What are your favorite games?


Oct 29, 2010
Share what your favorite games/series are here. Here are mine (none of which are on next-gen consoles):

-StarCraft series
-Warcraft series
-Diablo series
-Command & Conquer series
-Age of Empires series
-Rogue Spear
-Resident Evil series
-Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
-MechWarrior series
-Descent series
-FreeSpace series
-Tribes series
-Unreal Tournament 2004
-Total Annihilation
-Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
-Star Wars: X-Wing vs TIE Fighter
-Half-Life series
-Left 4 Dead
-The Legend of Zelda series
-Metroid Prime
-Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

Honorable Mentions
-Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
-Star Trek: Armada
-Dino Crisis
-Super Mario 64
-Aliens vs Predator (1999)
-Star Wars: Force Commander
-Company of Heroes Online
-Homeworld 2
I like playing mind games. Especially with unwitting and vulnerable opponents. It's capital sport.
I'm still playing the 2002 release of Medal of Honor Spearhead. LOL

It's a hoot, and there are several servers out there with plenty of players.

Other than that, I always enjoy a good round of Scrabble. The home version, not on the computer.
Madden NFL (franchise mode, so building players, managing team/stadium, designing plays, salary cap... the works) :redface:

Also, fwiw, I used to really enjoy yahoo's internet chess but I have not played in a long time. (friends and family all suck at chess) :(
Half life
Call of Duty 4,.. online.
Fear, got really boring because the bad guys were too easy
And the list goes on

So obviously I like FPS games :Boom2:

farmville? what is that?
I am not a gamer.
The last games I played were 'Hearts of Iron' and Freeciv, which is a clone of Sid Meier's Civilization. Many years ago, I played 'Superpower 2'.
These were all games, which did not require any fancy hardware-stuff.
Half life
Call of Duty 4,.. online.
Fear, got really boring because the bad guys were too easy
And the list goes on

So obviously I like FPS games.

farmville? what is that?

It's an online pastime for losers that's attached to facebook.
Not in any particular order...

Left for Dead 2 (friggin awesome single player maps)
Gears of War 2 (loooong well designed campaign)
Rainbow 6 Vegas (nice shoot em' up game...but a little too easy)
Borderlands (yeah the traveling between quests is annoying and the last boss was a joke...but the guns...ohhh the guns)
Halo Reach (no need for comment, just levels of awesomeness here)
Crysis (best idea in a long time..work of art)
Quake 4 (damn fine guns, only game I have ever played that gave me nightmares)
Half life
Call of Duty 4,.. online.
Fear, got really boring because the bad guys were too easy
And the list goes on

So obviously I like FPS games :Boom2:

farmville? what is that?

Farmville's a Facebook application where people pretend to grow crops and then murder their babies in real life.

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