what did blm accomplish? nothing!

Agreed. How many chances do scumbags get? You cross this line.. You die! You cross this line,,, You die! Floyd played the game in a community with many others the same way and lost that day. He was drugged up. Why don't you Progs change the criminal codes? I have typed this many times with no responses. With King at the time I sided with the cops. One thing though. King was drugged up and fighting with the drugs coursing through his veins. Expecting cops to be something out of a Marvel movie while earning wages that just give them middle class living is not going to happen. They did the beat down for their lives also. I am not defending police as much as you expect them to be wearing thousand dollar tuxedos with the white gloves on in responding to criminal infringements. King was a clown. A low IQ one. There have been many people paid off in our nation.

You miss the point

It doesn’t matter what crime they are believed to have committed. Police have to behave responsibly
Since the 2014 wave of protests in Ferguson, Missouri, the number of black people killed by the police has gone down, according to data from Mapping Police Violence. So has the number of unarmed people of all races killed by police. And the number of unarmed black people killed by law enforcement has seen a sharper decline.

"The Federalist" is a fake news site ran by a guy in his underwear sitting in his mom's basement.

Vox has real life reporters, news editors and a reputation to protect.

So, the number of cop killings is down. And by a lot since the George Floyd killing.
As a correlation we see man y cities where cops do not enforce the law at all and rule of law has vanished.
Wasn’t his fault that he was handcuffed and under the control of three police officers
Wasnt his fault that police ignored his pleas that he couldn’t breathe

Yeah, his pleas he couldn't breathe, the same pleas he made when he was sitting in back of the police car. Therefore his inability to breathe was his own doing, not the police officers.

The US Constitution guarantees us the right to a fair and speedy trial with an unbiased jury. Chauvin hardly got that.
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Yeah, his pleas he couldn't breathe, the same pleas he made when he was sitting in back of the police car. Therefore his inability to breathe was his own doing, not the police officers.

George Floyd wouldn’t have died if the police involved had followed their own policies, *but*….. there’s truth in the fact that people who consistently exaggerate their medical symptoms run the risk of potentially being ignored when they actually do have serious medical issues occurring. That’s what comes from crying wolf.
Correct. It wasn't Floyd's fault he tried to pass counterfeit money.
It wasn't his fault he had three times the lethal dose of Fenynal in his body mixed with meth.
It wasn't his fault he was so Fd up he couldn't keep still in the car.
It wasn't his fault he had a rap sheet a mile long.
It wasn't his fault he never got treatment for his bad heart and other medical problems.
Now all that you have to do is to explain which of those offenses justified his summary execution
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Now all that you have to do is to explain which of those offenses justified his summary execution

Why do you leftists lie all the time when trying to make a point? It never works.

Nobody was executed. The lowlife died under restraint by a police officer because he was too tanked up to handle it.
George Floyd wouldn’t have died if the police involved had followed their own policies, *but*….. there’s truth in the fact that people who consistently exaggerate their medical symptoms run the risk of potentially being ignored when they actually do have serious medical issues occurring. That’s what comes from crying wolf.

Of course he would have died. Watch the video. He was screaming he couldn't breathe while sitting in the back of the police car. I used to be an avid fan of the show COPS. What Chauvin did was used by police officers all the time years ago. Furthermore suspects cry they can't breathe all the time hoping police will let loose so they can try and make another run for it again.
You miss the point

It doesn’t matter what crime they are believed to have committed. Police have to behave responsibly
I do not disagree. I do know that if you keep spouting the same thing for decades than this is a financial issue also.
Yeah, his pleas he couldn't breathe, the same pleas he made when he was sitting in back of the police car. Therefore his inability to breathe was his own doing, not the police officers.

The US Constitution guarantees us the right to a fair and speedy trial with an unbiased jury. Chauvin hardly got that.

To be found not guilty Chauvin would have to show either that his actions were reasonable. Or that those actions were not responsible for the death of George. Chauvin was unable to produce witnesses to either contention.

The Coroner used by the defense said he would have ruled the cause of death as undetermined. Then under cross examination admitted as a Doctor that he would have expected Chauvin to cease his actions when Floyd lost consciousness. Further that Chauvin should have begun CPR.

The Use of Force Expert was even worse. Against the published policy of the police, the training officers, and the Chief of Police what did Chauvin offer?

Chauvin had two paths towards acquittal. And both were closed to him.

All of the Internet CT nonsense wasn’t factual so it couldn’t be used.
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What did the black race accomplish in Africa through the last 6,000 years?
No science, no literature, no great inventions, absolutely nothing, except of course sky high crime rates
Without whites blacks are capable to nothing only.
Examples: Liberia, South Africa, Rhodesia, former San Domingo and numerous US and European cities

4,000 B.C.


21st century

"Literature?" :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: When did the Right ever give a shit about Literature?

Have you noticed that the landscape hasn't changed either? They know more about ecology and saving the land than all of the developed world combined. Everything goes back to the soil, as it should.

What do we do? We dig up the soil extracting fossil fuels, filling up the air with carbon, turning the environment from a healthy planet to one that isn't. But please, do tell us more about how the Africans have done nothing.
Well, it did result in some BLM leaders buying homes in "nice" neighborhoods.
This says it all right here. You just gave us a run down from 400 years of oppression, and you don't even know it.
blasck people are already famous for murdering people

Racially motivated violent extremism cases are the biggest part of the FBI's domestic terrorism portfolio. White supremacy is the biggest part of its racially motivated violent extremism cases.
Why do you leftists lie all the time when trying to make a point? It never works.

Nobody was executed. The lowlife died under restraint by a police officer because he was too tanked up to handle it.
Was that before or after Chauvin looked away as if nothing was going on, while restricting his breathing?
Used to be a Blue Wall of Silence where everyone looked the other way when a cop beat the shit out of someone.
And now liberals are making if difficult for police officers to do their job by making them wear body cameras.

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