What Are Your Pet Peeves?

What are those little things that people do that just get under your skin or make you mumble under your breath?
My No. 1 pet peeve is those arrogant bus passengers who see two empty seats and immediately sit down in the aisle seat instead of the window seat so that another passenger can then sit down in the aisle seat.

And then there are those "human beings" who sit down in the aisle seat and immediately place their possessions in the window seat with the explicit meaning to other passengers: Don't you dare expect to sit in the window seat.

So many human beings are, well, uncivilized. And this applies to all ethnicities and all genders and all ages!
My No. 1 pet peeve is those arrogant bus passengers who see two empty seats and immediately sit down in the aisle seat instead of the window seat so that another passenger can then sit down in the aisle seat.

And then there are those "human beings" who sit down in the aisle seat and immediately place their possessions in the window seat with the explicit meaning to other passengers: Don't you dare expect to sit in the window seat.

So many human beings are, well, uncivilized. And this applies to all ethnicities and all genders and all ages!
That literally happened to me once when I had to take a Greyhound bus from Missouri to Colorado. I got on and looked for a seat on the crowded bus. Almost every seat was taken except for one. It was a window seat, but a fat dude was hoarding both seats. I had to almost force my way into the empty seat. People SUCK!
Someone being/acting stupid isn't an offense to me - just a daily occurring annoyance
Someone being/acting stupid & arrogant - now that's a real killer to me.
All of mine stem from lack of common curiosity. The list is too big but they all come down to manners and consideration.

Whether it's talking in a movie theater, watching videos in on a restaurant with the volume up, parents that don't control their kids in public, weaving in or out of traffic or cutting someone off, not holding the door a extra second for someone right behind you, or whatever it all boils down to not even having common curiosity or basic manners when around others.
A lot of good peeves here that I can agree with.

Mine are small:
Leave cabinet doors and drawers open in the house. Or worse yet; close a drawer with clothes sticking out. I grit my teeth and fix those unruly comeuppances, without resorting to tongue lashings. Most of the time.
Another pet peeve:

People who leave out the "N" and/or the "T" from common words. This trend has become popular in recent years for some, odd reason. For example:

Mountain is pronounced "Mow-un."
Kitten is pronounced "Ki-un."

And the list goes on.
I’ve never heard anyone talk like this

Is it a regional thing?
well i raised a religmo shmuck Miserable one

I've come to terms with it

so no skin there

I just have come to the epiphany that we're not quite the worthy species we seem to think we are


a big AMEN to that!

I got disillusioned a long time ago... Then as the years went by, the disillusionment got worse and worse and more entrenched in my mind and heart.

But that's where Jesus comes in. He loves us and tries to save our sorry asses despite being, well, undeserving schmucks
Another pet peeve:

People who leave out the "N" and/or the "T" from common words. This trend has become popular in recent years for some, odd reason. For example:

Mountain is pronounced "Mow-un."
Kitten is pronounced "Ki-un."

And the list goes on.
I'd Rather Have Low-IQs Call Me a "Grammar Nazi" Than Not See Grammar

The brain-dead grammar of using apostrophe s as the plural, as in "American's are poorly educated."
A lot of good peeves here that I can agree with.

Mine are small:
Leave cabinet doors and drawers open in the house. Or worse yet; close a drawer with clothes sticking out. I grit my teeth and fix those unruly comeuppances, without resorting to tongue lashings. Most of the time.

I'd drive you insane, haha. It's probably a good thing we aren't acquainted in person.
My pet peeve is Dogs in public places but not wearing a nappy .

Vile habit creatures . Always behaving as though they are animals . No sense of dignity .Bare arsed cheek .
Same for retarded people who are Racists .
Just like you . Actually .
"Holier Than Thou" Is Full of Holes

Racism is realism. We laugh at chronically inferior teams, so we should make the same judgment about chronically inferior people.

Only the ruling class benefits if Whites have no pride in their superior achievements, which snobbish contempt is especially apparent in America today. The HeirHeads need to feel ethically superior because they know that without Daddy's Money, they'd be losers. Whites who built America were considered inferior in Europe because of the opportunity-destroying hereditary system.

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