What Are Your News Sources?


Oct 15, 2009
Where do you get your information?

Network News?
Cable News?
Your local station?

What about the internet?
What sites do you visit to get your daily dose of current events and politics?
Where do you get your information?

Network News?
Cable News?
Your local station?

What about the internet?
What sites do you visit to get your daily dose of current events and politics?

daily: C-SPAN Washington Journal early, then FNC during the day, local channel 10:00-O-clock hour

Sunday: Meet the Press (CBS), This Week (ABC), Fox News Sunday (FNC), and CNN for the balance of the day (on Sunday)

Saturday: Bulls, Cavuto, Forbes, Cashin In, America's News HQ

Print: Wall Street Journal editorials daily, Washington Post (internet subscriber)
Where do you get your information?

Network News?
Cable News?
Your local station?

What about the internet?
What sites do you visit to get your daily dose of current events and politics?


I scour "The U" for snippets of Glennbeck's show so that I know what to think.
Almost no TV news, but I do read a lot. I can't begin to list all sources I use online on a regular basis, but here are a few: NYT, CNN, Fox, WAPO, Quinnipiac Chronicle, The Atlantic, McClatchy, Drudge, WSJ. I also frequently read foreign press, including Guardian UK, the BBC, and al-Jazeera...and others. I also read a lot of blogs, not so much for news as for different perspectives on the news.
I read all the newspapers and magazines in existence. :)
Where do you get your information?

Network News?
Cable News?
Your local station?

What about the internet?
What sites do you visit to get your daily dose of current events and politics?


I scour "The U" for snippets of Glennbeck's show so that I know what to think.
You need to get out more xotoxi. And really, throw out the chalkboards you have set up next to your computer desk.
I get my news from the LMSM's "Big Three" news outlets: Jon Stewart, Steve Colbert and David Letterman
For my world view reading, I read most of em', all of em', and any of em'.
Where do you get your information?

Network News?
Cable News?
Your local station?

What about the internet?
What sites do you visit to get your daily dose of current events and politics?


I scour "The U" for snippets of Glennbeck's show so that I know what to think.
You need to get out more xotoxi. And really, throw out the chalkboards you have set up next to your computer desk.

If I don't use my chalkboard, then how will my secretary know what to type in my USMB posts?

I guess I will have to dictate everything for her.
I don't have time to watch much news. But when I do, it's Special Report with Bret Bair, and O'Reilly. O'Reilly's arrogance is too much at times, but I like the stories he reports and the guests he has on.

I receive daily emails from internet news sources.
The Hill

My local newspaper
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NPR, PBS News Hour, BBC (UK & America), New York Times, CNN, AP wire, Guardian UK, Al Jazeera
Rarely any TV..

Most of my news comes from BBC or other International News Sources.
TV, mostly Fox Business News

Internet: WSJ, Investors Business Daily, Breitbart, Real Clear Politics, Drudge, Lucianne, Instapundit. The latter three link to a great many interesting sources, functioning as news hubs for me.
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