What can Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot do about crime that she already has not?

This is pretty simple stuff, Thomas. If one gang banger runs into another rival gang banger and both are carrying guns...chances are someone is going to be shot...be it one of the gang members or an innocent bystander. If that happens and neither are carrying because they don't want to get caught in a Stop & Frisk...then they have to go and GET their weapons and then try and find their target! That very simple concept of keeping guns off of the streets kept people from being shot. Since the people most likely to BE shot were black or Hispanic...it's not hard to see why people from crime ridden neighborhoods WANT the Police targeting gang members.
The stores being robbed and the clerks being shot are because of gang bangers shooting each other? The home invasions, the robberies and other violent crime are all about gang banger on gang banger? Thats not accurate, and I think you know that.
Daley was a criminal himself, so not much.

I got me some white Muff last week myself. Ima black man.
Well good for you. no one here cares, but I know you weren't looking for that answer.
I have the perfect example of how crime would go down, if only the Mayor would allow it.

I have the perfect example of how crime would go down, if only the Mayor would allow it.

I distinctly heard them shouting "lets go Brandon." Brandon is a very popular athlete it seems. he races cars, he plays pro and college sports, and is seemingly doing a lot of other things in front of large crowds. I even see the chant on bumper stickers on cars and yard signs in predominantly blue States and Counties. This Brandon person sure sems to have a lot of people cheering him to go. But golly, I can't imagine just where it is they want him to go? :rolleyes:
We know exactly what causes crime, and it is injustice, lack of opportunity, etc.
No one wants to be a criminal, and it is always caused by a failing of society.
Well, he was pro-WHITE American...

Maybe pro the less than half of the country that voted for him.

But as they say,t he proof is in the pudding.

a million dead from Covid, which started on his watch
65 million jobs lost
165,000 businesses shuttered
Riots in the streets.

Trump did more damage to America than all our enemies in history combined... and you are still thanking him for it.
Disingenuous shit like this is why you have ZERO credibility…it’s why nobody sane here takes you seriously.
We know exactly what causes crime, and it is injustice, lack of opportunity, etc.
No one wants to be a criminal, and it is always caused by a failing of society.
“Poverty” is an awesome FEEL good THEORY / crutch for dark people to use as a tool....but how do you ignore the comparatives? You know, those pesky facts?
NOPE...poverty didn't make them criminals....evidenced in all white extremely poor Appalachia.

"There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.

There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."


Appalachia: The big white ghetto

In Appalachia, jobs have vanished, and people live for pills, soda pop, and welfare
“Poverty” is an awesome FEEL good THEORY / crutch for dark people to use as a tool....but how do you ignore the comparatives? You know, those pesky facts?
NOPE...poverty didn't make them criminals....evidenced in all white extremely poor Appalachia.

"There's not much violent crime here. There's a bit of the usual enterprise one finds everywhere there are drugs and poor people, which is to say, everywhere. But even the crime here is pretty well predictable. The police chief's assistant notes that if they know the nature and location of a particular crime, they can more or less drive straight to the perpetrator.

There's a great deal of drug use, welfare fraud, and the like, but the overall crime rate throughout Appalachia is about two thirds the national average, and the rate of violent crime is half the national average."


Appalachia: The big white ghetto

In Appalachia, jobs have vanished, and people live for pills, soda pop, and welfare

