What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
he was talking about a specific kind of person..so sorry, analogy or not...he was calling a certain type of person "swine".
Quote the scripture.....

Matthew 7:6
New King James Version (NKJV)
6*“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

He is obviously talking about PEOPLE. Calling them dogs and swine. What difference would it make to cast pearls infront of actuall dogs & swine, lady?
Interesting arguments, however, I am not worthy to pass Judgement, that belongs to God.
Well we aren't talking about passing judgment, only laws protecting social standards on behalf of the impressionable generations behind us.

If the Mayo Clinic, CDC and 300+ other studies showing homosexual fetishes are learned and can be passed on socially are true, we'd better start paying attention lest we be judged similar to Jude 1 of the Bible for failing at our post. Our charge is to protect future generations from what most certainly is a cult and not a 'race" of people...
he was talking about a specific kind of person..so sorry, analogy or not...he was calling a certain type of person "swine".
Quote the scripture.....

Matthew 7:6
"Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces.

Who was He calling dogs?

New King James Version (NKJV)
6*“Do not give what is holy to the dogs; nor cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you in pieces.

He is obviously talking about PEOPLE. Calling them dogs and swine. What difference would it make to cast pearls infront of actuall dogs & swine, lady?

He is saying that giving Scripture/Good News to "people who are unwilling to listen" is the same as throwing your pearls to dogs and swine. He is making a comparison about how fruitless it is, He is not calling anyone dogs or swine.

People who have made up their minds that God does not exist would treat The Word like a dog or a pig would treat your pearls, they would not value it.

You are not able to tell me who He called dogs/swine because He didn't, you just didn't understand what you read.
Yup they're all a bunch of cowards. I have a question for any pro-gay normalization poster here.

Prove that normalizing homosexuality & giving them first dibs in adoption would not have a negative impact on society?

I don't need to argue it on whether it hurts my civil liberties personally, My concern is for the future of our nation's children & society.

Tell me, gay enablers or homos themselves, how you can assure it will not lead to children being molested or brainwashed into thinking they are gay.

I will not entertain any gay genes "born that way" arguments, there is no proof of any of that, that's well established on plenty of threads including this one.

The whole point of gay adoption is to convert children and increase the gay population. We know it. You know it. Enough of the bullshit.
Yes , looks like they done runned off and hid their sorry asses again -

Only the weird far right suggest that either hetero or homosexuality is a "social virtue."

True Americans recognize that marriage equality is an American virtue.

AS usual you just said a whole lot of nothing - I recognize the words as being English, now you just need to collect your thoughts and try to band the words together into something coherent . Why don't you start with "Polly want a Cracker" and work from there.
Yes I can tell you who He is calling dogs & swine..*facepalm*
you just answered it yourself, the people who won't hear Christians out. Duh..

I'm pretty sure Jesus would agree that you are a ditz.
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There is no need to "explain away" anything. It is a hypothesis put forward by scientists.

BBC News - The evolutionary puzzle of homosexuality

I've always been gay. From my earliest memories I've liked girls, not boys. What's your "explanation"?
I would give you an explanation, but it isn't my explanation to give. I didn't make the rules. The Lord did. By the way, it is really big of you to admit how naive it is that you are. :) :) :)

Please, give me an explanation. Where do you believe my feelings of same sex attraction came from? I did not choose these attractions, of that there is no doubt. Now, I absolutely did choose to act upon them with other consenting adults. You believe that choice, to act on these attractions, is a sin...but that is completely irrelevant to my question. Where did the attractions themselves come from?

Genetic Defect.
Please, give me an explanation. Where do you believe my feelings of same sex attraction came from? I did not choose these attractions, of that there is no doubt. Now, I absolutely did choose to act upon them with other consenting adults. You believe that choice, to act on these attractions, is a sin...but that is completely irrelevant to my question. Where did the attractions themselves come from?
Well they weren't given to you, so where else did they come from but yourself?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Please, give me an explanation. Where do you believe my feelings of same sex attraction came from? I did not choose these attractions, of that there is no doubt. Now, I absolutely did choose to act upon them with other consenting adults. You believe that choice, to act on these attractions, is a sin...but that is completely irrelevant to my question. Where did the attractions themselves come from?

