What could happen if we just stopped oil? Six billion might die


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

What could happen if we just stopped oil?

Six billion might die

It's difficult to see how an immediate ban on fossil fuels will allow civilisation to continue and flourish

"But what would happen if we literally just stopped oil tomorrow and did without the natural resources on which the world, its economies and populations depend? The answer: most likely six billion people would die within a year."

Just about everything we do in this world is tied to oil and gas. That's a fact. These people that haven't done squat to understand even a tiny morsel of that and just demand we stop oil and gas, have absolutely zero idea of what they're talking about or can even fathom what that really means. Oil and gas isn't perfect but you have to take the good with the bad in everything you do in life and I for one am more than fine with being onboard with oil and gas. Wind and solar is a cute little bolt on, nuclear just doesn't make sense in terms of risk reward (one issue that we possibly can't control could end up rendering 1/3 of the world uninhabitable..uh no), geothermal is intriguing but isn't every necessarily everywhere and is incredibly expensive even when abundant and readily available.

Seriously, Any fool should know that a total global economic collapse would probably only leave a couple of billion or less alive. Wars and rumors of wars being what they are. This would be a conservatives guess.
The expectation of using solar and wind power to create the needed electricity for the world is an impossible dream at present.
Then we have had so called experts that the oil well would run dry for over 60 years.

The notion that oil is a "fossil" fuel is a pipe dream of John Rockefeller in the early 1900's to make the ubiquitous mineral known as oil seem scarce, unreplenishable, precious, and expensive. It is and was a marketing thing. 100 years ago, you could almost poke your pinky at the ground, and it'd erupt with a gusher. They are not decayed dinosaurs or even plankton or whatever. "depleted" oil wells refill themselves after time. Scientist have proven that as fact
The world can innovate and utilize all resources and technologies.

To not do so, never made sense to me. Why in the hell is government interfering in the free market? The same free market responsible for so much wealth and riches in the West?
This silly ass Man Made Global Warming scam is a lot more dangerous than most people think.

These scammers are bat shit crazy and they can get a large number of dumbasses (like Crick) to affect public policy that can result in disastrous economic consequences.

What could happen if we just stopped oil?

Six billion might die

It's difficult to see how an immediate ban on fossil fuels will allow civilisation to continue and flourish

"But what would happen if we literally just stopped oil tomorrow and did without the natural resources on which the world, its economies and populations depend? The answer: most likely six billion people would die within a year."

Just about everything we do in this world is tied to oil and gas. That's a fact. These people that haven't done squat to understand even a tiny morsel of that and just demand we stop oil and gas, have absolutely zero idea of what they're talking about or can even fathom what that really means. Oil and gas isn't perfect but you have to take the good with the bad in everything you do in life and I for one am more than fine with being onboard with oil and gas. Wind and solar is a cute little bolt on, nuclear just doesn't make sense in terms of risk reward (one issue that we possibly can't control could end up rendering 1/3 of the world uninhabitable..uh no), geothermal is intriguing but isn't every necessarily everywhere and is incredibly expensive even when abundant and readily available.

Seriously, Any fool should know that a total global economic collapse would probably only leave a couple of billion or less alive. Wars and rumors of wars being what they are. This would be a conservatives guess.
The expectation of using solar and wind power to create the needed electricity for the world is an impossible dream at present.
Then we have had so called experts that the oil well would run dry for over 60 years.

The notion that oil is a "fossil" fuel is a pipe dream of John Rockefeller in the early 1900's to make the ubiquitous mineral known as oil seem scarce, unreplenishable, precious, and expensive. It is and was a marketing thing. 100 years ago, you could almost poke your pinky at the ground, and it'd erupt with a gusher. They are not decayed dinosaurs or even plankton or whatever. "depleted" oil wells refill themselves after time. Scientist have proven that as fact
Lucky for you .... Biden is now drilling more oil than anytime in US history..... we are producing more energy than anytime in history.... we are now energy independent (exports exceed imports). You should be super happy.

What could happen if we just stopped oil?

Six billion might die

It's difficult to see how an immediate ban on fossil fuels will allow civilisation to continue and flourish

"But what would happen if we literally just stopped oil tomorrow and did without the natural resources on which the world, its economies and populations depend? The answer: most likely six billion people would die within a year."

Just about everything we do in this world is tied to oil and gas. That's a fact. These people that haven't done squat to understand even a tiny morsel of that and just demand we stop oil and gas, have absolutely zero idea of what they're talking about or can even fathom what that really means. Oil and gas isn't perfect but you have to take the good with the bad in everything you do in life and I for one am more than fine with being onboard with oil and gas. Wind and solar is a cute little bolt on, nuclear just doesn't make sense in terms of risk reward (one issue that we possibly can't control could end up rendering 1/3 of the world uninhabitable..uh no), geothermal is intriguing but isn't every necessarily everywhere and is incredibly expensive even when abundant and readily available.

