What Awaits Us In Two Months?

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View attachment 380442
Athens-Clarke County Commissioner and protest organizer, Democratic Provocateur Mariah Parker speaks during a "Justice for Jacob Blake solidarity with Kenosha" event

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The State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections building set alight.
Closed today...

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President Donald Trump has signed four executive orders aimed at cutting prescription drug prices in the US.

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What happens in two months? War. Civil war. Left against the Right. Blacks against Whites. Guns against guns. It will be bad. Which is why NOW is the time to stock up on arms and ammo, food, medicines, etc.

I'll give you left against right, but I absolutely deny that it's going to be black against white. I don't believe for a second that all, or even most, black Americans agree with the extreme, violent behavior endorsed by the left; and I think we can all see how many of these insurrectionist savages are white people indulging their own self-loathing.
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View attachment 380442
Athens-Clarke County Commissioner and protest organizer, Democratic Provocateur Mariah Parker speaks during a "Justice for Jacob Blake solidarity with Kenosha" event

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The State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections building set alight.
Closed today...

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View attachment 380463
President Donald Trump has signed four executive orders aimed at cutting prescription drug prices in the US.

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What happens in two months? War. Civil war. Left against the Right. Blacks against Whites. Guns against guns. It will be bad. Which is why NOW is the time to stock up on arms and ammo, food, medicines, etc.
I think the riots are helping trump instead of hurting him as democrats initially hoped

I think it's political malpractice if he doesn't make the point, frequently and very clearly, that voting for Biden is voting for the nation to be exactly like it is right now: lawless and in flames.
At a very expensive price to civilians and people just wanting to live in peace.
Thats not trump’s fault

The democrats are cutting their own political throat

Not his fault, but on the other hand, I'd be a lot happier if he did more to end it than just tweeting about it.

I can understand why he doesn't risk bloody scenes of confrontation with these violent animals right before an election. But if he's not going to use the power of the Presidency to actually maintain order, protect citizens, and enforce the peace, why bother giving him that power? Sure, better unused in his hands than in Biden's hands at all, but I'd prefer more motivation than just "At least I'm not that guy".

View attachment 380442
Athens-Clarke County Commissioner and protest organizer, Democratic Provocateur Mariah Parker speaks during a "Justice for Jacob Blake solidarity with Kenosha" event

View attachment 380447

View attachment 380448

View attachment 380449

View attachment 380453
The State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections building set alight.
Closed today...

View attachment 380455

It's really weird how you use pictures of what actually happened under Trump to show how scary Biden's presidency may be.

Because it was people who support Biden and who are supported by Biden who are doing it. Did you think that when a member of one party becomes President, all members of the other party simply leave the country?
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....

Wrong. I would do exactly as I do now if I am interacting with the police. I am polite, I don't fight with them, I follow instructions and I certainly wouldn't resist arrest if it came to that. The percentage of anyone being killed by police when doing these simple things is minuscule.
You fail to recognize or understand the problem, just like your Orange Messiah. This is why the rioting continues. Had dumb Don demanded police reform, all this could have been avoided.

I fully understand the problem. Disrespect for authority.
You clearly don’t understand.

Yeah, ok. I just don't get it. There is some other reason why people are rioting and looting other than the actions of a very, very few number of cops.
Do you have any evidence proving it’s “very, very few number of cops?”
There are over 800,000 law enforcement officers in the US. There is always a few bad apples. In this case it is very, very few.

I think there are a lot more bad apples in law enforcement than we know.

And for most of them, race has nothing to do with it as you dream

Im not calling anyone a racist, but race probably has a lot to do with it. For reasons like this:

colfax: I am not calling anyone racist

colfax: Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist!
Sometimes y’all get hung up on terms and rhetoric, so I’m trying not to trigger you in an effort to have a dialogue.

It looks like there is no avoiding triggering you snowflakes.

Awwwww, colfax is crying now. Dear girl. Get it out. Heave, sob, blow ...
Are you a child or did you just never emotionally mature into an adult?

colfax: You're upset

kaz: You're upset

colfax: OMG, why would you say something like that? Are you a child????

What a dumb ass

Can you debate the topic or is being an asshole your entire gimmick?

