What can Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot do about crime that she already has not?

Pretty much. People only talk about the shithole black areas. Before I moved to Chicago, I lived in said shithole black communities, but I also lived in middle class black communities where homicide was unheard of. Fake right wing Marxist daily news conjures up an agenda of black folk being against law and order, but the polls don't suggest that, and even they themselves admit that they've been lying all this time and acknowledge that. They conflate their brand of Conservative Marxism with acquiescing to everything the cops do, as being against law and order.

But as you've implicated, it is a problem regardless of what color state you live in. This notion that simply voting red to solve crime is folly. A majority of black people live in the south, which are virtually all red states; I even think certain places in LA and MS have a higher homicide rate per capita than the heralded Chicago. All under conservative leadership.
Nope. Places like your lovely Chicago and St. Louis are run by idiot Dims and the gunfire goes on all night long as blacks murder each other...all night long. No red governed cities put up with that crime only you Dimmers.
Well, he was pro-WHITE American...

Maybe pro the less than half of the country that voted for him.

Trump did more damage to America than all our enemies in history combined... and you are still thanking him for it.
Trump Shouldn't Have Trusted Anyone at All From Either Party or Any Government Agency

You could point out the same thing about Gorbachev. Just as the Soviet Union was dissolved after even his Perestroika couldn't work under their system, the formerly United States will soon break apart after Trump proved that the system is too powerful of an enemy against the White people who built America.
I only know of Lightfoot for her going to her hairdresser while telling everyone else to stay home. Don't agree with her politics, other than that, I don't know her, have no idea how good or bad she is as a mayor. Hope she gets crime down but I don't see the southside as a good place at all.
The fact of the matter is violent crime in Chicago is out of control and has been for years. Why don't you show us the steps that Lightfoot has taken to solve that, Thomas? We know what works. Rudy G. showed that thirty years ago in New York City. Not implementing "Stop and Frisk" policing is a choice made by liberals because they claim it's racial profiling! The truth is...Police know who the gang bangers are...and they know where they hang. No longer targeting THOSE thugs had made our cities dangerous for law abiding citizens ESPECIALLY people of color!
There is no onus on me because I am not a detractor nor a supporter. It's more about what you guys believe, but, thus far, I've been given no evidence to support a detractor's stance of her. If it's true that she isn't taking crap from CPD and the union, that's great. CPD and it's union are pieces of crap, they certainly need to be reigned in.

Stop and frisk is 100% racist. They were specifically targeting black people. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, because the success rate of stop and frisk was a very very low percent. So they actually don't "Know" who the criminals are. If they did, why not just throw them in jail? The state should never have the freedom to take freedom with impunity in that way. If you disagree, you're a fucking communist. And crime was trending down before the racist stop and frisk.
Pretty much. People only talk about the shithole black areas. Before I moved to Chicago, I lived in said shithole black communities, but I also lived in middle class black communities where homicide was unheard of. Fake right wing Marxist daily news conjures up an agenda of black folk being against law and order, but the polls don't suggest that, and even they themselves admit that they've been lying all this time and acknowledge that. They conflate their brand of Conservative Marxism with acquiescing to everything the cops do, as being against law and order.

But as you've implicated, it is a problem regardless of what color state you live in. This notion that simply voting red to solve crime is folly. A majority of black people live in the south, which are virtually all red states; I even think certain places in LA and MS have a higher homicide rate per capita than the heralded Chicago. All under conservative leadership.
The problem in Jackson MS is that the black middle class has moved out of the city .... along with the white middle class. They can afford to. And Jackson and Chicago both played parts in the great migration.
Threaten the Preppies and They'll Call Off Their Totalitarian Race-Treason