Same place as those dudes that are attracted to blow up dolls?

Exactly. We're supposed to buy the false premise that gays are born that way simply because the afflicted cannot remember when they learned their conditioned sexual responses. I guess bulimics were born that way too. And yes, guys who get aroused around blow up dolls, certain type of lingerie, hair color, shoes, leather, whips and chains etc. etc. etc. Let me guess Seawytch, your friends are born oriented towards arousal to whips and chains? Necrophilia?

The list goes on and on. LGBTs want to be "special and apart" from other garden variety fetish behaviors. We know why. It sheds light on the learned aspect of their sexual orientation. Can't have that while you're manipulating the 14th through the varoius court circuits now can you?.. :eusa_clap:

Anyone can make the case they were born this way or that way. Problem is you have to take their word for it. Murderers have claimed it, polygamists, nymphos and the list goes on and on.

Blacks were born that way, people of different nationalities were born that way, genders were born that way. None of which we have to take their word for, one can easily tell from looks or documentation.
Please, give me an explanation. Where do you believe my feelings of same sex attraction came from? I did not choose these attractions, of that there is no doubt. Now, I absolutely did choose to act upon them with other consenting adults. You believe that choice, to act on these attractions, is a sin...but that is completely irrelevant to my question. Where did the attractions themselves come from?
Well they weren't given to you, so where else did they come from but yourself?

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Damn good answer Holly!
I have a serious question, Seawench.

When you figured out you were gay, what was the whole thought process that went into that? How did it start to become clear to you? Was it in stages or did it just hit you like an epiphany one day?

Yes, I am an asshole & I have been to you, as you have to me...but this is an honest question. I promise to not be rude & use your answers to be a dick. If I do that, I will leave this forum forever, that's my word.

I really want to know this, because you keep asking others why you are the way you are, and I can't help but think you haven't spent much time actually looking within yourself for that answer. I'm not trying to be a jerk. I really mean that.

I've offerred her psychological services in the past, even offerred to refer her to a friend whose expertise is in conversion therapy - she runs and hides every time . My hypothesis is she has deep seated probably pre-pubescent trauma. Early childhood trauma such as what I suspect, can have a profoundly devastating effect upon an individuals future devlopment,and Seawytch is living eveidence of this. Some people appear somewhat asymptomatic while others can be emotionally incapacitated to varying degrees, up to and including sexual dysphoria a/k/a Homosexuality.

Deep down inside that wretched excuse for a soul [the inner psyche of the Seawytch] - there is a real women yearning to be set free of mental disease and her debilitating sexual dysphoria -deep down she wants to be a real person -not the pervert she has become.
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most of the time when people I disagree with call me an asshole for my beliefs, I tell um "Life experience made me this way"...I don't try to scapegoat my parents or biology, genetics...nope, I own up to my asshole-ism and take responsibility. Seems gays can't do that, it's always gotta be someone or something else's fault.

Drama queens, that's all they are.

Same place as those dudes that are attracted to blow up dolls?

Exactly. We're supposed to buy the false premise that gays are born that way simply because the afflicted cannot remember when they learned their conditioned sexual responses. I guess bulimics were born that way too. And yes, guys who get aroused around blow up dolls, certain type of lingerie, hair color, shoes, leather, whips and chains etc. etc. etc. Let me guess Seawytch, your friends are born oriented towards arousal to whips and chains? Necrophilia?

The list goes on and on. LGBTs want to be "special and apart" from other garden variety fetish behaviors. We know why. It sheds light on the learned aspect of their sexual orientation. Can't have that while you're manipulating the 14th through the varoius court circuits now can you?.. :eusa_clap:

Anyone can make the case they were born this way or that way. Problem is you have to take their word for it. Murderers have claimed it, polygamists, nymphos and the list goes on and on.

