What can Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot do about crime that she already has not?

People criticize her but they never give specifics. Conservatives act as if not endorsing their Conservative-Marxist, unconstitutional policing policies, or Nob slobbing Blue Lives Pigs, means that you are soft on crime. Crime in Chicago was already trending up during Rahm Emanuel; lack of police was also a problem under Rahm Emanuel; yet I've seen many people whining about this as if it is a new precedent. The white people complaining about crime weren't complaining about it when it was happening to black and brown neighborhoods. Now they care that the crime is happening more often in the white neighborhoods(funny how we have race based neighborhoods btw. CRT confirmed).
Hey if it is blacks killing each other I'm down. CRT confirmed lol.
The fact of the matter is violent crime in Chicago is out of control and has been for years. Why don't you show us the steps that Lightfoot has taken to solve that, Thomas? We know what works. Rudy G. showed that thirty years ago in New York City. Not implementing "Stop and Frisk" policing is a choice made by liberals because they claim it's racial profiling! The truth is...Police know who the gang bangers are...and they know where they hang. No longer targeting THOSE thugs had made our cities dangerous for law abiding citizens ESPECIALLY people of color!
what ?? people were complaining about crime in Chicago when the democrat Emanuel was mayor ! nearly every major city that has a dem mayor is drowning in violent crime !
Grooming Blue Helmets

The Globalists think that the Afram savages have the socialist-justice motive of crime actually meaning fighting back against oppression and not having selfish motives for their subhuman behavior. Those who rule over the soft-on-crime legal system hope to convert the gangstas into becoming a revolutionary army.
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The fact of the matter is violent crime in Chicago is out of control and has been for years. Why don't you show us the steps that Lightfoot has taken to solve that, Thomas? We know what works. Rudy G. showed that thirty years ago in New York City. Not implementing "Stop and Frisk" policing is a choice made by liberals because they claim it's racial profiling! The truth is...Police know who the gang bangers are...and they know where they hang. No longer targeting THOSE thugs had made our cities dangerous for law abiding citizens ESPECIALLY people of color!

Black-on-black violence is the left's Hunger Games and Gladiator rolled into one. They LOVE it.
Grooming Blue Helmets

The Globalists think that the Afram savages have the socialist-justice motive of crime actually meaning fighting back against oppression and not having selfish motives. Those who rule over the soft-on-crime legal system hope to convert the gangstas into becoming a revolutionary army.
Those who "rule" over the soft on crime legal system don't live in the communities where their policies affect the average person! If they DID then you'd never see policies like that in the first place!
straight from the horses mouth

The Bell Curve's Gong Show

That bimbo is too lazy to go through training on anything. All she got was a participation trophy. Not knowing what "training" implies (it is a White concept, after all), she deludes herself about her mental capabilities. In academentia, dissing Whitey substitutes for a PhD dissertation.
People criticize her but they never give specifics. Conservatives act as if not endorsing their Conservative-Marxist, unconstitutional policing policies, or Nob slobbing Blue Lives Pigs, means that you are soft on crime. Crime in Chicago was already trending up during Rahm Emanuel; lack of police was also a problem under Rahm Emanuel; yet I've seen many people whining about this as if it is a new precedent. The white people complaining about crime weren't complaining about it when it was happening to black and brown neighborhoods. Now they care that the crime is happening more often in the white neighborhoods(funny how we have race based neighborhoods btw. CRT confirmed).
I don't know about chicago, but here black on black killings are just ... unsolvable. But the fact remains that most black people, like all races, are decent humans just trying to live their lives. And chicago and jackson, ms continue to see more people moving out than coming in. No surprise.
Cool take, bro, but no one is buying it. Sounds pretty contradictory though. You say no one has the right to act improperly. Yet, you want the police to act improperly lol. It makes no sense. Yea, well we need to police the police. Chris Dorner was lord and savior. Nutin but respec for the brotha.
When Whites Become Yellow, Blacks Bring Us Their Jungle Laws

A free country would be able to point to Dorner as proof that police departments shouldn't be forced to hire any Aframs at all.
I only know of Lightfoot for her going to her hairdresser while telling everyone else to stay home. Don't agree with her politics, other than that, I don't know her, have no idea how good or bad she is as a mayor. Hope she gets crime down but I don't see the southside as a good place at all.
I only know of Lightfoot for her going to her hairdresser while telling everyone else to stay home. Don't agree with her politics, other than that, I don't know her, have no idea how good or bad she is as a mayor. Hope she gets crime down but I don't see the southside as a good place at all.

It's good for DemoKKKrats. They've been getting elected easily there for decades.
Don't Appease the Race Traitors

Why is racism wrong? The necessity to stop and frisk proves that it is part of civilization's survival instinct. Not being proud of realistic racial judgments is the result of humiliation by decades of being forced to live under the Rainbow flag.
It isn't racist to prevent crime.
I don't know about chicago, but here black on black killings are just ... unsolvable. But the fact remains that most black people, like all races, are decent humans just trying to live their lives. And chicago and jackson, ms continue to see more people moving out than coming in. No surprise.
Pretty much. People only talk about the shithole black areas. Before I moved to Chicago, I lived in said shithole black communities, but I also lived in middle class black communities where homicide was unheard of. Fake right wing Marxist daily news conjures up an agenda of black folk being against law and order, but the polls don't suggest that, and even they themselves admit that they've been lying all this time and acknowledge that. They conflate their brand of Conservative Marxism with acquiescing to everything the cops do, as being against law and order.

But as you've implicated, it is a problem regardless of what color state you live in. This notion that simply voting red to solve crime is folly. A majority of black people live in the south, which are virtually all red states; I even think certain places in LA and MS have a higher homicide rate per capita than the heralded Chicago. All under conservative leadership.
Pretty much. People only talk about the shithole black areas. Before I moved to Chicago, I lived in said shithole black communities, but I also lived in middle class black communities where homicide was unheard of. Fake right wing Marxist daily news conjures up an agenda of black folk being against law and order, but the polls don't suggest that, and even they themselves admit that they've been lying all this time and acknowledge that. They conflate their brand of Conservative Marxism with acquiescing to everything the cops do, as being against law and order.

But as you've implicated, it is a problem regardless of what color state you live in. This notion that simply voting red to solve crime is folly. A majority of black people live in the south, which are virtually all red states; I even think certain places in LA and MS have a higher homicide rate per capita than the heralded Chicago. All under conservative leadership.
You’re high.
Pretty much. People only talk about the shithole black areas. Before I moved to Chicago, I lived in said shithole black communities, but I also lived in middle class black communities where homicide was unheard of. Fake right wing Marxist daily news conjures up an agenda of black folk being against law and order, but the polls don't suggest that, and even they themselves admit that they've been lying all this time and acknowledge that. They conflate their brand of Conservative Marxism with acquiescing to everything the cops do, as being against law and order.

But as you've implicated, it is a problem regardless of what color state you live in. This notion that simply voting red to solve crime is folly. A majority of black people live in the south, which are virtually all red states; I even think certain places in LA and MS have a higher homicide rate per capita than the heralded Chicago. All under conservative leadership.

To your point, blacks aren't necessarily against law and order. Leftists are against law and order, and unfortunately many blacks are also leftists.
Another Required Meme Debunked

The Democrats promised free stuff, entitlements, job quotas, and making "racism" a negative term. They delivered on all of that, more and more each time they are elected. So the parasites are perfectly logical in supporting them.
The promise ever since LBJ launched "The Great Society" is that the Democrats will make life better for Black people with their government entitlement programs. Those are 50 years of promises broken. Do you get it now?

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