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What Countries are behind us with Isreal

It's nice of you to share some more of your fantasies with us. With the exception of the US and Canada, only European nations are full NATO members, however NATO has various partnership programs with other nations, and Israel is in one of them through the Mediterranean Dialogue, along with Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia, and in and in 2006, Israel and NATO finalized an individual cooperation programme under which Israel is a participating member of NATO's Operation Endeavor, which polices the Mediterranean to search for illegal arms shipments, among other things.

Because Israel has had a close relationship with NATO since 1995, and because Israel has close military and intelligence relationships with nearly all NATO member states, in 2011, Israel proposed opening an office in NATO's headquarters building in Brussels. The only NATO member state that opposed the move was Turkey, but because Turkey threatened to veto the move, Israel withdrew the request. Similarly, Turkey threatened to prevent NATO from installing radars on its soil unless it was guaranteed that Israel would not have access to the data it gathered. Apparently, of all NATO member states, only Turkey shares your hatred of Israel.

the dialogues are far different from membership and, again, there is a very good reason why turkey is a member of NATO and israelo isn't, and it isn't quite as simple as you suggest.

where was israel, by the way, in mid to late may of this year...and don't blame that on turkey. thy to saay this with a straight face..."the invitation was lost in the mail."

This may be a difficult concept for you to process, but with the exceptions of Canada and the US, only European countries are NATO members. Israel cannot be a member nation because it is not a European country, and for that reason, Israel has never made a bid to become a member, but of all non member nations, Israel has the closest working relationship with NATO and the Israeli navy participates in NATO naval operations in the Mediterranean. Turkey is the only NATO member state that has objected to Israel's participation.

it is also, it seems, a difficult cocept for some NATO members to process as well, particularly germany, who has worked to get israel in as a member and turkey, who works to keep them out. perhaps they do not know where europe is.

israel has not made a "bid" per se, but they have definitely made some overatures and inquiries...but they are probabaly like the germans, turks and a few others and also do not know that israel is not european. perhaps the problem lied in the fact that they look so european and not at all like...i forget what they are called...oh yeah...imdigenous people.
Eh, Eaglewing, still waiting for your answer>

HUH??? Pray tell, what wars has the USA "fought for Israel." Ya'll come back now, ya hear. 'Atta boy!

What is your military background? Watching the Military Channel doesn't count.

So who doesn't support us stopping Iran from getting nukes.

You can't be talking about Iran's neighbors that fear them getting nukes....come on dumbfuck, tell us.

I asked a question because I saw a interview with the Israel's president yesterday who said Iran is getting too close, and if they get any closer something needs to be done. I got the impression that we as Americans have that agreement with Israel.


In the attack on the American Marines barracks, the death toll was 241 American servicemen: 220 marines, 18 sailors and three soldiers, along with sixty Americans injured,...

There was a growing feeling of frustration inside the Muslim and Druze community in Lebanon with US direct backing of Israel in the 1982 invasion of Lebanon and other pro-Israeli factions within Lebanon.

1983 Beirut barracks bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the dialogues are far different from membership and, again, there is a very good reason why turkey is a member of NATO and israelo isn't, and it isn't quite as simple as you suggest.

where was israel, by the way, in mid to late may of this year...and don't blame that on turkey. thy to saay this with a straight face..."the invitation was lost in the mail."

This may be a difficult concept for you to process, but with the exceptions of Canada and the US, only European countries are NATO members. Israel cannot be a member nation because it is not a European country, and for that reason, Israel has never made a bid to become a member, but of all non member nations, Israel has the closest working relationship with NATO and the Israeli navy participates in NATO naval operations in the Mediterranean. Turkey is the only NATO member state that has objected to Israel's participation.

it is also, it seems, a difficult cocept for some NATO members to process as well, particularly germany, who has worked to get israel in as a member and turkey, who works to keep them out. perhaps they do not know where europe is.

israel has not made a "bid" per se, but they have definitely made some overatures and inquiries...but they are probabaly like the germans, turks and a few others and also do not know that israel is not european. perhaps the problem lied in the fact that they look so european and not at all like...i forget what they are called...oh yeah...imdigenous people.

