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What Countries are behind us with Isreal

Massive Missives of Fr. John
Pbel, we know that you didn't find this guy out of thin air. Why are you hesitant to tell us the site you first found him on. Once someone finds a person on a hate site, it is quite easy as you have found to find other stuff by him. So spill the beans. Where did you first hear of him? Anyone reading these boards for any length of time knows that he has been dragged up by the anti-Semites time and time again, and you felt it was time to drag him up again.

Darn, are you still using a rotary phone on your computer?...I have already posted my links for his quotes...Here they are again or re-read them in my earlier posts..

Massive Missives of Fr. John

I've looked at them.
Your answer is good as a Sermon but it has no value in Human Logic...sure you can have spiritual love for a certain place, as I do for my native Sicily. However Citizenship is more than just an allegiance to a country, it’s an allegiance to your neighbors.

If you reside in a country, you live under its laws which protect you, then you undying allegiance is required by law.

Pedo, you mistaken my Populism for you bête-noirs. I'm sorry you and your friends see this forum as a hate board rather than a simple political discussion board. Your Juvenile fantasies and Sniffers obvious hate for humanities past treatments of Jews a sin never to be forgotten, there vigilance overrides national allegiance.

I understand your real concerns. God knows why you chose to reopen shop in a hostile environment...I just want America pout of this quagmire and let the Europeans, Israelis, and Arabs work things out.

No, to more WAR! Capishe Pedo?
Pbel plays the innocent while for years he has been trying to incite hate against the Jews. Tell ue, Pbel, even after you were told it was a lie, why did you continue on with that lie about Sharon saying "We control America?" Do you have a good explanation for that? And then, of course, when Pbel thought that the Jews were behind that picture which inflamed the Muslim world, he was saying Jews were going to start World War III.

For you 'ol Hoss, I'll explain...Sharon probably said and meant that. But it doesn't matter because his words or rumors are if fact played out in America through AIPAC which lobbies with the highest or close to the top in money contributions by a small membership with loads of money.

Gambling Casino Magnate Adelson contributed a hundred million to the Republican Party through his Israeli wife...

Possible Sharon didn't utter those words in earshot, but the truth of the reality is obvious

Typical Nazi rationale when these scumbags get caught lying about and selling their hate for Joooos. "Well, I don't care if there is no proof for my claims, the Elders of Zion ... blah ... blah ... Jew conspiracy ... blah ... blah ... blah...
"People" lie PBrain have no idea how obvious they are.
Peeballs can you please list those huge contributions donated by AIPAC to political campaigns in the USA How old were you when you first linked the word "MONEY" with "JEWS"? was it before or after you started sunday school or ---sunday mass? or before or after you served as an ALTAR BOY?

He still serves as an alter boy. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
What quagmire you fool? Ever thought that it's vice versa, it's Arab / Muslim dislike of America and what it stands for, that is part of what creates danger and anger for the Israelis, as an ally of the US and being in closer proximity to the intolerant barabric Muslim animals? Do you really think if Israel were destroyed tomorrow, the guns would stop and Muslims would cease and desist from waging war and terror on the West? You're a fucking ignorant fool if you think so.


“Every time anyone says that Israel is our only friend in the Middle East, I can’t help but think that before Israel, we had no enemies in the Middle East.”
— John Sheehan, S.J. (a Jesuit priest)
Look what tagline Pbel is using now. He was not satisfied with that lie about Sharon that he always posted, but now he is posting this John Sheehan. I guess Phillip is a devotee of the Islamo/NeoNazi hate sites where no doubt this quote is very popular. The problem, Phillip, is that when people with your mind set kept on posting this, someone actually checked with the Jesuits years ago, and they said they had nobody there with that name. Could you find John Sheehan for us and have him post here to prove that someone by that name actually said that?

