Zone1 What defines ethnicity?


Gold Member
1 - genetic ancestry
2 - language you get taught as a child
3 - language you adopt later
4 - in which culture / tradition parents raise you
5 - whatever culture / tradition you adopt later
6 - country where you spend childhood
7 - country you emigrate to
8 - religious tradition(s) of parents
9 - religious tradition you choose
10 - self-identity as a member of an ethnic group
11 - acceptance by members of an ethnic group

12 - other things (please describe)

I made bold what makes me a roma, i was not taught the roma language at birth, neither was i raised in any specific traditions, or specific culture. But other things can be important too, like mother tongue is important, but under certain circumstances and in combination with others, for example a black kid who speaks german at birth isnt really german, but if a group of germans adopted english as native language they would be anglo-americans like they are often in america. So under certain circumstances and in combination with other things, all things are somehow important, but i made bold what is the most important in my personal case, why im a gypsy.
ethnic adj 1 relating to or having a common race or cultural tradition

ethnic is a bit different then ethnicity, europeans are ethnicities but they are not ethnic according to that definition, it says it has something to do with racial status being minority or being exotic, especially non-european etc. so "ethnic" is a little different then just "ethnicity"
ethnicity noun (ethnicities) racial status or distinctiveness.

Distinctiveness compared to what? White Americans or White Australians? Seems as if it again means the same as "ethnic". Do you think germans are for example a ethnicity or not because they dont have a racial minority status? Are europeans a ethnicity or germans and italians or how do you define ethnicity etc.? That is my OP question, and how do you decide who is part of your ethnicity or who is not part of your ethnicity?
for example a black kid who speaks german at birth isnt really german,
Unless the kid self identifies as German and is accepted as a German by other Germans. Then the kid really is German, according to your list.
Unless the kid self identifies as German and is accepted as a German by other Germans. Then the kid really is German, according to your list.

You didnt saw all the other things on the list. Like "genetic ancestry" for example. And depends on the case one thing might be more important then the other, in case of latinos i guess language is very important, in the US latinos are all lumped together just because they speak spanish, but it is very real, because nearly everyone perceives it that way that they are latinos or spanish. So it is real. But anyways, if the kid identifies as german and is accepted as german, then i guess yes. But right now that is not the case, the kid will be asked where he is from, or where his mum or father is from, or seen as black in germany. Maybe in 100 years it will be different if people mix more from now on.
You gave a list of factors you considered important, you didn't define 'ethnicity'.

define to fix or state the exact meaning of (a word, etc).
Oops, sorry Hellbilly, I thought your post was from Mort. I haven't a clue whether you're obsessive about people's 'race' or 'ethnicity'.
You gave a list of factors you considered important, you didn't define 'ethnicity'.

define to fix or state the exact meaning of (a word, etc).

I didnt define the word "ethnicity" as in dictionary what "ethnicity" means, but that was not my question anyways. My question was what the factors are to be considered how you define someones ethnicity. Not the term ethnicity. I think it is clear to most others, but you try to point out contradictions or something to piss on my leg. I dont know why you do that all the time, i dont even know who you are and what your problem is with me. Are you playing dumb? Or I cannot express myself correctly what i write? I mean did the others understood my question?
Why on earth should I define anyone?

I'm not obsessive like you.

Though I'll point out the contradictions in their own definitions.

It is a straw man, because that was not even my question, i mean did i expressed myself wrong, did the others understood it what i asked? I have no idea, but why you want to point out contradictions if you dont care at all for the question, just to piss on my leg? What is your problem with me?

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