What benefit do politicians see in illegal immigration?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
What in America has improved as a result of mass immigration?
We know that an expanding constituency motivates the shit out of the Mexicrat Party But is there any data that motivates them....is their anything that would suggest America is better with illegal aliens?
If you look at all the areas in which conditions have worsened I’m pretty sure there is a direct correlation with illegal immigrants. Are we missing something?
Here’s what has gone to shit thanks to illegal immigration.
Higher Crime Rates
Overcrowded Jails and Prisons
Early Release Of Dangerous Criminals
Decriminalization Of Crimes
Increased Homelessness
Increased National Debt
Overpriced Home Rentals
Community Degredation
Increased Auto Insurance Costs
Higher Tuition For College

Please, please, please....help me understand what value the Democratic Party sees in illegal immigration.
Shit, I would have thought Lefties could get in here and rattle off a lengthy list of positive things related to illegal aliens....no?
At some time or another, the Democrats will regain leadership of the country. The goal is to get as many foreigners into the country as possible so when they grant amnesty, they can include automatic citizenship which of course included voting rights.

Since all minorities heavily vote Democrat, it will insure our country will be a single-party government forever because Whites will become a minority.

At that point, the great experiment will end. We will eddy into a cesspool of a socialist shithole and eventually move towards Communism. Afterwards, they will destroy our history books and reminders of the good ole days so future generations don't have the ability to understand what went wrong. Life starts the day you were born, so younger people will just be born into it and never question if we could ever become a better country as we once were.
Politicians HATE being accountable to voters. If they can import a huge population of poor people and buy re-election with government hand outs they no longer have to fear the wrath of voters. This is how it used to be a few decades ago.
At some time or another, the Democrats will regain leadership of the country. The goal is to get as many foreigners into the country as possible so when they grant amnesty, they can include automatic citizenship which of course included voting rights.

Since all minorities heavily vote Democrat, it will insure our country will be a single-party government forever because Whites will become a minority.

At that point, the great experiment will end. We will eddy into a cesspool of a socialist shithole and eventually move towards Communism. Afterwards, they will destroy our history books and reminders of the good ole days so future generations don't have the ability to understand what went wrong. Life starts the day you were born, so younger people will just be born into it and never question if we could ever become a better country as we once were.

Sadly, I’d say based on past and current happenings that’s an awfully accurate forecast of the future.
What in America has improved as a result of mass immigration?
We know that an expanding constituency motivates the shit out of the Mexicrat Party But is there any data that motivates them....is their anything that would suggest America is better with illegal aliens?
If you look at all the areas in which conditions have worsened I’m pretty sure there is a direct correlation with illegal immigrants. Are we missing something?
Here’s what has gone to shit thanks to illegal immigration.
Higher Crime Rates
Overcrowded Jails and Prisons
Early Release Of Dangerous Criminals
Decriminalization Of Crimes
Increased Homelessness
Increased National Debt
Overpriced Home Rentals
Community Degredation
Increased Auto Insurance Costs
Higher Tuition For College

Please, please, please....help me understand what value the Democratic Party sees in illegal immigration.
Well, since we fought to end slavery, well, illegal aliens make great neo slaves. That is what all these bastards "see" in illegal immigrants. I have known real live immigrants over the years. They weren't loudmouthed beggars with a sense of entitlement. But they weren't Mexicans, either. No they immigrated legally and payed all the lawyers fees and on. I guess most businesses and the lawyers see more profit in defending illegal aliens than actually working with American workers or working within American law. Sad state of affairs. we live in.
What in America has improved as a result of mass immigration?
We know that an expanding constituency motivates the shit out of the Mexicrat Party But is there any data that motivates them....is their anything that would suggest America is better with illegal aliens?
If you look at all the areas in which conditions have worsened I’m pretty sure there is a direct correlation with illegal immigrants. Are we missing something?
Here’s what has gone to shit thanks to illegal immigration.
Higher Crime Rates
Overcrowded Jails and Prisons
Early Release Of Dangerous Criminals
Decriminalization Of Crimes
Increased Homelessness
Increased National Debt
Overpriced Home Rentals
Community Degredation
Increased Auto Insurance Costs
Higher Tuition For College

Please, please, please....help me understand what value the Democratic Party sees in illegal immigration.

Democrats see uneducated, dependent, poor, angry voters who will give them power for about 100 years....
I have lived with all sorts of immigrants. But forced to live with illegal aliens . I knew a Hispanic kid years ago that said : I am not an Mexican "I am a American",loud and proud. I concur, I am not a white European, ME TOO. I am just an American. That's it.
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Democrats look at the wealthy despotic leaders of socialist countries and they are jealous. All they need is the population of those countries to replace Americans.
Democrats look at the wealthy despotic leaders of socialist countries and they are jealous. All they need is the population of those countries to replace Americans.

A lesson liberals never learned: Be careful what you wish for because it just may come true.
illegal aliens make great neo slaves.

neoslavery | Definition of neoslavery in English by Oxford Dictionaries


i learnt a new word!!

100% of illegal immigrants vote for the democrat party. They want them here.

Bring in the Mexico and the 3rd world!
What 11-12,000,000 Illegal Aliens mean to the political parties in the US...

1. Republicans: slave labor (well, nearly, anyway, at those rates)

2. Democrats: future grateful voters

3. Libertarians, Socialists, Greens, Tea, Paulites, Commies, et al: not big enough to matter

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