You have a better chance of seeing Allah but PBrain will now claim "well, I'm sure he said that but even if he didn't, he would have if only he had existed!" It's just how NaziBoy rolls.
It is not looking good, and with the Iraq war we were basically on our own. What supporting Countries are backing us if we have to go and fight again for Israel?

Same ones behind us in A-Stan, assfuck


don't plotz, meshugga goy. what? you want others to fight so you can stay safe at home and play with your motor scooters?

oy vey? have you seen such a scaredy cat in your life, and acting like he is so brave on his scooter?
It is not looking good, and with the Iraq war we were basically on our own. What supporting Countries are backing us if we have to go and fight again for Israel?

Same ones behind us in A-Stan, assfuck


don't plotz, meshugga goy. what? you want others to fight so you can stay safe at home and play with your motor scooters?

oy vey? have you seen such a scaredy cat in your life, and acting like he is so brave on his scooter?

What the fuck is wrong with you?
Peeballs can you please list those huge contributions donated by AIPAC to political campaigns in the USA How old were you when you first linked the word "MONEY" with "JEWS"? was it before or after you started sunday school or ---sunday mass? or before or after you served as an ALTAR BOY

Dear Rosie, Italians and especially Sicilians are very similar to Jewish values...Strong family ties…enjoy life...Anti-Semitism was not an item of discussion in my churches or schooling.

Nobody cares about Jews making money, we always knew they were the go getters and worked very hard.

If anti-Semitism exists in America; Anti-Christian right has a greater negative rating.

If there is any anti-Semitism in me then it must be a normal thing in America. It is very little and not a motivation for Foreign Policy discussion. Hate does not Negate, the truth.B]
Peeballs can you please list those huge contributions donated by AIPAC to political campaigns in the USA How old were you when you first linked the word "MONEY" with "JEWS"? was it before or after you started sunday school or ---sunday mass? or before or after you served as an ALTAR BOY

Dear Rosie, Italians and especially Sicilians are very similar to Jewish values...Strong family ties…enjoy life...Anti-Semitism was not an item of discussion in my churches or schooling.

Nobody cares about Jews making money, we always knew they were the go getters and worked very hard.

If anti-Semitism exists in America; Anti-Christian right has a greater negative rating.

If there is any anti-Semitism in me then it must be a normal thing in America. It is very little and not a motivation for Foreign Policy discussion. Hate does not Negate, the truth.B]

Peeballs I grew up in a culturally diverse town-----the core of which was WASP nazi----but there were lots of "others" You are an anti semite-----CLASSIC It is an aspect of your heritage The original nuremburg laws were enacted by the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE (first reich) and are part of the JUSTINIAN CODE and formed the basis for the LEGAL INQUISITION ADOLF WAS NOT AT ALL ORIGINAL IN FORMING THE LAWS WHICH LEGALIZE GENOCIDE OF THE JEWS----they exist in law ----in the first and second and third REICHS (aka holy roman empires) It is not your fault----it is your heritage.

Your anti semitism has nothing to do with "truth" but you believe it does just as muslims believe that killing a person for poking fun at muhummad is an act of piety and TRUTH

As to anti semitism being "normal" in the USA well---it is just as "normal" as alcoholism. In the town in which I grew up-----a fact which pleased BOTH the Italian and the WASP population was the fact that the town was kept LILY WHITE by the WASPS who controlled the real estate----so defacto segregation was considered "normal". That which a person considers normal is often that which his cultural heritage defines as "normal"
PS peeballs did you get that list of huge AIPAC donations yet?

Israel lobby in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Campaign donations

"Political campaign contributions", writes Mitchell Bard, "are also considered an important means of influence; typically, Jews have been major benefactors."

