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What Countries are behind us with Isreal

can any or you uhm PRO JIHADISTS tell me -----in what way was IRAQ A THREAT TO ISRAEL? I have been asking this question for YEARS and none of you guys who insist that the US went to war in IRAQ TO SAVE ISRAEL has ever answered it
Isn't it amazing how they bring up such old stuff and from such sources when there is so much happening in today's world which evidently Sherri wants to close her eyes to because it doesn't involve the Jerws. Meanwhile, I wonder if Sherri can tell us why her fellow Muslims are always killing the Ahmadis. Surely she must remember that a couple of years ago two Ahmadi mosques were bombed and dozens of people were killed in Pakistan. And of course the news coming out of Indonesia with regard to the Ahmadis really isn't good. I wonder if Sherri knows that the Ahmadis have a beautiful mosque in Israel where nobody bothers them as they go about practicing their religious beliefs.
Ahmadi shopkeeper gunned down – The Express Tribune
Isn't it amazing how they bring up such old stuff and from such sources when there is so much happening in today's world which evidently Sherri wants to close her eyes to because it doesn't involve the Jerws. Meanwhile, I wonder if Sherri can tell us why her fellow Muslims are always killing the Ahmadis. Surely she must remember that a couple of years ago two Ahmadi mosques were bombed and dozens of people were killed in Pakistan. And of course the news coming out of Indonesia with regard to the Ahmadis really isn't good. I wonder if Sherri knows that the Ahmadis have a beautiful mosque in Israel where nobody bothers them as they go about practicing their religious beliefs.
Ahmadi shopkeeper gunned down – The Express Tribune

It is no longer the Muslims you need to look out for, you and your ilk, and The "jerws" need to watch out for the coming blow-back from the common people who are tired of war, but will make one more to rid themselves of the parasite nation
Isn't it amazing how they bring up such old stuff and from such sources when there is so much happening in today's world which evidently Sherri wants to close her eyes to because it doesn't involve the Jerws. Meanwhile, I wonder if Sherri can tell us why her fellow Muslims are always killing the Ahmadis. Surely she must remember that a couple of years ago two Ahmadi mosques were bombed and dozens of people were killed in Pakistan. And of course the news coming out of Indonesia with regard to the Ahmadis really isn't good. I wonder if Sherri knows that the Ahmadis have a beautiful mosque in Israel where nobody bothers them as they go about practicing their religious beliefs.
Ahmadi shopkeeper gunned down – The Express Tribune

It is no longer the Muslims you need to look out for, you and your ilk, and The "jerws" need to watch out for the coming blow-back from the common people who are tired of war, but will make one more to rid themselves of the parasite nation
So said the Islamist enemy-within piece of shit animal.
the dialogues are far different from membership and, again, there is a very good reason why turkey is a member of NATO and israelo isn't, and it isn't quite as simple as you suggest.

where was israel, by the way, in mid to late may of this year...and don't blame that on turkey. thy to saay this with a straight face..."the invitation was lost in the mail."

This may be a difficult concept for you to process, but with the exceptions of Canada and the US, only European countries are NATO members. Israel cannot be a member nation because it is not a European country, and for that reason, Israel has never made a bid to become a member, but of all non member nations, Israel has the closest working relationship with NATO and the Israeli navy participates in NATO naval operations in the Mediterranean. Turkey is the only NATO member state that has objected to Israel's participation.

it is also, it seems, a difficult cocept for some NATO members to process as well, particularly germany, who has worked to get israel in as a member and turkey, who works to keep them out. perhaps they do not know where europe is.

israel has not made a "bid" per se, but they have definitely made some overatures and inquiries...but they are probabaly like the germans, turks and a few others and also do not know that israel is not european. perhaps the problem lied in the fact that they look so european and not at all like...i forget what they are called...oh yeah...imdigenous people.

Half-baked BS from a semiliterate seal.
BTW Princess, could you provide the link to a credible source which explains all the work Germany has done to get Israel into NATO?
it is also, it seems, a difficult cocept for some NATO members to process as well, particularly germany, who has worked to get israel in as a member and turkey, who works to keep them out. perhaps they do not know where europe is.

israel has not made a "bid" per se, but they have definitely made some overatures and inquiries...but they are probabaly like the germans, turks and a few others and also do not know that israel is not european. perhaps the problem lied in the fact that they look so european and not at all like...i forget what they are called...oh yeah...imdigenous people.

