What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Everyone is entitled to the protections of the United States Constitution.

I do not care if same sex couples want to get married as long as churches aren't forced to perform marriage ceremonies, but I have a sneaky suspicion that many same sex couples will sue churches because they won't perform a marriage ceremony and eventually, win in a court of law because the courts will see it as discrimination.

Not if you change the false premise from "race" to the accurate premise of "behavior" in a court of law.

That changes EVERYTHING... http://www.usmessageboard.com/curre...wins-gay-legal-challenges-simple-as-that.html
look if they are not in my face.....what's the problem?

don't ask don't tell do not talk about ...it.....that's it.
Yes I can tell you who He is calling dogs & swine..*facepalm*
you just answered it yourself, the people who won't hear Christians out. Duh..

I'm pretty sure Jesus would agree that you are a ditz.

No, He is not doing that. You're mistaken. He is comparing their actions to those of dogs and swine with your valuables....geez, no wonder some of you are so damn uptight....you can't read or comprehend the Bible, and then you try to use it to defend your arguments.

I guess we know who the ditz is.
Without all due respect, I knew I was attracted to boys by age 5, thought one was "cute", did not think of sex, yet liked being around him. A different feeling than for my female friends. SeaWytch has posted her attractions to females has likewise always been with her. If you cannot accept it is inborn, try to understand WHATEVER the cause, it begins early in life. Think of when YOU first knew you "liked" the opposite gender in a manner different from liking just friends.

no you don't, you hardly remember being 5, let alone sexual attraction. And if you do, that is normal. Men & women make babies, men & men & women & women don't. It's wrong, period. But much like my cousin with cerebral palsy, we have to treat gays as humans & give them rights. We should never give them rule.

Barney Fwank is an example of this fact...

I do have memories of that age, primarily because my father was stationed at Norfolk, VA, where I began school, soon after my mother's mother died. Daddy was brought in from a cruise to the Med. Thus, one year has many memories. I remember my first grade teacher's name, not 2nd not 3rd. Fourth grade we came to Florida, again strong memories of the first year here. Such are memories, certain events make certain periods more vivid.
Laugh all you want; no one will even notice.

Not as hard as I will laugh when you stop posting & I realize your dead from AIDS, ****.

I'll toy with you a bit, then I will offer to buy this site out for a year..see what they say. I'd be fair about it...i'd just ask all the RWers to vote o. Whether to ban you for life. You want that? I have enough to make it happen. What do you donate? $2 a month? Haha

How old are you anyway? 12?

Your debating just went down the drain with your fantasy role-playing....
and I will say

I am happy I am a woman ....had I been a man and had to deal with women????????????OMG HAVE MERCY LOL :lol: poor men I do understand that some men do not like women.

so...yes I like men minds better than women minds (apart for a few exceptions )
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Without all due respect, I knew I was attracted to boys by age 5, thought one was "cute", did not think of sex, yet liked being around him. A different feeling than for my female friends. SeaWytch has posted her attractions to females has likewise always been with her. If you cannot accept it is inborn, try to understand WHATEVER the cause, it begins early in life. Think of when YOU first knew you "liked" the opposite gender in a manner different from liking just friends.

no you don't, you hardly remember being 5, let alone sexual attraction. And if you do, that is normal. Men & women make babies, men & men & women & women don't. It's wrong, period. But much like my cousin with cerebral palsy, we have to treat gays as humans & give them rights. We should never give them rule.

Barney Fwank is an example of this fact...

You have a better recollection of Frank than I; I remember a crooked/indulgent Democrat by the name of Edward King, VERY well. The Republican candidate's son was my class at Harvard, wanted & worked for him. King was so offensive one cannot forget him; $1000 dinners with his cronies in Boston's finest restaurants, REGULARLY. Did not get renominated.
had I been a man in this life I had been a homosexual because I have a big problem dealing with women.


Yes I can tell you who He is calling dogs & swine..*facepalm*
you just answered it yourself, the people who won't hear Christians out. Duh..

I'm pretty sure Jesus would agree that you are a ditz.

No, He is not doing that. You're mistaken. He is comparing their actions to those of dogs and swine with your valuables....geez, no wonder some of you are so damn uptight....you can't read or comprehend the Bible, and then you try to use it to defend your arguments.

I guess we know who the ditz is.

Yeah..you. The actions are the main issue no doubt...I will give you that. But those actions require someone Or something to make them actual Actions. Actions don't exist outside of a SOMEONE or SOMETHING to perform them. So once again, you are wrong.
You can ad-hominem until you are blue in the face, I right and you are wrong.
Yes I can tell you who He is calling dogs & swine..*facepalm*
you just answered it yourself, the people who won't hear Christians out. Duh..

I'm pretty sure Jesus would agree that you are a ditz.

No, He is not doing that. You're mistaken. He is comparing their actions to those of dogs and swine with your valuables....geez, no wonder some of you are so damn uptight....you can't read or comprehend the Bible, and then you try to use it to defend your arguments.

I guess we know who the ditz is.

Yeah..you. The actions are the main issue no doubt...I will give you that. But those actions require someone Or something to make them actual Actions. Actions don't exist outside of a SOMEONE or SOMETHING to perform them. So once again, you are wrong.
You can ad-hominem until you are blue in the face, I right and you are wrong.

People can behave like dogs, that doesn't make them dogs.

Do you believe that Jesus would call someone that He wants to take to heaven to live with Him forever a dog? If you do, then you really don't know Jesus.

