what did blm accomplish? nothing!

Off to the colonizer hood to get away from the ratchet riff raff hood rats.
Or as I like to call it, "leaving behind 400 years of oppression and enslavement by whites." But then again, not sure why she would want to leave the hood? Wasn't it the white masters who said they were happy being slaves?
Yeah, his pleas he couldn't breathe, the same pleas he made when he was sitting in back of the police car. Therefore his inability to breathe was his own doing, not the police officers.

The US Constitution guarantees us the right to a fair and speedy trial with an unbiased jury. Chauvin hardly got that.
Of course you are going to provide the details on how he didn't receive an unbiased jury right?
Or as I like to call it, "leaving behind 400 years of oppression and enslavement by whites." But then again, not sure why she would want to leave the hood? Wasn't it the white masters who said they were happy being slaves?
Nope. Blacks owned slaves in the US, they even owned white slaves. There were tons of free blacks that had money in both the South and the North. Later on especially in the North, DMV up to NYC, over to Cleveland etc. In many states states Black men could vote before white women, for a long time. Virtually all of the white immigrant groups faced oppression in the USA.
And now liberals are making if difficult for police officers to do their job by making them wear body cameras.
in most cases Body Cameras protect the police and show they were doing their job if there is a complaint.

For the Rogue Cop exceeding his authority, they protect the public

Nope. Blacks owned slaves in the US, they even owned white slaves. There were tons of free blacks that had money in both the South and the North. Later on especially in the North, DMV up to NYC, over to Cleveland etc. In many states states Black men could vote before white women, for a long time. Virtually all of the white immigrant groups faced oppression in the USA.
Whites are so oppressed
BLM is holding cops responsible around the country.

Used to be a Blue Wall of Silence where everyone looked the other way when a cop beat the shit out of someone.
Blame the victim was the rule of law.

Now, Cops are held accountable

There is no way that the cops who beat the shit out of Rodney King walk today... As ridiculous as that jury decision was in the first case...one should never confuse this as an accomplishment but it is progress. Kinda like the Raiders mustering a winning record...
Of course you are going to provide the details on how he didn't receive an unbiased jury right?

Who would accept being a juror unless their mind was made up before the case even started? Any juror that voted to dismiss the case would have to worry about the safety of themselves and family. The trial should have never been held there. They should have moved it to some small town the lowlifes wouldn't dream of going to.
This says it all right here. You just gave us a run down from 400 years of oppression, and you don't even know it.
400 years?

Thank you for your considered opinion.

In the opinion of others (including me), the ones being oppressed today are the victims of robbery, sucker punching, looting, rape, & murder.

If you wish to cry crocodile tears for certain folks, that is your right.

For many of us, we prefer crying for the thousands of victims of violent crime.

Have a nice (and safe) day!
BLM accomplishments?

* They've managed to greatly increase the racial divisions in the U.S.
* Many, myself included, who used to sympathize with black causes, no longer do.
* BLM riots have led to huge increases in crime of all kinds.
* BLM seems encourage the belief among blacks that the law does not apply to them. They are therefore free to commit as many crimes as they choose, and fear no consequences.
* Many people don't want to live near blacks - BLM has increased that, and there are good reasons for it.

I want the police to be MUCH more aggressive, and do whatever it takes to get the savages committing most of the crimes under control.

Rioters, looters, and car jackers should be shot on sight, imo. Then left to rot where they fall.

I also feel response to shootings and crimes involving gang members should be cut. Stop wasting tax dollars on these animals. Let them go at it. They're doing society a huge favor by killing each other off. Police have much better things to do.

FUCK BLM and any who support or encourage them.
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Or as I like to call it, "leaving behind 400 years of oppression and enslavement by whites." But then again, not sure why she would want to leave the hood? Wasn't it the white masters who said they were happy being slaves?
Whote did mnot start slavery ,. blacks an other minorites did going back to ancient times. matter of fact whites are the first to free you all. Stop blaming ghost whites for your failurs. No one is oppressed all the black entertainers , millikonairs and billionares proove it. No one is doing any thing to black .they do things to themselves.
BLM accomplishments?

* They've managed to greatly increase the racial divisions in the U.S.
* Many, myself included, who used to sympathize with black causes, no longer do.
* BLM riots have led to huge increases in crime of all kinds.
* BLM seems encourage the belief among blacks that the law does not apply to them. They are therefore free to commit as many crimes as they choose, and fear no consequences.
* Many people don't want to live near blacks - BLM has increased that, and there are good reasons for it.

I want the police to be MUCH more aggressive, and do whatever it takes to get the savages committing most of the crimes under control.

Rioters, looters, and car jackers should be shot on sight, imo. Then left to rot where they fall.

I also feel response to shootings and crimes involving gang members should be cut. Stop wasting tax dollars on these animals. Let them go at it. They're doing society a huge favor by killing each other off. Police have much better things to do.

FUCK BLM and any who support or encourage them.
right they have accomplished nothing but showing what savages they are.
The BLM is a reflection of the radical left in this country.
They hate this country and everything it stands for
They hate its history and heritage
They hate its founders
They hate the nuclear family and the institutions that value children and individualism.
They don't want peace and they don't want people of other races to get along. They hate white people with a passion.

What have they done?
1. Attacked the nuclear family
2. Created more violence and criminals
3. Divided this country more along racial lines...

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