Yes, it is. You're so brainwashed that you can't believe that anyone dares to praise racism. Racism is one of the great virtues of the White race. Allowing hereditary dominance is a superior race's most fatal flaw.
Perhaps I misunderstand, but no race "is superior."
Nope. Places like your lovely Chicago and St. Louis are run by idiot Dims and the gunfire goes on all night long as blacks murder each other...all night long. No red governed cities put up with that crime only you Dimmers.
State supersedes local, boyo.
I refuse to embrace racism, unconstitutionality, and abridgement of freedoms. I would think you as a conservative would understand that. I remember Trump said that "he would be leaving in a stretcher back in the good old days". That sort of Marxism was quite common, and I think that's why you have zero trust of the police in the inner cities. No, it is the Police that needs to repent and get on board with Constitutional policing, or they will continue to be rightfully rejected by many.

But all those things you mentioned, the mayor has no control over. It's the DA. I don't agree with these DAs, but I do understand the people and why they voted for them. It again goes back to Marxism and racism. Without that being addressed, those people will continue to vote in these people.

It's a damn simple concept, when blacks stop enabling criminals and aid the police in putting thugs in jail, things will start to change. What's the saying, "If you see something, say something"?

There is no onus on me because I am not a detractor nor a supporter. It's more about what you guys believe, but, thus far, I've been given no evidence to support a detractor's stance of her. If it's true that she isn't taking crap from CPD and the union, that's great. CPD and it's union are pieces of crap, they certainly need to be reigned in.

Stop and frisk is 100% racist. They were specifically targeting black people. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, because the success rate of stop and frisk was a very very low percent. So they actually don't "Know" who the criminals are. If they did, why not just throw them in jail? The state should never have the freedom to take freedom with impunity in that way. If you disagree, you're a fucking communist. And crime was trending down before the racist stop and frisk.

I'm not asking for anything, and there is no onus on my part either. I don't know enough about her or Chicago. Not a big deal, she is a mayor and not in my town.
State supersedes local, boyo.
It's not even debatable that you have a better chance of being murdered if you live in a red state.

What's relatively unique about cities with high numbers of black on black crimes, that in addition to the typical domestic/family violence, we have a seeming epidemic of low level drug/property crime with murders, and even simple disagreements .. and seemingly random shooting of innocents.
Threaten the Preppies and They'll Call Off Their Totalitarian Race-Treason

Yes, it is. You're so brainwashed that you can't believe that anyone dares to praise racism. Racism is one of the great virtues of the White race. Allowing hereditary dominance is a superior race's most fatal flaw.
You're insane.

New law: if you Get arrested in Chicago, you get put in a cell with the Mayor!

Chi town Crime dries up instantly.
It's not even debatable that you have a better chance of being murdered if you live in a red state.

What's relatively unique about cities with high numbers of black on black crimes, that in addition to the typical domestic/family violence, we have a seeming epidemic of low level drug/property crime with murders, and even simple disagreements .. and seemingly random shooting of innocents.
Well, it's not like these people actually care about black crime anyways. Only if it affects them. The majority of white conservatives just use it to for politics. Quite disgusting.
The promise ever since LBJ launched "The Great Society" is that the Democrats will make life better for Black people with their government entitlement programs. Those are 50 years of promises broken. Do you get it now?
LBJ Picked and Chose Who Would Have to Die in Vietnam. Those Exempted by Him Owe Us 60,000 Lives

You don't get what has been really going on. Just because I don't believe in your required version of the purpose of the Great Society doesn't mean I don't get it. It was actually an Ingrate Society takeover. The spoiled brats who had the most to be grateful for wanted even more, to turn loose savages on everybody not born into their oligarchic clique.

Never believe idealistic rhetoric by power-mad politicians. LBJ wanted to make things worse for Whites who weren't born rich, even though he had come up from the bottom himself. That contradiction proves that only traitors to their birth-class are allowed to get ahead in the Preppy Republic.
Well, it's not like these people actually care about black crime anyways. Only if it affects them. The majority of white conservatives just use it to for politics. Quite disgusting.
You mean like when a cop shoots a black perp during an arrest?

Oh wait...

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