1st Tim 2:4
who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
you poor unstable creature..
Laugh all you want; no one will even notice.

I'll toy with you a bit, then I will offer to buy this site out for a year..see what they say. I'd be fair about it...i'd just ask all the RWers to vote o. Whether to ban you for life. You want that? I have enough to make it happen. What do you donate? $2 a month? Haha

How old are you anyway? 12?

Your debating just went down the drain with your fantasy role-playing....
you poor unstable creature..
I'll toy with you a bit, then I will offer to buy this site out for a year..see what they say. I'd be fair about it...i'd just ask all the RWers to vote o. Whether to ban you for life. You want that? I have enough to make it happen. What do you donate? $2 a month? Haha

How old are you anyway? 12?

Your debating just went down the drain with your fantasy role-playing....

I'm not the one that is unstable....you're the one that is playing "what if" games.
i feel sorry for men

i do really LOL

have to deal with women and their hysterics....LOL

joking my sweets ...joking
had I been a man in this life I had been a homosexual because I have a big problem dealing with women.



I would not want to be male for different reasons; too much pressure to be "STRONG, SILENT, DON'T CRY, BE TOUGH, LOOK MANLY, etc" I understand why the male suicide rate is higher. Immense pressure on men; Orwell touches on that in one of his essays on the Depression in Europe. It seemed unfair when I first read it, but now I see the truth; it was easier in his view for a woman to survive, "attach herself to a man". Young men like he went from town to town hoping for a few hours of work for food, sleep in a barn, or a small amount of money.
had I been a man in this life I had been a homosexual because I have a big problem dealing with women.



I would not want to be male for different reasons; too much pressure to be "STRONG, SILENT, DON'T CRY, BE TOUGH, LOOK MANLY, etc" I understand why the male suicide rate is higher. Immense pressure on men; Orwell touches on that in one of his essays on the Depression in Europe. It seemed unfair when I first read it, but now I see the truth; it was easier in his view for a woman to survive, "attach herself to a man". Young men like he went from town to town hoping for a few hours of work for food, sleep in a barn, or a small amount of money.

Nothing doing thou....I love men ...as a female I am... I love strength and muscle my darlinks.... no bullshit no hysterics.... no hormones ....heaven forbid if I had to deal with females.....do not have the patience............... I pity men

truth hurts...so be it. :)
ain't that something? So you're God now, you know what HE is thinking? Who are you to say God cannot love yet admonish his creation?

I think you need to rethink your approach. Jesus clearly called those who are unwilling to hear his message swine & dogs. There's no debate there. You want to pretend Jesus is all love. Nope, he has anger & disgust. According to the bible he was both fully human & God. He whipped the crap out of people turning his temple into a den of tax collection, thievery, and unrighteous dealings. You fail, if you believe in Jesus, you better stop trying to rework Jesus in the image you want to see.
No, He is not doing that. You're mistaken. He is comparing their actions to those of dogs and swine with your valuables....geez, no wonder some of you are so damn uptight....you can't read or comprehend the Bible, and then you try to use it to defend your arguments.

I guess we know who the ditz is.

Yeah..you. The actions are the main issue no doubt...I will give you that. But those actions require someone Or something to make them actual Actions. Actions don't exist outside of a SOMEONE or SOMETHING to perform them. So once again, you are wrong.
You can ad-hominem until you are blue in the face, I right and you are wrong.

People can behave like dogs, that doesn't make them dogs.

Do you believe that Jesus would call someone that He wants to take to heaven to live with Him forever a dog? If you do, then you really don't know Jesus.

1st Tim 2:4
who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
had I been a man in this life I had been a homosexual because I have a big problem dealing with women.



I would not want to be male for different reasons; too much pressure to be "STRONG, SILENT, DON'T CRY, BE TOUGH, LOOK MANLY, etc" I understand why the male suicide rate is higher. Immense pressure on men; Orwell touches on that in one of his essays on the Depression in Europe. It seemed unfair when I first read it, but now I see the truth; it was easier in his view for a woman to survive, "attach herself to a man". Young men like he went from town to town hoping for a few hours of work for food, sleep in a barn, or a small amount of money.

Nothing doing thou....I love men ...as a female I am... I love strength and muscle my darlinks.... no bullshit no hysterics.... no hormones ....heaven forbid if I had to deal with females.....do not have the patience............... I pity men

truth hurts...so be it. :)
But if the man cannot be strong for any of many reasons, what is his worth then? women are still ALLOWED to be weak, cry, vulnerable.....you & i got LUCKY in some ways. Sure, women have trouble with the "glass ceiling". Men have to run into brick walls.
do not blame homosexuals ^^^^^

women are difficult creatures sometimes.
Peach.. It is how we men are supposed to be. We fight because we are built physically stronger than women, women raise children, because they were built to be the nuturer.

Both are just as important & equal respect.

You make excuses for those who wish to destroy the foundations of humanity & society.

If you're a "Christian"..you're going to have to answer to the Almighty for that. I suggest you fight against the peer pressure. The bible says Christians will be HATED by the world, no matter what translation...if you are a Christian, stop seeking the worlds approval.

Don't tell me you're not, because we both know that is not true.
Homosexual love is a spark in the heart.

Much the same as the spark I felt when I first laid eyes on Mrs. H. 40 years ago.

Live and let love.

But... don't you EVER shove your Queer prancing naked agenda down MY throat or the throats of my children. For that, I hate you fuckers.

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