According to Bard, objective quantification that the impact of campaign contributions have on "legislative outcomes, particularly with regard to Israel-related issues" is difficult. This is because raw analysis of contributions statistics do not take into account "non-monetary factors" and whether or not "a candidate is pro-Israel because of receiving a contribution, or receives a donation as a result of taking a position in support of Israel."[18]
AIPAC does not give donations directly to candidates, but those who donate to AIPAC are often important political contributors in their own right. In addition, AIPAC helps connect donors with candidates, especially to the network of pro-Israel political action committees. AIPAC president Howard Friedman says “AIPAC meets with every candidate running for Congress. These candidates receive in-depth briefings to help them completely understand the complexities of Israel’s predicament and that of the Middle East as a whole. We even ask each candidate to author a ‘position paper’ on their views of the US-Israel relationship – so it’s clear where they stand on the subject.”[40]

This process has become more targeted over time according to Bard, "In the past, Jewish contributions were less structured and targeted than other interest groups, but this has changed dramatically as Israel-related political action committees (PACs) have proliferated."[18] Among politicians considered unfriendly to Israel who AIPAC has helped defeat include Cynthia McKinney, Paul Findley, Earl F. Hilliard, Pete McCloskey, Senators William Fulbright and Roger Jepsen, and Adlai Stevenson III in his campaign for governor of Illinois in 1982.[41] The defeat of Charles H. Percy, Senator for Illinois until 1985, has been attributed to AIPAC-co-ordinated donations to his opponent after he supported the sale of AWACS planes to Saudi Arabia. Donations included $1.1 million on anti-Percy advertising by Michael Goland, who was also a major contributor to AIPAC.[41] Former executive director of AIPAC, Tom Dine, was quoted as saying, "All the Jews in America, from coast to coast, gathered to oust Percy. And the American politicians - those who hold public positions now, and those who aspire - got the message".[42]
Financial figures
A summary of pro-Israel campaign donations for the period of 1990–2008 collected by Center for Responsive Politics indicates current totals and a general increase in proportional donations to the US Republican party since 1996.[43] The Washington Post summarized the Center for Responsive Politics' 1990–2006 data and concluded that "Pro-Israel interests have contributed $56.8 million in individual, group and soft money donations to federal candidates and party committees since 1990."[44] In contrast, Arab-Americans and Muslim PACs contributed slightly less than $800,000 during the same (1990–2006) period.[45]

J.J. Goldberg wrote in his 1994 book Jewish Power that 45% of the Democratic Party’s fundraising and 25% of that for the Republican Party came from Jewish-funded Political Action Committees.[46] Richard Cohen, a columnist for the Washington Post, updated those figures in 2006 citing figures of 60% and 35% respectively for the Democratic and Republican Parties. According to the Washington Post, Democratic presidential candidates depend on Jewish sources for 60% of money from private sources.[47]

[edit] Education of politicians

According to Mitchell Bard, Israel lobbyists also educate politicians by

"taking them to Israel on study missions. Once officials have direct exposure to the country, its leaders, geography, and security dilemmas, they typically return more sympathetic to Israel. Politicians also sometimes travel to Israel specifically to demonstrate to the lobby their interest in Israel. Thus, for example, George W. Bush made his one and only trip to Israel before deciding to run for President in what was widely viewed as an effort to win pro-Israel voters' support."[18]

[edit] Think tanks
By Janet McMahon

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
To download Pro-Israel PACs Contributing to Federal Candidates 2004 Election Cycle, click here.

“One of the capital’s toughest and most effective behind-the-scenes lobbies.”

—The Washington Post, Sept. 5, 2004

“A political juggernaut and one of the most effective and controversial lobbying groups in the U.S. [with] close ties to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Likud Party.”

—Sunday Herald (UK), Sept. 5, 2004

Israel’s “client,” one of the most “consistently potent and reliable...weapons in Israel’s policy arsenel.”

—Haaretz, Sept. 7, 2004

There seems to be little disagreement on the power and influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Contrary to popular perception, however, the Israel lobby’s big daddy does not make campaign contributions to elected officials. That task is carried out by its numerous innocuously named progeny (see chart at right).

