What Cops Deal With In Chicago (video)

That dude is the definition of ******.

How embarrassing to all the good black people in this country.
I'm always happy to see the police in my neighborhood

First....it looks like the cops know this is a stupid call. My guess? The store didn't want a crowd loitering in front of their business.

Second....the camera guy has a point! Public sidewalk. He can legally stand there. I kinda see his point and why he was upset.

If the crowd was disrupting normal flow of customers...sure...ask them to move out of the front of it. Can't tell from video. Don't care really.

Cops knew it was dumb. They should take my advice....stop showing up. But kudos for being calm and just trying to mediate it.

Cameraman was a jackass....but kinda had a point.
It's against the law to loiter in a high drug and crime area
It's against the law to loiter in a high drug and crime area

I'm on the fence on that. I get the idea....but have issues with the legality. The black guy was a complete jackass...but he had a point. The cops...to their credit...handled it with a lot of patience and calm and you could see that even they thought it was a dumb call.

The black guy accidentally had another point. He screamed "ALL black neighborhoods are high crime areas!!". Yeah....most times.
Here in Los Angeles their are certain streets that are blocked with cement barriers to help stop the drug sales and loitering in black and Hispanic neighborhoods

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