It is relative poverty that slaps people in the face with injustice.
All of Appalachia is poor and they help each other, so there no relative injustice in it.
Instead everyone is in it together.
Daley was a criminal himself, so not much.
Yeah, so he skimmed a little financially, what Chicago politician hasn't. But he did not tolerate crime. During the '68 riots after Dr. King was shot he flooded the streets with cops and national guard. And you all remember the 1968 Democratic Convention. Sometimes it went too far, but the message got across.
People criticize her but they never give specifics. Conservatives act as if not endorsing their Conservative-Marxist, unconstitutional policing policies, or Nob slobbing Blue Lives Pigs, means that you are soft on crime. Crime in Chicago was already trending up during Rahm Emanuel; lack of police was also a problem under Rahm Emanuel; yet I've seen many people whining about this as if it is a new precedent. The white people complaining about crime weren't complaining about it when it was happening to black and brown neighborhoods. Now they care that the crime is happening more often in the white neighborhoods(funny how we have race based neighborhoods btw. CRT confirmed).
Thomas Sowell would consider you a sad case.
Yeah, so he skimmed a little financially, what Chicago politician hasn't. But he did not tolerate crime. During the '68 riots after Dr. King was shot he flooded the streets with cops and national guard. And you all remember the 1968 Democratic Convention. Sometimes it went too far, but the message got across.
What you're saying just isn't true. Crime rised in the late 60s and peaked in the late 70s, didn't come down until the 2000s. So those policies you're recommending were a complete failure. Fact is: you can't do squat about crime other than prosecute. Conservatives and libs love to say you can't ban guns as people will still kill, yet somehow that logic stops when it comes to muh Conservative anti crime policies. People are going to do crime regardless. Philippines will kill you in the streets fir simply doing drugs, and oeoole still do it.
Yeah, so he skimmed a little financially, what Chicago politician hasn't. But he did not tolerate crime. During the '68 riots after Dr. King was shot he flooded the streets with cops and national guard. And you all remember the 1968 Democratic Convention. Sometimes it went too far, but the message got across.

Flooding the streets with cops is extortion and intimidation, intended to prevent any attempt to end corruption.
The police at the Democratic Convention were the bad guys, the gestapo.
That is the opposite of what we should want.
We want to people to be free, not frightened of the police.
People criticize her but they never give specifics. Conservatives act as if not endorsing their Conservative-Marxist, unconstitutional policing policies, or Nob slobbing Blue Lives Pigs, means that you are soft on crime. Crime in Chicago was already trending up during Rahm Emanuel; lack of police was also a problem under Rahm Emanuel; yet I've seen many people whining about this as if it is a new precedent. The white people complaining about crime weren't complaining about it when it was happening to black and brown neighborhoods. Now they care that the crime is happening more often in the white neighborhoods(funny how we have race based neighborhoods btw. CRT confirmed).
There isn't much a government can do about a cultural problem. Her best bet is to leave the public alone in terms of policy.

What she could actually do that would help is use her social status to push better cultural values among the black community. That would do more to help with crime than any legislation.
People criticize her but they never give specifics. Conservatives act as if not endorsing their Conservative-Marxist, unconstitutional policing policies, or Nob slobbing Blue Lives Pigs, means that you are soft on crime. Crime in Chicago was already trending up during Rahm Emanuel; lack of police was also a problem under Rahm Emanuel; yet I've seen many people whining about this as if it is a new precedent. The white people complaining about crime weren't complaining about it when it was happening to black and brown neighborhoods. Now they care that the crime is happening more often in the white neighborhoods(funny how we have race based neighborhoods btw. CRT confirmed).
Actually there are tons of threads on here mocking the City of Chicago and you must be young because Chi-town has always had a high crime rate, so what is new?

I mean under Mayor Daley Jr. it lowered for awhile but when he left you got social Justice Warriors that believe crime by those like you shouldn’t be punished…

( Wait, am I allow to write that or will I be reprimanded for my personal opinion )

What should the Lazy Mayor do?

Not run again and let someone with a brain run the city but you will scream “ He is a wacist “ while not understanding it is your policies that are getting your own killed, so live like Savages and when you enter white neighborhoods, well remember they have the second amendment right!
Because crime was already trending down before it. And crime continued to go down after it was gone. It is racist, unconstitutional, and ineffective.
There's absolutely no evidence to suggest that is true. Thousands of illegal guns were found during SQF stops. It was the single most effective tool NYC and other large cities had in combatting gang violence.
Crime was trending down before Ghouly. That's a statistical fact. And, stop and frisk is racist and unconstitutional. I would certainly oppose him.
Why are you lying again? The out of control crime in NYC was exactly why he was elected.

The highest crime totals were recorded in the late 1980s and early 1990s as the crack epidemic surged,[3][4] and then dropped through the 1990s and 2000s, with the exception for murders.[5]


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