Instead AIPAC treats congressmen to junkets to Israel, writes legislation such as the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, and keeps very close tabs indeed on who does and does not toe the Israel line. The results of its scorekeeping are evident in the reports filed to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) by the baby PACs which dole out the money: after reading the reports of one or two, one can predict with near complete accuracy the recipients of all the others.
By Janet McMahon

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
To download Pro-Israel PACs Contributing to Federal Candidates 2004 Election Cycle, click here.

“One of the capital’s toughest and most effective behind-the-scenes lobbies.”

—The Washington Post, Sept. 5, 2004

“A political juggernaut and one of the most effective and controversial lobbying groups in the U.S. [with] close ties to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Likud Party.”

—Sunday Herald (UK), Sept. 5, 2004

Israel’s “client,” one of the most “consistently potent and reliable...weapons in Israel’s policy arsenel.”

—Haaretz, Sept. 7, 2004

There seems to be little disagreement on the power and influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Contrary to popular perception, however, the Israel lobby’s big daddy does not make campaign contributions to elected officials. That task is carried out by its numerous innocuously named progeny (see chart at right).

Instead AIPAC treats congressmen to junkets to Israel, writes legislation such as the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, and keeps very close tabs indeed on who does and does not toe the Israel line. The results of its scorekeeping are evident in the reports filed to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) by the baby PACs which dole out the money: after reading the reports of one or two, one can predict with near complete accuracy the recipients of all the others.

Yet contrary to your frequent assertions, AIPAC makes no political contributions and makes no political endorsements.
By Janet McMahon

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
To download Pro-Israel PACs Contributing to Federal Candidates 2004 Election Cycle, click here.

“One of the capital’s toughest and most effective behind-the-scenes lobbies.”

—The Washington Post, Sept. 5, 2004

“A political juggernaut and one of the most effective and controversial lobbying groups in the U.S. [with] close ties to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Likud Party.”

—Sunday Herald (UK), Sept. 5, 2004

Israel’s “client,” one of the most “consistently potent and reliable...weapons in Israel’s policy arsenel.”

—Haaretz, Sept. 7, 2004

There seems to be little disagreement on the power and influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Contrary to popular perception, however, the Israel lobby’s big daddy does not make campaign contributions to elected officials. That task is carried out by its numerous innocuously named progeny (see chart at right).

Instead AIPAC treats congressmen to junkets to Israel, writes legislation such as the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, and keeps very close tabs indeed on who does and does not toe the Israel line. The results of its scorekeeping are evident in the reports filed to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) by the baby PACs which dole out the money: after reading the reports of one or two, one can predict with near complete accuracy the recipients of all the others.

Yet contrary to your frequent assertions, AIPAC makes no political contributions and makes no political endorsements.

He didn't make that assertion. He said:

...however, the Israel lobby’s big daddy does not make campaign contributions to elected officials.
By Janet McMahon

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
To download Pro-Israel PACs Contributing to Federal Candidates 2004 Election Cycle, click here.

“One of the capital’s toughest and most effective behind-the-scenes lobbies.”

—The Washington Post, Sept. 5, 2004

“A political juggernaut and one of the most effective and controversial lobbying groups in the U.S. [with] close ties to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Likud Party.”

—Sunday Herald (UK), Sept. 5, 2004

Israel’s “client,” one of the most “consistently potent and reliable...weapons in Israel’s policy arsenel.”

—Haaretz, Sept. 7, 2004

There seems to be little disagreement on the power and influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Contrary to popular perception, however, the Israel lobby’s big daddy does not make campaign contributions to elected officials. That task is carried out by its numerous innocuously named progeny (see chart at right).

Instead AIPAC treats congressmen to junkets to Israel, writes legislation such as the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, and keeps very close tabs indeed on who does and does not toe the Israel line. The results of its scorekeeping are evident in the reports filed to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) by the baby PACs which dole out the money: after reading the reports of one or two, one can predict with near complete accuracy the recipients of all the others.

