What caused the national debt?

The 2001 Bush cuts didn't benefit the economy. They were like your suggestion and mostly sent checks to taxpayers. The 2003 cuts gave us a big boost in GDP, immediately.
Bottom line is, They were a miserable failure and did not produce what Bush and his people said.
He promised they would increase the prosperity of all Americans. He also vowed: "Tax relief will create new jobs. Tax relief will generate new wealth. And tax relief will open new opportunities." -:eusa_liar:

OK, a pitter-patter of applause for what the tax cuts did do effectively: Cut taxes and reduce overall payments to Uncle Sam. Low-income families benefited from the child-care credit jumping from $500 to $1,000. High-income families benefited from the top marginal rate falling. Billionaires benefited from lightly taxed dividend income. And government receipts, in turn, dropped.

But the benefits mostly accrued to the rich, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. The think tank reports that between 2001 and 2008, the bottom 80 percent of filers received about 35 percent of the cuts. The top 20 percent received about 65 percent—and the top 1 percent alone claimed 38 percent.

What about the president's claims? Take his pledge that the cuts would spur job growth. To be fair, we'll ignore employment changes during 2008, the year the Great Recession seized the economy. During the 2001 to 2007 business cycle, America's economy enjoyed 52 straight months of job growth. But it was sluggish—in fact, the slowest rate of jobs growth on record since World War II, and just one-fifth the pace of the 1990s.

....Then there's wealth. Put simply, the aughts were a decade of income stagnation: The tax cuts failed to bolster most taxpayers' earnings, even before the recession hit. Median real wages actually dropped from 2003 to 2007. Household income from business-cycle peak to business-cycle peak declined for the first time since tracking started in 1967. As documented by my colleague Timothy Noah in his series "The United States of Inequality," this did not hold true for the nation's billionaires and millionaires.

Bush tax cuts 10th anniversary: They've been a failure. - By Annie Lowrey - Slate Magazine

From what orifice were you going to pull this magic $10 trillion?
100,000 was just a figure, we could make it less or equal to the total that was handed over to wall street and others if you like.
But basically the same place it came from.

Keep in mind, this only prolongs the inevitable, but would have provided less suffering to individuals, and businesses. Yes it still prolongs the ponzi scheme but at least in a way less painful to most people....for a while longer.

Ideally though we need to eliminate the Fed Reserve, and stop paying interest on our own damned money.

If we end the Fed and get out from under the immediate debt incurred by borrowing from it, this could be done if congress did what is allowed in the Constitution, and create and coin its own money for the nation.
Obviously the print and spend tactics would then be solely in the hands of the irresponsible fucks in government /Congress, (preferably a dept just for this task) so the aware and awake American citizens would have to do their job, and mind the ones who we charge with this task, by demanding strict fiscal monetary policy. We would still owe less then we do today, and by adhering to sound practices in the first place, the US government would be a good place to continue to but T bills from and invest in (good name and credit).

:lol: You don't understand how the Fed creates money, and basically just moves what it creates out of nothing around, or money creation. Debt is money in the current system, is it not?? Banks,like the Fed Banks are allowed to create money it doesn't have in the first place by loans, by creating it based on a percentage of the deposit. (see the court case below).

Ummmmmm.....the Fed is a central bank. OMG! The government should just print and spend? LOL! Thanks for playing.
What the heck do you think they have essentially been doing sparky?? In reality they don't print shit hardly anymore, it is all figures on a computer screen. In fact I read somewhere once that only about 10% of the money supply is in the form of hard cash anymore.!?

People may think that banks have a lot of cash money in their possession and that they lend only the money that has been deposited with them, but they do not.
When a bank grants you a loan, they give you absolutely nothing. Try obtaining a large sum to pay for your house in cash from a bank, and they'll look at you like you have 2 heads, and or report you.
Take that loan and give it to your creditor, who then deposits it in their bank, then that bank is allowed to create additional money based on the size of that deposit..out of thin air.

Yes, they credit your account, but not with cash. All they do is type the amount of the loan into their system. Your loan is conjured up out of mere figures on a computer screen. From the time your account is credited, you are actually charged interest on non-existent ‘money.’ The real shocker here is that banks are allowed to list these non-existent amounts as assets, whereas when us ordinary minions apply for a loan, our assets are required to be of a physical nature, such as your home or business.