Blacks were born that way, people of different nationalities were born that way, genders were born that way. None of which we have to take their word for, one can easily tell from looks or documentation.
Without all due respect, I knew I was attracted to boys by age 5, thought one was "cute", did not think of sex, yet liked being around him. A different feeling than for my female friends. SeaWytch has posted her attractions to females has likewise always been with her. If you cannot accept it is inborn, try to understand WHATEVER the cause, it begins early in life. Think of when YOU first knew you "liked" the opposite gender in a manner different from liking just friends.
Without all due respect, I knew I was attracted to boys by age 5, thought one was "cute", did not think of sex, yet liked being around him. A different feeling than for my female friends. SeaWytch has posted her attractions to females has likewise always been with her. If you cannot accept it is inborn, try to understand WHATEVER the cause, it begins early in life. Think of when YOU first knew you "liked" the opposite gender in a manner different from liking just friends.

Lol, Peach, your personal experience does not prove the same for everyone, ya know?

The Masters and Johnson research I recall showed that about 30% of the population was above average in sexual appetite and behavior. Of that 30%, about 10% was bisexual, and that group was constantly shifting their preferences through the years.

So a person who considered themselves heterosexual one year, but having an affair with other people, might fall into a relationship with a woman the next yearand think of herself as a lesbian. etc.

No one is fixed to only one attraction, same sex attraction, among these bisexuals except for a very slim 2% of the population.
Without all due respect, I knew I was attracted to boys by age 5, thought one was "cute", did not think of sex, yet liked being around him. A different feeling than for my female friends. SeaWytch has posted her attractions to females has likewise always been with her. If you cannot accept it is inborn, try to understand WHATEVER the cause, it begins early in life. Think of when YOU first knew you "liked" the opposite gender in a manner different from liking just friends.

Lol, Peach, your personal experience does not prove the same for everyone, ya know?

The Masters and Johnson research I recall showed that about 30% of the population was above average in sexual appetite and behavior. Of that 30%, about 10% was bisexual, and that group was constantly shifting their preferences through the years.

So a person who considered themselves heterosexual one year, but having an affair with other people, might fall into a relationship with a woman the next yearand think of herself as a lesbian. etc.

No one is fixed to only one attraction, same sex attraction, among these bisexuals except for a very slim 2% of the population.
I think that correct, I had a relative with mostly opposite gender relationships, a few same gender. I am pointing out, most, not all know their orientation early in life. It was never a choice, perhaps for you, not for me.
Please, give me an explanation. Where do you believe my feelings of same sex attraction came from? I did not choose these attractions, of that there is no doubt. Now, I absolutely did choose to act upon them with other consenting adults. You believe that choice, to act on these attractions, is a sin...but that is completely irrelevant to my question. Where did the attractions themselves come from?
Well they weren't given to you, so where else did they come from but yourself?
Damn good answer Holly!
Thank you. :) :) :)

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

Everyone is entitled to the protections of the United States Constitution.

I do not care if same sex couples want to get married as long as churches aren't forced to perform marriage ceremonies, but I have a sneaky suspicion that many same sex couples will sue churches because they won't perform a marriage ceremony and eventually, win in a court of law because the courts will see it as discrimination.
Without all due respect, I knew I was attracted to boys by age 5, thought one was "cute", did not think of sex, yet liked being around him. A different feeling than for my female friends. SeaWytch has posted her attractions to females has likewise always been with her. If you cannot accept it is inborn, try to understand WHATEVER the cause, it begins early in life. Think of when YOU first knew you "liked" the opposite gender in a manner different from liking just friends.

no you don't, you hardly remember being 5, let alone sexual attraction. And if you do, that is normal. Men & women make babies, men & men & women & women don't. It's wrong, period. But much like my cousin with cerebral palsy, we have to treat gays as humans & give them rights. We should never give them rule.

Barney Fwank is an example of this fact...

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