism was greatly admired by Hitler.

Henry Ford - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sil, your core values need adjustment.

Marriage equality has no bad effects on society and in no way affects your personal and civil liberties.

And you will infringe on her liberty to believe as she finds correct how, and WHY? Rather odd civil rights stance you have.

Of course I am not. She can believe anything she wants. And I have the right to tell her, or you, that I disagree, just as you are doing above.

The far right is stunned how this has turned around and that it is being treated as it treated their opponents.

This is the way it works in a democracy.

Ever hear the phrase "HEARTS & MINDS"?
I'm not saying ban them completely for the public, I'm talking about using them in public schools, as in using it to teach children about homosexuality. If some private school wants to use them, fine. You want to buy it and bring it home to teach your kids about homosexuality....more power to ya.

Fair enough?

Depends. Are you referring to books promoting homosexuality, or books that happen to have it?

I've read numerous books while in a Catholic private school for class that had homosexual characters but didn't promote it.
I don't worship Putin, Derideo, you dipstick. He got one thing right. A broken clock can be right atleast once a day, you know.

Liberals are such disingenuos pricks.

Sure sounded like you worshiped him when you praised his regressive homophobic law that denies human beings their rights to life, liberty and happiness.

I think you're confusing Russia with Uganda.
I'm not saying ban them completely for the public, I'm talking about using them in public schools, as in using it to teach children about homosexuality. If some private school wants to use them, fine. You want to buy it and bring it home to teach your kids about homosexuality....more power to ya.

Fair enough?

Depends. Are you referring to books promoting homosexuality, or books that happen to have it?

I've read numerous books while in a Catholic private school for class that had homosexual characters but didn't promote it.

Promoting it. Books with homosexual characters are fine. I've read a few with gay characters myself that weren't promoting it also, so yeah Im fine with that.
Because this thread is completely derailed, I'll try to bring it back on topic.

Gays, as people, should not be hated or reviled and should have the ability to marry if they so wish it, but churches/priests/pastors have a right to refuse them, based on the fact they are specifically affiliated with a religion. However, gays should not be allowed to push their culture on others.

There, gays can marry and still not gay-ify everybody else, as some of you seem to be concerned about.

Agree, as for gay-ifying (?), though I do not see such a thing possible, public entities, including schools, police, fire, & health departments are for the PUBLIC. Sexual orientation should not be a scheduled topic for "review". Respect for the Constitution may cause discussion to venture there, but the topic is not a primary concern.

My apologies for derailing :D

I personally don't believe gays can make others gay, but clearly some people do. So I included the culture bit to appease them.

Sorry about gay-ify, I couldn't find a word that worked, so I made one up. We can remove the hyphen if you want.
I don't worship Putin, Derideo, you dipstick. He got one thing right. A broken clock can be right atleast once a day, you know.

Liberals are such disingenuos pricks.

Sure sounded like you worshiped him when you praised his regressive homophobic law that denies human beings their rights to life, liberty and happiness.

I think you're confusing Russia with Uganda.

Nope! Putin signed a law that would impose jail terms on anyone who offends religious believers by using "gay propaganda".

You wanted the exact same law passed here in the USA.

In essence you want to deny your fellow Americans their right to freedom of speech and their right to liberty because it offends those with homophobic religious beliefs.
Sil, your core values need adjustment.

Marriage equality has no bad effects on society and in no way affects your personal and civil liberties.

And you will infringe on her liberty to believe as she finds correct how, and WHY? Rather odd civil rights stance you have.
Blah blah blah.

No one's liberty is infringed by gay marriage.

It's an insult to the instiution of Marriage , A gay wedding is similar to having a wedding ceremony for two cockerspaniels and sitting around and applauding while they hump. The big difference being that at least the cockerspaniels are doing something natural and biologically productive.

Marriage is a state sanctioned legal contract that provides certain tax and other benefits to the consenting adults who sign the contract.