There was an unprecedented lawsuit initiated by a man trying to prevent his home from being foreclosed on that proves they create money from nothing.
* It appears that the Plaintiff acquired money from a bank conducting “fractional reserve banking”. This is “prima facie” evidence that the Plaintiff did not lawfully acquire all of the money lent. Unless the Plaintiff can disprove this evidence, the court is bound to admit that no valid loan was ever made to the Defendant.

Mr. Morgan admitted that all of the money or credit which was used as a consideration was created upon their books, that this was standard banking practice exercised by their bank in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, another private Bank, further that he knew of no United States Statute or Law that gave the Plaintiff the authority to do this. Plaintiff further claimed that Defendant by using the ledger book created credit and by paying on the Note and Mortgage waived any right to complain about the Consideration and that the Defendant was stopped from doing so.

At 12:15 on December 7, 1968 the Jury returned a unanimous verdict for the Defendant.

Now therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me pursuant to the Declaration of Independence, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, the Constitution of United States and the Constitution and the laws of the State of Minnesota not inconsistent therewith;


1.That the Plaintiff is not entitled to recover the possession of Lot 19, Fairview Beach, Scott County, Minnesota according to the Plat thereof on file in the Register of Deeds office.

2.That because of failure of a lawful consideration the Note and Mortgage dated May 8, 1964 are null and void.

Judge Mahoney Credit River Court Case, State of Minnesota, County Scott, United States of America, 9th December 1968 | Love for Life

And Ummmm... yes it is a central bank...a private, for profit one, that has usurped the American Constitution. Have you not known this?? Why do you think some want them to provide more disclosure, and open their books but they refuse??

.... in some circumstances, the Federal Reserve Bank can be considered a government "instrumentality", but cannot be considered a "federal agency", because the term carries with it the assumption that the federal government has direct oversight over what the Fed does. Of course it does not, because most people who know about this subject know that the Fed is "politically independent."

The Federal Reserve is a Private Financial Institution

You should avoid the moonbat sources, of course, for you, it's probably too late.
Get your head out of your ass dude we've been lied to and conned. It's not too late to learn what has been going on, but you must first be willing to be receptive to these possibilities, and bypass the urge to continue to think you are being cared for by benevolent entities.
Why is it folks like you always resort to ridiculing the sources that are against your established way of thinking instead of addressing the actual message or information that disturbs you??

OK s0n......gotcha...........

Then Obama should be a cakewalk victory in 2012!!!!!:coffee:

Except one little bitty problem. Its 2011. Nobody cares about George Bush except far left internet k00ks who lurk in the nether-regions of the cyber-world.

Oh........and ps......since this is a POLITICS forum, might be important to point out that in Ohio, present polling is showing the president is going to get blown out. Last hundred years, who wins Ohio.........ummmm.............WINS!!

Of course, there is still time to see some stunning growth in this economy over the next 16 months:2up:

Other than that.........all this philosophy BS I see on here is..........BS.

Philosophy is gay.
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The National Debt was caused by Reagan and the two Bushes cutting taxes for the rich.

Go here to see the numbers... ReaganBushDebt.org

Wow, what a useless link.

Why don't we all just make a page that says whatever lie we want to push and say that is proof of what we're trying to say.

It ignores the fact that Democrats were in office while all of this was going on. Maybe you might want to check out the CBO historical numbers and not listen to this blogger bullshit.

Your problem is that you're listening to political rhetoric rather then facts. The truth is that revenues usually go up after a tax-cut.......so you're wrong of course.

The problem is spending. Trying to say that tax-cuts caused it shows an overly simplistic attitude to the truth. It doesn't take into account various factors that are at work in any economy. It's not just a matter of a less taxes means less revenue. Less taxes often means more jobs thus more taxpayers. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. More taxpayers also means more consumer spending which means more money being exchanged and more taxes at all levels of government.

But of course this is too complicated for those who are dumb enough to listen to the Tax And Spend Democrats.
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Oh........and ps......since this is a POLITICS forum, might be important to point out that in Ohio, present polling is showing the president is going to get blown out. Last hundred years, who wins Ohi.........ummmm.............WINS!!

And those Buckeyes may well be right again, but i'll wager their pick for the next potus sugars off to less than economic salvation for America .....
The National Debt was caused by Reagan and the two Bushes cutting taxes for the rich.

Go here to see the numbers... ReaganBushDebt.org

Yo.........thought process disorder guy............this is a POLITICS forum. You know how may people across the country think that Reagan and the 2 Bushes caused the debt problem? About 39..........and thats country-wide s0n.:up::2up::fu:

You're in the wrong forum.
The National Debt was caused by Reagan and the two Bushes cutting taxes for the rich.

