What can Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot do about crime that she already has not?

The Chicago PD is under Mayor Lightfoot's command. If she tells the PD to beat the gangsters to the fullest extent of the law and they think that she is serious and has their back, they'll be able to reduce the killings immediately.
The only problem with that is that it's retarded. You make my point lol. If she's not a complete retard like many of the Conservative'Marxists, she's "weak on crime". I think the saying goes "you are so far left that normal now seems radical".
The white people complaining about crime weren't complaining about it when it was happening to black and brown neighborhoods. Now they care that the crime is happening more often in the white neighborhoods(
You are starting your USMB career by posting nonsensical baseless statements like this one. Not good. But welcome have fun here!
You are starting your USMB career by posting nonsensical baseless statements like this one. Not good. But welcome have fun here!
he is going to get a painful dose of truth and reality ..... it happens to every uninformed leftist that comes to USMB .... unfortunately instead of recognizing the truth they just deny and get even angrier ..
You sound like an Indian that took a scalp.
I take that back as it is an affront to Indians. They didn't need to brag to gratify a phony ego! :muahaha:
Oh? I wasn't bragging. White women are quite overrated. I'm tired of yt wimin tbh, but that's all there is where I live. Indian women (desi), south Asian, and dark skinned women are superior. I just know it makes the white bois mad, that's the best part actually.
People criticize her but they never give specifics. Conservatives act as if not endorsing their Conservative-Marxist, unconstitutional policing policies, or Nob slobbing Blue Lives Pigs, means that you are soft on crime. Crime in Chicago was already trending up during Rahm Emanuel; lack of police was also a problem under Rahm Emanuel; yet I've seen many people whining about this as if it is a new precedent. The white people complaining about crime weren't complaining about it when it was happening to black and brown neighborhoods. Now they care that the crime is happening more often in the white neighborhoods(funny how we have race based neighborhoods btw. CRT confirmed).
Fire the weak-assed wormy Soros sock puppet Kim Fox, for starters.
Then you're not a conservative, you're a Conservative Marxist. There's a difference. You can't be for taking fundamental freedoms and both be a conservative
Or a modern conservative. I’m a Traditionalist Conservative Authoritarian. You know the people who brought you the concepts Right and Wrong. Nobody has a Right to act improperly and no freedom can ever be held above the consents of Right and Wrong. To do so creates the sort of libertine, chaotic, insane society we have here in the US today.
Or a modern conservative. I’m a Traditionalist Conservative Authoritarian. You know the people who brought you the concepts Right and Wrong. Nobody has a Right to act improperly and no freedom can ever be held above the consents of Right and Wrong. To do so creates the sort of libertine, chaotic, insane society we have here in the US today.
Cool take, bro, but no one is buying it. Sounds pretty contradictory though. You say no one has the right to act improperly. Yet, you want the police to act improperly lol. It makes no sense. Yea, well we need to police the police. Chris Dorner was lord and savior. Nutin but respec for the brotha.
Crime was trending down before Ghouly. That's a statistical fact. And, stop and frisk is racist and unconstitutional. I would certainly oppose him.
So is robbing people at gun point, so as i said before allow law abiding citizens to arm themselves and shoot to kill. Soon the criminals will find other cities that dont have such laws that protect innocent people.
Or a modern conservative. I’m a Traditionalist Conservative Authoritarian. You know the people who brought you the concepts Right and Wrong. Nobody has a Right to act improperly and no freedom can ever be held above the consents of Right and Wrong. To do so creates the sort of libertine, chaotic, insane society we have here in the US today.

Our better angels have fled!
It's a quick race to the bottom.
We are witnessing a now failed experiment.

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