What can Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot do about crime that she already has not?

How the hell should we know? She's the freaking mayor and people are being murdered in record number. She is getting paid to figure it out. Why ask us?
People criticize her but they never give specifics. Conservatives act as if not endorsing their Conservative-Marxist, unconstitutional policing policies, or Nob slobbing Blue Lives Pigs, means that you are soft on crime. Crime in Chicago was already trending up during Rahm Emanuel; lack of police was also a problem under Rahm Emanuel; yet I've seen many people whining about this as if it is a new precedent. The white people complaining about crime weren't complaining about it when it was happening to black and brown neighborhoods. Now they care that the crime is happening more often in the white neighborhoods(funny how we have race based neighborhoods btw. CRT confirmed).
She could start supporting and hiring more cops and start focusing their efforts on the highest crime neighborhoods and campaigning to replace the Chicago State's attorney Kim Foxx.

Catching and keeping violent criminals behind bars has proven to substantially reduce violent crime everywhere it's been tried.,
How much Afram crime was there under the Jim Crow laws? There's the solution.


What a hot potato.

Yes, before the 1960s, Caucasian Americans did not have to worry about violent crime because certain Americans were not allowed in their neighborhoods, especially at night.

But this is 2022.

Most Americans now accept that (a) segregation -- either de jure or de facto -- was morally wrong and (b) it would be impossible to reimpose it today.

So Americans of all ethnicities should work hard so that they can have the money to live in more (reasonably) safe areas.

Of course, as we have seen since 2020, no area is now immune from violent crime.

No company or family or nation is better than the character of its people, and it is just a fact that a lot of people today in this country have no character.

What a hot potato.

Yes, before the 1960s, Caucasian Americans did not have to worry about violent crime because certain Americans were not allowed in their neighborhoods, especially at night.

But this is 2022.

Most Americans now accept that (a) segregation -- either de jure or de facto -- was morally wrong and (b) it would be impossible to reimpose it today.

So Americans of all ethnicities should work hard so that they can have the money to live in more (reasonably) safe areas.

Of course, as we have seen since 2020, no area is now immune from violent crime.

No company or family or nation is better than the character of its people, and it is just a fact that a lot of people today in this country have no character.
Blacks mostly harm and kill other blacks, it's not really a race thing. Most crime is committed by and against members of the same race.
Blacks mostly harm and kill other blacks, it's not really a race thing. Most crime is committed by and against members of the same race.
Maybe so.

But that is cold comfort to the many Asians who have been assaulted or even killed by certain people. (The New York City subway is a hotbed of violence, committed mostly by ,,,)

And even ultra-liberal Beverly Hills, California, is demanding tougher punishment since one of its leading citizens was murdered in her home by ... And we need not be reminded that some preps were so brazen that they actually robbed people having lunch on sidewalk tables in that once safe city.

Certain folks (of two groups) simply refuse to stay in their lane, and there ain't anything that will be done about it.
There's no evidence of this.
SQ&F was never actually ruled unconstitutional as a policy, only in it's application in NY.

The Court upheld “stop and frisk” as constitutionally permissible if two conditions are met. First, the investigatory stop must be lawful. That requirement is met in an on-the-street encounter, Terry determined, when the police officer reasonably suspects that the person apprehended is committing or has committed a criminal offense. Second, to proceed from a stop to a frisk, the police officer must reasonably suspect that the person stopped is armed and dangerous

While constitutional most jurisdictions have significantly curtailed it's use simply because of protests, bad press, and leftwing prosecutors that refused to indict based on such stops.

Chicago's 797 homicides last year was the worst in 25 years and they are on pace to beat that substantially for 2022.
SQ&F was never actually ruled unconstitutional as a policy, only in it's application in NY.

While constitutional most jurisdictions have significantly curtailed it's use simply because of protests, bad press, and leftwing prosecutors that refused to indict based on such stops.

Chicago's 797 homicides last year was the worst in 25 years and they are on pace to beat that substantially for 2022.
You're still not giving me the evidence of why that is Lori's fault.
Maybe so.

But that is cold comfort to the many Asians who have been assaulted or even killed by certain people. (The New York City subway is a hotbed of violence, committed mostly by ,,,)

And even ultra-liberal Beverly Hills, California, is demanding tougher punishment since one of its leading citizens was murdered in her home by ... And we need not be reminded that some preps were so brazen that they actually robbed people having lunch on sidewalk tables in that once safe city.

Certain folks (of two groups) simply refuse to stay in their lane, and there ain't anything that will be done about it.
It's not a maybe so, it's a fact. Most violent crime is intra racial rather than interracial by a large margin.

That doesn't mean it doesn't happen just that it's statistically rare.
Cool take, bro, but no one is buying it. Sounds pretty contradictory though. You say no one has the right to act improperly. Yet, you want the police to act improperly lol. It makes no sense. Yea, well we need to police the police. Chris Dorner was lord and savior. Nutin but respec for the brotha.
No, that isn't what he said.
Cool take, bro, but no one is buying it. Sounds pretty contradictory though. You say no one has the right to act improperly. Yet, you want the police to act improperly lol. It makes no sense. Yea, well we need to police the police. Chris Dorner was lord and savior. Nutin but respec for the brotha.
Dorner went nuts and want after his fellow officers and killed the daughter of a police captain.

Hell of a guy.

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