Go here to see the numbers... ReaganBushDebt.org

The first Bush raised taxes.
The Democrats in Congress promised spending cuts if taxes were raised.
They lied. Spending increased.
Luxury taxes promised to punish rich boat buyers.
They resulted in job losses for boat builders.
America is tired of higher taxes in exchange for spending cuts that never happen.
Show us the spending cuts first. After 5 or 10 years of real cuts we'll think about tax hikes. Maybe.
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

Senator Barack H. Obama, March 20, 2006


.....What he said.
“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

Senator Barack H. Obama, March 20, 2006


.....What he said.

In all fairness....

He was brand new to the national scene at that point.

I believe he has now found how easy it is to criticize a President, yet how unwarranted such criticism is.
Cuts in marginal rates encourage growth.
Cutting everyone a check just increases government debt, unless you match it with government spending cuts.

"But the benefits mostly accrued to the rich, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center. The think tank reports that between 2001 and 2008, the bottom 80 percent of filers received about 35 percent of the cuts. The top 20 percent received about 65 percent—and the top 1 percent alone claimed 38 percent"

OMG! The people who pay more, get more of a cut when all rates are cut!
Alert the media!:lol:

And you think the Tax Policy Center is nonpartisan? That's funny too.

"100,000 was just a figure, we could make it less or equal to the total that was handed over to wall street and others if you like"

Wall Street and the banks paid back their loans.
Is this magic $100,000 going to be a loan?

"Ideally though we need to eliminate the Fed Reserve, and stop paying interest on our own damned money"

I have $20s in my wallet and I'm not paying interest to anyone.
Who do you pay for the money in your wallet?

"There was an unprecedented lawsuit initiated"

Wow! Morons on a jury, shocking!

"And Ummmm... yes it is a central bank...a private, for profit one"

For profit? Is that why they gave the Treasury $80 billion last year? How much of their profit did they keep?

If you want to have a more productive discussion, cut your posts by 50%, or better yet, 66%.

Plowing thru pages of this shit gets old.
Try one silly point at a time, instead of 12.

Forget it, it's obvious you have no clue where or how those twentys in your wallet were created, nor do you have the will to take the time to check, you are happy with your perception of reality, and you and people like you is why this nation is in deep shit.If you ever get around to it, try asking yourself, and devote some serious time finding out how your money was created.
You argue from a starting point of either ignorance, or denial about how your money is created, I'm simply just trying to get you to think, beyond your 20 dollar bills and look at the big overall picture.

Just remember that, every single cash note created by the Fed Reserve banks you ever came across, and ever will in the foreseeable future, is a note with automatic debt attached to it, it is the only way it was created in accordance with the monetary system in place all of our lives.
Awareness and being able to accept reality is something I hope you will attain someday-Later.

Show us how smart you are, tell us about the missile that hit the Pentagon...dumbass.

Posting Guidelines:
When posting a new topic, please select the forum that best relates to the subject matter of your topic. If you are unsure, contact a moderator or the admin. Cross posting is not allowed and is considered spam. When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock. It is hard to read and is considered yelling. When replying in an existing topic it is fine to use CAPS or bold to highlight main points.

Any off-topic posts will be deleted or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion.

And the relevance to the topic at hand is ....?
Forget it, it's obvious you have no clue where or how those twentys in your wallet were created, nor do you have the will to take the time to check, you are happy with your perception of reality, and you and people like you is why this nation is in deep shit.If you ever get around to it, try asking yourself, and devote some serious time finding out how your money was created.
You argue from a starting point of either ignorance, or denial about how your money is created, I'm simply just trying to get you to think, beyond your 20 dollar bills and look at the big overall picture.

Just remember that, every single cash note created by the Fed Reserve banks you ever came across, and ever will in the foreseeable future, is a note with automatic debt attached to it, it is the only way it was created in accordance with the monetary system in place all of our lives.
Awareness and being able to accept reality is something I hope you will attain someday-Later.

Show us how smart you are, tell us about the missile that hit the Pentagon...dumbass.

Posting Guidelines:
When posting a new topic, please select the forum that best relates to the subject matter of your topic. If you are unsure, contact a moderator or the admin. Cross posting is not allowed and is considered spam. When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock. It is hard to read and is considered yelling. When replying in an existing topic it is fine to use CAPS or bold to highlight main points.

