What Broke Congress And How To Fix It


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Truth is, our Constitution has a time bomb hidden in it. That time bomb has been going off, in slow motion, ever since our Founders ratified it. The time bomb appears in a whole sentence, but the key part is just nine words long: “Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings . . . “ Article I, Section 5, Clause 2.

How can we fix this?

The key here is the rules of each House. Rules of procedure seem so innocuous, don’t they, until you understand what men like Mitch McConnell and Denny Hastert can get away with by manipulating them? Was Hastert, who perpetrated these vetoes on the House, a great legal mind, a constitutional scholar? Hardly. He was a former high-school basketball coach who paid to hush up a charge of pedophilia!

So I think we need an amendment to our Constitution, outlawing minority and individual vetoes and re-establishing majority rule in both Houses. Here’s my proposal for such an amendment, to be inserted immediately after the single sentence of Article I, Section 5, Clause 2:

“Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution to the contrary, members of either House numbering at least one-quarter of the whole membership of that House, without regard to party affiliation, may, by written petition or by motion on the floor, bring any motion, rule, bill, resolution, proclamation, consent to executive appointment, proposal for amendment to this Constitution, or an amendment to any of the foregoing, to a vote by that House in regular or extraordinary session. Such vote shall take place within ten days of that petition or motion having been made, and a simple numerical majority of those present and voting, a quorum being present, shall prevail.”

The current rules of both houses have to go. They have created a tyranny of the minority for career politicians, both of which the Founders did not envision, nor want.

If your policy is that sound, it will be accepted by the majority of Americans. It should be allowed to be brought to the floor for a vote of either house, and sink or swim on it's merits.
Truth is, our Constitution has a time bomb hidden in it. That time bomb has been going off, in slow motion, ever since our Founders ratified it. The time bomb appears in a whole sentence, but the key part is just nine words long: “Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings . . . “ Article I, Section 5, Clause 2.

How can we fix this?

The key here is the rules of each House. Rules of procedure seem so innocuous, don’t they, until you understand what men like Mitch McConnell and Denny Hastert can get away with by manipulating them? Was Hastert, who perpetrated these vetoes on the House, a great legal mind, a constitutional scholar? Hardly. He was a former high-school basketball coach who paid to hush up a charge of pedophilia!

So I think we need an amendment to our Constitution, outlawing minority and individual vetoes and re-establishing majority rule in both Houses. Here’s my proposal for such an amendment, to be inserted immediately after the single sentence of Article I, Section 5, Clause 2:

The current rules of both houses have to go. They have created a tyranny of the minority for career politicians, both of which the Founders did not envision, nor want.

If your policy is that sound, it will be accepted by the majority of Americans. It should be allowed to be brought to the floor for a vote of either house, and sink or swim on it's merits.
Newt Gingrich and his Republican Revolution broke it. And it's been downhill ever since.
The only way to fix it is to vote as many Republicans out of office as possible.
What broke it? The radical anti-government maga/tea party movement that hates government, wantss to gut all investment in our country and force their religious trash is what broke it.

It is broken on purpose because of this trash. Tired of seeing these freaks.

Those rules are in place to prevent votes on what the majority of America wants.

The people are the government. It's a fact the right cannot deal with. The time is going to have to come to trash all of those rules, and allow everything the right, and their political masters, do not want come up for votes, and let the cards fall where they may.

It won't be the left that will be disappointed by those votes.
Truth is, our Constitution has a time bomb hidden in it. That time bomb has been going off, in slow motion, ever since our Founders ratified it. The time bomb appears in a whole sentence, but the key part is just nine words long: “Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings . . . “ Article I, Section 5, Clause 2.

How can we fix this?

The key here is the rules of each House. Rules of procedure seem so innocuous, don’t they, until you understand what men like Mitch McConnell and Denny Hastert can get away with by manipulating them? Was Hastert, who perpetrated these vetoes on the House, a great legal mind, a constitutional scholar? Hardly. He was a former high-school basketball coach who paid to hush up a charge of pedophilia!

So I think we need an amendment to our Constitution, outlawing minority and individual vetoes and re-establishing majority rule in both Houses. Here’s my proposal for such an amendment, to be inserted immediately after the single sentence of Article I, Section 5, Clause 2:

The current rules of both houses have to go. They have created a tyranny of the minority for career politicians, both of which the Founders did not envision, nor want.

If your policy is that sound, it will be accepted by the majority of Americans. It should be allowed to be brought to the floor for a vote of either house, and sink or swim on it's merits.

The Speaker and the Senate Majority Leader have too much individual power to decide which legislation reaches the floor

The Senate filibuster was meant to be a rare occurrence. Now every vote must meet that threshold


We don't have one-party shitlib rule, therefore congress -and in fact the entire Constitution- are "broken".

jack is one of them one party rule idiots....
Yes, I do want to see one party rule. May as well. Republicans haven't done anything for the better part of four decades now. No successful policy implementations for a long time.
Let the Democrats run things for the next decade. :)
Yes, I do want to see one party rule. May as well. Republicans haven't done anything for the better part of four decades now. No successful policy implementations for a long time.
Let the Democrats run things for the next decade. :)
cant agree with that,i lived in Cal for 50 years ,ive witnessed how one party rule,erodes the quality of life for a lot of people....
cant agree with that,i lived in Cal for 50 years ,ive witnessed how one party rule,erodes the quality of life for a lot of people....
Sure...you run with that. LOL.
Tell me all about the Governator's time as gov in CA. :auiqs.jpg:
What happened there again?
what happened?.....quality of life was eroding then too.....
You tell me? A Republican was governor. A just and righteous moment in CA history. All conservative values should have been implemented.
Homelessness should have disappeared....so what happened? :)
The illegal Civil War, SC packing, and the 30 years of rule by judicial fiat that followed finished off the Constitution.
Truth is, our Constitution has a time bomb hidden in it. That time bomb has been going off, in slow motion, ever since our Founders ratified it. The time bomb appears in a whole sentence, but the key part is just nine words long: “Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings . . . “ Article I, Section 5, Clause 2.

How can we fix this?

The key here is the rules of each House. Rules of procedure seem so innocuous, don’t they, until you understand what men like Mitch McConnell and Denny Hastert can get away with by manipulating them? Was Hastert, who perpetrated these vetoes on the House, a great legal mind, a constitutional scholar? Hardly. He was a former high-school basketball coach who paid to hush up a charge of pedophilia!

So I think we need an amendment to our Constitution, outlawing minority and individual vetoes and re-establishing majority rule in both Houses. Here’s my proposal for such an amendment, to be inserted immediately after the single sentence of Article I, Section 5, Clause 2:

The current rules of both houses have to go. They have created a tyranny of the minority for career politicians, both of which the Founders did not envision, nor want.

If your policy is that sound, it will be accepted by the majority of Americans. It should be allowed to be brought to the floor for a vote of either house, and sink or swim on it's merits.
Anything frustrating the glorious 1,000 year democrat Reich must be exterminated
We don't have one-party shitlib rule, therefore congress -and in fact the entire Constitution- are "broken".

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There is only one party. The American people.

They get to decide which laws they do or don't get to live by.

You don't get to decide that for them.

Get rid of the un constitutional rules the house and senate have now, and watch what laws they choose to live by.
You tell me? A Republican was governor. A just and righteous moment in CA history. All conservative values should have been implemented.
Homelessness should have disappeared....so what happened? :)
so what?.....republicans are just as shitty as your party is...homelessness wasnt much of a problem back then like it is now....when pete wilson left office cal had a 13 billion dollar surplus, then along comes grey davis....maybe you should be asking what happened then...

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