Again, these are just your fantasies. Israel can never become a member of NATO because it is not a European nation. I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for you to absorb, but because the Germans are so much smarter than you are, they understand this and have never proposed Israel be made a member of NATO.
This may be a difficult concept for you to process, but with the exceptions of Canada and the US, only European countries are NATO members. Israel cannot be a member nation because it is not a European country, and for that reason, Israel has never made a bid to become a member, but of all non member nations, Israel has the closest working relationship with NATO and the Israeli navy participates in NATO naval operations in the Mediterranean. Turkey is the only NATO member state that has objected to Israel's participation.

it is also, it seems, a difficult cocept for some NATO members to process as well, particularly germany, who has worked to get israel in as a member and turkey, who works to keep them out. perhaps they do not know where europe is.

israel has not made a "bid" per se, but they have definitely made some overatures and inquiries...but they are probabaly like the germans, turks and a few others and also do not know that israel is not european. perhaps the problem lied in the fact that they look so european and not at all like...i forget what they are called...oh yeah...imdigenous people.

Again, these are just your fantasies. Israel can never become a member of NATO because it is not a European nation. I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for you to absorb, but because the Germans are so much smarter than you are, they understand this and have never proposed Israel be made a member of NATO.

well, despite art. 10, i guess we'll just have to wait and see. i will give you your de juris, but there is a lot of de facto chatter goin' on out there and some internal debate within israel as to the advantages and dusadvantages of full membership.

i hope you're right and they will never become part of NATO. i wouldn't bet on your being right.
it is also, it seems, a difficult cocept for some NATO members to process as well, particularly germany, who has worked to get israel in as a member and turkey, who works to keep them out. perhaps they do not know where europe is.

israel has not made a "bid" per se, but they have definitely made some overatures and inquiries...but they are probabaly like the germans, turks and a few others and also do not know that israel is not european. perhaps the problem lied in the fact that they look so european and not at all like...i forget what they are called...oh yeah...imdigenous people.

Again, these are just your fantasies. Israel can never become a member of NATO because it is not a European nation. I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for you to absorb, but because the Germans are so much smarter than you are, they understand this and have never proposed Israel be made a member of NATO.

well, despite art. 10, i guess we'll just have to wait and see. i will give you your de juris, but there is a lot of de facto chatter goin' on out there and some internal debate within israel as to the advantages and dusadvantages of full membership.

i hope you're right and they will never become part of NATO. i wouldn't bet on your being right.

Again, you're just making this stuff up. There is no basis in fact for any of your claims on this issue.

Iraq: A War For Israel

By Mark Weber

The U.S. invasion of Iraq in March-April 2003, and the occupation of the country since then, has cost more than four thousand American lives and more than $500 billion, and has brought death to many tens of thousands of Iraqis.

Why did President Bush decide to go to war? In whose interests was it launched?

In the months leading up to the attack, President Bush and other high-ranking US officials repeatedly warned that the threat posed to the US and world by the Baghdad regime was so grave and imminent that the United States had to act quickly to bomb, invade and occupy Iraq.

On Sept. 28, 2002, for example, he said:

"The danger to our country is grave and it is growing. The Iraqi regime possesses biological and chemical weapons, is rebuilding the facilities to make more and, according to the British government, could launch a biological or chemical attack in as little as 45 minutes after the order is given... This regime is seeking a nuclear bomb, and with fissile material could build one within a year."

On March 6, 2003, President Bush declared:

"Saddam Hussein and his weapons are a direct threat to this country, to our people, and to all free people... I believe Saddam Hussein is a threat to the American people. I believe he's a threat to the neighborhood in which he lives. And I've got good evidence to believe that. He has weapons of mass destruction... The American people know that Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction."

These claims were untrue. As the world now knows, Iraq had no dangerous "weapons of mass destruction," and posed no threat to the US. Moreover, alarmist suggestions that the Baghdad regime was working with the al-Qaeda terror network likewise proved to be without foundation.

So if the official reasons given for the war were untrue, why did the United States attack Iraq?

Whatever the secondary reasons for the war, the crucial factor in President Bush's decision to attack was to help Israel. With support from Israel and America's Jewish-Zionist lobby, and prodded by Jewish "neo-conservatives" holding high-level positions in his administration, President Bush - who was already fervently committed to Israel - resolved to invade and subdue one of Israel's chief regional enemies.