Any off-topic posts will be deleted or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion.

And the relevance to the topic at hand is ....?

I think she was commenting on your overall lack of credibility.
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Forget it, it's obvious you have no clue where or how those twentys in your wallet were created, nor do you have the will to take the time to check, you are happy with your perception of reality, and you and people like you is why this nation is in deep shit.If you ever get around to it, try asking yourself, and devote some serious time finding out how your money was created.
You argue from a starting point of either ignorance, or denial about how your money is created, I'm simply just trying to get you to think, beyond your 20 dollar bills and look at the big overall picture.

Just remember that, every single cash note created by the Fed Reserve banks you ever came across, and ever will in the foreseeable future, is a note with automatic debt attached to it, it is the only way it was created in accordance with the monetary system in place all of our lives.
Awareness and being able to accept reality is something I hope you will attain someday-Later.

So you won't explain who I owe interest for my $20s?
Or maybe someone owes me?
Are you a tax payer? Are you worried about the national debt and deficit of the nation? You bitch about long posts that you don't like to read, so I'll just link some informative sources for you to read when you have the time.
How money is created: As a debt

The corrupt Federal Reserve Corporation

This video is a long one, but explains pretty well the current monetary system, and how it works...or doesn't work for those of us just counting twentys..:doubt:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EewGMBOB4Gg&feature=player_embedded]‪Zeitgeist Addendum‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Show us how smart you are, tell us about the missile that hit the Pentagon...dumbass.

Posting Guidelines:
When posting a new topic, please select the forum that best relates to the subject matter of your topic. If you are unsure, contact a moderator or the admin. Cross posting is not allowed and is considered spam. When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock. It is hard to read and is considered yelling. When replying in an existing topic it is fine to use CAPS or bold to highlight main points.

Any off-topic posts will be deleted or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion.

And the relevance to the topic at hand is ....?

I think he was commenting on your overall lack of credibility.

She's a big girl, let her speak for herself. Anyway, the points I make are valid and easily verified, about the monetary system, debt as money etc..You want to talk about the 9-11lie, post in the proper forum.
Posting Guidelines:
When posting a new topic, please select the forum that best relates to the subject matter of your topic. If you are unsure, contact a moderator or the admin. Cross posting is not allowed and is considered spam. When posting a new topic do not use the CAPS lock. It is hard to read and is considered yelling. When replying in an existing topic it is fine to use CAPS or bold to highlight main points.

Any off-topic posts will be deleted or moved to an appropriate forum as per administrator & moderator discretion.

And the relevance to the topic at hand is ....?

I think he was commenting on your overall lack of credibility.

She's a big girl, let her speak for herself. Anyway, the points I make are valid and easily verified, about the monetary system, debt as money etc..You want to talk about the 9-11lie, post in the proper forum.

The fact that you REALLY REALLY believe the 9/11 Conspiracy nut-bar bullshit DOES reflect on how amazingly gullible you are.

Similarly, the fact that you REALLY REALLY believe the tripe you mutter about the "monetary system" doesn't make most of your spew any less incredible.

You have a conspiracy theory for EVERYthing which makes you credible on nothing.

You've shot your bolt.

Also, I'll say what I please in THIS thread with or without your permission. That YOU don't find it to be "on topic" certainly doesn't mean that it's not.
Forget it, it's obvious you have no clue where or how those twentys in your wallet were created, nor do you have the will to take the time to check, you are happy with your perception of reality, and you and people like you is why this nation is in deep shit.If you ever get around to it, try asking yourself, and devote some serious time finding out how your money was created.
You argue from a starting point of either ignorance, or denial about how your money is created, I'm simply just trying to get you to think, beyond your 20 dollar bills and look at the big overall picture.

Just remember that, every single cash note created by the Fed Reserve banks you ever came across, and ever will in the foreseeable future, is a note with automatic debt attached to it, it is the only way it was created in accordance with the monetary system in place all of our lives.
Awareness and being able to accept reality is something I hope you will attain someday-Later.