You obviously don't want this to end because you won't just give a response I can ignore and end it.

Being an asshole and avoiding the topic was you when you kept changing what I said over and over and over.

If you wanted it to end, you'd say whatever asshole and I could just ignore it. But you keep putting in accusations which I am going to respond to

Aren’t you just a triggered little snowflake. Need some chicken tenders and a coloring book?
Ever notice how those who swear we are about to have a massive civil war are wasting their time on meaningless message boards instead of preparing for this massive war?

Ever notice how you think all of reality is comprised of just those things you personally see and experience, the way a child would?

Maybe posting on this message board is YOUR sole focus of time and energy, but most of us do a lot of other things in our day along with this. Dumbass.
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Somewhere in those two months, I am sure the violence and anarchy will spill over into your neighborhood, and don't you DARE call those "slaughtering" cops to defend your hypocritical ass. You want to "bravely" run your gums about how horrible they are, you'd better bravely act like you believe your own words and do without them.
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....

Wrong. I would do exactly as I do now if I am interacting with the police. I am polite, I don't fight with them, I follow instructions and I certainly wouldn't resist arrest if it came to that. The percentage of anyone being killed by police when doing these simple things is minuscule.
You fail to recognize or understand the problem, just like your Orange Messiah. This is why the rioting continues. Had dumb Don demanded police reform, all this could have been avoided.

I fully understand the problem. Disrespect for authority.
You clearly don’t understand.

Yeah, ok. I just don't get it. There is some other reason why people are rioting and looting other than the actions of a very, very few number of cops.
Do you have any evidence proving it’s “very, very few number of cops?”
There are over 800,000 law enforcement officers in the US. There is always a few bad apples. In this case it is very, very few.

I think there are a lot more bad apples in law enforcement than we know.

And for most of them, race has nothing to do with it as you dream

Im not calling anyone a racist, but race probably has a lot to do with it. For reasons like this:

colfax: I am not calling anyone racist

colfax: Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist!
Sometimes y’all get hung up on terms and rhetoric, so I’m trying not to trigger you in an effort to have a dialogue.

It looks like there is no avoiding triggering you snowflakes.

Awwwww, colfax is crying now. Dear girl. Get it out. Heave, sob, blow ...
Are you a child or did you just never emotionally mature into an adult?

colfax: You're upset

kaz: You're upset

colfax: OMG, why would you say something like that? Are you a child????

What a dumb ass

Can you debate the topic or is being an asshole your entire gimmick?

You obviously don't want this to end because you won't just give a response I can ignore and end it.

Being an asshole and avoiding the topic was you when you kept changing what I said over and over and over.

If you wanted it to end, you'd say whatever asshole and I could just ignore it. But you keep putting in accusations which I am going to respond to

Aren’t you just a triggered little snowflake. Need some chicken tenders and a coloring book?

Whoa, I hit a nerve. Calm down and stop throwing things. You're going to pop a vein. Breathe into a paper bag if you have to, I hear that helps. Maybe you should go out and play with a ball in the yard for a while until you can keep your temper under control. Look it's bouncy ...
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....

Wrong. I would do exactly as I do now if I am interacting with the police. I am polite, I don't fight with them, I follow instructions and I certainly wouldn't resist arrest if it came to that. The percentage of anyone being killed by police when doing these simple things is minuscule.
You fail to recognize or understand the problem, just like your Orange Messiah. This is why the rioting continues. Had dumb Don demanded police reform, all this could have been avoided.

I fully understand the problem. Disrespect for authority.
You clearly don’t understand.

Yeah, ok. I just don't get it. There is some other reason why people are rioting and looting other than the actions of a very, very few number of cops.
Do you have any evidence proving it’s “very, very few number of cops?”
There are over 800,000 law enforcement officers in the US. There is always a few bad apples. In this case it is very, very few.

I think there are a lot more bad apples in law enforcement than we know.

And for most of them, race has nothing to do with it as you dream

Im not calling anyone a racist, but race probably has a lot to do with it. For reasons like this:

colfax: I am not calling anyone racist

colfax: Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist!
Sometimes y’all get hung up on terms and rhetoric, so I’m trying not to trigger you in an effort to have a dialogue.