So does a civil union [benefits to the consenting adults ] .

Getting back to the cockerspaniels - Unfortunately , as much as I'd like to say that homosexuals are not Human, they did come out of their Mother- so I guess you can consider them somewhat human - or subhuman as the case may be.

So legally , i would have to concede that subhumans are entitled to at least Civil Marriage - there should be a stipulation that they undergo Conversion Therapy for a short period first- something like real people taking blood tests b4 the marriage license is issued.

No religious institution is being forced to provide gays with a "Holy Matrimony" ceremony against their will.

Not Yet anyway

Likewise no religious institution or anyone with religious beliefs has the right to deny gays their legal right to a state sanctioned marriage contract and the benefits derived there from.

Religous Institutions do not make the laws , enforce them or interpret them . But they do certainly have a right to exert whatever influences they have - to have their voices heard and effect the laws, legislation and outcomes.

Yes - I do realize that being a socio-fascist that must be a tough nut for you to swallow - but oppossing views of the politically incorrect still have every right to raise their voices in protest . Don't like it - move to China
I'm not saying ban them completely for the public, I'm talking about using them in public schools, as in using it to teach children about homosexuality. If some private school wants to use them, fine. You want to buy it and bring it home to teach your kids about homosexuality....more power to ya.

Fair enough?

Depends. Are you referring to books promoting homosexuality, or books that happen to have it?

I've read numerous books while in a Catholic private school for class that had homosexual characters but didn't promote it.

Promoting it. Books with homosexual characters are fine. I've read a few with gay characters myself that weren't promoting it also, so yeah Im fine with that.

Okay, but how would you want them to be restricted?
Would you want a federal list, a state list, or a school district list?

Personally, I prefer the idea of district, that way a community widely accepting gays can have less restrictions if they desire, but a more traditional one could be more strict.
I don't worship Putin, Derideo, you dipstick. He got one thing right. A broken clock can be right atleast once a day, you know.

Liberals are such disingenuos pricks.

"Out of control activist, etc" "Liberals are" are no less useless soundbites if stuck in a well constructed paragraph.

Oh give me a break...if you are going to deny that there are a ton of activist judges On both sides, but much more so on the left...you're seriously blind to reality.

Your mind is so open, your brain has fallen out.

I think it closer to the center after the last 30 years; when Obama leaves office, probably a slight tilt to the left. Of course, I expect that as time passes & more unique issues are presented, Courts must be somewhat "activist" to send down rulings. The "activist" phrase though, is as over used as "reactionary". Suffice to say, I am not predicting the end of this nation, even should Huckabee/Palin be i office 1/17. Uncomfortable for some, yes, not an end to the Republic (with democratic aspects).
You cannot say that for certain, it is a very new phenomena. You sure like stating your opinion as fact. No wonder you have such a bad reputation here.

You and Peach both state your opinions as fact.

I have every right to reply to that.
Last edited:
You have yourself on your ignore list?

That's a first.

You cannot say that for certain, it is a very new phenomena. You sure like stating your opinion as fact. No wonder you have such a bad reputation here.
Sil, your core values need adjustment.

Marriage equality has no bad effects on society and in no way affects your personal and civil liberties.

I would shy away from saying he is the dumbest jackass on the USMB , but he's certainly in the top ten. The top three are on my ignore list -see below.
Sure sounded like you worshiped him when you praised his regressive homophobic law that denies human beings their rights to life, liberty and happiness.

I think you're confusing Russia with Uganda.

Nope! Putin signed a law that would impose jail terms on anyone who offends religious believers by using "gay propaganda".

You wanted the exact same law passed here in the USA.

In essence you want to deny your fellow Americans their right to freedom of speech and their right to liberty because it offends those with homophobic religious beliefs.

I'd like to see a link relative to that - I may be wrong , but I thought the legislation in Russia was aimed at gays propagandizing to schoolchildren. If there is religous clause , that alters the equation somewhat.
And you will infringe on her liberty to believe as she finds correct how, and WHY? Rather odd civil rights stance you have.
Blah blah blah.

