What can Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot do about crime that she already has not?

So is robbing people at gun point, so as i said before allow law abiding citizens to arm themselves and shoot to kill. Soon the criminals will find other cities that dont have such laws that protect innocent people.
You never shoot to wound, that will just get you sued and can land you in prison and you never shoot to kill because that too can land you in prison.

You always shoot center mass unless you cannot do so for fear of harming an innocent.
People will always find a way to kill, remember? lol(Conservatives on banning guns)

There's no evidence that S&F worked, but it's unconstitutional and racist anyways.
How can you claim that S&F didn't work, Thomas? Crime was out of control in NYC when it was implemented by Rudy G. and then New York became arguably the saftest large city in the world for decades. Then liberals got rid of S&F because they claimed it was "racist" and once again NYC is experiencing violent gun crime that makes the streets unsafe! Do you think that's a coincidence?

Come on...if you're going to use an intelligent man like Thomas Sowell's name...then how about you use some common sense like he does?
People will always find a way to kill, remember? lol(Conservatives on banning guns)

There's no evidence that S&F worked, but it's unconstitutional and racist anyways.
This is pretty simple stuff, Thomas. If one gang banger runs into another rival gang banger and both are carrying guns...chances are someone is going to be shot...be it one of the gang members or an innocent bystander. If that happens and neither are carrying because they don't want to get caught in a Stop & Frisk...then they have to go and GET their weapons and then try and find their target! That very simple concept of keeping guns off of the streets kept people from being shot. Since the people most likely to BE shot were black or Hispanic...it's not hard to see why people from crime ridden neighborhoods WANT the Police targeting gang members.
This is pretty simple stuff, Thomas. If one gang banger runs into another rival gang banger and both are carrying guns...chances are someone is going to be shot...be it one of the gang members or an innocent bystander. If that happens and neither are carrying because they don't want to get caught in a Stop & Frisk...then they have to go and GET their weapons and then try and find their target! That very simple concept of keeping guns off of the streets kept people from being shot. Since the people most likely to BE shot were black or Hispanic...it's not hard to see why people from crime ridden neighborhoods WANT the Police targeting gang members.
"Banning/getting guns off the street won't stop people from killing each other. All you're doing is hurting responsible gun owners". Bwahaha.
How can you claim that S&F didn't work, Thomas? Crime was out of control in NYC when it was implemented by Rudy G. and then New York became arguably the saftest large city in the world for decades. Then liberals got rid of S&F because they claimed it was "racist" and once again NYC is experiencing violent gun crime that makes the streets unsafe! Do you think that's a coincidence?

Come on...if you're going to use an intelligent man like Thomas Sowell's name...then how about you use some common sense like he does?
Because crime was already trending down before it. And crime continued to go down after it was gone. It is racist, unconstitutional, and ineffective.
Because crime was already trending down before it. And crime continued to go down after it was gone. It is racist, unconstitutional, and ineffective.
For the better part of thirty years NYC was one of the safest big cities in the world because of S&F policy but you progressives had to get rid of that because of your "wokeness" and since you did young black and brown men and women have been getting slaughtered in the streets! You OWN that! Thousands of young people sacrificed on your altar of "racism"! The far left kills with it's policies and then wants to blame everyone else but themselves.

People forgot how bad it was before S&F. Now they're being shown what happens when you "posture" instead of do what works!
People criticize her but they never give specifics. Conservatives act as if not endorsing their Conservative-Marxist, unconstitutional policing policies, or Nob slobbing Blue Lives Pigs, means that you are soft on crime. Crime in Chicago was already trending up during Rahm Emanuel; lack of police was also a problem under Rahm Emanuel; yet I've seen many people whining about this as if it is a new precedent. The white people complaining about crime weren't complaining about it when it was happening to black and brown neighborhoods. Now they care that the crime is happening more often in the white neighborhoods(funny how we have race based neighborhoods btw. CRT confirmed).
What has she done? You need to answer that before anyone tries to discuss your racist hate filled screed. What a hate mongering joke your post is.
What has she done? You need to answer that before anyone tries to discuss your racist hate filled screed. What a hate mongering joke your post is.
If the next comment by you isn't an explanation of what I asked for, I block you, pussy.
No they weren't. I live in Chicago.
Yes they were, have been for a very long time. The question YOU need to ask is why do so many black people always accept so much violent crime from their own neighbors who look like themselves. Why will investors not invest in predominantly black city neighborhoods? Because of the violent crime YOU accept from your own neighbors. If it were safe and profitable to operate in your neighborhoods people would absolutely invest and improve those neighborhoods.

I ask why do black people flee their own neighborhoods when they get good jobs and become successful? They don't want to live next to YOU either. They want good neighborhoods for their children. I wish YOU wanted good neighborhoods for your children. The problems are caused by people like YOU.
People criticize her but they never give specifics. Conservatives act as if not endorsing their Conservative-Marxist, unconstitutional policing policies, or Nob slobbing Blue Lives Pigs, means that you are soft on crime. Crime in Chicago was already trending up during Rahm Emanuel; lack of police was also a problem under Rahm Emanuel; yet I've seen many people whining about this as if it is a new precedent. The white people complaining about crime weren't complaining about it when it was happening to black and brown neighborhoods. Now they care that the crime is happening more often in the white neighborhoods(funny how we have race based neighborhoods btw. CRT confirmed).
Enforce the laws. It ain't rocket science.
If the next comment by you isn't an explanation of what I asked for, I block you, pussy.
So, I ask you what has Lighfoot done to solve the crime problem?
Other than blame the people who trying to arrest the criminals?
Yeah, you are afraid of words that tell the truth so you will block me. Coward. dishonest lily livered coward.
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WWRDD. What would Richard Daley Do.
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