It looks like there is no avoiding triggering you snowflakes.

Awwwww, colfax is crying now. Dear girl. Get it out. Heave, sob, blow ...
Are you a child or did you just never emotionally mature into an adult?

colfax: You're upset

kaz: You're upset

colfax: OMG, why would you say something like that? Are you a child????

What a dumb ass

Can you debate the topic or is being an asshole your entire gimmick?

You obviously don't want this to end because you won't just give a response I can ignore and end it.

Being an asshole and avoiding the topic was you when you kept changing what I said over and over and over.

If you wanted it to end, you'd say whatever asshole and I could just ignore it. But you keep putting in accusations which I am going to respond to

Aren’t you just a triggered little snowflake. Need some chicken tenders and a coloring book?

Whoa, I hit a nerve. Calm down and stop throwing things. You're going to pop a vein. Breathe into a paper bag if you have to, I hear that helps. Maybe you should go out and play with a ball in the yard for a while until you can keep your temper under control. Look it's bouncy ...
But you’re the one who’s triggered.
On the black lives side we have people of what ever color coming not to protest but to vent anger, rob & loot. On the opposing side we have people coming to cause political unrest & vent anger & loot. Both sides that are not part of peaceful protest are getting 7 to 17 year olds killed. nothing humane about humans.
Once the election is over....and if Trumps wins....the real military will be called in to stop this bullshit with portland, seattle, etc. There will be no warning shots. It will be carnage and it bothers me not one whit. Shoot the fuckers and they WILL go home sniveling.

I'd be a lot more enthusiastic in voting for him if he didn't wait until after the election.
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....

Wrong. I would do exactly as I do now if I am interacting with the police. I am polite, I don't fight with them, I follow instructions and I certainly wouldn't resist arrest if it came to that. The percentage of anyone being killed by police when doing these simple things is minuscule.
You fail to recognize or understand the problem, just like your Orange Messiah. This is why the rioting continues. Had dumb Don demanded police reform, all this could have been avoided.

I fully understand the problem. Disrespect for authority.
You clearly don’t understand.

Yeah, ok. I just don't get it. There is some other reason why people are rioting and looting other than the actions of a very, very few number of cops.
Do you have any evidence proving it’s “very, very few number of cops?”
There are over 800,000 law enforcement officers in the US. There is always a few bad apples. In this case it is very, very few.

I think there are a lot more bad apples in law enforcement than we know.

And for most of them, race has nothing to do with it as you dream

Im not calling anyone a racist, but race probably has a lot to do with it. For reasons like this:

colfax: I am not calling anyone racist

colfax: Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist!
Sometimes y’all get hung up on terms and rhetoric, so I’m trying not to trigger you in an effort to have a dialogue.

It looks like there is no avoiding triggering you snowflakes.

Awwwww, colfax is crying now. Dear girl. Get it out. Heave, sob, blow ...
Are you a child or did you just never emotionally mature into an adult?

colfax: You're upset

kaz: You're upset

colfax: OMG, why would you say something like that? Are you a child????

What a dumb ass

Can you debate the topic or is being an asshole your entire gimmick?

You obviously don't want this to end because you won't just give a response I can ignore and end it.

Being an asshole and avoiding the topic was you when you kept changing what I said over and over and over.

If you wanted it to end, you'd say whatever asshole and I could just ignore it. But you keep putting in accusations which I am going to respond to

Aren’t you just a triggered little snowflake. Need some chicken tenders and a coloring book?

Whoa, I hit a nerve. Calm down and stop throwing things. You're going to pop a vein. Breathe into a paper bag if you have to, I hear that helps. Maybe you should go out and play with a ball in the yard for a while until you can keep your temper under control. Look it's bouncy ...
But you’re the one who’s triggered.

You suck at reading emotions, gay boy
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....

Wrong. I would do exactly as I do now if I am interacting with the police. I am polite, I don't fight with them, I follow instructions and I certainly wouldn't resist arrest if it came to that. The percentage of anyone being killed by police when doing these simple things is minuscule.
You fail to recognize or understand the problem, just like your Orange Messiah. This is why the rioting continues. Had dumb Don demanded police reform, all this could have been avoided.