So you won't explain who I owe interest for my $20s?
Or maybe someone owes me?
Are you a tax payer? Are you worried about the national debt and deficit of the nation? You bitch about long posts that you don't like to read, so I'll just link some informative sources for you to read when you have the time.
How money is created: As a debt

The corrupt Federal Reserve Corporation

This video is a long one, but explains pretty well the current monetary system, and how it works...or doesn't work for those of us just counting twentys..:doubt:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EewGMBOB4Gg&feature=player_embedded]‪Zeitgeist Addendum‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, I'm a taxpayer.
Does your link show how I pay interest on my $20s?
Who do you mail your check to for your $20s?
So you won't explain who I owe interest for my $20s?
Or maybe someone owes me?
Are you a tax payer? Are you worried about the national debt and deficit of the nation? You bitch about long posts that you don't like to read, so I'll just link some informative sources for you to read when you have the time.
How money is created: As a debt

The corrupt Federal Reserve Corporation

This video is a long one, but explains pretty well the current monetary system, and how it works...or doesn't work for those of us just counting twentys..:doubt:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EewGMBOB4Gg&feature=player_embedded]‪Zeitgeist Addendum‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Yes, I'm a taxpayer.
Does your link show how I pay interest on my $20s?
Who do you mail your check to for your $20s?

Who pays the interests? You do, everybody does. If you stop being so closed minded and review what has been linked, it might be more clearer to you, but it requires you to think, and look at the over all picture..not simply looking in your wallet and throwing your hands up.
Like I said take some time out, to analyze, after all it is a complicated system and by design is meant to confuse, and mislead.
Are you a tax payer? Are you worried about the national debt and deficit of the nation? You bitch about long posts that you don't like to read, so I'll just link some informative sources for you to read when you have the time.
How money is created: As a debt

The corrupt Federal Reserve Corporation

This video is a long one, but explains pretty well the current monetary system, and how it works...or doesn't work for those of us just counting twentys..:doubt:

‪Zeitgeist Addendum‬‏ - YouTube

Yes, I'm a taxpayer.
Does your link show how I pay interest on my $20s?
Who do you mail your check to for your $20s?

Who pays the interests? You do, everybody does. If you stop being so closed minded and review what has been linked, it might be more clearer to you, but it requires you to think, and look at the over all picture..not simply looking in your wallet and throwing your hands up.
Like I said take some time out, to analyze, after all it is a complicated system and by design is meant to confuse, and mislead.

No one pays interest on the $20s in my wallet.

I don't need to watch any silly conspiracy videos to understand that.
I think he was commenting on your overall lack of credibility.

She's a big girl, let her speak for herself. Anyway, the points I make are valid and easily verified, about the monetary system, debt as money etc..You want to talk about the 9-11lie, post in the proper forum.

The fact that you REALLY REALLY believe the 9/11 Conspiracy nut-bar bullshit DOES reflect on how amazingly gullible you are.

Similarly, the fact that you REALLY REALLY believe the tripe you mutter about the "monetary system" doesn't make most of your spew any less incredible.

You have a conspiracy theory for EVERYthing which makes you credible on nothing.

You've shot your bolt.

Also, I'll say what I please in THIS thread with or without your permission. That YOU don't find it to be "on topic" certainly doesn't mean that it's not.

The fact you are a gullible fool has been noted due to our prior discussions about the topic of 9-11 and government conspiracy's.
You posit that there is no conspiracy theory concerning the monetary system, while others can readily see it.
You let personal differences obstruct your thinking, and your views of topics.
9-11 aside, the money system has a longer history, and the facts about the creation of money out of thin air and introducing it into circulation and how it steals from the existing money source is well documented.
Calling people like Ron Paul and others who agree with their views "conspiracy theorists" who throughout history have warned us about this, is being willfully ignorant of real facts, and a cop out.
My points in this thread are addressing the root cause of the situation at hand now, and trying to obstruct them by side tracking the topic is weak BS.
Does your link show how I pay interest on my $20s?

I don't need to watch any silly conspiracy videos to understand that.
It apparently suits you being ignorant of the underlying situation, while you argue superficial BS.
Good day.

You said all money is debt.
I proved you're wrong.
Believe me, people who watch and believe those silly videos are the ignorant ones.

Watch out for the evil bankers, they're charging you interest on your $20s. :cuckoo:
Does your link show how I pay interest on my $20s?

I don't need to watch any silly conspiracy videos to understand that.
It apparently suits you being ignorant of the underlying situation, while you argue superficial BS.
Good day.

You said all money is debt.
I proved you're wrong.
Believe me, people who watch and believe those silly videos are the ignorant ones.

Watch out for the evil bankers, they're charging you interest on your $20s. :cuckoo:

Its the only way his wife can get money out of him. "Oh honey, I need to pay interest on the money in your wallet tomorrow, give me a $50."

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