Seriously, Any fool should know that a total global economic collapse would probably only leave a couple of billion or less alive. Wars and rumors of wars being what they are. This would be a conservatives guess.
The expectation of using solar and wind power to create the needed electricity for the world is an impossible dream at present.
Then we have had so called experts that the oil well would run dry for over 60 years.

The notion that oil is a "fossil" fuel is a pipe dream of John Rockefeller in the early 1900's to make the ubiquitous mineral known as oil seem scarce, unreplenishable, precious, and expensive. It is and was a marketing thing. 100 years ago, you could almost poke your pinky at the ground, and it'd erupt with a gusher. They are not decayed dinosaurs or even plankton or whatever. "depleted" oil wells refill themselves after time. Scientist have proven that as fact

Small price to pay to make the AGWCult happy
It's difficult to see how an immediate ban on fossil fuels will allow civilisation to continue and flourish
Who has ever called for an immediate ban on oil?
Who has ever called for an immediate ban on oil?
It's surprising that people like you, living under rocks ask such foolish questions.

It's surprising that people like you, living under rocks ask such foolish questions.

I see the word transition, not immediate.

Point me to where anyone says they want an immediate ban on oil. Second time I'm asking.
No more plastic. Many medical devices would cease to exist. No more zip loc bags. No more Vaseline. There are thousands of things made with fossil fuels.

What could happen if we just stopped oil?

Six billion might die

It's difficult to see how an immediate ban on fossil fuels will allow civilisation to continue and flourish

"But what would happen if we literally just stopped oil tomorrow and did without the natural resources on which the world, its economies and populations depend? The answer: most likely six billion people would die within a year."

Just about everything we do in this world is tied to oil and gas. That's a fact. These people that haven't done squat to understand even a tiny morsel of that and just demand we stop oil and gas, have absolutely zero idea of what they're talking about or can even fathom what that really means. Oil and gas isn't perfect but you have to take the good with the bad in everything you do in life and I for one am more than fine with being onboard with oil and gas. Wind and solar is a cute little bolt on, nuclear just doesn't make sense in terms of risk reward (one issue that we possibly can't control could end up rendering 1/3 of the world uninhabitable..uh no), geothermal is intriguing but isn't every necessarily everywhere and is incredibly expensive even when abundant and readily available.

Seriously, Any fool should know that a total global economic collapse would probably only leave a couple of billion or less alive. Wars and rumors of wars being what they are. This would be a conservatives guess.
The expectation of using solar and wind power to create the needed electricity for the world is an impossible dream at present.
Then we have had so called experts that the oil well would run dry for over 60 years.

The notion that oil is a "fossil" fuel is a pipe dream of John Rockefeller in the early 1900's to make the ubiquitous mineral known as oil seem scarce, unreplenishable, precious, and expensive. It is and was a marketing thing. 100 years ago, you could almost poke your pinky at the ground, and it'd erupt with a gusher. They are not decayed dinosaurs or even plankton or whatever. "depleted" oil wells refill themselves after time. Scientist have proven that as fact
No one is suggesting a ban on fossil fuels. God are you people stupid.
The world can innovate and utilize all resources and technologies.

To not do so, never made sense to me. Why in the hell is government interfering in the free market? The same free market responsible for so much wealth and riches in the West?
Natural gas. ICE's can run on propane.
What does net zero by 2050 mean to you?

Gruesome Newsom has signed a bill outlawing internal combustion engines from being sold after 2035. My city council has outlawed gas stoves in new homes and possibly gas furnaces. They are striving for Zero Carbon while thousands of parents drive their kids to schools around the "safest city in America," then drive back home only to return in their cars when schools dismiss and drive back home.
The City Council also prints and distributes a four-color magazine advertising "5,445 Activities" to drive to and from all summer long, while preaching "sustainability" and "reducing traffic" and "sustainability." They want us to live like residents of Cuba, the world's only sustainable country. Nice.

You should know that 24% of humanity lives in slums, which are the fastest growing human habitat. The largest slum in the world is said to be Orangi, in Pakistan with 2.4 million filthy, impoverished people who have no running water, no electricity, no toilet, and little food. And Democrats squeal over 1.4 parts per million increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, annually, only 3.6% of which is produced by humans?


"I'm okay with 6 billion people dying." - Smiling Synthaholic
I see the word transition, not immediate.

Point me to where anyone says they want an immediate ban on oil. Second time I'm asking.
You're even more evil than me.

And here I thought I was the evilest motherfucker on the planet! :(
Explain what's evil about it? Fewer people means fewer resources being used, fewer animals being cruelly slaughtered, fewer herbicides and pesticides being used, less waste, cleaner water, cleaner air.

It's all upside!

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