I fully understand the problem. Disrespect for authority.
You clearly don’t understand.

Yeah, ok. I just don't get it. There is some other reason why people are rioting and looting other than the actions of a very, very few number of cops.
Do you have any evidence proving it’s “very, very few number of cops?”
There are over 800,000 law enforcement officers in the US. There is always a few bad apples. In this case it is very, very few.

I think there are a lot more bad apples in law enforcement than we know.

And for most of them, race has nothing to do with it as you dream

Im not calling anyone a racist, but race probably has a lot to do with it. For reasons like this:

colfax: I am not calling anyone racist

colfax: Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist!
Sometimes y’all get hung up on terms and rhetoric, so I’m trying not to trigger you in an effort to have a dialogue.

It looks like there is no avoiding triggering you snowflakes.

Awwwww, colfax is crying now. Dear girl. Get it out. Heave, sob, blow ...
Are you a child or did you just never emotionally mature into an adult?

colfax: You're upset

kaz: You're upset

colfax: OMG, why would you say something like that? Are you a child????

What a dumb ass

Can you debate the topic or is being an asshole your entire gimmick?

You obviously don't want this to end because you won't just give a response I can ignore and end it.

Being an asshole and avoiding the topic was you when you kept changing what I said over and over and over.

If you wanted it to end, you'd say whatever asshole and I could just ignore it. But you keep putting in accusations which I am going to respond to

Aren’t you just a triggered little snowflake. Need some chicken tenders and a coloring book?

Whoa, I hit a nerve. Calm down and stop throwing things. You're going to pop a vein. Breathe into a paper bag if you have to, I hear that helps. Maybe you should go out and play with a ball in the yard for a while until you can keep your temper under control. Look it's bouncy ...
Still waiting for you to make a substantive argument rather than throwing a tantrum. Doesn't seem like you're up to the task.
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....

Wrong. I would do exactly as I do now if I am interacting with the police. I am polite, I don't fight with them, I follow instructions and I certainly wouldn't resist arrest if it came to that. The percentage of anyone being killed by police when doing these simple things is minuscule.
You fail to recognize or understand the problem, just like your Orange Messiah. This is why the rioting continues. Had dumb Don demanded police reform, all this could have been avoided.

I fully understand the problem. Disrespect for authority.
You clearly don’t understand.

Yeah, ok. I just don't get it. There is some other reason why people are rioting and looting other than the actions of a very, very few number of cops.
Do you have any evidence proving it’s “very, very few number of cops?”
There are over 800,000 law enforcement officers in the US. There is always a few bad apples. In this case it is very, very few.

I think there are a lot more bad apples in law enforcement than we know.

And for most of them, race has nothing to do with it as you dream

Im not calling anyone a racist, but race probably has a lot to do with it. For reasons like this:

colfax: I am not calling anyone racist

colfax: Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist!
Sometimes y’all get hung up on terms and rhetoric, so I’m trying not to trigger you in an effort to have a dialogue.

It looks like there is no avoiding triggering you snowflakes.

Awwwww, colfax is crying now. Dear girl. Get it out. Heave, sob, blow ...
Are you a child or did you just never emotionally mature into an adult?

colfax: You're upset

kaz: You're upset

colfax: OMG, why would you say something like that? Are you a child????

What a dumb ass

Can you debate the topic or is being an asshole your entire gimmick?

You obviously don't want this to end because you won't just give a response I can ignore and end it.

Being an asshole and avoiding the topic was you when you kept changing what I said over and over and over.

If you wanted it to end, you'd say whatever asshole and I could just ignore it. But you keep putting in accusations which I am going to respond to

Aren’t you just a triggered little snowflake. Need some chicken tenders and a coloring book?

Whoa, I hit a nerve. Calm down and stop throwing things. You're going to pop a vein. Breathe into a paper bag if you have to, I hear that helps. Maybe you should go out and play with a ball in the yard for a while until you can keep your temper under control. Look it's bouncy ...
But you’re the one who’s triggered.

You suck at reading emotions, gay boy
How does one read emotions online?

I’m not gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....