Yet contrary to your frequent assertions, AIPAC makes no political contributions and makes no political endorsements.
"AIPAC is not a political action committee, and does not directly donate to campaign contributions. Nevertheless, according to The Washington Post, 'money is an important part of the equation.'

"The Washington Post states that AIPAC's 'web site, which details how members of Congress voted on AIPAC's key issues, and the AIPAC Insider, a glossy periodical that handicaps close political races, are scrutinized by thousands of potential donors.

"Pro-Israel interests have contributed $56.8 million in individual, group, and soft money donations to federal candidates and party committees since 1990, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.

"Between the 2000 and the 2004 elections, the 50 members of AIPAC's board donated an average of $72,000 each to campaigns and political action committees.'"

American Israel Public Affairs Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By Janet McMahon

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
To download Pro-Israel PACs Contributing to Federal Candidates 2004 Election Cycle, click here.

“One of the capital’s toughest and most effective behind-the-scenes lobbies.”

—The Washington Post, Sept. 5, 2004

“A political juggernaut and one of the most effective and controversial lobbying groups in the U.S. [with] close ties to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Likud Party.”

—Sunday Herald (UK), Sept. 5, 2004

Israel’s “client,” one of the most “consistently potent and reliable...weapons in Israel’s policy arsenel.”

—Haaretz, Sept. 7, 2004

There seems to be little disagreement on the power and influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Contrary to popular perception, however, the Israel lobby’s big daddy does not make campaign contributions to elected officials. That task is carried out by its numerous innocuously named progeny (see chart at right).

Instead AIPAC treats congressmen to junkets to Israel, writes legislation such as the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, and keeps very close tabs indeed on who does and does not toe the Israel line. The results of its scorekeeping are evident in the reports filed to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) by the baby PACs which dole out the money: after reading the reports of one or two, one can predict with near complete accuracy the recipients of all the others.

Yet contrary to your frequent assertions, AIPAC makes no political contributions and makes no political endorsements.
"AIPAC is not a political action committee, and does not directly donate to campaign contributions. Nevertheless, according to The Washington Post, 'money is an important part of the equation.'

"The Washington Post states that AIPAC's 'web site, which details how members of Congress voted on AIPAC's key issues, and the AIPAC Insider, a glossy periodical that handicaps close political races, are scrutinized by thousands of potential donors.

"Pro-Israel interests have contributed $56.8 million in individual, group, and soft money donations to federal candidates and party committees since 1990, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.

"Between the 2000 and the 2004 elections, the 50 members of AIPAC's board donated an average of $72,000 each to campaigns and political action committees.'"

American Israel Public Affairs Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There's AIPAC and then there's Pro-Israel PAC's. Which one does the donating and which one doesn't? The way most of these articles are worded are deceiving, devious and dubious.
By Janet McMahon

Washington Report on Middle East Affairs | Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
To download Pro-Israel PACs Contributing to Federal Candidates 2004 Election Cycle, click here.

“One of the capital’s toughest and most effective behind-the-scenes lobbies.”

—The Washington Post, Sept. 5, 2004

“A political juggernaut and one of the most effective and controversial lobbying groups in the U.S. [with] close ties to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his Likud Party.”

—Sunday Herald (UK), Sept. 5, 2004

Israel’s “client,” one of the most “consistently potent and reliable...weapons in Israel’s policy arsenel.”

—Haaretz, Sept. 7, 2004

There seems to be little disagreement on the power and influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Contrary to popular perception, however, the Israel lobby’s big daddy does not make campaign contributions to elected officials. That task is carried out by its numerous innocuously named progeny (see chart at right).

Instead AIPAC treats congressmen to junkets to Israel, writes legislation such as the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, and keeps very close tabs indeed on who does and does not toe the Israel line. The results of its scorekeeping are evident in the reports filed to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) by the baby PACs which dole out the money: after reading the reports of one or two, one can predict with near complete accuracy the recipients of all the others.

