What can we expect from Jordan as speaker?

When you look into the eyes of Hakeem Jeffries you see absolute hate. A destroyer of nations. A love of the village socialism with equity while loving the comforts of capitalism for an easy life. Over the years and decades of the rise of minority power the nation has declined. For most have used the seduction of the globalist masters who have their own goals. And it does not include them.
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over your cult cheering for an insurrectionist for speaker of the house.

If Jim Jordan is elected Speaker tomorrow, we are assured of a government shut down in days. He is a mouth piece of trump and a firebrand of MAGA. He is not seeking the speakership to build up. He is seeking it to tear down. He, like Steve Bannon, are in it to create Chaos. The Dems made a mistake when they allowed to be bullied out of his quest for the office. To think that Jefferies was going to be speaker was a pipe dream.

Now the Dems are stuck with a trump clone and a man who may burn the House down. The MAGA repubs will win short term and lose long term. I foresee Jordan doing some long term damage to Congress.

MAGA thanks you Democrats for voting out McCarthy.

Jordan or whoever becomes Speaker will be between a rock and a hard place. Not that it will affect my expectation. For I have none. That's because my view of the House's role rarely matches what they busy themselves with. They've had since January to deal with the 2024 fiscal year budget and look where we are. I suggest we elect less lawyers and more accountants.

Gym will show the country that repubs are in it to tear the government down. Voters will pay them in November 2024.

To think, one of the insurrectionist may become speaker of the clown show.

If Jim Jordan is elected Speaker tomorrow, we are assured of a government shut down in days. He is a mouth piece of trump and a firebrand of MAGA. He is not seeking the speakership to build up. He is seeking it to tear down. He, like Steve Bannon, are in it to create Chaos. The Dems made a mistake when they allowed to be bullied out of his quest for the office. To think that Jefferies was going to be speaker was a pipe dream.

Now the Dems are stuck with a trump clone and a man who may burn the House down. The MAGA repubs will win short term and lose long term. I foresee Jordan doing some long term damage to Congress.
Jordan is an insurrectionist who also voted against the certification.

He's a fucking lowlife. End of story.

Gym will show the country that repubs are in it to tear the government down. Voters will pay them in November 2024.

To think, one of the insurrectionist may become speaker of the clown show.
Jordan & his backers are putting the screws to House members who are on the fence using threats, intimidation, right wing media hacks & talk of members primaried if they don't fall in line & vote for this guy.

Jordan learned well watching his joined at the hip brother from another mother Trump. And just think. That s.o.b..just might end up being second in line to the Presidency.

That's how low the Republican Party has fallen.

If Jim Jordan is elected Speaker tomorrow, we are assured of a government shut down in days. He is a mouth piece of trump and a firebrand of MAGA. He is not seeking the speakership to build up. He is seeking it to tear down. He, like Steve Bannon, are in it to create Chaos. The Dems made a mistake when they allowed to be bullied out of his quest for the office. To think that Jefferies was going to be speaker was a pipe dream.

Now the Dems are stuck with a trump clone and a man who may burn the House down. The MAGA repubs will win short term and lose long term. I foresee Jordan doing some long term damage to Congress.
I expect zero legislation and the Senate laughing at them when they try.

What can we expect from Jordan as speaker?​

The UkroNazis will get their funding as will Israel. There will be no reductions in the size and scope of the leviathan. Situation normal, all fucked up.

What can we expect from Jordan as speaker?​

The UkroNazis will get their funding as will Israel. There will be no reductions in the size and scope of the leviathan. Situation normal, all fucked up.

If only Congress would unite for America. America is always last. Hell, it's not even spoken for in the GP anymore...


If Jim Jordan is elected Speaker tomorrow, we are assured of a government shut down in days. He is a mouth piece of trump and a firebrand of MAGA. He is not seeking the speakership to build up. He is seeking it to tear down. He, like Steve Bannon, are in it to create Chaos. The Dems made a mistake when they allowed to be bullied out of his quest for the office. To think that Jefferies was going to be speaker was a pipe dream.

Now the Dems are stuck with a trump clone and a man who may burn the House down. The MAGA repubs will win short term and lose long term. I foresee Jordan doing some long term damage to Congress.
boy you democrappers will regret axing mccarthy...lol

If Jim Jordan is elected Speaker tomorrow, we are assured of a government shut down in days. He is a mouth piece of trump and a firebrand of MAGA. He is not seeking the speakership to build up. He is seeking it to tear down. He, like Steve Bannon, are in it to create Chaos. The Dems made a mistake when they allowed to be bullied out of his quest for the office. To think that Jefferies was going to be speaker was a pipe dream.

Now the Dems are stuck with a trump clone and a man who may burn the House down. The MAGA repubs will win short term and lose long term. I foresee Jordan doing some long term damage to Congress.
You’re asking usmb what they think jim
Jordan will do as speaker…I predict your answers will be…..varied.

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