"What Can Be Done About Pedophilia?"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
What Can Be Done About Pedophilia The Atlantic

"Academics on the most common questions, and where we stand with "treatment""

"How is pedophilia usually defined?

Pedophilia is the sexual preference for or a strong sexual interest in children. The term usually refers only to sexual preference for/interest in prepubescent or early pubescent children.

What evidence do we have that pedophilia is a sexual orientation?

“Sexual orientation” means different things in different contexts. When they say “sexual orientation,” most people mean a sexual interest that is inborn and unchangeable. No one chooses to be sexually attracted to children, although people do choose whether they act on their sexual attractions. Therapists have been attempting to turn pedophiles into non-pedophiles for a very long time, but no one has presented any objective evidence of any enduring change in sexual interests. People can learn self-control, people can take sex-drive-reducing medications, and people can learn how to live more healthy and productive lives, but we do not appear to be able to change the pedophilia itself.

Is it reasonable to be afraid that, if we recognize pedophilia as a sexual orientation, we will have to consider it socially acceptable?

It is reasonable for questions of social acceptability to be directed at behaviors. People are responsible for their behaviors, not their thoughts or sexual attractions. For example, we very readily acknowledge that a typical heterosexual man will, while just walking down the street, find some women sexually attractive. We would not, however, conclude it is socially acceptable for him to coerce any of those women into sex. Thinking of pedophilia as an innate characteristic that a person did not choose and cannot change can go a very long way in helping society come to a rational response to the problem—one that can help prevent molestation of children."

rest at link

In case it isn't obvious, as the article mentions,

"James Cantor, Ph.D., an international expert on pedophilia, to answer some common questions. Dr. Cantor is Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and the editor-in-chief of Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment."

When experts talk, non-experts should listen.
In keeping with the title of this thread, one of the easiest things we can do to prevent pedophilia is understand what it is, and what it isn't. Combatting the wrong problem doesn't fix the right problem.

Another article I just read is here, from a neurological standpoint,

Inside the Mind of a Pedophile Neuroanthropology

"Many people assume that only males are pedophiles. However, case studies on pedophilia have demonstrated that female pedophilia does exist (Chow, 2002). Although this is a rare phenomenon, females who meet the DSM-IV criteria for pedophiles display similar cognitive distortions to that of males, such as irrational thoughts. Some differences, however, do exist among males and females. Females who exhibit pedophilia tend to suffer from psychiatric disorders or substance abuse problems. Also, there is a higher correlation between sexual abuses as a child with females compared to males."

While this is true, it's misleading if not familar with the subject. Far and away, males are child sexual abusers more often than females. While either can be pedophilic, men are the vast majority of actual sex offenders. And it's important to distinguish between a pedophile, and someone who actually commit a sex crime against a child. Not everyone who does is also a pedophile. Some are simply 'opportunistic' victimizing whoever's easiest or at hand.

"Role of the Brain

There is significant evidence that indicate structural abnormalities in the brains of pedophiles (Schiffer, 2008). Abnormalities occur when the brain is developing and can be on-set through certain experiences, such as sexual abuse as a child. Abnormalities in the brains of pedophiles may result in compulsion, poor judgment, and repetitive thoughts.

These abnormalities in the brains of pedophiles are caused by early neurodevelopmental perturbations (Schiffer, 2008). The use of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRIs) and positron emission tomography scans (PET) has revealed that the abnormalities of pedophiles exhibit appear in the frontal and central regions of the brain. In particular, there is a decreased volume of gray brain matter in the central striatum. As a result, the nucleus accumbens, orbital frontal cortex, and the cerebellum are all affected (Schiffer, 2008)."


Pedophilia is a complex disorder with many underlying factors. These range from dysfunctions in the development of the brain to particular traumatic experiences, such as sexual abuse or rape as a child. Despite no cure for pedophilia, measures can be taken to help people with this disorder control their urges and behavior. Society needs to be more aware of this disorder and its prevalence in everyday life. So while not all people who engage with children are pedophiles, the prominence of pedophiles across many facets of life is much greater than we think.

For those looking for more information, the American Psychological Association offers a comprehensive book, Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children: Theory, Assessment, and Intervention"

APA book is for-sale so I'd suggest instead learning how to use Google. ;)

I may feel that pedophilia is kinda fucked up, but I would not call it a "disorder". Americans throw that word around far too much when they cannot comprehend why a person thinks, believes and behaves the way they do.


I may feel that pedophilia is kinda fucked up, but I would not call it a "disorder". Americans throw that word around far too much when they cannot comprehend why a person thinks, believes and behaves the way they do.

We understand why pedophiles think the way they do, believe what they believe, and behave the way they do. How? We've asked the ones we have in prison. :)
I may feel that pedophilia is kinda fucked up, but I would not call it a "disorder". Americans throw that word around far too much when they cannot comprehend why a person thinks, believes and behaves the way they do.

We understand why pedophiles think the way they do, believe what they believe, and behave the way they do. How? We've asked the ones we have in prison. :)

There is so much more to a human being than just their sexual preferences.

I may feel that pedophilia is kinda fucked up, but I would not call it a "disorder". Americans throw that word around far too much when they cannot comprehend why a person thinks, believes and behaves the way they do.

We understand why pedophiles think the way they do, believe what they believe, and behave the way they do. How? We've asked the ones we have in prison. :)

There is so much more to a human being than just their sexual preferences.

Yes, as the knowledge we have attests. Pedophilia isn't new. The word is, but the problem isn't.
Having pedophilia and acting on it are two completely different things. Whatever it is to have pedophilia, it is messed up, and to act on it is absolutely wrong because it involves the molestation of an unwilling partner. One can be attracted to little children and know it is wrong so he/she does not act on it. It is only when the individual acts on it that they are breaking the law. Once someone acts on their desire in this manner, they must be locked up for life as far as I'm concerned, because nothing will prevent them from acting on those desires again in the future.
They say doing something we know is wrong the first time is the hardest, but once you've crossed that threshhold crossing it again is much easier.

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