Again, these are just your fantasies. Israel can never become a member of NATO because it is not a European nation. I don't know why this is such a difficult concept for you to absorb, but because the Germans are so much smarter than you are, they understand this and have never proposed Israel be made a member of NATO.

well, despite art. 10, i guess we'll just have to wait and see. i will give you your de juris, but there is a lot of de facto chatter goin' on out there and some internal debate within israel as to the advantages and dusadvantages of full membership.

i hope you're right and they will never become part of NATO. i wouldn't bet on your being right.

You should have quit this subject before you opened your stupid, ignorant, semiliterate mouth, BOZO.
We have a winner!
Toomuchtime by a knockout in the first round! :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:

Iraq: A War For Israel

By Mark Weber

Iraq: A War For Israel

IHR? Really? Mark Weber? Really?
Tell me you are unaware of who and what they are.

The IHR was founded in 1978 by David McCalden (also known as Lewis Brandon), a former member of the British National Front, and Willis Carto, the head of the now-defunct Liberty Lobby. Liberty Lobby was an antisemitic organization best known for publishing The Spotlight, now reorganized as the American Free Press. Dave McCalden left the IHR in 1981. Tom Marcellus became its director, and Carto lost control of it in 1993, in an internal power struggle. Since 1995, the director of the IHR has been Mark Weber, who previously worked with the white supremacist National Alliance. Since taking over, Weber has continued to publish writing on the Holocaust and on World War II and has pushed to broaden the institute's mandate. He has been editor of the IHR's Journal of Historical Review for nine years. Publication of the Journal ceased in 2002 due to lack of funds, and its main form of spreading its message is through its website IHR Update and e-mail list. The website that Weber has built features such articles as "The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution" and "Israel at 60: A Grim Balance Sheet."

Institute for Historical Review - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
sherri cuts and pastes almost exclusively from propagandaist &/or sensationalist sites and organizations and seems to do so as if doing so is somehow evidence of "intellect" In fact, she has actually boasted that SHE PROVIDES CITATIONS for the record---to understand sherri----simply trace her citations-----make note of the types and kinds of articles which her sources GENERALLY publish -----then you will know sherri
Sadam was giving $25,000 dollars to the families of Palestinians who lost their home to Israeli "bulldozer diplomacy," and was bombed by Israel...Also, Israel was instremental in helping George Bush fabricate the WMD lie.

In fact Sadaam was giving 25,000 dollars to the families of arabs who slit the throats of jewish babies -------but that does not explain why Israel was THREATENED BY IRAQ Arabs have been slitting jewish throats for centuries without that $25000 dollar bribe and there is pleny of oil money around STILL to reward your heroes who slit throats The fact that israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor was not AIDED by the US later invading Iraq-------your "answer" does not address the question I asked Lots of islamo nazi pig countries and individuals in the world support the terrorist filth that you and Saddam supported HOW WAS IRAQ so much a threat to Israel that Israel would feel compelled to FORCE the US to invade? just a few "gifts" to your colleagues who murder for allah?
Iraq was "perceived" to be a threat by israeli leaders

That does not explain how or why Israel was responsible for the US/Iraq War.
Saddam's Iraq was perceived to be a threat by more than just Israel.
How is that sort of fact is always omitted by "people" like you?
Isn't it amazing how they bring up such old stuff and from such sources when there is so much happening in today's world which evidently Sherri wants to close her eyes to because it doesn't involve the Jerws. Meanwhile, I wonder if Sherri can tell us why her fellow Muslims are always killing the Ahmadis. Surely she must remember that a couple of years ago two Ahmadi mosques were bombed and dozens of people were killed in Pakistan. And of course the news coming out of Indonesia with regard to the Ahmadis really isn't good. I wonder if Sherri knows that the Ahmadis have a beautiful mosque in Israel where nobody bothers them as they go about practicing their religious beliefs.
Ahmadi shopkeeper gunned down – The Express Tribune

It is no longer the Muslims you need to look out for, you and your ilk, and The "jerws" need to watch out for the coming blow-back from the common people who are tired of war, but will make one more to rid themselves of the parasite nation
Yousef doesn't seem to get it that the American people are seeing how the Muslims riot over a movie (let's face it they have rioted over many things that they didn't like) and are more aware than ever just what Israel is up against. Youself, unless he is actually a Muslim, doesn't seem to understand that the people rioting have no use for Infidels like him.
Is anyone surprised that peeballs licked the ass of mass murderer SADDAAM and was SO INSULTED when his hero was hanged?