This is so widely understood in Washington that US Senator Ernest Hollings was moved in May 2004 to acknowledge that the US invaded Iraq "to secure Israel," and "everybody" knows it. He also identified three of the influential pro-Israel Jews in Washington who played an important role in prodding the US into war: Richard Perle, chair of the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board; Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Defense Secretary; and Charles Krauthammer, columnist and author. [1]

Hollings referred to the cowardly reluctance of his Congressional colleagues to acknowledge this truth openly, saying that "nobody is willing to stand up and say what is going on." Due to "the pressures we get politically," he added, members of Congress uncritically support Israel and its policies.

Some months before the invasion, retired four-star US Army General and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley Clark acknowledged in an interview: "Those who favor this attack [by the US against Iraq] now will tell you candidly, and privately, that it is probably true that Saddam Hussein is no threat to the United States. But they are afraid at some point he might decide if he had a nuclear weapon to use it against Israel." [2]

Six months before the attack, President Bush met in the White House with eleven members of the US House of Representatives. While the "war against terrorism is going okay," he told the lawmakers, the United States would soon have to deal with a greater danger: "The biggest threat, however, is Saddam Hussein and his weapons of mass destruction. He can blow up Israel and that would trigger an international conflict." [3]

Bush also spoke candidly about why the US was going to war during a White House meeting on Feb. 27, 2003, just three weeks before the invasion. In a talk with Elie Wiesel, the well-known Jewish writer, Bush said: "If we don't disarm Saddam Hussein, he will put a weapon of mass destruction on Israel and they will do what they think they have to do, and we have to avoid that." [4

Iraq: A War For Israel
FROM RAY McGOVERN, Common Dreams, 04/23/11

(excerpt)…Hopefully, we have already taken care of the oil motive in what is said above. How about Israel? Well, candor requires acknowledgment that the neoconservatives running Bush/Cheney policies had great difficulty distinguishing between the strategic interests of Israel on the one hand, and those of the U.S. on the other.

While this was clear from the outset of the Bush administration, specific evidence emerged in London at the Chilcot hearings on Iraq in January 2010.

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair spoke publicly about Israel’s input into the all-important Bush-Blair deliberations on Iraq in Crawford, Texas, in April 2002. Inexplicably, Blair slipped up on his propensity for hiding important facts from the public and told some truth, though his indiscretion got little attention in America’s FCM. Blair said:

“As I recall that [April 2002] discussion, it was less to do with specifics about what we were going to do on Iraq or, indeed, the Middle East, because the Israel issue was a big, big issue at the time. I think, in fact, I remember, actually, there may have been conversations that we had even with Israelis, the two of us [Bush and Blair], whilst we were there. So that was a major part of all this.”

Blair’s remarks reinforced earlier ones by Philip Zelikow, a former member of the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, executive director of the 9/11 Commission, and later counselor to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Zelikow told an audience at the University of Virginia in September 2002 that the “real threat” from Iraq was not to the United States. Rather, the “unstated threat” from Iraq was the “threat against Israel.” He added, “The American government doesn’t want to lean too hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell.”…

Surprise, Surprise! Iraq War Was About Oil | Common Dreams
can any or you uhm PRO JIHADISTS tell me -----in what way was IRAQ A THREAT TO ISRAEL? I have been asking this question for YEARS and none of you guys who insist that the US went to war in IRAQ TO SAVE ISRAEL has ever answered it
can any or you uhm PRO JIHADISTS tell me -----in what way was IRAQ A THREAT TO ISRAEL? I have been asking this question for YEARS and none of you guys who insist that the US went to war in IRAQ TO SAVE ISRAEL has ever answered it

Sadam was giving $25,000 dollars to the families of Palestinians who lost their home to Israeli "bulldozer diplomacy," and was bombed by Israel...Also, Israel was instremental in helping George Bush fabricate the WMD lie.
can any or you uhm PRO JIHADISTS tell me -----in what way was IRAQ A THREAT TO ISRAEL? I have been asking this question for YEARS and none of you guys who insist that the US went to war in IRAQ TO SAVE ISRAEL has ever answered it

Sadam was giving $25,000 dollars to the families of Palestinians who lost their home to Israeli "bulldozer diplomacy," and was bombed by Israel...Also, Israel was instremental in helping George Bush fabricate the WMD lie.

