What channel is Trumps impeachment on

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Gold Member
Feb 27, 2019
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But if only you had the brains to impeach
dimocrap scum just can't learn how to shut the fuck up.

They're gonna lose really, really, really badly in 2020.

2018 was an aberration. Nearly 40 Republican Congress Critters bowed out because they feared the Mewler report or didn't like Trump.

Those districts we lost in 2018? The voters that put those dimocrap scum in Office are regretting their votes right now. Believe it.

We take 60+ Seats in the House and 3 in the Senate.

Believe it.

And since Trump can't run again, and since dimocrap FILTH have already shot their collective wads, nobody is gonna care when Trump tears into them with a vengeance.

And he will.

You kids ain't seen nothing yet. Nothing. He is gonna tear scumbag dimocraps a new one.

An animal is most dangerous when they're hurt and cornered and know they're about to die.

That's what you're seeing with dimocrap scum right now. Death Throes.

I'm loving it. I love seeing dimocrap scum in pain.

suffer, bitches
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