Yet contrary to your frequent assertions, AIPAC makes no political contributions and makes no political endorsements.
"AIPAC is not a political action committee, and does not directly donate to campaign contributions. Nevertheless, according to The Washington Post, 'money is an important part of the equation.'

"The Washington Post states that AIPAC's 'web site, which details how members of Congress voted on AIPAC's key issues, and the AIPAC Insider, a glossy periodical that handicaps close political races, are scrutinized by thousands of potential donors.

"Pro-Israel interests have contributed $56.8 million in individual, group, and soft money donations to federal candidates and party committees since 1990, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.

"Between the 2000 and the 2004 elections, the 50 members of AIPAC's board donated an average of $72,000 each to campaigns and political action committees.'"

American Israel Public Affairs Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exactly, US voters overwhelmingly support Israel and AIPAC allows US politicians to show their constituents that they, too, support Israel.
AOL Search

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

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For other uses of the term "Israel lobby", see Israel lobby (disambiguation).

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy


John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt


United States






Farrar, Straus and Giroux

Publication date

August 27, 2007

Media type

Print (Hardback)


496 p.



OCLC Number


Dewey Decimal

327.7305694 22

LC Classification

E183.8.I7 M428 2007

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy[1] is a book by John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, published in late August 2007. It was a New York Times Best Seller.[2]

The book describes the lobby as a "loose coalition of individuals and organizations who actively work to steer U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction".[3] The book "focuses primarily on the lobby's influence on U.S. foreign policy and its negative effect on American interests".[4] The authors also argue that "the lobby's impact has been unintentionally harmful to Israel as well".[5]

The authors argue that although "the boundaries of the Israel lobby cannot be identified precisely", it "has a core consisting of organizations whose declared purpose is to encourage the U.S. government and the American public to provide material aid to Israel and to support its government's policies, as well as influential individuals for whom these goals are also a top priority".[6] They note that "not..every American with a favorable attitude to Israel is part of the lobby",[6] and that although "the bulk of the lobby is comprised of Jewish Americans",[7] there are many American Jews who are not part of the lobby, and the lobby also includes Christian Zionists.[8] They also claim a drift of important groups in "the lobby" to the right,[9] and overlap with the neoconservatives.[10]

The book was preceded by a paper commissioned by The Atlantic Monthly and written by Mearsheimer and Walt. The Atlantic Monthly rejected the paper, and it was published elsewhere. The paper attracted considerable controversy, both praise[11][12][13] and criticism.[14][15] Some critics also faulted the authors for allegedly having an overly broad and vague definition of the "Israel lobby,"[15][16][17][18][19][20] confusing cause and effect, "cherry-picking" information,[17][21] relying too heavily on unreliable and unsubstantiated information,[17][21] and for misquoting and misstatements. In the book published in August 2007 the authors responded to criticisms leveled against them. They maintained that the vast majority of charges leveled against the original article were unfounded, but some critiques raised issues of interpretation and emphasis, which they addressed in the book.[22]
Yet contrary to your frequent assertions, AIPAC makes no political contributions and makes no political endorsements.
"AIPAC is not a political action committee, and does not directly donate to campaign contributions. Nevertheless, according to The Washington Post, 'money is an important part of the equation.'

"The Washington Post states that AIPAC's 'web site, which details how members of Congress voted on AIPAC's key issues, and the AIPAC Insider, a glossy periodical that handicaps close political races, are scrutinized by thousands of potential donors.

"Pro-Israel interests have contributed $56.8 million in individual, group, and soft money donations to federal candidates and party committees since 1990, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.

"Between the 2000 and the 2004 elections, the 50 members of AIPAC's board donated an average of $72,000 each to campaigns and political action committees.'"

American Israel Public Affairs Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Exactly, US voters overwhelmingly support Israel and AIPAC allows US politicians to show their constituents that they, too, support Israel.

Facts which drive some posters out of their minds.

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