It was a GWB travesty that cost 4,000 American soldiers, and I bet you're smacking your lips Loon Toon!

Clearly you are trying desperately to make hay from those deaths, PBrain. You even seem eager to step on those bodies just to spread a bit more of your hate for Joooos.
All civiized people understood Sadaam to be a threat to mankind since the 1970s when he opened his political career by hanging all who opposed him and then went on a genocidal rampage killing hundreds of thousands of Iraqi kurds and shiites Israeli leaders are jews and it should be remembered that jews were the first to sound the clarion call against your other hero Adolf Abu Ali but your statement that Iraq was "IN THE MINDS OF ISRAELI LEADERS" a specific threat to Israel ------is simply an islamo nazi piece of shitty sophistry utilized as the basis for the libel that Israel created the IRAQI WAR against your BELOVED Saddaam Hussein

You lie like a Jew, post a link to your claim

You squeal like a stuck pig, NaziBoy.
Isn't it amazing how they bring up such old stuff and from such sources when there is so much happening in today's world which evidently Sherri wants to close her eyes to because it doesn't involve the Jerws. Meanwhile, I wonder if Sherri can tell us why her fellow Muslims are always killing the Ahmadis. Surely she must remember that a couple of years ago two Ahmadi mosques were bombed and dozens of people were killed in Pakistan. And of course the news coming out of Indonesia with regard to the Ahmadis really isn't good. I wonder if Sherri knows that the Ahmadis have a beautiful mosque in Israel where nobody bothers them as they go about practicing their religious beliefs.
Ahmadi shopkeeper gunned down – The Express Tribune

It is no longer the Muslims you need to look out for, you and your ilk, and The "jerws" need to watch out for the coming blow-back from the common people who are tired of war, but will make one more to rid themselves of the parasite nation

Sieg Heil!
In fact Sadaam was giving 25,000 dollars to the families of arabs who slit the throats of jewish babies -------but that does not explain why Israel was THREATENED BY IRAQ Arabs have been slitting jewish throats for centuries without that $25000 dollar bribe and there is pleny of oil money around STILL to reward your heroes who slit throats The fact that israel bombed Iraq's nuclear reactor was not AIDED by the US later invading Iraq-------your "answer" does not address the question I asked Lots of islamo nazi pig countries and individuals in the world support the terrorist filth that you and Saddam supported HOW WAS IRAQ so much a threat to Israel that Israel would feel compelled to FORCE the US to invade? just a few "gifts" to your colleagues who murder for allah?
Iraq was "perceived" to be a threat by israeli leaders

That does not explain how or why Israel was responsible for the US/Iraq War.
Saddam's Iraq was perceived to be a threat by more than just Israel.
How is that sort of fact is always omitted by "people" like you?

Sayit keep in mind----what a person does not say is more important than what he says----- neither jos nor sherri condemn their hero SADDAM for murdering hundreds of thousands of shiites and kurds------for leaving the corpses of kurdish babies in PILES rotting in the sun OR for paying the families of SHAHID SLUTs AND PIGS for blowing their stinking asses to hell over the dead bodies of shattered infants -------they are INDIGNANT that Israeli leaders did not like him whilst those two licked his ass ----I will comment-----I am proud of the fact that it was jews who first noticed that ADOLF ABU ALI and SADDAM HUSSEIN was no damned good and jos and sherri who long to lick his dead ass
Iraq was "perceived" to be a threat by israeli leaders

That does not explain how or why Israel was responsible for the US/Iraq War.
Saddam's Iraq was perceived to be a threat by more than just Israel.
How is that sort of fact is always omitted by "people" like you?