Wrong. I would do exactly as I do now if I am interacting with the police. I am polite, I don't fight with them, I follow instructions and I certainly wouldn't resist arrest if it came to that. The percentage of anyone being killed by police when doing these simple things is minuscule.
You fail to recognize or understand the problem, just like your Orange Messiah. This is why the rioting continues. Had dumb Don demanded police reform, all this could have been avoided.

I fully understand the problem. Disrespect for authority.
You clearly don’t understand.

Yeah, ok. I just don't get it. There is some other reason why people are rioting and looting other than the actions of a very, very few number of cops.
Do you have any evidence proving it’s “very, very few number of cops?”
There are over 800,000 law enforcement officers in the US. There is always a few bad apples. In this case it is very, very few.

I think there are a lot more bad apples in law enforcement than we know.

And for most of them, race has nothing to do with it as you dream

Im not calling anyone a racist, but race probably has a lot to do with it. For reasons like this:

colfax: I am not calling anyone racist

colfax: Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist!
Sometimes y’all get hung up on terms and rhetoric, so I’m trying not to trigger you in an effort to have a dialogue.

It looks like there is no avoiding triggering you snowflakes.

Awwwww, colfax is crying now. Dear girl. Get it out. Heave, sob, blow ...
Are you a child or did you just never emotionally mature into an adult?

colfax: You're upset

kaz: You're upset

colfax: OMG, why would you say something like that? Are you a child????

What a dumb ass

Can you debate the topic or is being an asshole your entire gimmick?

You obviously don't want this to end because you won't just give a response I can ignore and end it.

Being an asshole and avoiding the topic was you when you kept changing what I said over and over and over.

If you wanted it to end, you'd say whatever asshole and I could just ignore it. But you keep putting in accusations which I am going to respond to

Aren’t you just a triggered little snowflake. Need some chicken tenders and a coloring book?

Whoa, I hit a nerve. Calm down and stop throwing things. You're going to pop a vein. Breathe into a paper bag if you have to, I hear that helps. Maybe you should go out and play with a ball in the yard for a while until you can keep your temper under control. Look it's bouncy ...
Still waiting for you to make a substantive argument rather than throwing a tantrum. Doesn't seem like you're up to the task.

I gave up when you couldn't stop changing what I said. It was clear at that point you weren't going to respond to anything that I did say. So no, I wasn't wasting my time with that
Once the election is over....and if Trumps wins....the real military will be called in to stop this bullshit with portland, seattle, etc. There will be no warning shots. It will be carnage and it bothers me not one whit. Shoot the fuckers and they WILL go home sniveling.
The County Sherif of Kenosha is the biggest fool I have ever seen in law enforcement.

He said he wont deputize civilians because it sends the wrong signal of brutality to the populace and would lead to more deaths.

Since when does the lives of rioters rank high than the destruction of peoples economic lives?
Like the unarmed man that is now paralyzed after being shot eight times in the back by cops, why does his life and his ability to earn an income not matter to you? The riots and protest are because of a reason that reason being another unjustifiable eight shots in the back of an unarmed man by cops. Just think of all the destruction that would not have happened if a cop could use his head more than his gun, or his knee, or those positions cops learn to kill while restaining humans instead f learning take down moves to save lives and still subdue their perp? I was in security for over thirty years and never once did I kill anyone while taking command of them to control them...

"Like the guy I'm going to very carefully not name so that you can't possibly rebut my narrative? The violence is the cop's fault, he FORCED all those people to go out and destroy the property of unrelated people!"

Fuck you. There is not enough fuck-you in the world for you, plague rat.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
In two months I am sure the cops will slaughter more unarmed people because that is their mission in life so people can supposedly live in peace, oh, it will be colder in two months also.

Yeah, it is SUCH a huge problem, right? I mean that is what you have been told, but the numbers don't bear it out. There are certainly instances where people are wrongly killed by the police, but it is not a pervasive issue like the left-wing media is trying to make it. It is a political ploy...simple.
If you were a law abiding black person, i doubt you would not be scared of police, and for your and your sons lives, that could be taken, in a nano second...because some cop in his own fear, has imagined who you are....

