what did blm accomplish? nothing!

They accomplished plenty.
They got more white democrats to feel superior to and sorry for black people.
matter fact no white feels superior to black racist,. you all making us look better every day. as long as you continue your non sense.
What did the black race accomplish in Africa through the last 6,000 years?
No science, no literature, no great inventions, absolutely nothing, except of course sky high crime rates
Without whites blacks are capable to nothing only.
Examples: Liberia, South Africa, Rhodesia, former San Domingo and numerous US and European cities

4,000 B.C.


21st century

well thery still inslave each other.
I wish you guys would make up your mind. In one thread you blame BLM for destroying the nation. In another you argue they are accomplishing nothing except sending “innocent” cops to jail.

So make up your mind. Are they the greatest threat to ‘Merica since the Soviets or are they fools who accomplish nothing?
both . they have dont nothing excepty try to ruein the country. blm is complete joke terrorists.
BLM is holding cops responsible around the country.

Used to be a Blue Wall of Silence where everyone looked the other way when a cop beat the shit out of someone.
Blame the victim was the rule of law.

Now, Cops are held accountable
Noncooperative suspects who pick up bricks and hit the policemen have been known to kill and/or sent their brain to the alzheimer's bench. So that "when a cop beat the shit out of someone," that someone shouldn't have (1) hit and run, (2) shot the shopkeeper (3) invaded a private residence to steal and deprive (4) passed funny money (5) killed elderly people for the contents of their wallet (6) burned the neighbor's house down over a 1 inch error in building a fence (7) beaten a wife and blinded her in one eye (8) smothered the baby for crying all night, etc., etc., etc. BLM does not pass the Geneva Convention instructions against abuse.
Noncooperative suspects who pick up bricks and hit the policemen have been known to kill and/or sent their brain to the alzheimer's bench. So that "when a cop beat the shit out of someone," that someone shouldn't have (1) hit and run, (2) shot the shopkeeper (3) invaded a private residence to steal and deprive (4) passed funny money (5) killed elderly people for the contents of their wallet (6) burned the neighbor's house down over a 1 inch error in building a fence (7) beaten a wife and blinded her in one eye (8) smothered the baby for crying all night, etc., etc., etc. BLM does not pass the Geneva Convention instructions against abuse.
Cops are expected to be professional

If a suspect is unarmed, outnumbered by police, under control, handcuffed…..
There is no justification for that suspect to end up dead

If he does……BLM should get involved
they were not murderd. caused their own death. but to appease terrrorist blm.
How fucking stupid! You are blaming the victims but you are to fucking stupid to know that. No matter what Floyd or Wright did they did not deserve a death sentence . Only a reprehensible racist pig would say that it was their fault.

And what evidence do you have that those jurries were influenced in any way by BLM? Common moron, spell it out. I will hold you feet to the fire until you do.
nothing. they put to inocent cops behined bars that article says. boy this article true.

Well, what did the Civil Rights movement accomplish? A lot. Not all of it is evident.

However BLM and the black civil rights movement has a long way to go, based on the way the US currently functions.
nothing. they put to inocent cops behined bars that article says. boy this article true.
BLM proved they could finance and organize violent riots around the globe within days. They showed the violence could be planned, started, stopped and restarted upon order. just as all of the violent smash and grabs last fall started nationwide, all done in the same choreogrpahed fashion and all stopped at the same time. There will be more to come and its just waitng for another excuse. BLM doesn't care about any of the victims whose names they use, those people are just used as triggers for their activities. BLM still today defends smollet after he tried to pull his stupid victim stunt, a stunt that took police away from protecting law abiding black people stuck in the crime filled streets of that sewer called Chicago.

Black lives do NOT matter to BLM, they never have and they never will. The destruction of our society and anarchy is the only thing BLM cares about, and if thousands and thousands of additional black lives are ended by black criminals, BLM will remain as silent as they do about all of the violence today.
After decades of protests going back to Rodney King, BLM is finally getting their point across

Cops around the country are learning that they will not be excused for bad behavior just because they are cops.
How fucking stupid! You are blaming the victims but you are to fucking stupid to know that. No matter what Floyd or Wright did they did not deserve a death sentence . Only a reprehensible racist pig would say that it was their fault.

Correct. It wasn't Floyd's fault he tried to pass counterfeit money.
It wasn't his fault he had three times the lethal dose of Fenynal in his body mixed with meth.
It wasn't his fault he was so Fd up he couldn't keep still in the car.
It wasn't his fault he had a rap sheet a mile long.
It wasn't his fault he never got treatment for his bad heart and other medical problems.
I wish you guys would make up your mind. In one thread you blame BLM for destroying the nation. In another you argue they are accomplishing nothing except sending “innocent” cops to jail.

So make up your mind. Are they the greatest threat to ‘Merica since the Soviets or are they fools who accomplish nothing?

They are not the greatest threat to the country but a threat nonetheless. Police officers in black communities are no longer being proactive in fighting crime. Sure......they will come out when called, but that's about it. See a drug deal going down, turn your head the other way. You see a well known criminal with a buldge in his pants from a gun, pretend you didn't see a thing. See two gangs approaching each other ready for a brawl and possibly murder, call me if you need me.
Correct. It wasn't Floyd's fault he tried to pass counterfeit money.
It wasn't his fault he had three times the lethal dose of Fenynal in his body mixed with meth.
It wasn't his fault he was so Fd up he couldn't keep still in the car.
It wasn't his fault he had a rap sheet a mile long.
It wasn't his fault he never got treatment for his bad heart and other medical problems.
Wasn’t his fault that he was handcuffed and under the control of three police officers
Wasnt his fault that police ignored his pleas that he couldn’t breathe
After decades of protests going back to Rodney King, BLM is finally getting their point across

Cops around the country are learning that they will not be excused for bad behavior just because they are cops.
Agreed. How many chances do scumbags get? You cross this line.. You die! You cross this line,,, You die! Floyd played the game in a community with many others the same way and lost that day. He was drugged up. Why don't you Progs change the criminal codes? I have typed this many times with no responses. With King at the time I sided with the cops. One thing though. King was drugged up and fighting with the drugs coursing through his veins. Expecting cops to be something out of a Marvel movie while earning wages that just give them middle class living is not going to happen. They did the beat down for their lives also. I am not defending police as much as you expect them to be wearing thousand dollar tuxedos with the white gloves on in responding to criminal infringements. King was a clown. A low IQ one. There have been many people paid off in our nation.
Since the 2014 wave of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, the number of black people killed by the police has gone down, according to data from Mapping Police Violence. So has the number of unarmed people of all races killed by police. And the number of unarmed black people killed by law enforcement has seen a sharper decline.

"The Federalist" is a fake news site ran by a guy in his underwear sitting in his mom's basement.

Vox has real life reporters, news editors and a reputation to protect.

So, the number of cop killings is down. And by a lot since the George Floyd killing.

They've had other accomplishments. For instance we have a crime problem in my suburb since the blacks moved in. I had a meeting with the Chief and asked what we could do to get more police officers? He said we have the money for five more police offices, but nobody worthwhile will apply!

He said when he went to be a cop in our city, he was up against 750 other applicants for one job. Today he said, they are lucky to get 20, and most if not all of them won't cut the muster.

It's not just a problem in our suburb, it's a nationwide problem. Thanks to BLM and other Satan's solders, nobody wants to be a police officer any longer. When evil is winning you don't challenge it. You just get the hell out of the way.

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