What Are Your Pet Peeves?

Long ago I worked with a truly smart young guy, he was getting ready to attend college, then medical school. The $250,000 cost was going to be paid by his uncle, a doctor.

During a conversation, one day, the young guy used the word "irregardless." I pointed out that it's a bad word choice because it is a double negative, and using it can make the speaker sound ignorant.

He, of course, only heard the word "ignorant" (and assumed I was calling HIM ignorant). He got so angry it was hard to believe. I guess he thinks being smart means we can never make mistakes or bad choices.

l'll bet the guy still gets hot when he remembers that little discussion. Lol...
"Oxymoron" Is the Worst Case of Something Actually Meaning the Opposite of the Media-Influenced Way It Is Being Used

Something similar is "I could care less." Logically, it means "I care too much," just like "I could post less" means "I post too much" or "I could cut down on my posting."

Also, "I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't" meaning the opposite: "I expect that he won't."
I used to buy a food item at Wal-Mart that was sold in large bags. Because of their size, the bags were kept on the bottom shelf.

After seeing dogs walking around, with their thoughtless owners, I stopped buying that product. Dogs will piss on anything and everything they're allowed to reach.

Dog owners will, of course, say they keep close watch on their filthy animals. But most of the time, the owners are reading labels, or otherwise preoccupied, and their dog is allowed to roam the entire aisle freely at the length of it's leash.

Sickened by this filthy possibility I stopped buying ANY grocery items from Wal-Mart. If they're going to sell food, the least they can do is keep dogs away from the area in which it is stored.
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Derps who complain about everything just because the other party does it, but don't mind ANYTHING their party does at all no matter how bad, even make excuses for it, then accuse others of doing the very things they do WHILE they are doing it.
I hear ya

especially when theydon't just do bad things, but HIDEOUS things, like murder children

molest children... Why do the left hate children?

they don't like that children have something theydon't?

like innocence?
I have not seen this (yet)

the only dogs who should be allowed (wait... is a dog a "who"? Anyhow...)

the only dogs allowed should be service dogs. But I have seen people sneak in other types... just never saw a dog taking a leak inside the store..

I have gotten ticked over that... next time I see it, I am going to say something to mgmt
I used to shop at a nearby Dollar Store that had a nice produce section. Dog-owning idiots would often take their animals "shopping" with them.

More than once I spoke with pissed off store workers as they mopped up piss left by dogs.
What are those little things that people do that just get under your skin or make you mumble under your breath?

For me ... a huge pet peeve is coworkers taking a tool from point A and leaving it at point B (which could be anywhere in the warehouse). It totally pisses me off when I go to get a tool from its place on the bench, and it isn't there. I then have to spend 30 minutes searching for it. Pure sloth and disregard for others.
LOL (not to make light of your pain, though, just saying)

yeh, people being inconsiderate really irritates the crud out of me. I asked myself Why one day and the answer came like this

You became Christian (I said to myself) so now you hate it that others are NOT

I mean, you really, really hate it.

By far my peevish pet peeve are people who walk their dogs unleashed. They believe their dogs are so well mannered and so well trained they don't need to be on a leash. Actually, dogs that are on a leash are easy prey, leaving the owner at the other end of that leash fighting the dog fight.

My dog was blind. Outside of the house she was always leashed. Every so often an unleashed dog would run up on her. She could not see, all she knew was that she was being jumped. And she would bite. Then the other dog defended himself. Leash laws are there for a reason.
worse is when people with leashed or unleashed dogs act like you just LOOOOOVVVVVEEE the damn thing jumping on you, slobbering on you

Um... NO. I'm like Trump, germ phobic. And plus, I just hate badly behaving dogs
Me too!! I cringe over and over and over again every time these words are mispronounced. I used to live in Thornton, CO. The morning weather reporter on one of the local radio stations would report what the weather was going to be in Thor-un. For heaven's sake ... she was supposed to be a "professional" newscaster. I started turning off the radio just to avoid her.
what the hell is thor in?
I was in a southern part of the country where really, people speak pretty much like everyone else

except this one cashier at a gas station where ice water was NOT free (real bummer... another p peeve)

I asked How much it was?

No joke. She goes

"A cup of ASS is seventy-NAN cents"

I've been laughing about that ever since. And no, I didn't and never will pay 79 cents for a cup of ASS
the notion that i am simply a member of a self annihilating , self defeating race on the road to perdition with little hope of salvation nags me

That's sad (even though I think you are half-joking? hmmmm)


you are making fun of us poor religious schmucks...
Societies/cultures that eat dogs.

Like the Chinese and Vietnamese.

And historically, the Aztecs. In the Americas they specifically bred dogs to be small, and too weak to defend themselves, like Chihuahuas. And eat man's best friend.

When the Spaniards invaded Mexico they brought war dogs that tore apart Aztecs in battle and would wipe out whole villages and cities. The dogs would kill more Aztec dog-eating scum than the conquistadors.

And the war dogs were allowed to feast on the dead Aztecs after battle. I hope the Chihuahuas sometimes joined in on the feast for revenge against the Aztecs.
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That's sad (even though I think you are half-joking? hmmmm)


you are making fun of us poor religious schmucks...
well i raised a religmo shmuck Miserable one

I've come to terms with it

so no skin there

I just have come to the epiphany that we're not quite the worthy species we seem to think we are


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