In fact Sadaam was giving 25,000 dollars to the families of arabs who slit the throats of jewish babies -------but that does not explain why Israel was THREATENED BY IRAQ Arabs have been slitting jewish throats for centuries without that $25000 dollar bribe and there is pleny of oil money around STILL to reward your heroes who slit throats The fact that israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor was not AIDED by the US later invading Iraq-------your "answer" does not address the question I asked Lots of islamo nazi pig countries and individuals in the world support the terrorist filth that you and Saddam supported HOW WAS IRAQ so much a threat to Israel that Israel would feel compelled to FORCE the US to invade? just a few "gifts" to your colleagues who murder for allah?
can any or you uhm PRO JIHADISTS tell me -----in what way was IRAQ A THREAT TO ISRAEL? I have been asking this question for YEARS and none of you guys who insist that the US went to war in IRAQ TO SAVE ISRAEL has ever answered it

Sadam was giving $25,000 dollars to the families of Palestinians who lost their home to Israeli "bulldozer diplomacy," and was bombed by Israel...Also, Israel was instremental in helping George Bush fabricate the WMD lie.

In fact Sadaam was giving 25,000 dollars to the families of arabs who slit the throats of jewish babies -------but that does not explain why Israel was THREATENED BY IRAQ Arabs have been slitting jewish throats for centuries without that $25000 dollar bribe and there is pleny of oil money around STILL to reward your heroes who slit throats The fact that israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor was not AIDED by the US later invading Iraq-------your "answer" does not address the question I asked Lots of islamo nazi pig countries and individuals in the world support the terrorist filth that you and Saddam supported HOW WAS IRAQ so much a threat to Israel that Israel would feel compelled to FORCE the US to invade? just a few "gifts" to your colleagues who murder for allah?
Iraq was "perceived" to be a threat by israeli leaders
can any or you uhm PRO JIHADISTS tell me -----in what way was IRAQ A THREAT TO ISRAEL? I have been asking this question for YEARS and none of you guys who insist that the US went to war in IRAQ TO SAVE ISRAEL has ever answered it

Sadam was giving $25,000 dollars to the families of Palestinians who lost their home to Israeli "bulldozer diplomacy," and was bombed by Israel...Also, Israel was instremental in helping George Bush fabricate the WMD lie.

In fact Sadaam was giving 25,000 dollars to the families of arabs who slit the throats of jewish babies -------but that does not explain why Israel was THREATENED BY IRAQ Arabs have been slitting jewish throats for centuries without that $25000 dollar bribe and there is pleny of oil money around STILL to reward your heroes who slit throats The fact that israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor was not AIDED by the US later invading Iraq-------your "answer" does not address the question I asked Lots of islamo nazi pig countries and individuals in the world support the terrorist filth that you and Saddam supported HOW WAS IRAQ so much a threat to Israel that Israel would feel compelled to FORCE the US to invade? just a few "gifts" to your colleagues who murder for allah?

You sure are one hell of a whack job!

Old Post New News.

Just saw the following post on one of the AOL Iraq War message boards as it is referring to the 'A Clean Break' document (which was co-authored by JINSA/PNAC Chickenhawks Richard Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser for Israel):

Message 1 of 8 Subject 2 of 50
Subject: Israel's War!
Date: 4/26/04 4:43 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: PBel281198
MsgId: <[email protected]>

"In 1996, when Benjamin Netanyahu was prepared to take office, eight Jewish neocon leaders sent him a six-page memo outlining an aggressive vision of government. At the top of their list was overthrowing Saddam. They sketched out a kind of domino theory in which the governments of Syria and other Arab countries might later fall or be replaced. They (also) urged Netanyahu to spurn the Oslo peace accords and stop making concessions to Palestinians. Lead writer of that memo was Richard Perle."
--- Ari Shavit, Haaretz News Service (Israel) April 5, 2003
After listening to President Clueless in his last speech, it is obvious that he was led to believe that fighting the terrorism by Osama bin Laden is the same as the terror inflicted on the Israelis and Palestinians on each other.

This man is easily being led by Sharon and his new deal...We'll just unilaterally take what land we want for now! The Hell with the UN and the rest of the world...that is their position.

Sharon knows that dumbness Bush is a goner in November. I'm sure he knows Bush is in big trouble! He needs this USA sanction to steal more Arab Land before he gets booted out. Sharon too may get booted out of office, there are nuts in his government who want all of Eretzs Israel and kill the Pals!