Sayit keep in mind----what a person does not say is more important than what he says----- neither jos nor sherri condemn their hero SADDAM for murdering hundreds of thousands of shiites and kurds------for leaving the corpses of kurdish babies in PILES rotting in the sun OR for paying the families of SHAHID SLUTs AND PIGS for blowing their stinking asses to hell over the dead bodies of shattered infants -------they are INDIGNANT that Israeli leaders did not like him whilst those two licked his ass ----I will comment-----I am proud of the fact that it was jews who first noticed that ADOLF ABU ALI and SADDAM HUSSEIN was no damned good and jos and sherri who long to lick his dead ass

Was that when he was working for the US?
That does not explain how or why Israel was responsible for the US/Iraq War.
Saddam's Iraq was perceived to be a threat by more than just Israel.
How is that sort of fact is always omitted by "people" like you?

Sayit keep in mind----what a person does not say is more important than what he says----- neither jos nor sherri condemn their hero SADDAM for murdering hundreds of thousands of shiites and kurds------for leaving the corpses of kurdish babies in PILES rotting in the sun OR for paying the families of SHAHID SLUTs AND PIGS for blowing their stinking asses to hell over the dead bodies of shattered infants -------they are INDIGNANT that Israeli leaders did not like him whilst those two licked his ass ----I will comment-----I am proud of the fact that it was jews who first noticed that ADOLF ABU ALI and SADDAM HUSSEIN was no damned good and jos and sherri who long to lick his dead ass

Was that when he was working for the US?

Are you claiming he did not do as irosie stated or admitting it but saying he did so at our behest?
Sayit keep in mind----what a person does not say is more important than what he says----- neither jos nor sherri condemn their hero SADDAM for murdering hundreds of thousands of shiites and kurds------for leaving the corpses of kurdish babies in PILES rotting in the sun OR for paying the families of SHAHID SLUTs AND PIGS for blowing their stinking asses to hell over the dead bodies of shattered infants -------they are INDIGNANT that Israeli leaders did not like him whilst those two licked his ass ----I will comment-----I am proud of the fact that it was jews who first noticed that ADOLF ABU ALI and SADDAM HUSSEIN was no damned good and jos and sherri who long to lick his dead ass

Was that when he was working for the US?

Are you claiming he did not do as irosie stated or admitting it but saying he did so at our behest?

Quote: Originally Posted by irosie91
Sayit keep in mind----what a person does not say is more important than what he says----- neither jos nor sherri condemn their hero SADDAM for murdering hundreds of thousands of shiites and kurds------for leaving the corpses of kurdish babies in PILES rotting in the sun OR for paying the families of SHAHID SLUTs AND PIGS for blowing their stinking asses to hell over the dead bodies of shattered infants -------they are INDIGNANT that Israeli leaders did not like him whilst those two licked his ass ----I will comment-----I am proud of the fact that it was jews who first noticed that ADOLF ABU ALI and SADDAM HUSSEIN was no damned good and jos and sherri who long to lick his dead ass

Was that when he was working for the US?

Are you claiming he did not do as irosie stated or admitting it but saying he did so at our behest?


Are you claiming he did not do as irosie stated or admitting it but saying he did so at our behest?
Saddam Hussein never "worked for the US" ----a very unfortunate fact is that the US -----tried to play a game in which it thought it was "using" muslim hatred to its own advantage The US made this mistake in Afghanistan when it played the taliban against the Russians and put weapons in the hands of TALIBAN PIGS and the US made this mistake with Saddam when it put weapons in HIS hands to use against our Iranian enemies No one asked me If they had I would have said DO NOT TRUST THE TALIBAN AND DO NOT TRUST SADDAM ------I knew something about saddam and his program long ago by an interesting accident I met up with one of Saddam's lackeys at the WORLDS FAIR in 1964 one "MEHDI" who was the pig who founded the forerunner of CAIR The pig was in front of the Israeli ----little hut-----passing out anti semitic literature -----slimey oily bastard-------that pig was an agent of SADDAM and quite a little goebbels he was he died ---sometime about ten years ago Jos and sherri would have LOVED HIM

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