What Are Your Pet Peeves?

Long ago I worked with a truly smart young guy, he was getting ready to attend college, then medical school. The $250,000 cost was going to be paid by his uncle, a doctor.

During a conversation, one day, the young guy used the word "irregardless." I pointed out that it's a bad word choice because it is a double negative, and using it can make the speaker sound ignorant.

He, of course, only heard the word "ignorant" (and assumed I was calling HIM ignorant). He got so angry it was hard to believe. I guess he thinks being smart means we can never make mistakes or bad choices.

l'll bet the guy still gets hot when he remembers that little discussion. Lol...
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Technically, ''irregardless'' would mean ''not regardless.''

So its use would be the precise opposite of what you'd be trying to say.

There's just no context whatsoever where the non-word ''irregardless'' would make any sense.
You are correct, of course, but the intent of the person using that non-word is to express what the word "regardless" actually means. So, in a roundabout way ... they're breaking two rules.
* People who insist on taking their stinking dogs into grocery stores, restaurants and other confined, and otherwise relatively clean spaces.
I second this! I was at one of my local Wal-Mart stores one time not too long ago and just before I left, the front of the store smelled like someone let their dog turn the place into its own personal bathroom stall. I couldn't wait to get out of there, it was that bad!

God bless you always!!!

I second this! I was at one of my local Wal-Mart stores one time not too long ago and just before I left, the front of the store smelled like someone let their dog turn the place into its own personal bathroom stall. I couldn't wait to get out of there, it was that bad!

God bless you always!!!

I used to buy a food item at Wal-Mart that was sold in large bags. Because of their size, the bags were kept on the bottom shelf.

After seeing dogs walking around, with their thoughtless owners, I stopped buying that product. Dogs will piss on anything and everything they're allowed to reach.

Dog owners will, of course, say they keep close watch on their filthy animals. But most of the time, the owners are reading labels, or otherwise preoccupied, and their dog is allowed to roam the entire aisle freely at the length of it's leash.

Sickened by this filthy possibility I stopped buying ANY grocery items from Wal-Mart. If they're going to sell food, the least they can do is keep dogs away from the area in which it is stored.
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I used to buy a food item at Wal-Mart that was sold in large bags. Because of their size, the bags were kept on the bottom shelf.

After seeing dogs walking around, with their thoughtless owners, I stopped buying that product. Dogs will piss on anything and everything they're allowed to reach.

Dog owners will, of course, say they keep close watch on their filthy animals. But most of the time, the owners are reading labels, or otherwise preoccupied, and their dog is allowed to roam the entire aisle freely at the length of it's leash.

Sickened by this filthy possibility I stopped buying ANY grocery items from Wal-Mart. If they're going to sell food, the least they can do is keep dogs away from the area in which it is stored.

Are you a Muslim?
Another pet peeve:

People who leave out the "N" and/or the "T" from common words. This trend has become popular in recent years for some, odd reason. For example:

Mountain is pronounced "Mow-un."
Kitten is pronounced "Ki-un."

And the list goes on.
that's a new one to me

but VERY annoying just to hear about it..
I used to buy a food item at Wal-Mart that was sold in large bags. Because of their size, the bags were kept on the bottom shelf.

After seeing dogs walking around, with their thoughtless owners, I stopped buying that product. Dogs will piss on anything and everything they're allowed to reach.

Dog owners will, of course, say they keep close watch on their filthy animals. But most of the time, the owners are reading labels, or otherwise preoccupied, and their dog is allowed to roam the entire aisle freely at the length of it's leash.

Sickened by this filthy possibility I stopped buying ANY grocery items from Wal-Mart. If they're going to sell food, the least they can do is keep dogs away from the area in which it is stored.
I have not seen this (yet)

the only dogs who should be allowed (wait... is a dog a "who"? Anyhow...)

the only dogs allowed should be service dogs. But I have seen people sneak in other types... just never saw a dog taking a leak inside the store..

I have gotten ticked over that... next time I see it, I am going to say something to mgmt
I just HATE when dog owners don't pick up their dog's crap

in parks where children play... care-free...

If I were a parent of young children, I'd be ticked.. did get ticked anyway and once complained, asking that sign be put up... didn't happen
Just a few :
  • Low information citizens who regurgitate their "teams" message.
  • Lack of individual research on key topics to provide a meaningful debate.
  • Lazy individuals who always talk about what they want, yet never do.
  • Maximum verbosity: if you can't say it simply, you don't understand the topic.


I'm always irritated by those people who always did something bigger, better, and more grandiose than you did. If I fell off of a 5' cliff near my local riverbed ... he hurled himself off of a 25' cliff in Siberia while being chased by a polar bear AND a snow leopard.
I just HATE when dog owners don't pick up their dog's crap

in parks where children play... care-free...

If I were a parent of young children, I'd be ticked.. did get ticked anyway and once complained, asking that sign be put up... didn't happen
That's a biggy. It happens where I live ALL THE FRIGGIN' TIME. Extremely rude! It stinks. It draws flies. And everyone runs the risk of stepping in it. Giant pet peeve.
Good one. It isn't even a word, but 50% of the population uses it.
"Here Today, Gone Tomorrow" Education

Including Bill Gates, even though he got a perfect score on his Verbal SATs. That's either from cramming or from the typical attitude,"Learn this for the test only, forget it when outside school." It also indicates knowledge without understanding.

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