It's an insult to the instiution of Marriage , A gay wedding is similar to having a wedding ceremony for two cockerspaniels and sitting around and applauding while they hump. The big difference being that at least the cockerspaniels are doing something natural and biologically productive.

So does a civil union [benefits to the consenting adults ] .

Getting back to the cockerspaniels - Unfortunately , as much as I'd like to say that homosexuals are not Human, they did come out of their Mother- so I guess you can consider them somewhat human - or subhuman as the case may be.

So legally , i would have to concede that subhumans are entitled to at least Civil Marriage - there should be a stipulation that they undergo Conversion Therapy for a short period first- something like real people taking blood tests b4 the marriage license is issued.

No religious institution is being forced to provide gays with a "Holy Matrimony" ceremony against their will.

Not Yet anyway

Likewise no religious institution or anyone with religious beliefs has the right to deny gays their legal right to a state sanctioned marriage contract and the benefits derived there from.

Religous Institutions do not make the laws , enforce them or interpret them . But they do certainly have a right to exert whatever influences they have - to have their voices heard and effect the laws, legislation and outcomes.

Yes - I do realize that being a socio-fascist that must be a tough nut for you to swallow - but oppossing views of the politically incorrect still have every right to raise their voices in protest . Don't like it - move to China

I do believe forcing religious institutions to recognize them as married would have a lot less support than just letting them marry. I for one only support gay marriage as long as religious institutions can say they don't have to serve them.
There you go being a liar again. If you weren't such kneejerker, we wouldn't have to be having this conversation. I said "Putin-Lite" & then said specifically that it would be applied to PUBLIC SCHOOLS, not to the entire society at large.

You're problem is you are ALWAYS in attack mode with that jerking knee of yours. Everytime I have discussed something with you, you do this disingenuos bullshit. Calm down & try to comprehend what you read before opening your mouth, it makes you look stupid. And I can tell you're not...so hopefully you take my advice.
Sure sounded like you worshiped him when you praised his regressive homophobic law that denies human beings their rights to life, liberty and happiness.

I think you're confusing Russia with Uganda.

Nope! Putin signed a law that would impose jail terms on anyone who offends religious believers by using "gay propaganda".

You wanted the exact same law passed here in the USA.

In essence you want to deny your fellow Americans their right to freedom of speech and their right to liberty because it offends those with homophobic religious beliefs.
You have yourself on your ignore list?

That's a first.

You cannot say that for certain, it is a very new phenomena. You sure like stating your opinion as fact. No wonder you have such a bad reputation here.

I would shy away from saying he is the dumbest jackass on the USMB , but he's certainly in the top ten. The top three are on my ignore list -see below.

On my Ignore List . Idiots not worth wasting time on.
thebrucebeat - rdean - PaintMyHouse

Pending :JakeStarkey Now Starkey STFU you imbecile.
And you will infringe on her liberty to believe as she finds correct how, and WHY? Rather odd civil rights stance you have.

Of course I am not. She can believe anything she wants. And I have the right to tell her, or you, that I disagree, just as you are doing above.

The far right is stunned how this has turned around and that it is being treated as it treated their opponents.

This is the way it works in a democracy.

Ever hear the phrase "HEARTS & MINDS"?

That is exactly what the far right and social cons should have done from the beginning, instead of, for decades, scream and yell and curse and so on and so forth.

The SLC gay parade had a Homo Haters site where the evangelicals roundly chastised the crowd for their sins and predicted where they would spend their eternity.

The parade cheer leaders welcomed them nicely over the PA. And when the cheer leaders started leading cheers, they noted the gays and the lesbians and the LGBT and transgender and then they led a cheer for "The Homo Haters, we are so glad you are here."

But the far right and the social con went the way of Harpy and Hell.

And you have the nerve to make your suggestion.

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