Wrong. I would do exactly as I do now if I am interacting with the police. I am polite, I don't fight with them, I follow instructions and I certainly wouldn't resist arrest if it came to that. The percentage of anyone being killed by police when doing these simple things is minuscule.
You fail to recognize or understand the problem, just like your Orange Messiah. This is why the rioting continues. Had dumb Don demanded police reform, all this could have been avoided.

I fully understand the problem. Disrespect for authority.
You clearly don’t understand.

Yeah, ok. I just don't get it. There is some other reason why people are rioting and looting other than the actions of a very, very few number of cops.
Do you have any evidence proving it’s “very, very few number of cops?”
There are over 800,000 law enforcement officers in the US. There is always a few bad apples. In this case it is very, very few.

I think there are a lot more bad apples in law enforcement than we know.

And for most of them, race has nothing to do with it as you dream

Im not calling anyone a racist, but race probably has a lot to do with it. For reasons like this:

colfax: I am not calling anyone racist

colfax: Racist! Racist! Racist! Racist!
Sometimes y’all get hung up on terms and rhetoric, so I’m trying not to trigger you in an effort to have a dialogue.

It looks like there is no avoiding triggering you snowflakes.

Awwwww, colfax is crying now. Dear girl. Get it out. Heave, sob, blow ...
Are you a child or did you just never emotionally mature into an adult?

colfax: You're upset

kaz: You're upset

colfax: OMG, why would you say something like that? Are you a child????

What a dumb ass

Can you debate the topic or is being an asshole your entire gimmick?

You obviously don't want this to end because you won't just give a response I can ignore and end it.

Being an asshole and avoiding the topic was you when you kept changing what I said over and over and over.

If you wanted it to end, you'd say whatever asshole and I could just ignore it. But you keep putting in accusations which I am going to respond to

Aren’t you just a triggered little snowflake. Need some chicken tenders and a coloring book?

Whoa, I hit a nerve. Calm down and stop throwing things. You're going to pop a vein. Breathe into a paper bag if you have to, I hear that helps. Maybe you should go out and play with a ball in the yard for a while until you can keep your temper under control. Look it's bouncy ...
But you’re the one who’s triggered.

You suck at reading emotions, gay boy
How does one read emotions online?

I’m not gay, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Um ... triggered is an emotion.

Gay wasn't an insult, but gays tend to be like chicks and concerned about emotions. Since you said you were so concerned with how I feel, I went with the odds.

Just FYI, I don't give a shit how you feel
Once the election is over....and if Trumps wins....the real military will be called in to stop this bullshit with portland, seattle, etc. There will be no warning shots. It will be carnage and it bothers me not one whit. Shoot the fuckers and they WILL go home sniveling.

Some of the BLM survivors will have to be deported to West Africa - to their historical homeland

West Africa doesn't want any of them, and I don't blame them. How about we "deport" them to Guantanamo Bay, like any other group of terrorists?
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Athens-Clarke County Commissioner and protest organizer, Democratic Provocateur Mariah Parker speaks during a "Justice for Jacob Blake solidarity with Kenosha" event

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The State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections building set alight.
Closed today...

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President Donald Trump has signed four executive orders aimed at cutting prescription drug prices in the US.

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What happens in two months? War. Civil war. Left against the Right. Blacks against Whites. Guns against guns. It will be bad. Which is why NOW is the time to stock up on arms and ammo, food, medicines, etc.
I think the riots are helping trump instead of hurting him as democrats initially hoped

Democratic leaders have opened Pandora's box and the released hate demons cannot be driven back there. However, they will soon regret it themselves, when the people who rebelled against anarchy begin to carry out a civil arrest of these persons. This will happen everywhere, including New York.

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It begins: Virginia forms active militia to protect
It begins: Virginia forms active militia to protect sheriffs, citizens from unconstitutional laws
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Thousands of cops, veterans, supporters pledge

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“You saw the militia walking down the street, you would have thought they were an army ... I was just talking to the State Police upstairs; had better equipment than our State Police had,” McAuliffe said. “And yet not a shot was fired, zero property damage.”

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The pigs started the fire and now you want to blame people that are not part of the problem. Sieg heil mein freund.

Call me when you contribute 1/10 as much to society as the people you want to denigrate to make yourself feel good.

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