Expect these nuts to win too!

Israel has used up this idiotic fool who was hoodwinked by Israel to attack its enemy Saddam Hussein who funded suicide bombers families who lost their homes to Israeli bulldozer diplomacy.

But Israel as one can easily see has unwittingly leashed a much bigger enemy upon itself Osama's religious fanatics who kill and believe God is with them.

The deal between Sharon and Dumbness will lead to more War for a longer period. Americans will tire and go home. Israel will become the new War Zone on her declared War on Islam.

I honesty don't think Israel can Survive without a comprehensive peace, and today Sharon and Bush declared more War!

Comments of reserve Brig. Gen. Shlomo Brom, long regarded as one of the worlds best intelligence officers. Prior to his retirement in 1998. Brom served in Israeli military intelligence for 25 years, and acted as deputy chief of planning for the Israeli army."ISRAELI INTELLIGENCE WAS A FULL PARTNER WITH THE US AND BRITAIN IN DEVELOPING A FALSE PICTURE OF SADDAM HUSSEIN'S WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION CAPABILITY."

Is there any doubt that Americans are coming home in coffins for Israel's benefit?
  • Thanks
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Is anyone surprised that peeballs licked the ass of mass murderer SADDAAM and was SO INSULTED when his hero was hanged?
Is anyone surprised that peeballs licked the ass of mass murderer SADDAAM and was SO INSULTED when his hero was hanged?

It was a GWB travesty that cost 4,000 American soldiers, and I bet you're smacking your lips Loon Toon!
Sadam was giving $25,000 dollars to the families of Palestinians who lost their home to Israeli "bulldozer diplomacy," and was bombed by Israel...Also, Israel was instremental in helping George Bush fabricate the WMD lie.

In fact Sadaam was giving 25,000 dollars to the families of arabs who slit the throats of jewish babies -------but that does not explain why Israel was THREATENED BY IRAQ Arabs have been slitting jewish throats for centuries without that $25000 dollar bribe and there is pleny of oil money around STILL to reward your heroes who slit throats The fact that israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor was not AIDED by the US later invading Iraq-------your "answer" does not address the question I asked Lots of islamo nazi pig countries and individuals in the world support the terrorist filth that you and Saddam supported HOW WAS IRAQ so much a threat to Israel that Israel would feel compelled to FORCE the US to invade? just a few "gifts" to your colleagues who murder for allah?

Iraq was "perceived" to be a threat by israeli leaders

All civiized people understood Sadaam to be a threat to mankind since the 1970s when he opened his political career by hanging all who opposed him and then went on a genocidal rampage killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi kurds and shiites Israeli leaders are jews and it should be remembered that jews were the first to sound the clarion call against your other hero Adolf Abu Ali but your statement that Iraq was "IN THE MINDS OF ISRAELI LEADERS" a specific threat to Israel ------is simply an islamo nazi piece of shitty sophistry utilized as the basis for the libel that Israel created the IRAQI WAR against your BELOVED Saddaam Hussein
Ain't gonna happen. The only way you are going to get the U S to go to war with Iran is to highjack some Iranians and some airplanes loaded with Americans and glue the Iranians to their seats and glue weapons to their hands. Then hook up remote control like our drones and fly the planes into important buildings or the statue of liberty or Fox news headquarters in NY.

No... Wait! THAT won't work otherwise we would have attacked Saudi Arabia.

Under Obama we increased our dependence on Saudi Arabia's oil.

Israel will use Saudi Arabia as its base for an attack on Iran’s suspected nuclear site.

Saudi Arabia wants us to attack Iran even more than Israel wants us to.
All civiized people understood Sadaam to be a threat to mankind since the 1970s when he opened his political career by hanging all who opposed him and then went on a genocidal rampage killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi kurds and shiites Israeli leaders are jews and it should be remembered that jews were the first to sound the clarion call against your other hero Adolf Abu Ali but your statement that Iraq was "IN THE MINDS OF ISRAELI LEADERS" a specific threat to Israel ------is simply an islamo nazi piece of shitty sophistry utilized as the basis for the libel that Israel created the IRAQI WAR against your BELOVED Saddaam Hussein

You lie like a Jew, post a link to your claim

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